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Why are some people poor and others rich? Why smart people are poor and how they differ from the rich.

June 23, 2015, 11:38 pm

Ultimately, any dispute, when the relevant arguments are running out, can end with the catchphrase: “If you are so smart, where is your wealth?” The question is mostly rhetorical, although it smacks of sarcasm, but there is more than enough meaning in this simple phrase. As soon as you look around and talk to those around you, a certain pattern immediately emerges: why are people poor or rich, why if a person can be called very smart, then most likely he will not be among those who live richly? Why do people often turn out to be rich who are not gifted with great intellect, or at least with that set of knowledge that would make it possible to claim the title of an intelligent member of society?

Such a paradox modern life This is definitely the case and, moreover, has a number of very convincing explanations for why people live in poverty. More often you can see a wealthy, or rather rich, person who takes his toll not with intellect, but with arrogance, perseverance and firm confidence in his own rightness. Such individuals judge themselves as the smartest, knowing absolutely all the answers. At the same time, an intelligent person, often a poor person, will never say that he “knows everything”; on the contrary, he will live with a simple and brilliant thought in his head: “The more I know, the less I know.”


Search for new knowledge for smart person is the basis of any action. At the same time, the accumulation of wealth is for the most part the result of the banal sale of something, moreover, these are most often the same type of actions repeated day after day and giving some profit. Actually, in relation to the search for the truth of new knowledge, making a profit is a boring and monotonous task, which once again scares away creative individuals.

Realization of set goals

A well-read person will inevitably strive to build an ideal business and its well-thought-out structure, ultimately providing goods or services of the highest quality. IN real life such aspirations can only harm business. Any profit is immediately spent on further improvements and idealization, which, in fact, is not needed by anyone on the market. The market is governed by the concept of sufficiency and affordability. This is what will attract the bulk of consumers and, as a result, the maximum flow of funds into the entrepreneur’s wallet, otherwise he will continue to live in poverty.


More often than not, smart people are unsure of their decisions and the results of their analysis. This happens due to attempts to take into account absolutely everything, every little detail, and with a considerable amount of even just theoretical knowledge, this leads the process of analysis or decision-making to something more like a snowball that rolls downhill. Even a simple question: “Why am I poor?” causes a lot of thoughts, often far from real actions. At the same time, a person who is simple in judgment, whose “face is not disfigured by intellect,” will do what is simpler, without bothering with details. He will only have the task of achieving a result, and not fooling his head over the correctness of this or that action.

Opinions of others

The environment affects people much more than one might imagine. A trivial situation when a person’s entire environment consists of low-income people like himself. In such an environment, attempts to do business will only cause ridicule: “It seems like your head is in the right place, but you’ve become a huckster,” while “huckster” will clearly be pronounced in a derogatory and somewhat offensive tone. You can’t count on boosting morale with such support. Trying to explain that trade, especially high-tech goods, requires considerable effort and knowledge.

Work according to need

Everywhere you look, when choosing a job or entrepreneurial activity, people often look at the opportunity to earn more, while forgetting about choosing a more attractive line of activity that will not be alien to their own wishes. The result is very deplorable, maybe good money is earned, but the work is more like torture and bondage, reducing any result to zero and making the entrepreneur poor in a different sense.

Pessimism. The Harmful Impact of Errors

If a poor person makes a mistake, it only makes things worse serious condition. It is much more likely that after a mistake or miscalculation a person will give up and not dare to try again, believing that he is not yet ready for this and still needs to learn. That is why some are rich and others are poor; a rich person will not deviate from his goal, even if he makes the stupidest mistakes. He will take into account his miscalculations and again storm previously insurmountable barriers.

Trading is not for intellectuals

Trading is only suitable for those who are persistent and tenacious. The ability to sell any product is akin to talent, but in essence it depends on perseverance and perseverance more than on skills and knowledge.

What should a poor person do to improve his financial situation:

Learn to sell. In fact, only by selling anything other than your own time and skills can you make a fortune.

Do something that you will enjoy even after acquiring capital. In fact, all possible roads are open to the poor; it is important to choose the one along which you will not get tired of walking even after achieving your initial goals.

Confidence is the key to success. Whether you are poor or rich, any undertaking will inevitably entail initial failures, but only persistence and confidence in your rightness will help you move on.

