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How to learn English faster. Self-study of English

English in modern society- an irreplaceable thing. This is the most universal and widespread language in the world, knowing which it is much easier to get a job. Good work or take your place in society.

According to statistics in Russia:

  • 1.5 times– you can get paid so much more if you know English
  • 96% – so many vacancies have the clause “knowledge of foreign languages ​​is desirable”, meaning English specifically
  • 11% – only so many Russians speak English fluently. This indicator puts our country in 38th place in terms of knowledge of foreign languages ​​among all countries.

Learning English is not that difficult. You can learn from scratch, or improve your already accumulated knowledge right on the way to work, on the subway or bus, spending 20 minutes a day.

Learning English is interesting

Puzzle English is a site that contains hundreds of exercises, several multi-step educational programs and even online games for consolidating acquired knowledge in English.

The trick of Puzzle English is that learning English is interesting. This is not just monotonous cramming from a textbook, but video lectures, tasks in the style of “guess the word” and “compose a phrase,” or even competitions in knowledge and ingenuity with other site users.

Despite the fact that this sounds too simple, in reality special techniques are used to present the material: through game forms, tasks and videos.

After all Information presented in an interesting way is easier to remember.

Everything about Puzzle English is interesting: there is even a special video lesson on how to politely scold your interlocutor in English without using “dirty” words and expressions.

The podcasts are also interesting, I recommend them.

Many people believe that hiring a tutor is more effective. But in this case you may encounter the following problems:

a) The tutor doesn’t know how well he knows English
b) The tutor will never teach you the correct accent because he is not a native speaker

And you need to pay a lot more money: 1 hour of classes with a person costs from 800 rubles.

For the same money, Puzzle English offers a year of unlimited access to lessons and assignments.

In short, Here are the main advantages of learning English using the Puzzle English portal:

  • the learning process is closely related to entertainment
  • you constantly hear foreign speech, getting used to it
  • you increase your vocabulary every day
  • you learn not only the rules of grammar, but also colloquial slang with expressions
  • you will begin to understand humor in English, along with intonations and wordplay

And all this is available both from your computer and on your smartphone: the Puzzle English website and the iPhone application are completely identical in functionality.

Puzzle English is easy to use. Learn English on your own

Hundreds of video lessons, games, tasks and exercises. Everything on one site.

Puzzle English consists of sections, each of which will tell you about one of the aspects of English, from grammar to listening comprehension.

When registering in test mode, you have access to a whole week of full-time training according to an individually designed program. Enough to get you involved in the process.

You will have to guess spoken phrases from famous films and TV series by ear, translate sentences yourself, choose the correct forms of verbs and much more. Depending on your success, the system can change the list of materials and tasks, adapting to your progress.

My plan for today. It will be interesting.

In addition to the drawn up plan, you can freely explore the service yourself, switching between sections. There's a lot to see and play!

What sections are there in Puzzle English?

I have studied the entire site inside and out, and I will draw your attention to some of the most interesting in my opinion.

Section "Tasks", Grammar Trainer

Exercises to consolidate knowledge of tense forms of verbs, word order in sentences and the use of various prepositions.

This is a very useful simulator where you need to compose interrogative sentences, choose verbs in the correct tense and learn to understand grammatical features. What it is? But start studying and you will find out :)

Example: choose or fill in the correct missing word in the sentence I’ve had a terrible (teethache/toothache) since yesterday evening.

Even I was stuck in this simulator for a long time. Although, there were no difficulties in completing the tasks. In case of a wrong choice, the hint system will show the correct option, and new knowledge will be stored in the head. Simply and easily.

Section "Courses", Teacher's Method

Each course includes from 38 to 150 hours of study, with its own exams and exercises. By choosing a course for beginners, you will learn basic grammar rules, the meaning and use of articles, learn how to write sentences and even communicate with a virtual native speaker.

This is a great option if you don’t know where to start or how to approach the English language.

Section “Words”, Word training

This is the simplest and effective way learn new words and expand your vocabulary English words and expressions using mini-games, without which there is no point in learning grammar.

