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Where to start self-improvement for a woman. Where to start self-development: a step-by-step plan and my example

I am not a supporter of imposing my opinion on anyone, so this material is the result of a good spring morning and the inspiration that came to me.

I believe that you need to develop yourself at any age and constantly raise the bar with new goals and objectives: learn to sing, drive a car, earn a million for the first time, spend it, learn the language of the country where you are going for the winter, learn to relax and enjoy life ... perhaps , everyone can replenish the list for a long time. Therefore, the importance of developing yourself on your own and with the help of other people is difficult to overestimate - and more on that.

What does it mean to develop yourself

Today they talk about the need to develop oneself as a person, starting almost from kindergarten. Moreover, what I don’t particularly like, many people tell what this development should be like and what it should be based on only from their experience and from their own bell tower.

I am convinced that you need to develop yourself regularly, and each age has its own characteristics of this process. Speaking about what it means to develop oneself, I would immediately like to dwell on the fact that this is a complex concept, which is based on such fundamental points:

  • Development of oneself as a person;
  • Develop yourself creatively, intellectually and spiritually;
  • To improve in a certain social sphere;
  • Development of oneself as a representative of a business or a certain profession.

Plus, your role in the family, in the social world, and even your reputation is taken into account.

How much does it cost to develop yourself

Many philosophers have been looking for and are looking for answers to this question, but they cannot offer us a universal recipe suitable for everyone. Maybe it's for the better, because everyone's comfort zone is different, and its boundaries cannot be fit into a certain framework.

It is important to understand that development is a continuous process, just at each stage there are new goals and tasks to solve.

I would like to emphasize that development at 3 years is no less important than development at 25. Many of our habits, inclinations and even creative moments are instilled from early childhood, so why not constantly develop and improve them. And here we are talking about hunger (in the good sense of the word), about creative, spiritual, intellectual hunger, when, feeling thirsty, you strive to fill yourself with fresh water. First you are satiated with a few drops, and then one glass is not enough for you.

Types of self-development

Open any textbook on psychology or NLP and you will see such a huge classification of types of self-development that you will be surprised that such aspects even exist. And let you call me a conservative, in some sense of the word, but I will focus on 5 main points that are important to me, and in which directions I try to develop myself every day. At the same time, a useful addition will be material on how to find yourself, which contains the main tools to help you find your real self.

Today, it is often said that the process of teaching a child and an adult (in particular at a university) should be turned into a fun game, thereby triggering development mechanisms. It’s hard to disagree with this, because, remember, when we first took a felt-tip pen or a brush for drawing - a masterpiece, to put it mildly, was so-so, but each time our skills improved and our skills became more conscious. Among what develops me, I can single out the desire to discover new countries, because the local color, traditions, and inhabitants strongly influence and set me in a creative mood.

Professional Development

In order to develop yourself in this way, the main focus should not be on school, university, technical school or academy. The question is that there you will be given certain skills and abilities, but how useful will they be to you in your further development? If you asked me how I developed myself from a professional point of view, I would say that I used the “5 P” rule (I deduced it myself, dear readers and investors. Use it to your health)

  • Adopted the experience and knowledge of others;
  • Practiced and experimented;
  • Traveled;
  • Enjoyed life;
  • Looking positively into the future.

This set of mental practices will help you develop yourself in various areas, because you must admit that you always want to be active person, who can support a conversation about music, and travels the world, and learns new languages, and has information about what is happening in the world of finance in general, and knows how ether is mined, and how lagman is prepared.

sports development

In a healthy body healthy mind! Therefore, I am convinced that along with intellectual, professional and creative development, one should not forget about its sporty appearance. No one wants to barely walk at 30 and feel 50 years old, so from my own experience I’ll say that a light but regular sports load, frequent walks, swimming have not harmed anyone yet, but they have significantly improved both external forms and mood.

intellectual development

I believe that a person is not obliged to know everything, after all, he is not Wikipedia, and no one forces him to be one. But learning new things, striving to learn something new is an important tool in self-development. That is why I always offer readers materials from various areas, starting from how to choose a miner for cryptocurrency mining and ending with what remote work is, and how to completely reformat your life in order to receive income and not be a cog in the office system.