There will be mistakes in the perfectly thought-out plan of any smart person. This should be treated as an experience, not a tragic accident.

You shouldn't strive for perfection. The market, like any other relationship, does not require thoroughness; it often operates with the concept of sufficiency.

It is better for a poor person to expand his circle of contacts precisely at the expense of successful people. Only a rich person with his life experience can advise something practical.

It is better to act outside the box, bypassing established opinions. If you act like everyone else, then new opportunities will never open up for the poor, because competition will await him at every step.

Having adopted such simple rules you can begin to rule your own life, so that achieving financial independence and prosperity is a pleasure. Then every undertaking will not encounter obstacles. After all, why are people poor? It all comes down to your own attitude towards money and ways to achieve your goals.

First of all, in order to understand why there are poor and rich, you should consider the format of their values, which essentially constitute their road map for life. For a smart person, the first priority will be the accumulation of new knowledge. For a rich man, there is only one priority in life - yet greater wealth, and he will not stand behind the means to achieve this goal. Is there an option to combine these two impulses into a single life attitude so that they, complementing each other, make the path to achieving the goal much shorter?

Many minds of humanity are trying to discover origins of wealth and poverty. And in accordance with their understanding of these concepts, they advise us different ways achieving the first and avoiding the second...

Business coach and popular lecturer Natalya Grace, in her book “Grace's Laws,” also tried to answer these eternal questions. She believes that there is Law of Genetic Poverty, in which lies real reason human poverty.

We bring to your attention 4 reasons for poverty, which unmistakably reflect the realities of our lives.

Factors of genetic poverty

  1. Mentality
    As children, we often jumped on the sofa at a classmate’s house while the adults were away. We were very pleased with the springs, which in some places came very close to the surface; I was delighted by the dust that flew from the sofa in clouds from our jumps. When twenty years later I went to visit my childhood friend, I was horrified to see in the corner the same sofa on which we jumped as schoolgirls.

    As far as I could remember, he had not changed much, but now I was struck by the poverty and wretchedness of the situation. I mentally calculated how much it could cost to buy a new sofa, replace greasy chairs, and a mirror that was broken and sealed with chocolate wrapper. While we were talking, in my imagination I was whitewashing the ceiling and changing the wallpaper.

    I wanted to wash the windows covered with flies, throw out the sticks and cardboard sticking out from under the sofa, the broken flower pot tied with a stocking. " What if you're bad with money?“- I thought... But my brain resisted and suggested that I buy at least an inexpensive adhesive film in the color of wood and cover the table with it. Everywhere I looked, my gaze came across some kind of damage, dirt, stains and debris.

    My brain suddenly told me: “ Why do you think there is always dirt next to poverty?“Now I’m asking you the same question.

    Even if you replace the word “always” with “almost always” or “often”, it doesn’t make it any easier. Dirt is not a manifestation of lack of money, but of mentality. Think about it: dirt is a manifestation of the corresponding mentality. And since dirt and poverty are neighbors, poverty is a kind of mentality.

    Poverty is in an unwashed head.

  2. Philistinism
    At school I had an amazing literature teacher - Tamara Grigorievna, of extraordinary intelligence, a very insightful woman. She once dropped a phrase that I remembered for the rest of my life. Someone asked her what philistinism means, and she answered: “ Philistinism means drinking from an old shabby mug when there is a new one in the sideboard.».

    This is the custom in many Russian homes: money is put aside for a rainy day, a new cup is kept in the sideboard for a rainy day, only a white day rarely comes, and the whole life is filled with black ones.

    For those who live in anticipation of the future, it never comes. And then I realized this: it’s a shame to be poor, it’s a shame to be dirty. It’s a shame to have devastation in your head, which inevitably affects both the home and the mentality of children.

    Living by waiting for the future leads to destruction.

  3. Cinderella complex
    I know one woman who saved money for more than twenty years to buy a dacha. She raised two daughters alone. The girls lived from hand to mouth, on nothing but porridge, and the eldest of them told me how ashamed she was to go out into the yard in old corduroy trousers with patched knees.

    The girl grew up, and every year her pants magically grew. The fabric tucked underneath unfolded, centimeter by centimeter. It was not as faded as the rest of the trouser leg, and this betrayed the beggar's cunning. Apparently, this is where the expression came from: “ The need for invention is cunning».

