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Education portal. Modern innovative health-saving technologies in the educational process of preschool education consultation The use of innovative health-saving technologies in kindergarten

« Modern innovative health-saving technologies

V educational process preschool educational institution

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

(World Health Organization)

As is known, good health promotes successful learning, and successful learning contributes to improved health. Education and health are inseparable. IN Lately The catastrophic deterioration in the health of pupils is becoming increasingly obvious. The education system bears its share of responsibility for the current situation. Teachers are increasingly aware of their responsibility for the well-being of new generations. Reflective role-playing game. Work to promote a healthy lifestyle for children preschool age in a preschool environment will be effective if you take into account:

Age and individual characteristics of children;

Use different forms of work to promote a healthy lifestyle for preschool children;

Systematically and purposefully carry out work to introduce a healthy lifestyle with the families of pupils.

It is impossible to solve the health problem using only traditional pedagogical technologies. A preschool educational organization must constantly master a set of measures aimed at preserving the health of a child at all stages of his learning and development. There are various forms and types of activities aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of pupils. Their complex has now received the general name “health-saving technologies”

“Health-saving technologies” is an integral system of educational, health-improving, corrective and preventive measures that are carried out in the process of interaction (“child and teacher”, “child and parents”, “teacher and parents”). The goal of health-saving educational technologies is to provide a preschooler with the opportunity to maintain health, to develop in him the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle, to teach him to use the acquired knowledge in Everyday life. The main indicator that distinguishes all health-saving educational technology- regular express diagnostics of the condition of children and tracking of the main parameters of the body’s development over time (beginning and end school year), which allows us to draw appropriate conclusions about the state of health.

Main goals:

Creating the most favorable conditions for the mental, moral, physical, aesthetic development of the individual;

Protection and strengthening of the psychophysical health of children;

Improving the functions of the body, increasing its protective properties and resistance to diseases using health-saving technologies;

Fostering the need for a healthy lifestyle;

Formation of vital motor skills of the child in accordance with his individual characteristics.

Modern health-saving technologies used in the system preschool education reflect two lines of health-improving and developmental work:

· introducing children to physical education;

· use of developing forms of health-improving work.

Types of health-saving technologies in preschool education:

Medical and preventive;

Sports and recreation;

Technologies for ensuring the socio-psychological well-being of the child;

Health conservation and health enrichment for preschool teachers;

Parent education technologies;

Health-saving educational technologies in kindergarten.

Medical health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions: - ensure the preservation and enhancement of children’s health under the guidance of a preschool educational institution nurse in accordance with medical requirements and standards, using medical supplies.

Health monitoring

Organization of preventive measures

Balanced diet

Rational daily routine

Health-saving environment

Monitoring and assistance in ensuring SaNPiN requirements

Physical education and health technologies are aimed at the physical development and strengthening of the child’s health, the development of physical qualities, motor activity and the formation of physical culture in preschool children.

Motor mode

· Dynamic pauses

· Hardening

· Gymnastics

· Outdoor and sports games

· Health days

· Sports entertainment, holidays

Psychological and pedagogical support for the child: A child with any developmental problem receives qualified assistance aimed at individual development.



Music therapy


Fairy tale therapy

Technologies for health preservation and health enrichment of teachers are technologies aimed at developing a culture of health for kindergarten teachers, including a culture of professional health, and developing the need for a healthy lifestyle. Health conservation in working with preschool teachers:

Training seminars,

Consultations for teachers,

Workshop for preschool teachers,

Discussion of health issues at pedagogical councils and medical-pedagogical meetings in groups.

Interaction between preschool educational institutions and families on issues of protecting and promoting children’s health:

Information stands for parents in each age group, where there are sections covering issues of health improvement without drugs;

Information stands for medical workers about preventive medical work with children in preschool educational institutions;

Involving parents in participating in physical education and mass events of preschool educational institutions;

Consultations and conversations with parents on health issues.

Technologies for preserving and promoting health:

· Dynamic pauses;

· Outdoor and sports games;

· Relaxation;

· Finger gymnastics;

· Gymnastics for the eyes;

· Breathing exercises;

· Gymnastics after sleep

Health-saving educational technologies:

Technologies for preserving and promoting health;

Technologies for teaching healthy lifestyles;

Corrective technologies

Dynamic pauses.

Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle:

· Morning exercises;

· Direct educational activities on physical development;

· Self-massage;

· Leisure

Corrective technologies:

· Articulation gymnastics;

· Art therapy;

· Fairytale therapy;

· Psycho-gymnastics;

· Technology of musical influence;

· Color therapy

Working with parents:

Pedagogical conversations, general and group parent meetings, consultations, exhibitions of children's works made together with parents, parental participation in the preparation and holding of holidays, physical education activities, joint creation of a subject-specific development environment.

The use of these health technologies takes place in a playful way: learning and health improvement occurs with ease, exercises and health techniques remain in the child’s memory for a long time. Thus, it is very important that each of the technologies considered has a health-improving focus, and health-saving activities used in combination would ultimately form a strong motivation in the child for a healthy lifestyle, full and uncomplicated development.

The topic of our seminar: “Modern innovative health-saving technologies in educational DOW process»/ slide 1.2/

Our kindergarten is one of the largest kindergartens for preschool education in Lipetsk. There are 16 groups in the kindergarten, of which 13 are preschool groups and 3 are early age. On average, 440 pupils attend our kindergarten every year./ slide 3/

Since the direction of physical culture and health improvement is a priority for our d/s, the main task of the team’s work at this stage is:

1. Understanding the accumulated experience in preserving and strengthening children’s health;

2. Assessing its effectiveness and modernizing the content of physical education and health technologies, through the formation in children of a creator’s position in relation to their health and the health of others;

3. The need to overcome highly specialized approaches in organizing health activities and physical education through the use of innovative health-saving technologies ;/slide 4/

The team builds its work on the health of preschool children on the following principles:

Systematic and consistent implementation of health-saving technologies;

Consciousness and activity of each subject of the educational process (children, teachers, parents);

Continuity of the health-saving process;

Accessibility of technology to children;

Taking into account the individual and age characteristics of each child; /slide 5/

We have developed such health rules:

Compliance with the regime, more movement, proper nutrition, as many positive emotions as possible, away from despondency and melancholy, wishing only good things to yourself and others !//slide 6/

All health-saving technologies in preschool education can be divided into the following types:

1. Medical and preventive;

2. Health-saving educational technologies in kindergarten.

3. Technologies for ensuring the social and psychological well-being of the child;

4. Health conservation and health enrichment for teachers;

5. Physical education and health technologies;

6. Valueological education of parents; /slide 7/

I suggest you consider each type of health-saving


1. Medical and preventive technologies or as they are also called therapeutic and preventive- these are technologies that ensure the preservation and enhancement of children’s health under the guidance of medical personnel of preschool educational institutions in accordance with medical requirements and standards, using medical supplies. These include the following technologies:

Organization of health monitoring of preschool children;

Determining the optimal load on a child, taking into account age and individual characteristics;

Organization and control of children's nutrition;

Organization and control of physical development and hardening of preschool children;

Organization of preventive measures;

Organization of control and assistance in ensuring the requirements of SaNPiN;

Organization of a health-preserving environment in preschool educational institutions ./ slide 8/

2. Health-saving educational technologies- This

First of all, technologies for educating a valeological culture or a culture of health for preschoolers.

