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Psychological support for professional self-determination of adolescents. Topic: Psychological and pedagogical support for professional self-determination of high school students

« Pedagogical support

professional self-determination of a teenager"

Happy is the student who knows for sure what he can do and what he will do in the future in his life. But what if a school graduate doesn’t know where to direct his efforts? As a rule, a student begins to understand whether this specialty is for him or not when he is already in his first year. There are only a few of those who are satisfied with their choice. What about the rest? What to do: leave the institute that you entered with such difficulty and expense; to relive the Unified State Exam and the anxiety of your parents? Not everyone will decide to take such an action. Unfortunately, this situation is not uncommon, and many people face error problems. What to do? This question should be answered by career guidance work carried out at school.

Choice of profession is the most important decision to make during adolescence. Unfortunately, many teenagers do not know enough about the features of each type of activity and do not always take into account their interests and inclinations when choosing a profession. In the future, the negative consequences of an incorrectly chosen profession are reflected not only on the person himself, but also on society as a whole. In the current conditions, pedagogical support for the professional self-determination of a teenager takes on special significance.

The most traditional approach to career guidance for our country is"pedagogical" approach. The main feature of this area of ​​career guidance is the reliance on the resources of the client’s consciousness. The key task of career guidance of this type is to provide the client with information about professions, the state of the labor market, the requirements imposed by the profession on a person, employment opportunities, etc.

A modern school should not only provide competence, but also help in self-determination of students. Help you consciously answer the questions: “Who do I want to become?” and “Who can I become?”What opportunities and achievements of the school can help students’ self-determination in our difficult times?

Currently, the school is experiencing, unfortunately, not the best in terms of career guidance. better times. All the trends that the Soviet education system preached in this area were completely destroyed under the influence of reality and the living conditions that arose. Consequently, this work at school needs to be rebuilt.

The need to develop the foundations of pedagogical support at the stage of personal self-determination is due to the ongoing changes in our country. According to the law Russian Federation“On Education” and the Federal State Educational Standard “the education system is one of the factors of economic and social progress of society and should be aimed at developing the personality of the graduate, at creating conditions for his self-determination and self-realization.”

And as the head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin said: “Career guidance should begin from school, since now there is a gap between the knowledge of university graduates and the needs of companies. And employers are forced to independently adapt them to real working conditions.”

So, on modern stage In the development of schools, the problem of professional self-determination of students becomes particularly relevant. A completely reasonable question arises: who should carry out this work? Class teachers can provide significant assistance in resolving this issue. But the teacher has general idea about the goals and objectives of career guidance work with students. Therefore, career guidance at school takes on a purely formal character. For vocational education work to have positive results, it must be carried out skillfully and with great pedagogical tact. To do this, the teacher himself must have the necessary knowledge. Consequently, it is necessary to organize a system of advanced training courses for teaching staff responsible for career guidance work at school, thanks to which it will be possible to build effective work on professional self-determination of adolescents in the future.

Target vocational guidance - to form in schoolchildren a readiness for socially useful, productive work, i.e. to develop a set of qualities and properties that determine the need and opportunity to work successfully, with benefit for society, and with personal satisfaction in the chosen specialty.

Tasks career guidance work at school:

  • Study and formation of professional interests, abilities and motives for activity (questioning, testing, etc.).
  • Familiarization of students with the system of knowledge necessary for choosing a profession (databases: information on admission to universities, on the needs for personnel in various professions, on working conditions, on salaries, etc.).
  • Creating conditions for testing in practice aptitudes and abilities (additional education system).
  • Consulting on choosing a profession, opportunities to obtain vocational training, employment.

Pedagogical support– a process of interested observation, counseling, personal participation, encouraging maximum independence of a teenager in a problem situation with minimal participation of the teacher. Pedagogical support implies the ability of a teacher to be nearby, to follow a student, accompanying him in his individual educational route, individual advancement in learning.

Under pedagogical support is understood creation of internal conditions for personal and professional self-determination (development of a positive image of “I”, the ability to rely on oneself, that is, to treat oneself as a subject of one’s own life and be able to make choices) and familiarity with the world of professions.

The main directions of career guidance work of the class teacher depend on the age characteristics of the students. When planning educational work, the class teacher envisages events with career guidance topics: conversations with students about choosing a profession, excursions to enterprises and educational institutions, meetings with representatives of various professions, etc. At the same time, he takes into account the specifics of career guidance work at different stages of students’ professional self-determination.

Career counseling work consists of four main areas:

  • Information direction.The main task is to develop knowledge about professions, vocational education, labor market, occupational requirements for human qualities. Within this direction, it is believed that it is the lack of knowledge that is the main problem of a student choosing a profession.
  • Diagnostic direction.Based on the use of psychological tests to assess vocational suitability and includes communicating test results to the student, discussing interests and opportunities, and recommending professions that are most suitable psychological characteristics client. The main problem of a student, in accordance with this direction, is considered to be a lack of knowledge about himself, his inclinations, abilities, and traits.
  • Consulting direction. Based on the premise that knowledge may not be sufficient to make effective career choices.

The main problem of the student is the difficulties associated with making decisions, which may be due to unfavorable emotional state client, internal motivational conflicts, personality traits or inadequate beliefs.

  • Training direction. It is based on the use of special, most often group, games and exercises with subsequent discussion of the process and results of their implementation. Active methods training in career counseling is designed to encourage the client to make choices and to develop problem-solving skills.

Career guidance– a system of means for activating professional self-determination of an individual, considering a person as a subject of choice and building a life and professional career.

Self-determination of personalityaccording to Petrovsky, it is a conscious act of identifying and asserting one’s own position in problematic situations.Professional self-determination of an individual is a narrower concept. Those. achieving a level of personal development of a high school student at which it becomes possible to make an independent and conscious choice of his future life path.