Here, first you choose new words from the proposed list that you want to learn. And then you do exercises in which you need to enter a new word in the correct place in a sentence, choose the correct translation, remember the pronunciation of words and other short tasks.

Example: choose a ready-made set of words sorted by category. From the set, choose 5 words for the day. Cards appear where you need to choose the correct translation of a word, substitute it in a sentence, or write it on the keyboard.

It’s cool that if you make a mistake, the system prompts you to remember the association with a new word: for example, as in the screenshot just above - I was asked to remember the word Laden by analogy with the phrase “ lei per day" It works, definitely try it.

"Games" section, Phrase Master

This is a addictive game in which you need to listen to a phrase and then type on the keyboard the first letters of the words that make up the phrase. Everything is done for a while, there is a table of achievements among real users of the service.

This game very quickly teaches you not only to perceive English speech by ear, but also to remember words. After the third round you already get used to it and achieve a good result. And then you notice with surprise that many of the phrases you hear are simply spinning in your head.

Example: in a short video the phrase No, I mean is pronounced. You need to quickly press the first letters of these 3 words on the keyboard - “N”, “I”, “M”. Timed game.

It’s especially nice that the phrases are spoken by different characters from a variety of movies and TV series, from Sherlock Holmes to the heroes of “Game of Thrones.”

Section "Tasks", Lessons

Here you can find hundreds of video lectures in which charismatic teachers explain a variety of rules and analyze different situations.

They will tell you how a sentence is structured in English, phrases for meeting people, modal verbs and many, many other things, show you with examples and you just can't help but remember This.

Examples of lessons:

  • Tourism: Useful Templates for Communication
  • Popular errors: Present Simple and Present Continuous
  • What to choose: good or well
  • Conditional Sentences Overview

After each video, you are asked to take a short test to consolidate your knowledge. There are some restrictions for free use: lectures can be watched for free, but exercises for them have daily usage limits.

Section "Tasks", Video puzzles

In this section you learn how to correctly compose sentences in a playful way.

Can you guess which song this line is from? :)

First you need to watch a video or music video with subtitles in English and Russian, and then try to translate the phrases from the video yourself, correctly using the proposed set of words.

Example: Watch the video clip of Sting – Shape of My Heart with subtitles. Then translate the lyrics of the song into English, placing the words correctly: “He deals the cards as a meditation” (as/the cards/a meditation/he/deals), and so on, until the end of the song.

After just a few of these tasks you understand the approximate design English sentences, and new words are remembered.

Conclusions and calculations

Well, isn't it lovely? A lesson on how to politely tell someone they are an idiot :)

Friends, many of you probably had a desire to start studying in English for free without outside help or any paid educational courses.

And that's great! After all, studying foreign language expands human consciousness, opens up opportunities for travel and communication with people from other parts of the world. Believe me Having mastered another language, you will begin to think and perceive the world around you differently!

However, judging by the experience of most students, some people give up trying to learn English due to a lack of self-discipline and simple laziness! And indeed, an abundance of all kinds of rules and bad memories from school curriculum training discourages all desire to learn!

We decided to help everyone learn English on your own and prepared 7 the best ways to master it. These methods significantly save time and simplify understanding of grammar, and most importantly, they are free!

Using these methods and devoting at least 1 hour a day to studying, in a few months you will master the basic principles, expand your vocabulary and be able to speak freely on general/simple topics with native speakers.

1. Dmitry Petrov's method

Dmitry Petrov is a famous linguist, translator and public figure who speaks more than 15 languages. He developed a course of 16 video lessons that can be found on the Internet in the public domain (episodes of the “Polyglot” program on the Russia TV channel). You can watch video tutorials.

In addition to the course of video lessons, there is a free mobile app for learning English using the method of Dmitry Petrov.

The effectiveness of Dmitry Petrov's method: the material is presented in a very simple and understandable form, thanks to which the fear of tenses, verb forms, etc. is quickly dispelled. In a short time you will gain communication skills, plus you will practice basic language algorithms until they become automatic.

2. platform

A free international language learning platform without premium packages, advertising or webinars, which was launched in 2011. The training system is built in the form interesting lessons based on gamification, as they progress, students help translate websites, articles, etc.