One of the principles of such technologies is taking into account the child’s personal characteristics, the individual logic of his development, taking into account children’s interests and preferences in the content and types of activities during development and upbringing. Building a pedagogical process with a focus on the child’s personality naturally contributes to his prosperous existence, and therefore his health. ./slide 9/

3. Technologies for providing social and psychological

well-being child – technologies that ensure the psychological and social health of a child – a preschooler. In our kindergarten, the main task is to ensure emotional comfort and positive psychological well-being of the child, in the process of communicating with peers and adults in the kindergarten and family, ensuring the social and emotional well-being of the preschooler. The implementation of these technologies is carried out by a teacher-psychologist through specially organized classes with children, as well as teachers and preschool education specialists in pedagogical process DOW. This type of technology includes psychological and psychological technologies. pedagogical support child development in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions. /slide 10/

4. Technologies for health conservation and health enrichment

preschool teachers - technologies aimed at developing a culture of health for kindergarten teachers, including a culture of professional health, and developing the need for a healthy lifestyle. The purpose of these technologies is to ensure valeology education for teachers and parents ./slide 11/

Technologies for valeological education of parents– folders – movements, stand information, conversations, joint events, etc. /slide 12/

And the most basic and important view of all health-saving technologies is

5. Physical education and health technologies, which are directly aimed at the physical development and strengthening of the child’s health:

Development of physical qualities;

Motor activity and the formation of physical culture in preschool children;


Wellness treatments in an aquatic environment (swimming pool);

Cultivating the habit of daily physical activity and taking care of health, etc. ./ slide 13/

The implementation of these technologies is carried out by physical education instructors and teachers in specially organized forms of health-improving work in kindergartens. Some techniques of these technologies are widely used by educators in different forms organization of the educational process: in direct educational activities, walks, in routine moments, in joint and independent activities of adults and children.

We base all work on the implementation of health-saving technologies on the basis of:

Medical indications and distribution of children by health groups. In the 2011/12 school year, children are distributed by health group in the following way /slide 14/:

Amount of children

Analysis of the basic mental processes (memory, thinking, imagination, perception) of children of senior preschool age (176 children) according to a diagnostic examination of a teacher-psychologist of a preschool educational institution /slide 15/


Development of mental processes









Not sustainable

Visually - figurative


The level of physical fitness of children according to the monitoring data of a physical education instructor /slide 16/

Amount of children

Based on these indications, there is a need to introduce health-saving technologies of various types into the work system.

The issue of ways to improve the work to promote health, develop movements and physical development of children is constantly monitored and organized in such a way that it

· Provided each child with harmonious development

· Helped him use his body’s reserves to preserve and improve health.

· Introduced children and parents to physical education and a healthy lifestyle. / slide 17/

All innovative physical education and health technologies can be divided into three categories:

1. Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle.

2. Technologies for preserving and promoting health.

3. Corrective technologies /slide 18/

Technologies for teaching healthy lifestyles

I will list those health-saving technologies that have already been introduced into the practice of every kindergarten. These include:

1. Direct educational activities in the field of " Physical Culture» - an organized form of physical development. Conducted by a physical education instructor in all groups in accordance with the requirements of the program, in different forms: gaming, subgroup, individual, training, competitive, etc.

2. Direct educational activities in the field of “Health”- activities to familiarize children with their bodies, creating the prerequisites for taking care of their own health. Conducted by a teacher, physical education instructor. Health is an integrated form of work with such activities as physical education, basic life safety, valeology.

3. Sports entertainment, holidays.

4. Morning exercises. /slide 19.20/

5. Wellness work in the pool - Swimming has a special place in physical development, development and health promotion of preschool children. Swimming helps develop physical qualities and the ability to prevent dangerous situations on the water. Regular swimming lessons have a positive effect on hardening the child’s body and improves adaptation to the aquatic environment. Water has a strong healing effect. In our work we use elements of water aerobics, synchronized swimming, and a gender approach to teaching children to swim. There is a section “Dancing on the water”. /slide 21,22,23/

We also use other technologies in our work, which we will discuss in more detail.

6. Gymnastics DO-YIN – sets of movements for muscles and joints with elements of self-massage with a pronounced tonic effect. Used by a physical education instructor in direct educational activities in physical education with older preschoolers ./slide 24.25/

7. Wellness technology “BF-health – learning and getting healthier” - This technology is aimed at increasing the resistance of the body of preschool children to colds, improving the psycho-emotional state of the child, improving attention and memory, developing the functions necessary for further learning, such as organizing activities, general intellectual development, visual-spatial perception, hand-eye coordination.

Using the example of the health technology “BFB – Health”, we will tell you about the stages of implementation of all innovative health-saving technologies in our d/s. /slide 26/

Health classes, that's what we called them - most modern technology health improvement (using computers), which is used to teach children health skills. The purpose of such classes– developing children’s skills of proper breathing ./slide 27/

This technology is partially used in our kindergarten, in correctional (speech therapy) groups, since there are a small number of children in them, in classes with a teacher - speech therapist for development speech breathing and in physical education classes. The acquisition of expensive equipment for the full use of this technology is currently not considered possible.

In 2010, on the basis of experimental activities, this health technology was introduced into the pedagogical process of our preschool institution.

Experiment idea is that as a result of the use of health-saving technology using the biological method in the practice of preschool educational institutions feedback(BOS) formation of positive social experience occurs in children, development value orientations children for a healthy lifestyle, improvement of the body and reduction of morbidity, improvement of psycho-emotional state ./slide 28/

In the process of implementing this health technology main and main task is to preserve and strengthen the health of children by developing the skill of diaphragmatic-relaxation breathing, since diaphragmatic breathing, i.e., “effortless” or relaxation breathing, is natural and physiologically the most optimal for the human body. /slide 29/

Based on diagnostic indicators of psychophysical state

children at the beginning of the school year, we formed a group of children of senior preschool age with 2 and 1 medical health groups in the amount of 12 people. Group 1 - healthy children, Group 2 - children with minor health problems, such as caries, ENT diseases, gastrointestinal tract diseases, etc., i.e. children who do not have serious problems, but are observed by a doctor;

We divided the holistic learning process into 4 stages:

Stage 1 – training.

Includes theoretical part. Conducting a seminar for teachers and specialists directly related to this group of children in order to familiarize themselves with the methodology of health-improving technology and develop the skill of diaphragmatic breathing “without effort.”

Practical part. Training in methods of conducting classes using existing software and methodological support for this health technology ./ slide 30,31/

Stage 2– introduction of health classes into the pedagogical process of the experimental group of children (planning work for a month and including them in the schedule of classes )./slide 32,33/

GRID OF CLASSES for the 2010/11 academic year

(senior group)


1. Health activity + social world (1 week);

1. Health activity +

literacy training (week 2);

1. Health lesson + speech development (week 4);

2. Music;

3. Pool

1. Health lesson + mathematics (week 3)

2. Drawing

1. Nature;

manual work;

3. Phys.ra (c);

Stage 3- work with parents. Conducting a group parent meeting and individual consultations in order to increase the level of parental competence in the use of health-saving technology “BFB – Health”. Constant training and consolidation of the skill of proper breathing at home ./slide 34/

Stage 4 involves carrying out intermediate and final diagnostics, summing up the results of experimental activities.

In order to educate a child to have a meaningful value attitude to your own physical and spiritual health are carried out theoretical classes , and training and consolidation of the diaphragmatic-relaxation type of breathing is carried out on practical exercises . /slide 35/

Health classes in this group were conducted once a week in subgroups of 6 people. The duration of such classes depended on the individual psychophysical capabilities of the child and ranged from 15 to 25 minutes. The duration was set individually for each person together with the teacher - psychologist and nurse.