  • selectivity of a person’s attitude to the world of professions;
  • making a choice taking into account the individual characteristics of a person, the requirements of the profession and socio-economic conditions;
  • constant self-determination of the subject throughout life;
  • determination by external events (completion of education, change of place of residence, etc.);
  • close connection with self-realization, manifestation of social maturity of the individual.

Stages of professional self-determination

Stage 1 - children's a game , during which the child tries on different roles.

Stage 2 – teenage fantasy – when a teenager imagines himself in a particular profession.

Stage 3 – preliminary choice of profession, when activities are sorted in the following order: in terms of interests; abilities; value systems.

Stage 4 – practical decision making- choice of profession.

The choice of profession depends on three objective conditions:

  1. social status and material well-being of the family;
  2. parental education level;
  3. social prestige of the profession.

E.A. Klimov identifies two levels of professional self-determination:

1) gnostic (restructuring of consciousness and self-awareness);

2) practical (real changes social status person).

The task of familiarizing students with modern professions and informing them about society’s needs for personnel is also set in the Main Directions for the Reform of General Education and Vocational Schools at the present stage of its development. Big role in the vocational education of students belongs to extracurricular work and various extracurricular activities. A significant place in it is occupied by conversations conducted by class teachers. Such conversations are devoted to familiarization with one profession, a group of related professions, and the importance of choosing them correctly for a person. At the same time, the topics of such conversations should correspond age characteristics schoolchildren and cover a range of issues of interest to the students themselves.

Information and reference description of the professionaimed at highlighting economic, technological, medical and psychological characteristics professional activities, knowledge of which is necessary for the student for a more detailed analysis and understanding of the specifics of the chosen profession.

Functional Descriptionincludes normative characteristics of professionally important qualities and medical contraindications to professional activities.

Introducing students to professions during a conversation can be carried out according to this plan (professiogram):

1. History of the profession.

2. Type of profession.

3. Profession class.

4. Professional area.

5. Basic education.

6. Working conditions.

7. Qualities that ensure the success of professional activities.

8. Qualities that hinder the effectiveness of professional activity.

9. Areas of application of professional knowledge.

10. Advantages of the profession.

11. Limitations of the profession.

12. Educational institutions teaching this profession.

Very often, teenagers confuse such concepts as profession, specialty and position. Therefore, it is important for the teacher to explain the differences.

Profession - a type of human labor activity determined by the division of labor, requiring certain training and being a source of income.

Speciality – specialization or type of activity within one profession.

Job title - this is a set of labor duties that an employee performs at a specific workplace.Job titles often coincide with the names of professions.

The result process of professional self-determination in senior school age is the choice of trajectory educational route to obtain the desired profession. Helping students make the right choice of profession presupposes the need for a special organization of their activities, including obtaining knowledge about themselves and the world of professions, followed by correlating knowledge about themselves with knowledge about professional activities (professional test).

Professional self-determination- the final stage of the career guidance system for schoolchildren. In the process of professional development of a future qualified specialist, three clearly defined periods can be distinguished:

1. Period before admission to a vocational educational institution(vocational guidance at school, participation in the activities of labor associations of schoolchildren, motivated choice by high school students of a particular profession).

2. Period of study at a vocational educational institution(mastery of relevant theoretical knowledge, practical skills, preliminary testing of the correct choice, development of professional abilities).

3. Start of work (professional adaptation during industrial practice; consolidation and development of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities; gaining work experience in the specialty, final approval in the chosen profession).

Work to solve the problems facing each of these stages is the essence of the process of professional self-determination.

Modern students, unfortunately, are completely unmotivated to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities and, as a result, are completely unaware of many professions where they could apply their strengths.

Using not only the experience of the Soviet education system, but also our research in this area, our school is trying to develop its own system of career guidance work with students, which is very difficult to do in the absence of a national concept in this area.

In particular, within subject weeks By conducting various events, each teacher has the opportunity to tell a little more and more broadly about those professions where you can apply the knowledge and skills acquired in his lessons.

Also, as part of preparing students to defend educational projects, by dealing with problems and issues that interest them specifically, students acquire the necessary motivation to obtain and improve previously acquired knowledge, skills and abilities that can be useful to them in adult life.

In classes on so-called elective courses, the programs of which significantly go beyond the scope of school disciplines, children can gain knowledge that interests them and try to apply it in practice. (Our teachers develop the programs of these courses in such a way as to give the children not only theoretical knowledge, but also to give them the opportunity to apply it in practice).

In conclusion, I would like to say that the main goal of career guidance in the education system is the formation of the personality of a “worker” who meets the requirements of modern production and social progress, and who has high moral and professional qualities.

An important aspect in the self-determination of a student is pedagogical support, therefore it is necessary to develop a clear nationwide system of career guidance in schools, one of the components of which will be advanced training courses for teachers, which will provide useful and necessary information.

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« Psychological and pedagogical support for professional self-determination of high school students"

Psychologist E.V. Bayborodova

August, 2015

The first serious one life problem The problem that a high school student faces is the choice of a future profession. The question “Who will I be?” every young man asks himself.

The right choice made by an older teenager is the beginning of the path to success, to self-realization, to psychological and material well-being in the future.

When choosing a future profession, a high school student, as a rule, focuses on his interests and inclinations, without taking into account his own adequacy to the requirements of a particular field of professional activity: the presence of psychophysiological capabilities, intellectual potential, professional significant qualities personality.

Important and a necessary condition The development of a high school student is his self-determination, both in the field of personal capabilities and professional. Professional self-determination acts as an introduction to adult life, as a process and result of a conscious and independent choice of profession. This process is determined by many factors and at the same time individual. A particularly important, one might say key, point is the motivation for the professional choice of a high school student.