The basis of training is Dualingo skill tree, through which users advance by completing tasks and earning experience points. The platform has many functions, such as completing tasks against time, etc. In addition to the web project, Duolingo has a mobile application. On Dualingo you can learn not only English, but also German and French, and soon Spanish and Swedish will also be available.

Duolingo efficiency: According to research, 34 hours of Duolingo training provides the same reading and writing skills as a semester of study (130 hours) in higher education. educational institutions. Currently, many teachers in schools use the Dualingo program. The project provides excellent recognition skills oral speech and translations.

3. Movie mania with subtitles

The method is based on watching your favorite films and TV series with double subtitles, but in English dubbing. It turns out that you simultaneously hear English speech and see the writing and translation.

The main nuance is the right choice of TV series and films. Beginners need to watch films that have simple dialogues and do not use specific words. Many people call the famous series “Friends” ideal for watching with double subtitles.

Efficiency of the method: quickly remember new words and phrases, master pronunciation. However, to feel the effect, you need to watch quite a lot of episodes or films.

4. Ilya Frank method

This method involves learning a language by reading books in English without a dictionary. You read and remember due to the repetition of words in the text of books.

In addition, for interesting reading, it offers explanations with translations of each sentence. Just download Ilya Frank’s books and read them at any time convenient for you. You can see what the text in the book looks like in the picture below.

The effectiveness of Ilya Frank's method: Frank's learning is ideal for memorizing words. You read a book and as you learn, you begin to skip the explanatory inserts. According to reviews it is said that if you read 1-2 hours a day, then in a year you will be able to read English books in the original without any problems.

5. Alexander Dragunkin method

Alexander Dragunkin developed his own method of teaching English, in which he abandoned the traditional classical study of the rules of reading words, replacing it with Russified transcription.

In his method he also developed 53 “golden” grammar formulas, which differ from the classic ones. Dragunkin offers his vision of language learning and an understanding of grammar that will be simple and understandable for beginners.

To get started, we recommend watching the 3-hour video tutorial, under which you will find a link to many teaching materials and Dragunkin tables to help with learning.

The effectiveness of the Dragunkin Method: the main advantage of Dragunkin’s method is that the material is presented in a very accessible form for “dummies.” All the material (tables, rules) by Dragunkin is systematized, making it easy to remember.

6. Dr. Pimsleur Method

Dr. Pimsleur's method is based on listening, when the student listens to dialogues, constructs phrases and reproduces them from memory. Course of Study consists of 3 parts, each of which contains 30 lessons(audio material + text).

The important point is that learning using the Pimsleur method requires great concentration. In particular, it is impossible, for example, to combine training with being in public places, because Often, as part of training, it is necessary to repeat after the speaker.

The effectiveness of Dr. Pimsleur's method: training using this method is perfect for those who have poor pronunciation. The course using Dr. Pimsleur's method perfectly develops memory and promotes good recognition of English speech (especially dialects).

7. YouTube training

In addition to the above methods, we will leave for you several excellent YouTube channels for learning English. Each of them has its own training program that will help you master English.

Puzzle English- an excellent channel with a wide variety of grammar lessons, language learning tips, lessons on correct pronunciation, etc.

English like clockwork is an entertaining channel where language learning is carried out through jokes, games, music, films, etc.

OXANA DOLINKA— a channel of the user of the same name, where a girl teaches English and focuses on live modern language, as well as the nuances of spoken English when traveling.

English at Steve Jobs School- a channel where short lessons touch on certain topics of the English language, as well as dialogues in films, talk about metaphors in English, etc.

Albert Kakhnovskiy- a channel where English is taught by the famous Raymond Murphy.

Efficiency of the method: Learning English on YouTube channels is easy and fun. Studying does not oblige you to anything and you can devote as much time to studying as you wish.

Learn English on your own not easy! Most people note that it is often difficult to overcome their laziness, remember this! Do not succumb to the provocations of your consciousness to abandon your studies!

Hello, friends! Do you speak any other language besides Russian? Knowing a second language can be very useful.