Important: It's never too late to learn and it's never a shame. Learning is fun and necessary throughout one's life. Do not be afraid to ask questions, the answers to them are your suitcase of knowledge.

Meditation, relaxation techniques, rest, healthy, calm and regular sleep help to develop spiritually and enjoy life. Sometimes something needs to happen in life to understand that developing oneself spiritually is just as important and essential as engaging in external or mental improvement.

Among many of my acquaintances who regularly relax, practice spiritual practices, change their place of residence and have a positive outlook on life, almost all of them are positive and optimistic people who give the world solar energy, and the world gives them a hundredfold.

Among the main features of spiritual development is faith in the best and healthy egoism. You cannot become calm and enjoy life if you do not receive it directly from yourself.

Combining all these types of self-development, one can live as a harmonious person who inspires others and also receives positive energy from others.

How much do you need to develop yourself

The answer to this question directly depends on what you want to get out of life, what small and global goals you are pursuing, and how well you have the tools to achieve them. I am convinced that this should be done throughout life and constantly increase the tasks, as well as hone them for a certain age and needs. At the same time, I am also sure that our close environment helps to develop ourselves and directly affects our harmonious portrait as individuals.

That is why it is always so reverent to watch the Oscars ceremony, when the winners thank those who have been there throughout this journey. Although, it is worth noting that everyone in life has certain crises that require a solution, and sometimes, having reached a certain such an alluring goal, it becomes lazy to develop oneself further and one wants to fold one's hands and do nothing. In this case, I give myself one day of good rest - without work, the Internet, mobile and news - I enjoy the rest, and after a couple of days such a depressive state abruptly disappears.

I think, dear readers of GQ Blog Monitor, you definitely like to develop yourself creatively, especially since there are a lot of ways to do this. One of them can be considered a series of webinars that will start in May. As part of these online practices, we will explore the main types of personality, character and behavior, as well as how they affect our world and our investment policies.

Traditionally, putting a dot in the material from the heading “Thoughts”, I would replace it with three dots. I wish you to develop yourself from different sides and get indescribable pleasure from it. And since the material ends with an ellipsis - an open ending, your helpful comments and valuable tips below it will help make it more complete and informative.

Self-development cannot be understood as something specific. For each person this word has its own meaning. For one, self-development is bringing the body into shape, for another - success in the profession, for the third - socialization, the development of communication skills and the emergence of new friends. Development is an upward movement, an opportunity to become better every day. And the area in which you need to improve, everyone determines for himself. In this article, we will analyze how to engage in self-development of personality and self-improvement for a girl or a guy, what plan to follow in order to constantly develop.

Step by step instructions for women and men

How to start personal growth and self-development? Self-development is based on only one principle. But before you know about it, you need to follow a few simple steps that will tell you if you are going to move in the right direction.

Analyzing the current state of affairs

Before you begin to change your life, you need to honestly admit that you are not satisfied with it. Reflect on this topic. The result may upset you, but you must remember that the situation has become such only because of the lack of your efforts in the past.

Imagine that you start your development at a specific "point A". This point is your current state of affairs.

Once you figure out what worries you, start doing a simple exercise.

Take a sheet of paper and a pen. Identify the most basic problems, write down on paper what exactly you would like to change.

For example, if you are concerned about weight, indicate how much you weigh. If you don't like the level of wages, write down how many thousands you get now. Describe the situation as specifically as possible.

Once you've completed this exercise, move on to the next step.

One good exercise will help in setting a goal.

Take a sheet of paper. Describe in detail the day on which your goal will be achieved. Don't overlook even the smallest details.

Try to write as specifically as possible, mention not only the main, but also secondary circumstances.