    It’s not worth telling that the system in the state does not allow you to earn enough. I don’t criticize the system, but the rot in the brain. With the same money you can look decent or beggarly. When the mother finally bought a dacha, both grown-up daughters did not have the slightest interest in this dacha, but endlessly reproached their mother for not teaching them what it meant to be a woman.

    The girls have developed a Cinderella complex. They, accustomed to seeing worn-out chairs and old dishes, shabby towels and coats from seven years ago, later, as adults, were afraid to spend money on themselves.

    Every time they bought something, their mood deteriorated: they seemed to feel unworthy of new good things. This, my friends, is called in two words: genetic poverty. She is already in consciousness, in cells, in blood, in bones.

    The fear of spending money on yourself makes you poor.

  4. Subconscious programming
    Children who see shabby corners are unconsciously programmed for poverty. Already in adolescence they begin to realize its severity. Even Anton Pavlovich Chekhov noted that shabby walls and dirty corridors have a bad effect on a student’s ability to learn.

    Dirt and poverty suppress a person, the habitual appearance of a wretched environment programs him to be a loser. You could object to me that hatred of poverty stimulates some people to develop and earn money, but I will answer you that many more people break under the unbearable burden of poverty.

Ultimately, any dispute, when the relevant arguments are running out, can end with the catchphrase: “If you are so smart, where is your wealth?” The question is mostly rhetorical, although it smacks of sarcasm, but there is more than enough meaning in this simple phrase. As soon as you look around and talk to those around you, a certain pattern immediately emerges: why are people poor or rich, why if a person can be called very smart, then most likely he will not be among those who live richly? Why do people often turn out to be rich who are not gifted with great intellect, or at least with that set of knowledge that would make it possible to claim the title of an intelligent member of society?

This paradox of modern life definitely exists and, moreover, has a number of very convincing explanations for why people live in poverty. More often you can see a wealthy, or rather rich, person who takes his toll not with intellect, but with arrogance, perseverance and firm confidence in his own rightness. Such individuals judge themselves as the smartest, knowing absolutely all the answers. At the same time, an intelligent person, often a poor person, will never say that he “knows everything”; on the contrary, he will live with a simple and brilliant thought in his head: “The more I know, the less I know.”

First of all, in order to understand why there are poor and rich, you should consider the format of their values, which essentially constitute their road map for life. For a smart person, the first priority will be the accumulation of new knowledge. For a rich man, there is only one priority in life - even greater wealth, and he will not care about the means to achieve this goal. Is there an option to combine these two impulses into a single life attitude so that they, complementing each other, make the path to achieving the goal much shorter?

The easiest way to understand this formulation of the question is to divide the thinking characteristics of the rich and the poor into separate components, psychological aspects and life situations. This division does not pretend to be the ultimate truth, but it will help to create an objective picture.


The search for new knowledge for an intelligent person is the basis of any action. At the same time, the accumulation of wealth is for the most part the result of the banal sale of something, moreover, these are most often the same type of actions repeated day after day and giving some profit. Actually, in relation to the search for the truth of new knowledge, making a profit is a boring and monotonous task, which once again scares away creative individuals.

Realization of set goals

A well-read person will inevitably strive to build an ideal business and its well-thought-out structure, ultimately providing goods or services of the highest quality. In real life, such aspirations can only harm business. Any profit is immediately spent on further improvements and idealization, which, in fact, is not needed by anyone on the market. The market is governed by the concept of sufficiency and affordability. This is what will attract the bulk of consumers and, as a result, the maximum flow of funds into the entrepreneur’s wallet, otherwise he will continue to live in poverty.


More often than not, smart people are unsure of their decisions and the results of their analysis. This happens due to attempts to take into account absolutely everything, every little detail, and with a considerable amount of even just theoretical knowledge, this leads the process of analysis or decision-making to something more like a snowball that rolls downhill. Even a simple question: “Why am I poor?” causes a lot of thoughts, often far from real actions. At the same time, a person who is simple in judgment, whose “face is not disfigured by intellect,” will do what is simpler, without bothering with details. He will only have the task of achieving a result, and not fooling his head over the correctness of this or that action.