Health classes were comprehensively included in such sections of the program as “Cognition” (FEMP) and “Communication”. The lessons were planned by the teacher in accordance with the topic of the lesson in mathematics, literacy, cognitive development. When conducting Health Lessons, not only this health-saving technology was used, but also program tasks were solved. Instructions for conducting breathing exercises are available in the electronic software manual.

Working with this technology, we discovered:

Relationship between DAS value and health assessments /slide 36/

DAS (bpm)

Health assessment

A necessary condition The implementation of biofeedback technology in the classroom was the inclusion of games in order to motivate the preschooler, since play in preschool childhood is the leading type of children's activity.

In the process of experimental work, an intermediate diagnosis was carried out in December, and in April the final diagnosis of children was carried out according to the following criteria:

1. Morbidity rate in comparison with the reporting period of the previous year;

2. Children's attention level;

3. Motivating children for Health activities.

December 2010." href="/text/category/dekabrmz_2010_g_/" rel="bookmark">December 2010 - 1.5, which shows a decrease in the incidence of 0.3 child-days with one child missing.

In April 2010 (per school year), the incidence rate was 2.4 days of absence per child due to illness, in April 2011 - 1.7, which shows a decrease in incidence by 0.7 days of absence due to illness

one child due to illness ./slide 37/" align="left" width="405" height="200 src=">At the beginning of the 2010/11 school year, the level of children’s motivation for classes Health was 45%, by the middle of the school year it increased by 7% and amounted to 52% at the end of the school year the level of motivation to study was 61%, which is 16% higher than at the beginning of the year ./slide 39/

The following were also summed up:

Intermediate and final results of the “BF – Health” classes

Health score in points

Number of persons (%)

Number of persons (%)


Human (%)

Start date


End of training

At the beginning of training low rating 6 children were healthy, by the middle of training only 1 child, at the end of training not a single child showed a grade of “1” or “2” ./slide 40/

Thus, we can conclude that the use of health-saving technology “BF – health” - learning and getting healthier” has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of the child, improves attention, reduces morbidity, increases motivation for educational activities, the use of electronic aids promotes the intellectual development of the child.

Technologies for preserving and promoting health:

Along with well-known technologies such as

1. Physical exercises.

2. Outdoor and sports games

3. Finger.

4. Invigorating gymnastics.

5. Rhythmoplasty.

6. Relaxation.

/slide 41.42/

The team of our preschool educational institution also uses such technologies as:

1. Stretching (game)– a specially developed system of exercises aimed at improving flexibility and mobility in the joints and strengthening these joints. Conducted by a choreographer, music director, physical education instructor in basic and additional educational activities on physical development starting from the middle group ./slide 43, video 44/

2. Breathing exercises– special exercises that allow you to cleanse the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, strengthen the respiratory muscles, and improve the child’s well-being. It is carried out in all groups in various forms of physical education and health work.

We use:

Elements of breathing exercises according to; /slide 45,46/

Cleansing breathing exercises based on ancient Chinese healing systems, which not only help regulate the body’s respiratory function, but also have a calming effect on the child’s central nervous system and relieve fatigue ;/slide 47.48/

Exercises for hardening nasal breathing, which increase the child’s body’s resistance to temperature changes, infections, and lack of oxygen ./slide 49.50/

3. Health-improving dance complexes Step Dance– a system of exercises, including physical therapy exercises, exercises aimed at preventing postural disorders and flat feet, joint gymnastics, exercises on step platforms and fitballs, dance exercises and rhythmic dances. Conducted by a physical education instructor in various forms ah physical education and health work with older preschoolers. We will look at the complex a little later, in which we will see many elements of health-saving technologies ./slide 51/

Corrective technologies

To carry out therapeutic, health-improving and corrective measures, the art therapy method, one of the modern trends in health improvement, was introduced into practice in our kindergarten.

Art therapy– this is literally a treatment with art. Any treats creative activity- and above all, my own creativity. Art therapy relieves any child of a wide variety of instabilities, moods, and anxieties. Art therapy is especially useful and necessary for children with personal problems, namely communication problems. Art therapy refers to the technology of personality-oriented education. /slide 52/

Currently, art therapy in a broad sense includes:

1. Technology of musical influence (music therapy).

2. Fairytale therapy.

3. Game therapy.

4. Problem-based game training- system game exercises, which train the ability to quickly and actively concentrate auditory attention and memory, touch, visual attention and memory, imagination and creative imagination. Used in free time, possible in the afternoon in all groups. Activities are organized unnoticed by the child, through the inclusion of the teacher in the game process ./slide 53/

5. Psycho-gymnastics according to the method used to organize the psychological safety of preschool children in a group of children and adults. /slide 54.55/

6. Color therapy or color interaction technology is a science that studies colors, because for a long time color has been attributed a magical meaning, a beneficial or negative effect, because for humans, vision is the most important of all types of senses. This technology is used in our kindergarten based on “Dry rain” (a tent made of multi-colored ribbons or Christmas tree rain), arranged from warm to cold colors) /slide 56, video 57/

7. Laughter therapy- laughter is a natural mechanism of survival and healing, has a huge healing effect for physical body and psyche. It is known that during laughter the brain produces endorphins - “hormones of happiness”, which have a powerful effect on the immune system. Laughter improves cardiovascular and respiratory systems, digestive organs, produce anti-stress hormones. Laughter therapy is aimed at returning natural, natural laughter, which relieves tension in the body and releases suppressed emotions.

This technology is used in our d/s in the 2nd half. day every day and is designated in the plan as a “Minute of Laughter”. Teachers have a selection of humorous stories, poems, videos, cartoons for working with children /slide 59.59/.

8. Sand therapy- sand painting, as a means of mental correction, allows you to overcome feelings of fear, anxiety, bring balance to the external and internal world, very good for relieving aggression in children, for children with communication problems, unbalanced nervous system. /slide 60.61/

When planning any health-saving technology, we highlight:

Time spent in the daily routine;

Children's age;

Forms of work;

Features of the methodology. /slide 62/

The introduction and implementation of innovative health-saving technologies occurs in close interconnection of all structural divisions of the preschool institution. We bring to your attention a model for managing the educational process for the implementation of health-saving technologies in our preschool institution. /slide 63/

Model for managing the educational process for the implementation of health-saving technologies in preschool educational institution No. 6

Head of preschool educational institution - area of ​​work:

Creation of safe, sanitary and hygienic conditions for the stay of each child in the kindergarten.

Organization of the entire health-preserving space, distribution of functional responsibilities between members of the teaching staff;

Organization of staff training;

Organization of a developing subject environment;

Solution financial issues in the development of means of physical culture and health improvement (purchase of equipment, literature, paintings, costumes, etc.);

Working with parents to achieve the goals and objectives of physical education;

Coordination of work with other institutions (school, city clubs and sections, etc.)