You need to write about the experience that you want to experience in the future. General words will not work here.

If your dream is to earn 2 times more, do not write that in the future you will receive a lot of money. Tell me about a specific situation. For example: “I receive 100 thousand a month, now this money is on the table in front of me. Nearby is his beloved wife, helping to pack the suitcases. Today we are embarking on a journey that we can afford with this salary.”

This experience of living the goal will become "point B". You should be in it when you succeed.

Making a plan

In the previous steps, you defined "point A" and "point B". You even suggested how long it would take you to get to point B. It remains only to lay the route, prescribing a scenario for the execution of the goal.

Grab a notebook and a pencil, concentrate. Imagine that you have already implemented your plans. Ask yourself from the future how you managed to achieve everything you wanted, what events preceded what happened. Your subconscious mind will answer all these questions. Doing the exercise from the previous step has already helped your subconscious mind figure out the easiest way to reach your goal. Write down all the things that will get you to point B. Move in reverse order, mentioning first the latest, and then the earliest actions on the way to the goal.

When you have completed all the exercises, you will be able to draw up a ready-made plan, following which you will quickly achieve your intended goal, whether you are a man or a woman.

Choosing a priority direction

If you understand that there are too many problems, and you want to achieve success in all areas at once, listen to the following recommendations.

Choose one priority goal without wasting energy on many plans. If you take on the implementation of several desires, you will not have enough motivation to complete what you started.

But there is no need to get upset ahead of time. When you focus all your attention on one goal, other problems will also gradually begin to be solved. This will happen because of your discipline and organization.

Psychologists say that the life of any person consists of 8 main areas that affect his internal state. Usually these spheres are depicted as sectors of a circle. Among them are: self-improvement, spiritual development and creativity, financial component, professional advancement, relationships with family and loved ones, communication with acquaintances and friends, health, richness of life with events.

Draw such a circle by rating the satisfaction of each area using a ten-point scale (0 - completely dissatisfied, 10 - completely satisfied). Draw a line connecting the scores given by each area. Through this exercise, you will realize how balanced your life is.

Perhaps you will find that you are putting all your strength into one of the areas, completely forgetting about the rest. For example, dedicate everything free time resolving issues at work, forgetting about the second half and children.

Have you been worried about health problems for a long time? Sign up to see a doctor. Didn't find time to talk with relatives? Call them right now. Do you think that life has become less bright and rich? Go skydiving, attend an interesting event, step out of your comfort zone. Problems in every area can be corrected. You just need to put in the effort and believe that you can succeed.

Doctors have found that a person feels happy only when he is satisfied with what is happening in all areas of life. No need to invest all your energy in the implementation of plans relating to one area, leaving others unattended. If you begin to pay too much attention to one of the areas, you will feel not satisfied, but disappointed.

But you should still start with the area to which you have set the most low score. As soon as you manage to achieve the first successes, you can begin to work on other areas of life.

  1. Have you already decided what you want to achieve? Find people who live the way you would like. Make sure that such personalities exist, then the achievement of your goal is more than possible.
  2. Meet someone who has been successful in an area that is important to you. Let him be your mentor. Ask a new friend what pitfalls to watch out for, what needs to be done in order to achieve the goal as quickly as possible. Try to help others as well. Become a mentor for someone who is still at the very beginning of the journey.
  3. Get into the habit of keeping a daily diary. If you're determined, it's important to celebrate any progress. Write what you lack to achieve your goals, how much you have done for your development. In the evening of each day, write down whether you managed to get one step closer to the goal.
  4. Force yourself to do useful things. Instill habits that will help you get better, not the other way around. You must realize that your life will not change overnight. This takes months of hard work. But you can start now. Train yourself to do daily morning exercises, not to eat after 6 pm, to sit less in social networks. Performing these simple steps will turn you into a different person.
  5. Find new friends who will motivate you. Try to exclude from the environment those who pull you to the bottom. Go to success with your friends, sharing experience and knowledge gained.
  6. If you can not cope with laziness, the carrot and stick method will help you. Praise yourself for every task you complete, punish yourself for the days you did nothing but give in to old habits and negative beliefs.
  7. Look at yourself from the side. Maybe you only promise yourself to start life from scratch by buying another self-development book? Understand that you can only cope with problems if you work on yourself, there are no magic ways. Compare yourself to your past self, noting positive or negative changes, but do not draw a parallel between yourself and another person. This will only lead you to think that the rest are better, more successful and more beautiful.