Today I will tell you how to learn English on your own at home, since at one time I had an urgent need for such knowledge.

In this case, you will have to devote at least half an hour a day to classes, but this should be done regularly. So, let's find out whether it is possible to learn a second language at home and do without expensive courses.

It is believed that there are no incapable people, but only bad teachers or insufficient incentives. In fact, it all depends on the person and the strength of his desire. To quickly learn a language from scratch.

An important point before studying may be the formulation of the problem. At the same time, the strength of your desire will help you achieve your plans.

There may be such goals for learning English:

  1. Obtaining a position in an international company and working abroad.
  2. Tourist trips.
  3. International trade and own business.
  4. Starting a family abroad.
  5. Correspondence with friends from English-speaking countries.
  6. Study abroad.

Is it possible to learn a language on your own?

You can learn a language completely free of charge, but it’s unlikely that you can do it in a month. Therefore, you should not believe when they promise to do this in courses or using a special video.

To have a good knowledge of the language you will have to spend 2-3 years. At the same time, you need to practice regularly. To learn a language yourself, you need to take certain tips into account.

As scientists confirm, English words and phrases are best remembered in the first half of the day.

Language is especially easy for children.

If you master new language, then this promises you new opportunities. You will be able to watch films and TV series in the original.

Will be easier to perceive computer programs. And the conversational version will allow you to actively participate in cultural events on a global scale.

This means a lot of new friends, travel and festivals.

Benefits of working out at home

If you take language learning seriously, you can master it on your own, even from scratch, without specialized courses.

Such activities have the following advantages:

  1. You can choose your own time for studying. In your spare time, you can study the language.
  2. The training takes place in a comfortable environment and there is no need to travel anywhere.
  3. You can choose a suitable company for language learning.
  4. English requires constant study over a long period, so self-study will save money.

Learning English from scratch on your own: main stages

This is the way to learn a language.

It includes the following steps:

  • learning the alphabet and pronunciation of letters. It is important to go over the sound and transcription;
  • study words. Set yourself a monthly target, say 1200 words. At the same time, every day you need to memorize at least 20 words. In this case, words can be taken from the dictionary, from articles on the Internet, from books, and from videos or audio clips.

It’s better to choose your own words.

You can learn a language according to this plan:

  1. Take a manual or even a children's textbook. Learn the basic rules. This is necessary for a base to appear.
  2. Listen to the course for beginners in audio format. Learn to pronounce sounds correctly.
  3. Understand the nuances of transcription.
  4. Build and expand your vocabulary regularly.
  5. First, read simplified texts in children's books and comics.
  6. Set up free mobile offers.
  7. Watch cartoons, news and films in the original version.

Good results can be obtained with daily practice. Such exercises are useful not only for adults, but also for children.
Listen actively to audiobooks and podcasts. There are podcasts you can watch and listen to.

Podcasts from the BBC, which are educational programs, are popular.
Chat more on Skype.

It is important to communicate with English-speaking people. Using special social networks, you can find a person with whom to communicate on Skype.

You can find an Englishman who wants to learn Russian. In this case, mutual exchange of knowledge is possible.

It’s better to speak correctly from the beginning so as not to have to relearn it later.

How to remember words better

Remember that we remember best what is especially interesting. It is better to learn words together with epithets. In this case, you can not only remember the word, but also common phrases.

In this case, you need to combine nouns with verbs and nouns with adjectives.
It is better to remember the material not in blocks, but in quatrains and phrases. Sometimes catch phrases are easier to remember.
Get a dictionary - a notebook where you write down sentences and phrases that you especially liked.

At the same time, writing down words develops motor memory quite well.
Here's how to use a homemade dictionary:

  1. Please read all the information on the page first.
  2. Then you cover up the Russian words and translate.
  3. Then you do the opposite.

Remember that it is important to study transcription. It will help you deal with particularly difficult words. Pay great attention to grammar, as it is important to be able to correctly combine and form sentences.
If you have difficulty reading books, then this game will come in handy. Set yourself a goal of reading 3 pages and only after that do what you love.