The problem of motivating professional choice is especially relevant and in demand by society these days, when society places high demands on the personality of a high school student as a future specialist, and professional self-determination is one of the goals of a student’s stay at school.

Adolescence, as a rule, is considered as the starting point in the professional development of an individual, although the origins of certain professional preferences can be found in childhood. However, such examples are the exception rather than the rule. As many researchers note, in younger age Children's cognitive interests are unstable, superficial and depend primarily on external factors. As they grow older, with the gradual complication of the motivational sphere, the interests of adolescents begin to acquire greater depth and stability, and some of them take on the character of a persistent hobby. Consequently, it is during the age period we are considering that a person is best prepared to form a certain professional orientation and consciously choose a profession.

The internal motivation of a senior school student’s professional choice is defined as the influence external environment, and the older student’s internal ideas about himself. By enriching a high school student’s self-image, we can change (make more conscious) the motivation for professional choice.

IN modern conditions Professional self-determination presupposes the choice of a career, area of ​​application and self-development of personal capabilities, as well as the formation of a conscious attitude of the individual to socio-cultural and professional-production conditions.

Therefore, when carrying out career guidance work, it is important not only to identify the individual psychological qualities of a person, but also to determine the level of formation of social aspirations and value and moral orientation.

Labor activity is an important area of ​​self-realization and self-expression of the individual, ensuring the disclosure of a person’s potential capabilities and abilities.

Career guidance work should take an important place in the activities of the school, as it connects the education system with economic system, the needs of students with their future. For the well-being of society, it is necessary that every school graduate finds, perhaps, a more complete application of his interests, inclinations, does not waste time and energy in vain) in search of his place in the system of social production, where he could bring the greatest benefit and receive deep satisfaction from his labor.

Interrelated stages of professional self-determination:

The following stages are conventionally distinguished:

- Primary School(propaedeutic period) - through participation in various types of cognitive, play, and work activities, younger schoolchildren develop an understanding of the role of work in human life and society, and show interest in individual professions.

IN primary school(grades 1–4) class teachers, with the support of a teacher-psychologist, form an understanding of the world of professions, a conscientious attitude to work, an understanding of its role in human life and society, guidance is given on the choice of profession, and interest in a future profession is developed. At this stage, students realize

what a profession is and why it is needed. The main activities are - cool watch, meetings with parents of different professions, essays “My future profession”

- basic school: 5-7 grades - in various types of practical activities, among which the leading ones are cognitive and labor, adolescents gradually realize their interests, abilities and social values ​​associated with the choice of profession;

Grades 8-9 - the beginning of the formation of professional identity. Students compare their ideals and real opportunities With public purposes choice of future activities. At this stage, they are involved in active cognitive and work activities, but at the same time they are provided with assistance in mastering diagnostic techniques in the interests of choosing elective courses and, in the future, a profession;

In basic school (grades 5–9), students develop awareness of their interests, abilities, and social values ​​related to their choice of profession and their place in society. An idea of ​​professional skills, prospects for professional growth and mastery, rules for choosing a profession, and the ability to adequately evaluate one’s own skills are also formed.

personal capabilities in accordance with the requirements of the chosen profession. At this stage, career guidance diagnostics are carried out with students (inclinations, abilities, interests are studied). Methods used: Klimov’s DDO, Holland’s test, Eysenck’s “Temperament”,

Map of interests. Based on the diagnostic results, interviews and psychological consultations are conducted, the primary choice of profession is made, and role-playing and business games are conducted. They are aimed at gaining knowledge about oneself, about the world of professional work, and their correlation in the process of created professional situations.

Vocational guidance at school is a system of educational work aimed at students acquiring the required amount of knowledge about the socio-economic and psychophysical characteristics of professions.

The main tasks of the school in career guidance for students :

Develop a positive attitude towards work;

To teach to understand the content of professional activity;

To teach how to correlate the requirements of the profession with individual qualities;

Teach to analyze your capabilities and abilities (to form the need for awareness and assessment of the qualities and capabilities of your personality)

The main directions of career guidance work at school are:

Professional information.

Professional education.

Professional consultation.

Professional information includes information about the world of professions, personal and professionally important qualities of a person that are essential for self-determination, about the system of educational institutions and ways to obtain a profession, about the needs of society in personnel.

Professional education includes the formation of inclinations and professional interests of schoolchildren. The essence of pedagogical work in vocational education is to encourage students to participate in a variety of activities. different forms ah academic and extracurricular work, socially useful and production work, to an active test of strength. This allows you to learn through practical experience and

determine your inclinations and abilities. An inclination develops in the process of activity, and professional knowledge is successfully accumulated in the presence of professional interests. It is important that the student tries himself in a wide variety of activities.

Professional counseling is the study of the student’s personality and, on this basis, the issuance of professional recommendations. Professional consultation is most often individual in nature.

Solving career guidance problems is carried out in various types of student activities (cognitive, socially useful, communicative, gaming, productive work). For this purpose, career guidance work plans are drawn up annually.

Psychologist's plan for career guidance in grades 1-9

Gankinskaya junior high school

2015-2016 academic year



Organizational work at school

Design of a school-wide stand

“To help graduates”, “Where to go to study”.


Involving students in socially useful activities in accordance with cognitive and professional interests.

During a year

Working with teaching staff

Consultations for teachers based on the results of studying the student’s personality.

Working with parents

Conducting individual consultations with parents on the choice of professions for students.

During a year

Involving parents to participate in excursions of students to enterprises and educational institutions.

During a year

Parent meeting

Psychological and pedagogical support for profiling and career guidance of high school students

In modern educational practice Two approaches to managing the educational process coexist. The first follows the traditional, normative way of organizing education, characteristic of the industrial era. The second began to take shape along with a change in social demand for the individual, for his role in social development, which appeared in a post-industrial, informatized society. He placed the value of the individual as the basis for the organization of education and began to determine the strategy for innovation and modernization of education.