Deputy Head of HR Management – ​​area of ​​work:

Familiarization of the team with existing health-saving technologies;

Selection of methods and techniques (together with the teaching staff);

Determining the place of health-saving technology in the general educational space of the preschool educational institution, its connection with other areas;

Monitoring the coordination of the work of all specialists and educators, implementing an integrated approach to children’s health;

- monitoring the activities of the entire teaching staff for the year - implementation of the program, implementation of additional education programs, open classes, speaking at pedagogical councils, seminars, consultations, working in creative group, participation in the work of city methodological associations, seminars, participation in competitions, including city (regional) ones and their effectiveness;

Participation in monitoring physical development and analysis of its results;

Conducting consultations and seminars for the entire team;

Participation in improving the developmental subject environment;

Participation in disseminating the experience of preschool educational institutions;

Generalization of the results of the work;

Organization of work with parents in this area;

Teacher – psychologist – area of ​​work:

Psychological support for work in this direction;

Implementation of corrective health-saving technologies in working with children;

Participation in monitoring;

Visiting educational institutions to determine the behavioral characteristics and characteristics of preschool children (voluntariness, comfort, etc.);

Working with parents;

Medical personnel - area of ​​work:

Organization of sanitary and epidemiological regime and creation of hygienic living conditions for children;

Organization of health monitoring of preschool children;


Organization of medical treatment preventive work with children and employees;

Monitoring physical development and recovery;

Physical education instructor – area of ​​work:

Selection, study, testing and implementation of health-saving technologies in the educational process;

Inclusion in classes of certain physical exercises, dance movements, outdoor games and other forms of work, taking into account the goals and objectives of physical education;

Participation in matinees, holidays, entertainment;

Musical director, choreographer – area of ​​work:

Coordination of your program with the program of the music director and educators in order to integrate activities;

Use of innovative health-saving art therapy technologies.

Participation in children's city (regional) children's creativity competitions;

Teacher additional education in fine arts – area of ​​work:

Consolidating the content of drawing lessons;

The use of corrective innovative health-saving technologies,

Coordinating your program with the teacher educator program;

Teacher – speech therapist – area of ​​work:

Coordination of your program with the program of educators in order to integrate activities;

The use of corrective innovative health-saving technologies, technologies for stimulating and preserving health.

Educator – area of ​​work:

Development and implementation of individual projects within the framework of physical development;

Planning work on physical development and health improvement.

The use of health-saving technologies in various forms of organizing the educational process: in direct educational activities, walks, in routine moments, in joint and independent activities of adults and children.

Creating conditions for physical education in groups: organizing a Health corner, movement paths, manufacturing equipment, etc.

Work with parents in the physical education system;

Participation in monitoring of children;

Our preschool institution has also developed a model for the formation, development and preservation of the health of a preschooler /slide 64/

Model of the formation, development and preservation of the health of a preschool child in preschool educational institution No. 6

Booklet" href="/text/category/buklet/" rel="bookmark">booklets from the series “Finger gymnastics”, “How to properly harden a child?” etc.;

Days open doors(trainings, workshops), as well as the implementation of general garden and group projects: “I want to be healthy!”, “Magic Land of Health”, “My friend is a magic ball!” and etc ./slide 65/

Each health-saving technology has taken a strong place in the flexible daily routine of kindergarten: morning exercises– morning period of time, relaxation – during GCD, hardening procedures – 1st half. days – swimming pool, 2nd floor. of the day - invigorating gymnastics, in physical exercise classes, choreography, music - stretching, breathing exercises in joint activities, in the work of a teacher - psychologist and additional education teacher - art therapy, sand therapy, play therapy during the day in joint and independent activities, laughter therapy - 2nd floor day, etc ./slide 66/

To summarize my speech, we can conclude that the implementation of any health-saving technology must begin after it has been received full information about the health status and level of development of each child. The effectiveness of health-saving technologies largely depends on teachers’ knowledge of the conditions and lifestyle of their students’ families, as well as on an integrated approach to its organization, taking into account the existing conditions and professional skills of the team. It is better to do less, but professionally, than a lot, but of poor quality.

Using health-saving technologies in our work, we have achieved the following results (over the past three years):

Positive health dynamics, decreased morbidity rates ;/slide 67/" width="621" height="192">

The level of physical fitness of children over the past three years has increased by 8% compared to 2009 - 89%, 2011 - 97%. Graduates of Preschool Educational Institution No. 6 are physically developed, they have developed basic physical qualities and the need for physical activity, independently perform age-appropriate hygienic procedures, and observe the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle.

The kindergarten team does not stop there and continues to work to create a healthy lifestyle, preserve and strengthen the health of children. It is planned to work on the “Cheerful Skater” section - teaching children how to roller and figure skates with the involvement of parents, equipping a sensory room in accordance with modern requirements, and teaching roller skating (inline skiing) in the summer.

Thank you for your attention! /slide 69/

IN modern Russia The problem of organizing health-preserving training and education has acquired particular relevance.

The World Health Organization defines health as “a state of physical, mental and social well-being.” Thus, the concept of “health” has elements of physical, emotional, intellectual, social and spiritual aspects.

Figure 1. Model of student health formation

It is not easy for an applicant who has become a student to get used to and adapt to the new mode of life in an educational institution. New mode educational activities, changes in diet and physical activity, the need to study more educational material– all this negatively affects the student’s health.

In this regard, there is a need to apply the fundamentals of health-saving pedagogy.

Health-saving pedagogy is, first of all, the readiness and certain ability of an educational institution to provide high level educational activities without serious damage to the health of participants in the educational process. Health-saving technologies in education are a systematically organized set of programs, techniques, and methods for organizing educational processes that do not harm the health of its subjects.

Health-saving educational technologies are a qualitative characteristic of any educational technology, its “health safety certificate”, this is a set of techniques, principles and methods pedagogical work, which complement traditional technologies of training, education and development with health-saving tasks.

Based challenges health conservation, all pedagogical technologies in this direction are divided into 3 groups:

1) technologies that most seriously harm the health of students and teachers. This category includes the traditional, classroom-based teaching technology developed by Ya. A. Komensky; technologies that are characterized by an exaggerated overload of the educational process and the active use of authoritarian pedagogy also fit here.

2) technologies in which the priority is the process of preserving and strengthening the health of participants in the educational process. It is these technologies that are called health-saving.

3) all other pedagogical technologies, which are the largest group of technologies, cannot be clearly qualified and judged about their impact on the health of subjects of the educational process. To classify them into the other two groups, it is necessary to analyze and study them, as well as evaluate their results in terms of the impact on the health of students and teachers.

The goal of any educational technology is to achieve a certain pedagogical result in the processes of training, education, and development. Health conservation in modern pedagogy cannot act as the only main goal educational process. Health preservation is only a condition, one of the tasks of achieving the main educational goal.

You can select following types educational technologies:

– health-improving (proper physical training, physiotherapy, hardening, gymnastics, herbal medicine, aromatherapy, art therapy, massage);

– health-saving (establishing a regime healthy eating, development of physical activity, vaccinations as a preventive measure)

– technologies of education and health development (inclusion of relevant topics about physical development in subjects of general and professional cycles);

– fostering a proper culture of health (additional classes on the formation and development of students’ personalities, various educational events, competitions and festivals, etc.).

Health-saving educational technologies should ensure the constant development of the individual, his natural abilities: intelligence, need for activity, moral and aesthetic feelings, mastering the experience of communicating with people, nature and art.

The purpose of educational health-preserving technologies is to provide students with the opportunity to carry out processes of maintaining health during their studies at the university, the opportunity to form necessary knowledge, skills and abilities of a healthy lifestyle, as well as providing opportunities for active participation in preventive activities, use of acquired knowledge and competencies in everyday life.

The main components of innovative and health-saving technologies are:

1. The axiological component, manifested in students’ awareness of the special value of their health, the conviction of the need to lead a lifestyle that allows them to fully achieve their goals and use their physical and mental capabilities.

2. Health-preserving component, which includes a system of general attitudes and values ​​that create a system of skills and abilities in the field of hygiene necessary for the natural functioning of the body, as well as a system of techniques and exercises aimed at improving skills and abilities in caring for oneself, clothing, place of residence, environment.

3. The epistemological component, associated with the daily acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for the process of health preservation, studying oneself, one’s abilities and capabilities, interest in issues of one’s health, studying the necessary literature, various areas for improving and strengthening one’s body.