Memorize phrases that you often use in everyday life.
As the reviews confirm, beginners will be helped in translation by the online translator Yandex or Google. To learn the language better, you can make a friend in an English-speaking country.

You can communicate via Skype or chat.
You can watch a movie on the computer and write down words that are unfamiliar. Then pause the movie and look up the word in the dictionary.

You can use a program to reproduce text from your voice. You can also learn English using subtitles.
An MP3 player will allow you to listen to any audiobook or foreign songs. You can choose books translated into Russian.

Online services for learning English

Let's consider the possibilities of the Internet for learning English.

Here are some resources to help you:

  1. This is a resource for watching films and TV series in English. Each film comes with English subtitles. Unfamiliar words can be translated by pressing the cursor.
  2. Website with board games, grammar tasks and quizzes. You can take tests or download assignments in pdf format.
  3. A resource for learning English through stories. This is a free site.
  4. is a distance learning tutorial based on Oleg Limanskog's method. Texts and exercises of varying difficulty levels are offered.

There are special applications for iOS and Android that are made for learning English. Particularly popular LinguaLeo And Duolingo.

There are also paid program Roseta stone.

What should lessons consist of?

Start learning from the very basics: the alphabet, sounds and simple structures. Classes should include the following activities:

  1. Reading.
  2. Listening to audio texts.
  3. Grammar exercises.
  4. Letter.

To speak English fluently, it is important to have a large vocabulary, that is, to know many different words by heart.

If you have a database of words, you need to study it periodically.
To replenish your vocabulary It is necessary to read books in the original. In this case, you need to translate all unfamiliar words.

A film with subtitles is also suitable for studying.
Where to find free ones teaching aids and materials
I also suggest you get acquainted with the most popular books, videos and audio materials that can be used in home lessons.
Here are materials you may find useful:

  1. “Elementary English course for Russians with parallel translation” Karavanova N.
  2. 90 lessons for beginners using Dr. Pimsleur's method.
  3. English according to Dragunkin in 115 minutes.
  4. Barry Tomalin "Conversational English in 3 months."
  5. “Polyglot in 16 hours” with Dmitry Petrov.

Audio courses are especially convenient, as you can listen to lessons and at the same time do your own thing.

So, to summarize, we can highlight the following important points in learning English:

  1. You need to choose a specific course of study and gain motivation.
  2. First, set clear goals for what you need the language for. These could be new work opportunities, travel or communication with foreigners.
  3. Pay special attention to the alphabet, grammar and reading rules. The tutorial will help you with this. When initial knowledge is obtained, you can move on to subsequent stages.
  4. It might be worth taking a course distance learning or some classes on Skype.
  5. Choose a specific time to read fiction in English. First you should choose adapted books. Novels and detective stories work well.
  6. Be sure to write down and study unfamiliar vocabulary. After some time, you will notice that the dictionary array is often repeated.

Remember that even if you have recently started learning a language, you need to speak more often. And don't be afraid to make mistakes.

First, you will learn to express your thoughts, and you will become familiar with the technique of constructing sentences with experience.
I hope you find my review article useful. After all, you can start learning a new language at any age.

Among other things, this is a great way to train your memory and broaden your horizons. Show a little perseverance and perseverance, devote a little time every day to your lessons and the world will sparkle with new colors.

If you have anything to add, write in the comments. See you again, dear guests and visitors of my site!

Learning English on your own is both a difficult and interesting task, especially for those people who are used to achieving their goals in life. If you organize your classes correctly, choose the appropriate methodology and purchase the necessary dictionaries and textbooks, learning will not only be effective, but can also turn into enjoyable entertainment. This is the very case when the goal justifies the means, because along with knowledge of the language a person acquires many more bonuses: expanding his circle of friends, the opportunity to read classics in the original and navigate in an English-speaking country without the help of a translator, as well as many other advantages.

What hinders language learning?

Most people are convinced that it is impossible to learn English on their own or at least make a little progress in its knowledge. And the reason for this is stereotypes. Yes Yes! It is other people’s beliefs that force us to give up our dreams and they sound something like this:

  • Learning English on your own is an impossible task.
  • The process of learning to a certain level of knowledge (for example, advanced) drags on for years.
  • Everyone who studies a language at home does not achieve the desired result.
  • To learn English, you need to be immersed in a language environment.