One of the priority areas of modernization of general secondary education is specialized training, which is designed to provide an individual approach in accordance with the abilities and potential areas of development of students, form their motivation for learning activities and transfer students to a subject position.

The formation and development of specialized education is due to profound changes occurring in the structure and content of education, including professional education. The educational process in the context of specialized training solves problems related to the possibilities of self-realization and self-affirmation of the personality of a high school student, including it in the process of professional self-determination and future professional self-realization.

The problems of pre-professional development of the subject of labor and management of professional self-determination have been considered in many studies (E.A. Klimov, T.V. Kudryavtsev, L.M. Mitina, M.Kh. Titma, D.I. Feldshtein, P.A. Shavir) . However, to this day, questions remain unresolved regarding the problem of early majoring: criteria for the selection and distribution of students into classes of a certain profile, methodological support and psychological support for the development of a high school student’s personality in the process of specialized education.

In real educational practice, the choice of educational profile for high school students is made on the basis of indicators of educational success, the wishes of parents and the results of diagnostics of special abilities. In cases where the choice of profile is left to the student himself, his unpreparedness to make an independent choice is revealed. As a result, the choice of a student’s educational profile is made without taking into account real abilities, interests and personal characteristics, and is determined by such factors as: the choice of reference persons, the opinion and financial capabilities of parents, the ease of mastering knowledge of a certain type, the degree of remoteness of higher educational institutions, etc. .

These negative trends do not contribute to the personal development of students, narrow the possibilities for their further self-realization and thereby lead to the devaluation of the idea of ​​specialized education. Overcoming negative trends is possible through the implementation of specialized training within the framework of the personal development paradigm of education.

The formation of a personal development approach has deep roots in domestic and foreign psychology and pedagogy (K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Mudrik, S.L. Rubinstein, K. Rogers, A. Menegeti) .

Modern theoretical basis Personal development education are the ideas of humanization of education (V.A. Slastenin, I.F. Isaev, A.I. Mishchenko, A.B. Orlov, E.N. Shiyanov) and the subjectivity of the individual (O.P. Gozman, I B. Kotova).

In the theory and practice of personal development education, the question of “pedagogy of cooperation” is raised (A.V. Adamsky, S.A. Amonashvili, I.P. Ivanov); on pedagogical support (N.B. Krylova, I.S. Yakimanskaya) for the developmental interaction of subjects of training and education; on the organization of psychological support for students at the stage of forming life plans and making professional choices (E.A. Klimov, T.V. Kudryavtsev, A.K. Osnitsky, V.I. Stepansky).

Thus, an analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature and the results of research in the field of personal development education show that, on the one hand, personal development in the conditions of psychological and pedagogical support increases the effectiveness of student education. On the other hand, the essence and features of psychological support personal development students, as well as determining the set of conditions for its implementation in the system of specialized education have not yet been sufficiently developed.

The implementation of specialized training within the framework of a personal development approach requires the development of specific programs for the organization of psychological support, analysis of psychological conditions, and the identification of psychologically based selection criteria for specialized classes.

Profile training is preceded by pre-professional training carried out within the framework of the basic school, which contributes not only to an informed choice of educational profile, but also allows students in grades 8-9 to realize primary professional self-determination. The success of education in high school, the preparation of students for the next stage of education, and, in general, for future professional activity, largely depend on this choice.. The more accurately the choice is made, the fewer disappointments and difficulties awaiting the young man and the greater the likelihood that society will receive a good professional in the future.

Pre-profile and specialized training should be accompanied by a diagnosis of the professional inclinations and educational needs of schoolchildren, taking into account the opinions of their parents and teachers. The use of psychodiagnostics carries not only establishing information, but also a prognostic aspect, anticipating the reactions and actions of an individual in different situations. Interest analysis, personal qualities and abilities allows students to think about further professional and life self-determination and make the choice of study profile conscious and justified.

Without the use of psychodiagnostics (only based on the results of interviews with parents, student surveys and advisory assistance from teachers regarding the mastery of program material), it is much more difficult to determine current profiles and identify selection criteria for individual classes.

In this regard research problem can be formulated as follows: a necessary condition for implementing a personal development approach in choosing a training profile and forming an individual educational trajectory for a high school student is analytical and diagnostic activity.

Theoretical significance work is that the theoretical analysis carried out expands and deepens modern ideas about specialized training; the need for organizing specialized training within the framework of a personal development approach is substantiated; the priority of an integrated approach in the analytical and diagnostic direction of supporting specialized training is argued.

Practical significance The study is determined by the fact that information materials obtained using the “Career Guidance” complex of professional diagnostic testing can be used as selection criteria for organizing specialized classes, in career counseling and for developing programs of correctional and developmental work with students.

As noted earlier, an integral component in the system of pre-vocational training and specialized education is career guidance work with students and psychological and pedagogical support for their professional self-determination. There is no doubt that the main condition for successful professional self-determination is the full mental and personal development of the student, the formation of his motivational-need sphere, the presence of developed interests, inclinations and abilities, and a sufficient level of self-awareness. Therefore, work to prepare students for choosing a profession becomes an organic part of the entire educational process.

One of the most difficult stages of supporting career guidance activities that require special attention is career guidance diagnostics - the study and assessment of a person’s potential professional capabilities to establish the degree of compliance with his chosen job functions. Professionally important qualities are studied using questionnaire and test methods.