Opinions of others

The environment affects people much more than one might imagine. A trivial situation when a person’s entire environment consists of low-income people like himself. In such an environment, attempts to do business will only cause ridicule: “It seems like your head is in the right place, but you’ve become a huckster,” while “huckster” will clearly be pronounced in a derogatory and somewhat offensive tone. You can’t count on boosting morale with such support. Trying to explain that trade, especially high-tech goods, requires considerable effort and knowledge.

Work according to need

Everywhere you look, when choosing a job or entrepreneurial activity, people often look at the opportunity to earn more, while forgetting about choosing a more attractive line of activity that will not be alien to their own wishes. The result is very deplorable, maybe good money is earned, but the work is more like torture and bondage, reducing any result to zero and making the entrepreneur poor in a different sense.

Pessimism. The Harmful Impact of Errors

If a poor person makes a mistake, it only aggravates an already difficult condition. It is much more likely that after a mistake or miscalculation a person will give up and not dare to try again, believing that he is not yet ready for this and still needs to learn. That is why some are rich and others are poor; a rich person will not deviate from his goal, even if he makes the stupidest mistakes. He will take into account his miscalculations and again storm previously insurmountable barriers.

Trading is not for intellectuals

Trading is only suitable for those who are persistent and tenacious. The ability to sell any product is akin to talent, but in essence it depends on perseverance and perseverance more than on skills and knowledge.

What should a poor person do to improve his financial situation:

  1. Learn to sell. In fact, only by selling anything other than your own time and skills can you make a fortune.
  2. Do something that you will enjoy even after acquiring capital. In fact, all possible roads are open to the poor; it is important to choose the one along which you will not get tired of walking even after achieving your initial goals.
  3. Confidence is the key to success. Whether you are poor or rich, any undertaking will inevitably entail initial failures, but only persistence and confidence in your rightness will help you move on.
  4. There will be mistakes in the perfectly thought-out plan of any smart person. This should be treated as an experience, not a tragic accident.
  5. You shouldn't strive for perfection. The market, like any other relationship, does not require thoroughness; it often operates with the concept of sufficiency.
  6. It is better for a poor person to expand his circle of contacts precisely at the expense of successful people. Only a rich person with his life experience will be able to advise something practical, and maybe report some inside information ()
  7. It is better to act outside the box, bypassing established opinions. If you act like everyone else, then new opportunities will never open up for the poor, because competition will await him at every step.

By adopting such simple rules, you can begin to rule your own life, so that achieving financial independence and prosperity is a pleasure. Then every undertaking will not encounter obstacles. After all, why are people poor? It all comes down to your own attitude towards money and ways to achieve your goals.

To be poor or rich? What do you choose? Why are some people rich and others poor? It all depends on the views and beliefs that a person develops from childhood. The rich and the poor have completely different ideas about the world and about wealth. There is a concept “psychology of poverty”, what does it consist of? Why doesn't abundance come to everyone?

Let's look at the core beliefs of the poor.

“It so happened...”

Often a person who cannot earn enough money for himself complains about fate and external circumstances. He believes that his financial situation depends primarily not on him, but on some circumstances. These circumstances allowed him to create the amount of money he earns. And the poor person is forced to live on this money. He is not the cause, he is the effect. There are a lot of “objective” reasons why he can’t make money more money... It happened so...

The poor person relieves himself of responsibility for his financial situation and shifts it to others: to the government, to the husband (wife, parents, boss), to difficult times, to the economic policy of the state, to age, to education (or lack thereof), etc. d.

"Money is tight"

The poor believe that money is never enough. A-priory. There cannot be many of them, there are always not enough of them. Most people are sure of this. Please note: does anyone even say that there is enough money, a lot? No. Everyone blames money for insufficiency. Moreover, this position - “little money” has nothing to do with their quantity.

As a result, a person depends on money all his life and feels need, no matter how full his wallet is. He is afraid of the future and is never satisfied and calm.

Poverty is a voluntarily chosen state. Moreover, not so much material as internal. This is a state of mind, and the mind will always talk about the lack of money to relax, about the lack of security to sleep peacefully.

Abundance and wealth are also not a state of the wallet - they are a state of soul. Rich is not the one who has a lot of money, but the one who knows how to live and enjoy life with his money. A rich person is one whose income and needs are in balance.

"When I have..."