In fact, all these statements are not without foundation and they mean only one thing: learning English on your own is a rather difficult and thorny path. And how long it will be depends directly on what goals and means are used in the learning process.

What do you need for those who study English on their own?

English self-teacher- performs an important function - it provides information in a clearly structured form with a sequential presentation from simple material to more complex material. Good tutorial is a textbook that pays attention to every aspect of the language being studied: grammar, reading, pronunciation, listening, writing. An equally important point when choosing an English language self-teacher should be its ease of use and accessibility of presentation, the availability of practical exercises, a phonetic course and additional audio materials. Self-learning English will only give results if the classes are interesting to you, and the teaching aids evoke positive emotions.

English-Russian dictionary simply necessary for classes. It is best to have one that explains the meaning of new words in simpler English words. The most popular of them are Longman, Cambridge, Oxford, as well as Webster, Collins and Macmillan, but they are all very similar to each other. Longman has more comparison articles, it is simpler and more convenient, Oxford is bright and memorable, and Cambridge has simple and understandable explanations. Which one you choose for yourself is up to you.

Grammar textbook- this is another aspect without which independent learning of English will simply be incomplete. It belongs to the timeless classics, and therefore replace it with this moment nothing is impossible. Many experts believe that Raymond Murphy's grammar textbook has proven its worth over the years. It is quite functional and easy to understand and still occupies a leading position among educational materials. Murphy's textbook is presented in the form of a grammar reference book with reinforcement exercises. It is absolutely not necessary to study in a certain sequence; you can finish in one place and start from a completely different place.

Without what is it impossible to independently study English?

Interest is an important driving force human activity, and it is almost impossible to overestimate its importance in learning English. It is on this aspect that concentration of attention, richness of associations and perception of new material depend, because everything that gives pleasure comes easily and naturally. A person who practices out of inner motivation is able to achieve much greater results than someone who is charged with it.

Desire is the second powerful factor that motivates learning. If it goes in tandem with an interest in the language or with a professional need, it gives very good results.

For a desire to turn into action, you need a clearly formulated goal. First of all, decide for yourself why you need English and how much you need to know it, and also determine for yourself the period during which you will achieve a certain result.

Now imagine what opportunities you have to achieve this goal. These may include travel to English-speaking countries, live or virtual communication with native speakers, new techniques and modern teaching materials.

How to define a goal?

Set a goal by asking yourself guiding questions:

  • Why do you need English?
  • Do you want to read the classics in the original?
  • Do you want to participate in international conferences?
  • Maybe you need to correspond with business partners in English?
  • Or do you want to communicate via Skype with foreign friends?
  • Or maybe you are planning to work abroad?

Determine for yourself the most important principles of self-learning English:

  • Motivation (for this you need to really want to learn the language).
  • The learning process (depends on the purpose for which knowledge is needed).
  • Correct technique (you need to choose the best option suitable for your temperament).
  • Positive attitude(it just doesn't hurt).

What does it take for independent English learning to be successful?

Reading is the mother of learning

Reading allows you to create a picture in your mind, this activates your brain activity and helps you learn better. educational material. When comprehending what you read, you will have to analyze and understand the author’s point of view, this will allow you to better assimilate the material presented.

Read only those texts that you understand, otherwise you will very quickly lose interest in reading.

Pay attention to new words in the text. A large number of unfamiliar expressions in the text indicates that the level of presentation of the material is too high and perhaps you should choose something simpler.

Try to write down all the new words that appear in the text. Mark them as you read, try to guess their meaning, and at the end of the process, add them to your dictionary.

It is reading that becomes the standard of competent writing. Each text contains the correct structure of expressions and sentence construction, this will allow you to subsequently use them correctly in writing.

Watching movies in English is a good combination of business and pleasure

Everyone knows that watching a movie is a real pleasure. To learn English on your own, try to choose films that are familiar to you. It would be better if they had subtitles. For each of them, get your own dictionary and, as you look through it, add unfamiliar words and expressions to it.