Computerized technologies occupy a special place among methods of career guidance diagnostics. A set of theoretically based and reliable psychodiagnostic techniques is available in every school psychological service. For the most complete and reliable research, it is necessary to use several proven methods that complement each other and appeal to different personal structures (emotions, motivation, communication, intelligence). However, there are ready-made test systems that allow you to combine the analysis of students’ interests, abilities and personal qualities as part of diagnosing their professional inclinations. A tool for multifaceted assessment of the degree of expression of personality traits is the computerized complex “Career Guidance”, which allows you to study the mosaic of a high school student’s personality in all its shades, constructing a holistic personality from various indicators.

For 19 years, the Center for Testing and Development at Moscow State University “Humanitarian Technologies” has been using the “Career Guidance” method in career guidance work, which comprehensively diagnoses the interests, abilities and personal qualities of a student, correlating them with the choice of educational profile, profession and educational institution. Further discussion of the results of the method with a psychologist allows you to draw the teenager’s attention to internal factors choice of profession, more important than “prestige”, “profitability”, “ease of entering a university”, etc. Since 2009, MBOU Education Center No. 1 has been a regional representative of the Testing and Development Center at Moscow State University “Humanitarian Technologies” and uses the “Career Guidance” methodology in its activities.

Test complex“Career Guidance” includes 3 blocks of questions and tasks:

    1. Assessment of the structure of interests. This block is aimed at diagnosing the student’s interests in various areas professional activity by eight factors: “Technology”, “Science”, “Art”, “Communication”, “Business”, “Sign”, “Nature” and “Risk” (an indicator of the situational well-being of a teenager) . The selection of areas was based on theoretical approaches domestic labor psychology (E. A. Klimov) and American psychology of professional choice (J. Holland).

2. Assessment of the structure of intelligence. The block presents tasks that determine the levels of development of abilities (factors of mental activity), such as calculations ( math skills), vocabulary (volume and ease of updating vocabulary), erudition (breadth of horizons), visual logic (spatial thinking), abstract logic ( abstract thinking), attention (concentration, stability). In addition, it seems possible to evaluate the level of learning and mental performance, technical and humanitarian indices.

3. Assessment of personality structure. The block is focused on identifying personal qualities: activity (extraversion, introversion), agreement (style of interpersonal interaction), self-control (organization, impulsivity), emotional stability (anxiety, stress tolerance).

The tasks of a consulting psychologist are to analyze the test taker’s situation taking into account specific circumstances, identify artifacts and adjust the resulting profile, offer recommendations for developing abilities, and explain why a particular profession is “suitable” or “not suitable” for the results shown to the test taker.

“Career Guidance” allows you to assess interests and personal qualities based on the diagnosis of a person’s psychological properties, based on the concepts of “norm” and “deviation from the norm.” If an indicator (for example, on any scale of abilities) lies in the zone of standard deviation from the average (between 3.5 and 7.5 on the profile), this means that the severity of this mental property in a person is no different from the norm, from the average . Such ability should not be considered as an important quality that is the basis of a recommendation or determines a contraindication to the profession. If there is a strong expression of quality, as well as a failure in its development, this is a reason for discussion.

On the scale profile of the results, the areas of norm and deviation are visually delimited by vertical lines. For each scale indicated score on this scale. Note that the test is normatively oriented, that is The score is calculated relative to age norms. The report text contains detailed explanation of the data obtained.

As complex criteria, based on basic results (in the blocks “Interests”, “Abilities”, “Personality”), “Career Guidance” issues recommendations for the profile classes closest to the subject and for the most suitable professions.

For specialized classes, the program builds a pie chart with nine rays, each of which shows how suitable a particular training profile is for the subject. The following training profiles are analyzed: information technology, engineering, physico-mathematical, natural science, natural technology, creative, linguistic, social and humanitarian, financial and economic.

Also, “Career Guidance” analyzes the profile of the person being tested as a system and evaluates mathematically the similarity of this profile and the profiles of “ideal professionals.” Each profession is provided with a list of exams required to obtain it (in the form of the Unified State Exam, courses, etc.). The list of recommended Unified State Examinations is compiled on the basis of Order No. 365 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The methodology is supplemented with a special development block, reflecting a list of training (developmental) programs recommended for the student. This block was created to provide consultation to schoolchildren not only on issues of professional but also personal development, as well as to recommend specific training programs and areas for such development.

Interpretation and interpretation of test results can also be used by a psychologist to prepare analytical materials in the work of the pedagogical consultation. The methodology makes it possible to assess the levels of intellectual, motivational-need and emotional development of students, to identify unevenness, and in many students, insufficiency in the development of certain psychological formations, and, based on the analysis of these factors, to formulate some psychological recommendations for improving the educational process.

The conclusions obtained on the basis of a psychodiagnostic examination also allow us to build a strategy and tactics for correctional and developmental work, taking into account the individual and personal characteristics of high school students. As part of this activity, it is possible to train groups of students in technologies that promote intellectual development, improve communication skills, master the skills of managing their conditions, develop leadership qualities, etc.

In conclusion, I consider it necessary to emphasize that the introduction of specialized training is one of the main directions of modernization of education. The main goal of specialized education is to provide schoolchildren with the opportunity in-depth study those subjects that interest them most and will be necessary for their subsequent life plans. Consequently, a mandatory and time-consuming component of specialized training should be career guidance work based on psychological diagnostics.

Today the situation is such that teenagers often make a forced choice of a profile for subsequent education. And on how successful and conscious this choice of development path turns out to be, everything will depend. future life. Therefore, career guidance assistance remains relevant. However, without a serious scientifically proven basis, it may turn out to be ineffective and even cause harm. And, in addition, if schoolchildren are not taught to make independent, informed decisions based on self-understanding and a formed moral and volitional core of personality, in the future it will be more difficult for them to cope with life’s difficulties and adapt to professional activities.

That is why career guidance work should be aimed at developing students’ personal activity, processing professional plans and assessments uncritically learned from adults. Provided such work is carried out, specialized training makes it possible to form a clear life plan and achieve high level professionalism in the early stages of career development and meets the needs of modern society.