  8. Don't forget that comparison with other people hurts, but you can still find inspiration in someone. Tag a few successful individuals. Follow the achievement of their lives, motivated by the perseverance and willpower of such people.
  9. Track your progress. Measure its level. Celebrate your successes. Only by realizing that you have become stronger than yesterday, you can continue to move towards the goal.
  10. Remember that good habits need to be instilled regularly. While you occasionally work on yourself, there will be no visible result. Only following a long-term plan will help you change your life.
  11. Even if it seems to you that the achievement of the goal is not yet possible, and you do not have enough strength and resources, start moving towards it now. Do something. There is no better moment that can change your life.
  12. Take small actions that will bring you closer to your intended goal. Imagine that your desire is the top of a ladder that you can climb only by overcoming all the steps, each of which is a small step towards success.
  13. Learn from others, not from your own mistakes. Remember that dozens or hundreds of other people have walked the path to achieving your goal. Meet a person who has achieved success, read books written by purposeful authors.
  14. Don't stand still. The world is changing. As circumstances change, so do people. The faster you learn to adapt to new conditions, the easier the path to your goal will become.
  15. Stop taking responsibility for your actions. Only you are responsible for what you have in your life now. Don't blame others or yourself. Learn to be responsible for everything you do without scolding yourself for mistakes.
  16. Try to thank the world for what you already have. Any person quickly gets used to good events, starting to experience dissatisfaction with their life, even if it is ideal. But positive attitude is one of the keys to success. If you learn to notice the good in everything that happens to you, moving towards your goal will become much easier.
  17. Remember that all your intentions come true. If you really want something, you will get it after a while. But keep in mind that subconscious intentions also become real. Do you, without realizing it, carry negativity in your thoughts? You need to start thinking in a positive way, getting rid of beliefs that can be harmful.
  18. Don't set yourself too difficult or too easy goals. The first, most likely, will not come true and will deprive you of confidence, and the achievement of the second will not bring any positive emotions. Try to achieve something real. The first successes will inspire you to further work on yourself.
  19. Don't chase false success. Do what you like, even if the new hobby does not find support among others, and respected personalities advise you to develop in an area that will be alien to you. Only by doing something interesting, you can achieve impressive results. If you follow the public opinion, doing what makes you bored, you will not be able to achieve success in this area.
  20. If your attempts don't work, don't stop trying. Your wish may not come true unless you give up. It doesn't matter how many times you have to try your hand at inventing new ways to get closer to your goal. If you stand firm, you will get what you want.
  • 1 What is self-improvement
  • 2 Self-improvement: where to start the path to a new life
  • 3 How to start self-development today
  • 4 What books to start self-development with
  • 5 tips for getting started

In our constantly changing world, the worst thing you can do is to stop in your development. Successful people stay successful only because they don't stop learning and growing. The path to balance and success always lies through self-improvement.

At any period of his life - in adolescence, in youth or maturity, a person thinks about where to start self-development. Let's figure out how to answer this question.

What is self-improvement

Ushakov's explanatory dictionary defines self-improvement as "the conscious development in oneself of some positive (predominantly moral) qualities, abilities, and skills."

Here the emphasis is on positive moral qualities, which determine the character of a person. These include:

  • responsibility;
  • humanism;
  • honesty and openness;
  • love to motherland;
  • loyalty;
  • spirituality;
  • intelligence;
  • goodwill;
  • tolerance;
  • diligence;
  • respect for another's personality;
  • politeness;
  • sincerity and empathy;
  • culture of behavior.