4. The emotional-volitional component, which includes the manifestation of psychological mechanisms - volitional and emotional. A necessary condition for maintaining health and well-being are positive, favorable emotions and experiences, thanks to which a person develops and strengthens the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.

5. The ecological component, which takes into account the environment, the fact that man as a biological species exists in conjunction with the natural environment, which provides the individual with specific biological, production and economic resources. Consideration natural environment as one of the prerequisites for human health as an individual, it allows us to introduce into the content of health-preserving education the formation of skills and abilities to adapt to surrounding environmental factors.

6. And finally, the physical education and health component, which presupposes mastery of certain methods of activity aimed at developing and increasing physical activity and preventing signs of physical inactivity. In addition, this component provides hardening of the body and an increase in adaptive capabilities. This component is aimed at mastering important life qualities of the individual that increase general and subjective performance, as well as personal and public hygiene skills.

One of the authors (O. E. Zimina) proposes for consideration a fundamental basic model of comprehensive work to preserve and promote health in higher educational institutions. This model consists of six blocks.

Block one is the infrastructure of educational institutions, creating a health-preserving environment. The block includes the following components:

Material and technical equipment of gyms with the necessary equipment and inventory in accordance with educational standards of higher professional education;

Availability and proper equipment of a medical office, provision of medical personnel;

Availability of a student canteen operating in a convenient mode in accordance with all GOST requirements;

Organization of quality food;

Qualified teaching staff in the required quantity.

Overall responsibility and control over the implementation of this block lies with the university administration.

Block two – organization of the educational process. The block includes the following components:

Compliance hygiene standards and requirements for organizing and controlling the volume of classroom and independent workload at all stages of training;

Using tested teaching methods that are appropriate to the age capabilities and characteristics of students;

The introduction of any innovative techniques only under the supervision of relevant specialists and regulatory authorities;

Strict compliance with all application requirements technical means in teaching (computer, audiovisual aids);

Rational organization of physical education classes and active-motor activities;

Taking into account the individual characteristics of the student’s body, working on programs adapted to the individual.

The implementation of this block will create conditions for increasing the efficiency of the educational process.

Block three – organization of physical education and health activities. The block includes the following components:

Full and effective work in physical education classes, sections,

Creating conditions for the work of sports sections;

Regular sports and recreational activities.

Properly organized physical education and health work will become the basis for organizing the students’ motor regime, contribute to the effective physical development of students, and will improve adaptive capabilities body.

Block four – organization of systematic preventive, methodological and educational work with teaching staff to improve the qualifications of university employees. The block includes the following components:

Classes (lectures, seminars, consultations, courses) on health issues;

Distribution of scientific and methodological literature on a healthy lifestyle;

Block five – dynamic monitoring of the student’s health status. The block includes the following components:

Regular analysis in the relevant structures educational institution students' health status;

Creation of a comprehensive system of pedagogical, psychological and social assistance to students;

Involving qualified medical workers in the implementation of all stages of work to preserve and strengthen the health of university students.

When implementing these blocks, the following possible risks may arise:

1. Complete absence or lack of formation among individual teaching staff of the desire to improve professional culture on health issues.

2. Low self-esteem of the teacher’s personality, including personal anxiety, self-doubt, and negative self-perception.

3. Incompetence of administration representatives in the application of health-saving pedagogical technologies.

A student spends most of his time within the walls of an educational institution, so it is within these walls that he needs to create a favorable health-preserving environment. Throughout the entire period of study, students should develop an attitude towards a correct, healthy lifestyle and lifestyle, physical self-improvement and the need for regular and stable physical education and sports.


  1. Artamonova, L. L. Therapeutic and adaptive-health-improving physical culture [Text]: textbook / L. L. Artamonova, O. P. Panfilov, V. V. Borisova. –M.: Vlados-Press, 2010. – 389 p.
  2. Gonzalez, S. E. Variability of the content of students’ classes in the discipline “Physical Culture” [Text]: monograph / S. E. Gonzalez - M.: RUDN University, 2013. - 196 p.
  3. Zaraeva, E. A. Health-saving technologies in vocational pedagogical education [Text]: textbook / E. A. Garaeva – Orenburg: Orenburg State University, EBS ASV, 2013. – 175 p.
  4. Zakharova, E. V. Physical culture [Text]: textbook / E. V. Sakharova, R. A. Derina, O. I. Kharitonova. – Volgograd, Saratov: Volgograd Institute of Business, University education, 2013. – 94 p.
  5. Innovative aspects of physical culture and sports. Issue 6 [ Electronic resource]: collection of materials scientific-practical conference MGSU (June 20-21, 2013, Moscow) / O. V. Borisova [and others]. -Electron. text data. –M.: Moscow State construction university, EBS DIA, 2013. – 272 p.
  6. Kuzmenko, G. A. Physical culture and optimization of the sports training process. Organizational culture of the personality of a young athlete [Text]: program elective course for main general education/ G. A. Kuzmenko, K. M. Essebbar - M.: Prometheus, 2013. - 140 p.
  7. Physical culture and health-saving technologies in the educational process [Text]: materials of the Regional scientific and methodological seminar “Physical culture and health-saving technologies in the educational process” (March 25, 2015) / R. R. Abdullin [etc.]. – Komsomolsk-on-Amur: Amur Humanitarian and Pedagogical State University, 2015. – 164 p.

Lyudmila Azizova
Workshop: “Modern innovative health-saving technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions”

Concept “ health-saving educational technologies”appeared in the pedagogical lexicon in the last few years and is still perceived differently by many teachers. Why today health-saving direction to work of the preschool educational institution often seen as innovative! After all, in kindergartens, it would seem, always health were children given a lot of attention? Modern conditions require revision, revaluation of all components educational process. The key point of new thinking changes the essence and character process, placing it in the center - child health.

Health-saving technologies in preschool education - technologies aimed at solving a priority problem modern preschool education - the challenges of maintaining, maintenance and enrichment health subjects of pedagogical process in kindergarten: children, teachers and parents.

Target health-saving technologies in preschool education

in relation to a child – ensuring a high level of real health kindergarten pupil and the education of valeological culture as the totality of the child’s conscious attitude towards human health and life, knowledge about health and skills to protect, support and preserve it, valueological competence, allowing a preschooler to independently and effectively solve problems healthy image life and safe behavior, tasks related to the provision of basic medical, psychological self-help and assistance.

In relation to adults - promoting the formation of culture health health teachers of preschool educational institutions and valeological education of parents.

IN modern conditions, human development is impossible without building a system for forming it health. Choice health-saving pedagogical technologies depend:

From the type of preschool institution,

From the duration of the children's stay there,

From the program in which teachers work,

Specific conditions of the preschool educational institution,

Professional competence of the teacher,

Indicators children's health.

Highlight (in relation to preschool educational institutions) the following classification health-saving technologies:

1. medical and preventive (ensuring the preservation and increase health children under the guidance of medical personnel in accordance with medical requirements and standards, using medical supplies - technologies organization of monitoring health of preschool children, monitoring children's nutrition, preventive measures, health-preserving environment in preschool educational institutions);

2. physical education health(aimed at physical development and strengthening child health - technology development of physical qualities, hardening, breathing exercises, weeks health, formation of a group of groups, etc.);

3. ensuring the socio-psychological well-being of the child (ensuring mental and social health child and aimed at ensuring emotional comfort and positive psychological well-being of the child in process communication with peers and adults in kindergarten and family; technologies psychological and pedagogical support for child development in pedagogical DOW process);

4. health preservation and health enrichment for teachers(aimed at developing culture teachers' health, including professional culture health, to develop the need for healthy lifestyle; conservation and stimulation health(technology the use of outdoor and sports games, gymnastics (for the eyes, breathing, etc., rhythmoplasty, dynamic pauses, relaxation);

5. educational(culture education health of preschool children, personality-oriented education and training);

6. training healthy lifestyle(technologies use physical education classes, communication games, lesson system from the series "Football Lessons", problem games (play training, play therapy, self-massage); correctional (art therapy, technology musical influence, fairy tale therapy, psycho-gymnastics, etc.)