Thus, we believe that a unified career guidance system is needed, developed on the basis of a scientific and methodological complex, which should combine the main approaches to career guidance: informational, advisory and diagnostic, developmental, activating.

The methodology for studying the personality of a high school student based on the “Career Guidance” complex of professional diagnostic testing can be considered as a tool for obtaining complex selection criteria for specialized classes and when developing specific programs for organizing psychological support for specialized training.

The use of computer versions of psychodiagnostic tests greatly facilitates the task of career counseling; moreover, the interpretation of data and recommendations issued by the program for choosing a preferred educational profile and field of activity are a sufficiently reliable information base in order to draw the necessary conclusions. The presented “Career Guidance” methodology and its capabilities in the context of solving problems related to profiling and career guidance in high school significantly speeds up the examination procedure, simplifies calculations and displays the result - in the form of graphic profiles, diagrams and detailed interpretation.


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Nikandrov E.N. believes that any Scientific research, including psychological, occurs in three stages: 1) preparatory; 2) main; 3) final. At the first stage, the goals and objectives of the study are formed, an action program is developed, and organizational issues are resolved. At the main stage, the research process itself is carried out: special methods and techniques are used to assess the levels of development of ability and readiness for professional self-determination of research participants, the effectiveness of the developed model of psychological and pedagogical support is assessed. At the final stage, the received data is processed and conclusions are formulated. The results correspond to the goals and objectives of the study.

We understand professional self-determination as a conscious choice, identification and assertion by an individual of his position in problem situations. Currently, there are different approaches to understanding the essence of professional self-determination, having examined which, we have identified a number of features of personal and professional self-determination.

The process of professional self-determination is a long process, the completion of which can only be stated when a person develops a positive attitude towards himself as a subject of professional activity. Therefore, the choice of profession is only an indicator that the process of professional self-determination is moving into a new phase of its development.

By psychological and pedagogical support we understand a holistic and continuous process of studying the student’s personality, its formation, creating conditions for self-realization in all areas of activity, adaptation in society at all age stages of schooling, carried out by all subjects educationally - educational process in interaction situations. The essence of the idea of ​​psychological and pedagogical support is an integrated approach to solving problems of personal development. Understanding the psychological and pedagogical support of the process of personal self-development as an activity of subject-subject orientation allows us to intensify the processes of self-knowledge and creative self-realization.

The role of psychological and pedagogical support for professional self-determination of high school students is to teach them to independently overcome the difficulties of this process, to take a responsible attitude towards their development, and to help the individual become a full-fledged subject of his professional life.

The need to solve these conditions is due to socio-economic instability, numerous changes in the individual life of each person, individual psychological characteristics, as well as random circumstances and irrational trends in life.

Professional self-determination is a complex process during which the individual forms his attitude towards the professional work environment and the method of its self-realization. At the stage of schooling, when the question of choosing a future professional activity becomes acute, high school students need qualified assistance from career guidance specialists aimed at providing them with personality-oriented assistance in identifying and developing abilities and inclinations, professional and cognitive interests in choosing a profession, as well as formation of need and readiness for professional activity. The success of career guidance work depends on the specialist’s ability to identify the individual characteristics of high school students and comprehensively use various forms and methods of work to shape the professional orientation of students.

The study of the level of professional self-determination of high school students and psychological and pedagogical support of high school students when choosing a profession consists of the following stages:

Preparatory, including defining the topic of the work, stating the problem, putting forward a hypothesis, determining scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance;

Search, including the study of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of psychological support for high school students in choosing a profession;

Diagnostic, including conducting a confirmatory experiment, collecting and analyzing diagnostic data about study participants.

Implementation of a model of psychological and pedagogical support for high school students in choosing a profession;

Control and generalization, including conducting a formative experiment, collecting and analyzing the data obtained, their correlation, drawing conclusions and implementing the results.

Formation and development psychological readiness and abilities for professional self-determination are based on three main components:

a) “Image of the Self”, or Concept of the Self (know yourself, your abilities and capabilities);

b) knowledge of the world of work and the requirements for the individual in the chosen profession ( adequate self-esteem and comparison of your requirements with the requirements of the profession for the individual);

c) professional trial (“trying on” the profession for oneself).

The integration of these components in the career guidance activities of high school students allows them to develop socio-psychological mechanisms of perception, reflection, and the ability to choose. In order to develop these mechanisms, the content of the program is directed, including special classes for students, taking into account their characteristics and diagnostic results.

By the model of the process of psychological and pedagogical support for high school students we mean a description and theoretical justification of the process of organizing educational activities.

To create a model of psychological and pedagogical support in choosing a profession, the modeling method was used.

The model consists of three interconnected stages: information stage, diagnostic stage, reflective - analytical stage.

Figure 1. Model of psychological and pedagogical support for high school students when choosing a profession

When identifying student preferences in subsequent professional detail, we used the following techniques: methodology for determining a future profession according to E.V. Klimov, a method for determining the type of value orientations according to M.S. Gutkin, T.I. Shalavina, S.N. Chistyakova, activating questionnaire according to Pryazhnikov N.S. "Be ready".

The results of the study using the method of E.A. Klimov showed that students showed the greatest interest in the type of professions “Man - man”, the answers were 47%, the answers of 23% of students chose professions from the group “Man - man”. Sign system The “Man - Technology” type is recommended for 18% of students, 6% of students prefer professions related to nature - the “Man - Nature” type. One person from the class showed interest in professions related to artistic images, which amounted to 6% of all respondents. At the same time it was noticed characteristic feature answers for this class in the form of a negation of the majority of answers. This indicates the indifference of some students in their own development as individuals and the lack of interest and desire of students for self-improvement and self-transformation.