A poor person comes up with an excuse that life will change when he has a certain amount of money, or some event occurs (for example, winning the lottery, receiving an inheritance, etc.). After this, he begins to live in anticipation of this supposedly happy moment. And the real, “normal” life will begin when he has a certain amount of money. And now it’s just preparation for this bright day. With the money he earns now, this is not life. This is existence, a miserable existence.

But a person with the psychology of a poor man will not feel happy and protected even if he receives the coveted amount. He will be sure that the amount is not enough to relax and enjoy simple things. And you need to strain again so that, at a minimum, you don’t lose the standard of living that you have. And losing him is already scary. And everything starts all over again.

“You can’t live on this money!”

A poor person is often not happy with what he has. He internally despises his income. He often uses phrases: it’s not money, it’s laughter, it’s shame, it’s mockery, you can’t live on it, chickens laugh. He complains about his low income, discusses the high prices, says to himself: “I can never afford this. It's so terrible to be left out."
“It’s better to have a low-paying but stable job”

A person with a poor person’s mentality, as a rule, chooses a low-paying but stable job in government agencies. Because the state will always provide. And if you go to a commercial organization, then there is a risk of remaining on the street after some time. A person does not believe in his own strength and that his knowledge and experience will be in demand. As a result, he goes to boring work and, instead of growing and developing, stops learning new things, sours and becomes useless to anyone.

“It’s scary to change something”

People with a poverty mentality are afraid of change. They believe that it is better to have a little than to risk and possibly lose everything. Such people will never open their own business and will not receive a second higher education at 40, they won’t move to another city in search of a new life at 50!
“It’s easier to be frugal”

The poor spend their energy not on attracting, but on retaining. They spend hours shopping, comparing prices, and shopping where it is cheaper. They go and write to different authorities, seeking a meager reduction in utility bills or social assistance, instead of spending the same efforts on earning money or finding a good job.


Any poor person always tries to find an excuse for his financial insolvency, he finds the reason why he cannot eat well, afford quality rest, and also earn enough money to have enough for a decent standard of living. Moreover, in the overwhelming majority of cases, such a person blames the state, fate, but in no case himself, for absolutely all his problems.

At the same time, psychologists explain that a penniless existence is caused by nothing more than the peculiarity of the thinking of people living in poverty. They simply cannot become successful because they do not know how to do it and how to behave while being successful. But how does a person become poor, and why does he agree to eke out his very modest existence? There are several situations and behaviors.

- "this is my destiny." A person who thinks this way, as a rule, is born into a poor family, and all his life he has to hear from his parents that fate is to blame for everything, but they themselves do not strive to increase the amount of money in their lives. As a person grows up, he begins to perceive life and money in the same way as his parents do.

- "stability is the main thing." This opinion is shared by other people who, in their Everyday life also suffer from a lack of funds. Such people prefer to work in government agencies, where the salary level is quite low, but these organizations provide some social guarantees. As a result, a person works all his life in one place with a very modest income, afraid to quit and try to find a job with a higher pay.

- "It's too late to change anything." This is a typical phrase that poor people say. It is because of this kind of thinking that people will never have good jobs and respectable occupations. Such a person, as a rule, always chooses less, and at the same time, he is unlikely to dare to take risks, fearing to lose what he has.

- “a highly paid job can only be obtained through an acquaintance.” This phrase suggests that a person suffers from low self-esteem. He is completely sure that he will never be able to find a good job, because such places are obtained only through acquaintance.

- “I won’t stress myself over money.” It's no secret that in order to have money you need to constantly be in search of the best for yourself, and also earn extra money in free time. The poor person does not want and will not do this simply because he is accustomed to a passive lifestyle.

- “They have to pay me more.” This is what any person thinks who is unable to provide for the existence of his family at a decent level. He blames his bosses for his low salary, without trying to find something better for himself.

But the main explanation for being in poverty may be the fact that if a rich person begins to not have enough of what he earns, then he immediately thinks about how to earn more. The same cannot be said about poor people who immediately cut their expenses and do not at all strive to increase their income.

A Russian person always has hope that random luck can happen.“What if a miracle happens and I wake up rich? Maybe I’ll win the lottery or a slot machine?”... Therefore, instead of making real efforts to achieve a dream, a person often only indulges in daydreams and sits idly by.

Of course, luck plays a certain role in a person’s life, it exists. However, to a much greater extent, a person’s success and financial stability depends on his aspirations, desires, efforts and perseverance in achieving his goals.