7. This includes pedagogical technology active sensory-developmental environment, which is understood as a systemic set and order of functioning of all personal instrumental and methodological means used to achieve pedagogical goals.

Used in combination health-saving technologies As a result, they form a strong motivation in the child to healthy lifestyle.

Only healthy the child is happy to participate in all types of activities, he is cheerful, optimistic, and open in communication with peers and teachers. This is the key to the successful development of all spheres of personality, all its properties and qualities.

Kinds health-saving pedagogical technologies


Dynamic pauses

(physical education minutes)

Outdoor and sports games


Technologies aesthetic orientation

Finger gymnastics

Gymnastics for the eyes

Breathing exercises

Awakening gymnastics

Health running


Technologies musical influence

Color influence technologies

Behavior correction technologies

Fairy tale therapy

Ten golden rules health saving:

Follow your daily routine!

Please contact more attention to nutrition!

Move more!

Sleep in a cool room!

Don’t extinguish your anger, let it break out!

Constantly engage in intellectual activity!

Drive away despondency and blues!

React adequately to all manifestations of your body!

Try to get as many positive emotions as possible!

Wish for yourself and those around you only of good!



Age: 3-5 years

Focus: Fear of separation from mom, worries, anxiety associated with loneliness.

Key phrase: “Don’t go, I’m afraid alone.”

Once upon a time there lived a big mother Kangaroo. And one day she became the happiest Kangaroo in the world, because she had a little Kangaroo. At first, the baby kangaroo was very weak, and his mother carried him in her purse on her stomach. There, in this mother's purse,

The little kangaroo was very comfortable and not at all scared. When the little Kangaroo wanted to drink, his mother gave him tasty milk, and when he wanted to eat, his mother Kangaroo fed him porridge from a spoon. Then the baby kangaroo fell asleep, and mother could clean the house or cook food at that time.

But sometimes little Kangaroo woke up and didn’t see his mother nearby. Then he would start crying and screaming very loudly until his mother came to him and put him back in her purse. One day, when the baby kangaroo began to cry again, his mother tried to put him in her purse; but the purse turned out to be very tight and the baby kangaroo’s legs did not fit. The little kangaroo got scared and started crying some more stronger: he was very afraid that now his mother would leave and leave him alone. Then the little Kangaroo gave in with all his might, pulled up his knees and crawled into his purse.

In the evening he and his mother went to visit. There were other children visiting, they played and had fun, called Kangurenysh to come to their place, but he was afraid to leave his mother and therefore, although he wanted to go play with everyone, he still spent the whole time in my mother’s purse. All evening, adult uncles and aunts came up to him and his mother and asked why he was so big.

The baby kangaroo is afraid to leave his mother and go play with other children. Then the young kangaroo got completely scared and hid in his purse so that even his head was not visible.

Day after day, my mother’s purse became more and more crowded and uncomfortable. The baby kangaroo really wanted to run around the green meadow near the house, build sand pies, play with the neighboring boys and girls, but it was so scary to leave his mother, so the big mother Kangaroo could not leave the baby kangaroo and sat with him all the time.

One morning, Mother Kangaroo went to the store. The baby kangaroo woke up, saw that he was alone, and began to cry. So he cried and cried, but his mother still did not come.

Suddenly, through the window, Kangurenysh saw the neighboring boys playing tag. They ran, caught up with each other and laughed. They had a lot of fun. The little kangaroo stopped crying and decided that he, too, could wash himself, get dressed, and go to the kids without his mother. So he did. The guys gladly accepted him into their game, and he ran and jumped along with everyone.

And soon his mother came and praised him that he was so brave and independent.

Now mom can go to work and to the store every morning - after all, Little Kangaroo is no longer afraid of being alone, without his mother. He knows that during the day his mother must be at work, and in the evening she will definitely come home to her beloved Kangaroo.

Issues for discussion:

What was Little Kangaroo afraid of? Were you afraid of the same thing? Why is the Little Kangaroo now not afraid to be left alone, without his mother?


Age: 3-6 years

Focus: Diffidence. Anxiety. Fear of self


Key phrase: “I won’t succeed!”

In one forest there lived a little Bunny. More than anything in the world, he wanted to be strong, brave and do something good and useful for those around him. But in reality, nothing ever worked out for him. He was afraid of everything and did not believe in himself. That's why everyone in the forest called him "Little Bunny". This made him sad, hurt, and he often cried when he was left alone.

He had one and only friend - Badger.

And so, one day the two of them went to play by the river. Most of all they liked to catch up with each other, running across a small wooden bridge. The little hare was the first to catch up. But when Little Badger was running across the bridge, one board suddenly broke and he fell into the river. The little badger did not know how to swim and began to flounder in the water, asking for help.

And the Little Hare, although he knew how to swim a little, was very scared. He ran along the shore and called for help, hoping that someone would hear and save the Little Badger. But there was no one nearby. And then the Little Hare realized that only he could save his friend. He said to myself: “I’m not afraid of anything, I can swim and I’ll save the Little Badger!” Without thinking about the danger, he threw himself into the water and swam, and then pulled his friend ashore. The little badger was saved!

When they returned home and told about the incident on the river, no one at first could believe that the Little Hare had saved his friend. When the animals were convinced of this, they began to praise the Little Hare, saying how brave and kind he was, and then they organized a big, cheerful holiday in his honor. This day became the happiest for the Bunny. Everyone was proud of him and he was proud of himself, because he believed in his strength, in his ability to do good and useful things. He remembered one very important and useful thing for the rest of his life. rule: “Believe in yourself and always and in everything rely only on your own strength!” And since then no one has ever teased him about being a coward again!

Issues for discussion

Why did the Bunny feel bad and sad?

What rule did the Little Bunny remember? Do you agree with him?

Bulletin of Nizhny Novgorod University named after. NI. Lobachevsky. Series: Social sciencies, 2016, No. 3 (43), p. 155-162 155




© 2016 G.A. Kruchinina, E.G. Svetkina

Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. N.I. Lobachevsky

[email protected]

The article was received by the editor on 02/13/2016 The article was accepted for publication on 08/03/2016

The relevance of use is formulated innovative forms training, including information and communication technologies in the process of developing health-saving competencies among university students. The organization of the educational process in the discipline “Physical Education” is presented, based on a medical examination and including the distribution of students into medical health groups. Innovative forms and methods of teaching are proposed in the practical implementation of personality-oriented self-healing programs, self-organization of a healthy lifestyle for university students. The content of frontal, group and individual independent forms of training based on the use of modern information and communication technologies has been developed. Shown specific examples recommended Internet resources in the field of restorative fitness, physical culture and sports, therapeutic and adaptive physical culture. Results presented experimental research, which state the effectiveness of the use of innovative forms of training in the educational process of university students assigned to a special medical group for health reasons.

Keywords Keywords: health-preserving competencies, means of information and communication technologies, university student, special medical group, forms of training.