The diagram shows the relationship between students’ interests and types of professions according to the methodology of E.A. Klimova

Figure 2. Results of the formative experiment using the method of E.A. Klimova, %

When analyzing the results of psychological and pedagogical support for students’ professional self-determination, a system of criteria and indicators was used according to the methodology of S.N. Chistyakova:

Value-semantic (the presence of motives for choosing a profession, a positive attitude towards the situation of choice, the active position of the student in the decision-making process about choosing a profession, the presence of backup options for professional choice);

Information (completeness and differentiation of knowledge about the world of professions, the ability to work with sources of information, awareness of the requirements of the profession for individual characteristics of a person);

Activity-practical (the ability to set a goal for choosing a profession and draw up a program of action to achieve it, self-analysis of available options for choosing a profession, self-control and correction of professional plans, self-actualization of potential opportunities aimed at creating readiness to make a decision on choosing a profession).

Methodology of S.N. Chistyakova made it possible to identify the prevailing types of value orientation of schoolchildren. Thus, among the students’ responses, 8 students (47%) were guided by values ​​from the “Consistent professional” group. The answers of 6 students (35%) correspond to a contradictory type of value orientations when choosing a professional activity, professional values ​​intersect with non-professional orientations that contradict them. A consistent non-professional type of value orientation corresponds to 3 students (18%) from the class: these students, when choosing a future profession, focus mainly on activities not related to the profession.

Comparative diagram of the choice of values ​​according to the method of S.N. Chistyakova.

Figure 3. Results of the study using the method of S.N. Chistyakova, in %

In order to increase the level of awareness among high school students of their readiness for various types professional work, the activating technique of Pryazhnikov N.S. was used. This technique was carried out individually with only three students.

Repeated diagnostics using the method of Pryazhnikov N.S. showed that students reconsidered some of their capabilities, and some discovered their potential in skills that were not previously appreciated by the student.

Upon completion of the psychological and pedagogical support classes, a formative experiment was conducted using the previously discussed methods.

The obtained results of re-diagnosis of students' interests illustrate the relative stability of interests, but there is a significant difference that cannot be ignored. If during the initial diagnosis 6 people showed a pronounced interest in subjects of work, gaining a maximum of 8 points in one type or another, then during the repeated diagnosis the number of people who scored the maximum number of points increased from 6 people to 8, the choice of areas of activity remained the same, but the quality your assessment of your abilities has increased. This suggests that the activities carried out during psychological and pedagogical support were not in vain, and the students, upon re-diagnosis, strengthened their beliefs about their own interests and abilities.

The results of organizing psychological and pedagogical support indicate the success of the implementation of the model of psychological and pedagogical support for professional self-determination of high school students. We managed to form in schoolchildren an internal readiness to consciously and independently construct, adjust and realize their development prospects (professional, life, personal), a readiness to consider themselves developing over time and independently find meaningful meanings in specific professional activities.

In particular, students developed a picture of professional values, enriched their knowledge base about professions in the labor market, about the suitability of personal qualities and abilities for the chosen profession; students tried to identify the causes of deviations in personality development; Attempts were made to develop the ability for social self-determination of students in an educational institution, and psychological assistance was provided to the teenager and his family in designing a developing lifestyle for the individual.

Based on the results of the study, psychological and pedagogical recommendations were developed to support the professional self-determination of high school students.

The main directions of psychological and pedagogical support can be: creating conditions that contribute to the formation of schoolchildren’s idea of ​​their personality, life values, abilities and capabilities; teaching high school students how to reflect in decisions problem situations; integration of the educational process with the practice of professional self-determination of high school students; organization of individual profile training routes for high school students, taking into account their professional self-determination; consolidation of a specialized school with higher education educational institutions.

Thus, the implemented model of psychological and pedagogical support for career guidance work contributed to increasing the level of professional self-determination of high school students and making a choice that best suits their interests and professional expectations, allowing them to adequately correlate their desires and abilities, and navigate their future educational and professional activities.


along with the effective use of budget resources is almost impossible. Therefore, today the leading schools in network interaction, acting as resource centers, have taken on the mission of including rural schools in the network innovation space. This is the social meaning, the purpose of innovative schools - leaders.

Mukhanaeva Zhargalma Ayusheevna, school director, Sosnovo-Ozerskaya secondary school No. 1, Eravninsky district

Muhanaeva Zhargalma Ayusheevna, principal of secondary comprehensive school No. 1 “Sosnovo-Ozerskaya” of Eravna region.


This article presents a model of pedagogical support for high school students in the process of specialized education. It is expected that this model will allow us to update the forms and methods of work on professional self-determination.

Keywords: self-determination, professional guidance.


This article deals with the model of teachers’ support of senior pupils in the process of profile specialization training. It is supposed that this model allows to renew forms and methods of work on professional selfdetermination.

Key words: self-determination, professional orientation.

The choice of a training profile and the success of further professional self-determination depend both on the individual characteristics of the student and on the entire set of social, organizational and pedagogical conditions in which the process of schoolchildren’s learning takes place. New socio-pedagogical conditions - democratization of school life, granting educational institutions some economic independence, development of the sphere of additional education and expanding access to sources of educational information outside of school - make it possible to actively include new forms of organizing work with high school students and favorably influence the subjects of pedagogical interaction. In this regard, there is a need to consider the issue of pedagogical support in the process of specialized training, which is inextricably linked with the orientation of high school students towards professional self-determination.