Talk, talk and talk!

First of all, you need to learn to speak the language. The biggest problem that befalls a person learning English is fear. Fear of not succeeding, fear of not knowing and fear of looking stupid when pronouncing certain English words. Therefore, many students, devoting a lot of time to grammar and reading, prefer not to speak English at all. And completely in vain! Any learning is useless without practice, which is why you need to work on your pronunciation every day.

Correct pronunciation is the key to success!

Pronunciation is the main component of any foreign language; it depends on the correct perception of foreign sounds. Any defects in pronunciation make a person’s speech difficult to understand. To learn how to correctly pronounce the sounds of the English language, constant training is necessary during the first months of training. Pronunciation rules can be learned by comparing them with the rules of the Russian language. Pronunciation of the most difficult sounds requires special attention, but do not forget about the small rules. In English, stress and intonation are important, so don’t forget to pay attention to these aspects.

Don't forget about grammar

English grammar is a whole system, without knowledge of which it is simply impossible to fully master the language. For this, it is most important to know its basics, rather than to superficially become acquainted with many secondary phenomena. Try to understand how and why this or that grammatical rule is used in a sentence, and also remember examples of its use.

What pitfalls await you when learning English on your own?

Almost every one of us dreamed of learning English on our own, but few have achieved success in this field. Why is this happening? The first and most important problem with independent learning is the lack of control. Anything can distract you from your studies - a phone call, an interesting movie or an invitation to go for a walk. To prevent this from happening, you will have to create a clear schedule for yourself and strictly follow it, using common sense and willpower.

Another problem with learning English on your own is mistakes that will later become your habits. To learn a language correctly, you need to be very strict and attentive to yourself. When studying with a teacher, you will not be afraid of mistakes, because he will correct you in a timely manner. If you are left alone with the language, then the uncorrected error turns into an incorrect construction, which will gradually take root in your speech and writing. Remember - relearning is much more difficult than learning from scratch!

All in your hands

So, you have firmly decided to master English on your own and are ready to start learning it. One of the best techniques for successful learning is to surround yourself with an English-speaking environment. Read books in the original, take notes in English, listen to English radio, watch movies and news in English. The more material you have around you, the faster and more natural the learning process will be. An equally important aspect is speaking; this is what most often lags behind among those who study English on their own. In fact, communication with native speakers and those who learn it is not a problem today. You just need to register on sites where participants practice pronunciation and find people to talk to. Remember that everything depends only on you.

There is no secret method to learn a language in a month. If someone promises you a miracle, don't believe it. But the process can be accelerated in order to overcome the barrier in six months and finally speak English. Life hacker and experts from the online English school Skyeng share simple tips.

1. Study online

Online classes help you learn quickly. You can be too lazy to drive to the other end of the city in bad weather, but the Internet is always at hand. Adapting your schedule to the course schedule, making agreements with teachers, wasting time on the road - all this gets boring and slows down the process. Choose online courses. What makes life easier increases motivation.

Many, choosing between a cozy evening at home and a long trip to courses, decide that they can live without English.

Rid yourself of reasons to miss classes - create a convenient personal schedule. At Skyeng, teachers work in all time zones, so you can study whenever you want, even in the middle of the night.

Online classes are also good because all materials, texts, videos, dictionaries are collected in one place: in the application or on the website. And homework is checked automatically as you complete it.

2. Study at your leisure

Don't be limited by lesson time. Learning a language is not just about doing exercises. You can improve your skill by listening to songs and podcasts or reading English-speaking bloggers.

Everyone knows how important it is to watch movies and TV series with English subtitles, but not everyone knows that there are special educational applications for this. Skyeng online translators are linked to the app of the same name on your phone, so you can repeat new words at any time.

For example, if you install a special extension in the Google Chrome browser, you can read any text in English, and when you hover over a word or phrase, you can immediately see their translation. The same goes for subtitles for online cinemas. Each word individually can be translated directly as you watch. These words are added to a personal dictionary and sent to the mobile application, where free time they can be repeated and memorized.