The list can be long, here it is individually determined what qualities a person wants to develop in himself.

Self-improvement: where to start the path to a new life

Personal growth is a necessary aspect, change personal potential to better interact with the world and open perspectives. From one point of view, it represents three types of human relationships: relationship with oneself, with the outside world and people, and self-development.

Relationship with oneself provides a person to know himself and understand the mechanisms of interaction with himself, to realize the strong and weak sides of his personality.

The relationship with the outside world will ensure the availability of connections necessary for development and self-realization.

Self-realization will raise self-esteem and change the attitude of the individual towards himself, help a person realize the goal for which he lives.

To achieve success on the path to self-improvement, you need to pump and develop in all three directions.

How to start self-development today

If you are thinking about self-improvement, do not put it off until later. As the saying goes, “later is a comforting form of the word “never”. Let's figure out how to do self-development today.

The first and most important thing is to start working today, and not put it off indefinitely. It may be a small step towards your goal, but doing something is better than doing nothing at all.

The second is not to try to be better than your girlfriend or boyfriend, neighbor or your idol. Compare yourself only to yourself. Your task is to be at least a little better every day than yesterday.

What is really important for a person (and not what he considers important) is achievable under any conditions. But sometimes, deep introspection is sometimes required to realize your real purpose.

The brain will reject false goals and will not implement them.

The most difficult thing is to define your goal and start your journey towards it today. Sketch in a notebook, jot down a few lines in a notebook, write a block of code, read a few pages of a book, etc. The next goal is not to quit. Over time, this goal will become part of your life, and achieving it will become a matter of technology.

What books to start self-development with

First, you should ask yourself the question “how to change your way of thinking in order to start changing”, and not the question “what books to start self-development with?”.

Books are treasure useful tips and psychological techniques (especially books written by professional psychologists and psychiatrists), but they are useless until your attitude changes.

There are no books that everyone should start with, because everyone has different goals: wealth, fame, recognition, job satisfaction, helping people. But some books that are effective for self-development are given below.

  1. "7 skills highly effective people— Stephen Covey.
  2. Buffettology - Mary Buffett.
  3. "Where's my cheese? » — Spencer Johnson.
  4. "Black Rhetoric" - Carsten Bredemeyer.
  5. How to read, remember and never forget - Mark Tigelaar.
  6. "Be best version yourself" - Dan Waldschmidt.
  7. “You can agree on everything!” — Gavin Kennedy.
  8. Get out of your comfort zone - Brian Tracy.
  9. "1 Page a Day: A Diary for Creative People" - Adam Kurtz.
  10. Whole Life: Key Skills to Achieve Your Goals - Les Hewitt, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen.
  11. “This year I…: how to change habits, keep promises, or do what you have long dreamed of” - M. J. Ryan.
  12. "Speed ​​Reading: How to Remember More by Reading 8 Times Faster" - Peter Kamp.
  13. "Here and Now" - Osho.
  14. Tibetan Yoga of Sleep and Dreams - Tendzin Wangyal Rinpoche.
  15. "The Sage and the Art of Living" - Antonio Meneghetti.
  16. Shaman's Laughter - Vladimir Serkin.
  17. "Goal: A process of continuous improvement" - G. Eliyahu.
  18. "Supertraining" - Mike Mentzer.
  19. "Body language" - A. Pease.
  20. "Games People Play" - Eric Byrne
  21. "Critique of Pure Reason" - I. Kant.
  22. "Consolation of Philosophy" - Boethius.
  23. "Strength of will. How to develop and strengthen - Kelly McGonigal.
  24. "40 Studies in Psychology" - Roger Hawk.
  25. "Essentialism" - Greg McKeon.

It is worth noting that all books should be taken with a healthy dose of criticism. Books that encourage a person to constantly smile and be joyful can eventually lead to clinical depression. It is human nature to be sad, upset and experience failure.