The problem of pedagogical support in the process of specialized self-determination of young people has always been the focus of attention of domestic scientists. Pedagogical support is considered as helping a teenager in his personal growth, setting up an empathic understanding of the student, open communication (I.A. Frulin, V.I. Slobodchikov); as a special area of ​​activity of the teacher, aimed at introducing the teenager to sociocultural, moral values, on which he relies in the process of self-realization and self-development (A.V. Mudrik), as the direction of the teacher’s activity in the field of socio-professional self-determination of youth (S.N. Chistyakova, N.S. Pryazhnikov and others). The concept of pedagogical support reflects the ideas of developing interaction between subjects of teaching and upbringing (E.V. Bondarevskaya, A.V. Petrovsky, A.I. Tubelsky), the views of supporters of “pedagogical cooperation” (A.V. Adamsky, Sh.A. Amonashvili , I.P. Ivanov), thoughts on the need for full, productive communication between representatives of all social and professional groups (I.S. Kon, M.Yu. Kondratyev, A.V. Mudrik and others

gie), about pedagogical support (O.S. Gazman, N.B. Krylov, N.N. Mikhailova, I.S. Yakimanskaya and others).

Based on an analysis of the educational process and educational work at school, observations of the organization of professional self-determination, it was revealed that high school students find it difficult to professional choice and social orientation. This is due to a lack of understanding of the labor market, an inability to correlate one’s capabilities with the prospects of one’s chosen profession and to cope with difficulties.

Considering that the purpose of pedagogical support for high school students is to promote the development of personality traits and individuality, sustainable motivation, professional orientation, expanding the possibility of self-realization, and readiness to choose a profession, we have developed a model of pedagogical support for professional self-determination of high school students. Its content is based on the principles of joint activities of the teacher, student, and other participants in the educational process in planning, implementing and evaluating the learning process; self-affirmation of students in educational activities and educational environment; relying on the subjective experience of students as carriers of social educational experience; individualization of training; systematic training; contextual learning, focused on creating conditions for future professional, social, and everyday activities of high school students; updating learning results; development educational needs.

This model was tested in pilot work based on secondary school No. 31 Ulan-Ude. Considering specialized training in our model as ensuring justified professional self-determination, the tasks of pedagogical support are:

Study of personal characteristics that influence the nature of professional self-determination of schoolchildren (direction, abilities, motives, value orientations, etc.);

Personal and professional development of students at all stages of the educational process;

Regulating the process of self-determination of high school students.

To ensure the effectiveness of the process of pedagogical support for professional self-determination of high school students, our model identifies such blocks as analytical-diagnostic, content-based and reflective. The constituent blocks allow for an integrated approach to the formation by schoolchildren of their future professional activities, the formation of new educational needs and interests in them.

The content of each block predetermined the choice of appropriate methods of pedagogical support: studying the educational needs of high school students, determining a preliminary request, studying targeted applications; collecting data on the intentions, interests, inclinations, abilities of students, organizing a survey, developing students’ independent work skills, developing initiative, self-realization, self-knowledge and self-esteem, determining a preliminary request (analytical and diagnostic block); psychological study of the individual, generalization of experience data, analysis, updating the experience of students, conducting classes on readiness to choose a profession, developing professionally important qualities, intensifying work in groups: trainings, counseling, various forms of developmental classes, games, professional tests, supplying the necessary information for conscious choice of profile, profession, websites and more (content block); correctional classes, promoting self-knowledge, introspection; correction of uncertainties, uncertainty of behavior, assistance in professional self-determination; organizing specialized consultations, processing received materials, identifying problems that arise during the implementation of programs (reflective block).

Identification, analysis and consideration of needs for educational services all subjects educational activities and specification of management goals at all levels are clearly presented in the following diagram 1.

As practice shows, pedagogical support for high school students in the process of specialized education is more successful when organizing various forms of interaction and integration of all educational services: educational institutions, additional education, social institution.


Qualitative changes in the level of professional self-determination, in our opinion, occurred due to the fact that optimal pedagogical conditions were created (use of resources of the socio-cultural environment, institutions of additional and specialized education), allowing students to reveal the potential of the out-of-school educational space, self-realization and determination in the modern society; health-saving approach to educational process aimed at organizing the process of preserving and developing health: physiological literacy, rational lesson planning, ensuring the necessary social and hygienic standards in educational premises, psychological atmosphere; educational and methodological support contributes to the productivity of learning: the creation of an atmosphere of interest for each student is updated, conditions are created for the manifestation of cognitive activity and independence, various forms and methods of implementing educational activities are used.

During the experimental work, it was revealed that the result of the implementation of our model is a positive dynamics in the level of formation of high school students’ readiness for professional self-determination according to the following criteria: motivational-target, value-orientation, reflective, regulatory-activity.

Thus, it can be stated that the content, forms and methods of organizing pedagogical support, chosen by us and tested in experimental work, contribute to the interests of high school students, satisfying their needs for professional self-determination, confidence in the implementation of their professional plans, providing conditions for self-realization and self-improvement and free choice of profession.


1. Simonova G.I. Pedagogical support for social adaptation of students. - Kirov: Publishing house Vyat. state humanitarian University, 2005. - 317 p.

2. Chistyakova S.N. Pedagogical support for self-determination of schoolchildren: method. allowance. - M.: Academy, 2005. - 122 p.

Popkova Galina Nikolaevna, teacher of the preparatory faculty of the East Siberian State Technological University.

Popkova Galina Nikolaevna, teacher of preparatory faculty of East-Siberian State Technological University.

N.B-C. Sodnomova, D.V. Poshodieva


The article presents a theoretical analysis of the problem of pedagogical support for inclusive education of children preschool age, the author's approaches to understanding the pedagogical support of children with disabilities are revealed.

Key words: pedagogical support, pedagogical support, inclusive education, children with disabilities.

N.B.Ts. Sodnomova, D KPoskhodi"eva


The article presents the theoretical analysis of the problem which deals with the pedagogical guidance of the preschool age children’s inclusive education. It also focuses on some authors’ approaches to the problem of pedagogical guidance of physically disabled children.

Key words: pedagogical guidance, teachers support, inclusive education, physically disabled children.