Staging scientific problem. Currently, society is faced with the acute issue of improving the health of university students and the need to instill in them the skills of a healthy lifestyle and lifestyle. Transition to a multi-level system higher education, a large volume of academic workload (students are forced to adapt to a complex of factors specific to higher education), a low level of physical activity are the reasons for the deterioration of their health (for example, more than 47% of first-year university students have poor health). This is confirmed by studies of the health status of university students conducted by Russian scientists (V.A. Ananyev, A.G. Busygin, A.V. Chogovadze, etc.), which is recorded in official sources and our research.

Educational institutions are a link in the socialization of the population, where, among other values, the value of health is learned, the motivation to preserve one’s own health and the health of others is formed, and a conscious motivation is developed to compensate for the lack of physical activity.

In the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education vocational education Generation 3+ in almost all areas of student training (humanities, technical, natural sciences, etc.) when highlighting general cultural competencies, health-preserving competence is present.

According to the modern concept of physical education, physical culture is designed to form general cultural competencies, including health-preserving competencies, and not only provide A complex approach in the development of physical improvement and recovery, but also to cultivate the social, labor and creative activity of student youth, which significantly influences the state and development of society.

The purpose of the study is to develop the content and test the effectiveness of innovative forms of organizing training using information and communication technologies in the formation of health-saving competencies of university students.

Table 1

Academic discipline Content of health-preserving competencies

Physical culture - have the ability to adhere to ethical values ​​and a healthy lifestyle (OK-22)

Culturology is knowledge and understanding of the laws of development of nature, society and thinking and the ability to operate with this knowledge in professional activity(OK-2); - the ability to critically evaluate personal strengths and weaknesses (OK-11), etc.

Psychology - knowledge of the basic values ​​of world culture and the readiness to rely on them in one’s personal and general cultural development (OK-1); - knowledge and understanding of the laws of development of nature, society and thinking and the ability to operate with this knowledge in professional activities (OK-2); - ability to find organizational and managerial solutions and willingness to bear responsibility for them (OK-8); - desire for personal and professional self-development (OK-10); - the ability to critically evaluate personal strengths and weaknesses (OK-11); - ability to take into account the consequences of management decisions from the standpoint of social responsibility (OK-20); - ability to adhere to ethical values ​​and a healthy lifestyle (OK-22), etc.

Life safety - possession of rationalization skills, basic methods of protecting production personnel and the population from the possible consequences of accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters (OK-21), etc.

Hypothesis. We believe that the process of developing health-preserving competencies should be based on the concept of developing the physical culture of an individual; on the use of various forms of health-preserving activities; on the use of innovative forms of training, including the use of information and communication technologies; on individualization of training depending on the motivation of students and their health status; on the list psychological parameters and lifestyle, etc. At the university, this mission is entrusted to the disciplines included in the basic part of the professional cycle of almost all areas of student training: “Physical Education”, “Life Safety”, “Cultural Science”, “Psychology”. In the direction of preparation “State and municipal government» the academic discipline “Acmeological foundations of the development of the personality of a civil servant” is applied.

Health-saving competencies are developed differently in each area of ​​student training. As an example, let’s consider the content of health-saving competencies that are developed among students in the field of study “Management” when studying specific academic disciplines(Table 1) .

Methodology and content of the study. Researchers in the field of developing health-saving competencies of university students

offer different ways to solve this problem. Yu.V. Lukashin, for example, recommends including special courses for students, conducting training seminars for teachers and methodologists, developing methodological manuals, aimed at developing health-saving competencies of students in the process of professional training and thus expanding knowledge about health and a healthy lifestyle. In the understanding of N.G. Anikeeva, it is necessary to interact “with the departments of general humanities, with the club student government, with a student research laboratory on health issues”, include in educational process conducting classes with elements of health-saving; to create motivation for health-saving activities in practical classes; conduct classes on mastering professional-applied physical education.

The organization of the educational process in the discipline “Physical Culture” begins with the distribution of students into medical health groups: basic, preparatory and special “A” and “B” (according to medical indicators of the level of health and functional state of the body). To the main and preparatory groups health are relative healthy students. The special medical group “A” includes students who have deviations in their health status.

people of a permanent or temporary nature who have deviations in physical development that do not interfere with educational activities, but require limitation of physical activity. Students of the special medical group “A” are exempt from participating in competitions and passing mandatory control standards, but are not completely exempt from practical training in the discipline “Physical Education”. It is these students who most need specially selected sets of physical exercises aimed at improving health. Special medical group “B” includes students with chronic and other diseases. For this group of students, regular independent studies using individual sets of exercises proposed by the teacher are acceptable.

The Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ (Chapter 2, Article 16) reflects new forms of education using information and communication technologies. It notes that when implementing educational programs with the use of information and communication technologies, conditions must be created for the functioning of an electronic information and educational environment, including electronic information resources, electronic educational resources, set information technologies, telecommunication technologies, related technological means, etc. .

Studies by a number of authors (M.V. Kruchinin, G.A. Kruchinina, E.G. Svetkina, N.V. Lapchinskaya, etc.) are devoted to the use of information and communication technologies in the formation of general cultural and professional competencies of university students.

Analyzing different approaches to the formation of health-saving competencies, taking into account the peculiarities of this process in students with health problems, we propose to use information and communication technologies in the educational process.

Active implementation of information and communication technologies in the educational process of the discipline “Physical Education” is effective in the course of:

Practical implementation of person-oriented, individual health programs;

Ensuring increased interest and motivation for students’ physical culture, recreational, educational and cognitive activities;

Saving time at the stages of consolidating educational information and checking the assimilation of health-saving material;

Creating an opportunity for a teacher to complete study groups that bring together students with identical health problems;

Independent development by students of the values ​​of physical culture;

Practical self-organization of a healthy lifestyle, mastery of practice and development methods personal qualities for successful professional activity and competitiveness in the labor market.

The formation of health-saving competencies among students of a special medical group is built on the basis of various principles, including the principle of innovation, which involves implementation in the educational process pedagogical practices health preservation and personal development using modern information and communication technologies and the choice of forms of student education (frontal, group, individual independent).

The frontal form of training for university students includes classroom lessons under the guidance of a teacher, such as:

Lecture - a monologue presentation by the teacher to students of information using video and audio fragments, a list of recommended literary sources and links to Internet resources necessary for independent preparation for performing health-saving exercises;

Watching and reflecting on educational films; materials presented on the Internet on physiology, the basics of a healthy lifestyle, first aid, theoretical foundations diseases, etc., allowing you to get acquainted with new information, study movement techniques, consolidate lecture material etc.

The group form of teaching students involves the use of group (pair) classes, which allow, in the process of developing health-preserving competencies, to ensure student learning under the supervision of a responsible student from the group appointed by the teacher, to create conditions for communication, to increase the positive attitude and motivation of students. Conditions are created in which students reveal their strengths more easily and quickly

sides and develop weak ones, better remember the technique of movements. Maximum use is made of mutual consultations, discussion of the results of completed tasks, the project method using information and communication technologies, development of electronic presentations, etc.

Individual independent form student training includes individual sessions students and consultations with the teacher outside the classroom to clarify issues that have arisen, overcome difficulties in selecting individual sets of exercises, to determine contraindications and indications for physical activity using information and communication technologies (personal email and email of the Department of Physical Education kaffizvos ), Skype, forum in the system distance learning"Prometheus" etc.; presentation of sets of exercises for workers of a specific profession with the provision of material on goals, objectives, means and defining functional purpose with the obligatory use of photographs, graphics, diagrams and pictures in Microsoft Power Point).

To successfully develop health-saving competencies among university students, we have developed hotlists of websites in the disciplines of the basic part of the professional cycle of a bachelor’s graduate. Using the information on these portals and sites, students are better able to develop general cultural competencies, including health-saving ones. Let's present some portals and hotlist sites for the discipline “Physical Education”, which is included in the basic part of the professional cycle of a bachelor’s graduate:

Fundamentals of physical education at university (http://www.;

World Health Organization (;

Dubrovsky V.I. Valeology. Healthy lifestyle (;

Healing Fitness. Directory / V.A. Epifanov, V.N. Moshkov, R.I. Antufieva. M.: Medicine, 1987. 528 p. (, etc.

Students use these teaching materials in practical classes at the university and in the process of independent work in the disciplines of the basic part of the professional cycle.

We have developed requirements for students to prepare a review and perform an analysis of the re-

recommended Internet resources in the field of restorative fitness, physical culture and sports, adaptive and therapeutic physical culture. The task execution algorithm includes the presentation of the following elements: site name; its goals and objectives; main content; a brief description of and design; navigation elements; scientific, educational, social significance of a specific Internet resource. Are used reference materials about human diseases (;, etc.); medical encyclopedias(, etc.); electronic newspapers, magazines (www.; http://www., etc.), teaching materials for physical education teachers, etc.

In developing health-saving competencies among students of a special medical group, we use information and communication technologies and Internet resources, which we have combined in an electronic educational and methodological complex for therapeutic physical culture “Case for therapeutic physical culture.” Table 2 presents some components of the content of individual elements of the electronic educational and methodological complex “Case on therapeutic physical culture” (http://niu.ranepa. ru/?page_id=22412).

In developing the health-saving competencies of students assigned to a special medical group for health reasons, we widely use wiki and blog technologies in professional training, as the most suitable for communication among university students.

An example of the use of wiki technology in the professional training of students assigned to a special medical group for health reasons is the preparation of a project on the topic “Health Saving”. Working in microgroups using the project method using the wiki service, students select and study information about diseases that interest them, prepare diagrams/drawings, sets of exercises and post them on wikis created for creative works their microgroups. After the presentation of the prepared material, students post comments on the wiki on the works of students from other microgroups. Work using the project method is carried out using search engines, materials from online encyclopedias, health-related portals and sites, email, wikis, and blogs.

Let's consider the use of wiki technology, online encyclopedias, search engines,

table 2

Elements of the educational and methodological complex “Case on therapeutic physical culture”

For students of a special medical group_

Sections Form of training Information and communication technologies

Texts of lectures on the discipline “Physical Culture” Frontal Website:

Group MS Word Online encyclopedias Electronic manuals


Textbooks and teaching aids Frontal id=22412 Physical education at the university: a modular approach: Tutorial/ N.V. Lapchinskaya, E.G. Svetkina. N. Novgorod: Volgo-Vyatka Acad. state services, 2008. 176 p. Social and medical-biological foundations of professional activity of civil servants: Textbook / N.V. Lapchinskaya, E.G. Svetkina. N. Novgorod: Volga-Vyatka State Academy. services, 2009. 182 p.


Individual Adobe Acrobat Document (pdf)

Sets of exercises Frontal Internet resources: http://www.med39 .ru/massage/m3.html node/3264 MS PowerPoint


Individual Official website of the National Research University RANEPA: “Personal self-healing project”, Svetkina E.G. MS Word Blog “Move for Health!”

Methodological basics and forms of exercise therapy Frontal Internet sites: nsf/enc_medicine/16473/


Individual Online - Wiki Encyclopedia

Diagnostics and testing of life support systems Frontal Internet sites: http :// 5343.html


Individual MS Word Adobe Acrobat Document (pdf)

Assignments for independent work Front Magazines on the Internet: Newspapers on the Internet: http://www

Group Search engines Media Player Classic MS Word

Individual Blog Email MS Word

gram MB Word, PowerPoint and electronic software, taking into account your specialty and your illness when completing a project on the topic “Fitness, fill out a table of general information about for workers in my specialty.” A student, based on his knowledge of his disease,

niyah. Having worked with Internet resources - online encyclopedias (;;, etc. ) and expanding your horizons,

enters the found online information into a table (Table 3).

Portals and websites about a healthy lifestyle, which contain news, notes, articles about balanced nutrition, physical activity; biographies famous people who, with the help of physical education and sports, were able to overcome their illness, etc. (for example, www.;;;;

Visual technologies, Microsoft software, multimedia training programs on CDs, email, chat, search engines, telecommunications projects, views documentaries about the perseverance of people with health problems, for example, Russian Paralympic athletes (, etc.;

Video broadcasts of competitions various types sports, video news, etc. (

A student's blog can act as an electronic portfolio containing a collection of materials demonstrating the student's achievements.

We have created a teacher’s blog “Move for Health,” which contains information on the topic being studied, tasks used in the classroom; links to additional sources, information and reference Internet resources, video files.

teacher's knowledge; discuss health problems and the healing effects of movement.

Development of health-preserving competencies

tions are facilitated by the use of the following educational Internet resources: Scrabook - an extension for the Firefox browser that allows you to save web pages on your computer for later viewing off-line; manage their collection, using them to create presentations, prepare for reports and other forms of assignments.

Results of the experimental study. To determine the effectiveness of using information and communication technologies in organizing the educational process of the discipline “Physical Education”, we assembled two groups:

Control group (CG) - training is carried out without the use of information and communication technologies (n=67);

Experimental group (EG) - training is carried out using information and communication technologies (n=68).

The data from our experimental study are presented in Table 4.

The results of the study, presented in Table 4, indicate that students in the experimental group changed their attitude towards their health to a greater extent and learned to evaluate indicators of physical qualities. The most significant difference is observed in indicators related to mastering the methodology of compiling personal health complexes; desires and opportunities to engage in self-development, self-control, self-improvement; need for independent physical education.

Conclusion. The results of the study confirm the effectiveness of organizing the process of health formation

Table 3

Characteristics of students' diseases_

Sections of the task Contents of the task

Formulation of the disease Scoliosis - curvature of the spine in the frontal plane

Causes of its occurrence Weakness of the musculo-ligamentous system, injuries, paralysis, congenital anomalies of the spine

Contraindicated physical activity Axial load on the spine, asymmetrical sports, rotation, hyperextension in the lumbar and cervical spine, impact physical activity

Possible complications Osteochondrosis, protrusion of the intervertebral disc, worsening the angle of curvature of the spine

Prevention measures Strengthening the muscle corset, ergonomics of the workplace, monitoring correct posture during the day, etc.

energy-saving competencies among university students assigned to a special medical group for health reasons, using information and communication technologies.

7. Anikeeva N.G. Formation of health-preserving competencies of students during professional training at a university: based on the material of the discipline

Table 4

The use of information and communication technologies in the formation of health-saving competencies among university students_

The use of information and communication technologies in the formation of health-saving competencies allows students to: % of the total number of students in the group

CG (n = 67) EG (n = 68)

Change attitudes towards your health, the basics of a healthy lifestyle, physical education 35% 61%

Assess your indicators characterizing the level of your physical fitness (endurance, flexibility, strength, etc.) 43% 55%

Know the methodology of creating personal health complexes 20% 94%

Engage in self-development, self-control, self-improvement, need for independent physical education 29% 97%


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G. A. Kruchinina, E. G. Svetkina

Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod

This article describes the process of development of health-saving competencies in university students with the use of information and communication technologies. We present the results of experimental studies, which confirm the effectiveness of the application of innovative forms of learning in the educational process of university students classified as a special medical group in terms of their health.

Keywords: health-saving competencies, tools of information and communication technologies, university student, special medical group, forms of training.