Harmful books for self-development teach you how to manipulate other people for your own purposes. The euphoria of everyday victory in any interaction with another person can become a dangerous barrier. Feeling of false importance can stop the process of development.

“Bad advice” that will help you sort through the information and understand where to start working on yourself.

  1. First, in order to begin to change, it is necessary to determine which areas should be emphasized. An important method of controlling the process is introspection, which should be given at least a couple of hours daily. It disciplines and helps to understand your strengths and weaknesses.

If keeping a diary helps, feel free to get a notebook with a pen. Write down on a sheet those qualities that you would like to develop in yourself and those that you would like to get rid of, in two columns.

For each quality, come up with a description and outline a strategy for improving the skill. For example, I need to develop speed and agility, for this I need to run for an hour in the morning and evening. Or do I need to learn to remember more English words, for this I need to memorize 10 new phrases or expressions daily.

As for spiritual qualities, they certainly need to be improved continuously.

A useful habit will be the analysis of the past day. On a piece of paper, you need to write out all the situations that happened during the day and analyze your behavior in them. Did you manage to act according to your moral, spiritual principles. If it didn't work, then why? And what could be improved?

It is important not just to write down, but to sum up every evening: what you managed to do to develop your mental and physical qualities, and note for yourself what needs to be corrected.

  1. When the goals are defined, it is worth drawing up a work plan. When there are clear deadlines, it will be easier to achieve your goals. No need to set cruel unattainable boundaries for yourself - for example, learn Chinese in 2 weeks. Agree that for the average person this is an unattainable goal. And the guilt you feel when you break a promise to yourself can take away all desire to move on.

here again big role plays introspection. You can evaluate your strength in a test flight. If I can really reliably memorize 10 characters a day (for example, since we started talking about languages), then I set myself this goal. If five, then five daily. Exceeded the norm - wonderful. The main thing is to work out your planned plan every day. This needs to be done day after day to develop a habit. And the goal is to “learn Chinese before entry level in 5 years” will become much more real.

  1. Gradually increase the difficulty level of the game. If at some point in time I realize that I can perform daily heavy load with the same effort, I will raise my daily goal. Lowering your goals and giving yourself slack is a bad idea. Successful people are distinguished by a strong will.
  1. Set aside time for rest. Our nervous system, muscles, sense organs are not tuned to work 24/7; from a biological point of view, this is impossible. In order to fulfill the plan for tomorrow, rest is necessary. Daily full-fledged sleep (each determines individually the required amount of time) will allow you not to quit what you started. If the daily plan of self-development is exhausting, the body will begin to sabotage, and even the most steely will will not save here.
  1. Don't make too big a to-do list. To begin with, accustom yourself to 2-3 daily rituals. For example, from the list of mental qualities, choose the development of attention, physical - the development of strength, spiritual - honesty. And daily, perform the necessary exercises. It will take a little time, but it will make it easier for you not to quit what you started. When such actions become a habit, add 1-2 more points and continue working.
  1. Come up with a reward for yourself. Rigid frameworks and restrictions do not contribute to the daily repetition of the necessary actions. In the end, the body breaks down and breaks all the prohibitions and the feeling of guilt will return again. For the successes achieved, you can reward yourself with something interesting. Man is a highly organized animal, and all activity is based on conditioned reflexes. The “carrot and stick” method works for us too.
  1. Every day ask yourself the question: what will happen if I continue to develop this or that quality and what will happen if I give it up? Life priorities are changing, and we must also quickly adapt to changing conditions.
  1. Learn from the experience of your own, your friends and strangers. There are no two identical people, as well as two identical stories and ways to achieve goals. What makes one successful may be a failure for another. It is important to review, read, analyze and draw your own conclusions. There is no universal way of self-development - the point is to find your own.
  1. Don't be afraid to miss deadlines. You should not abuse this rule, otherwise there will be no self-discipline. And where there is no discipline, there is no development. Constant stress from violating the established deadlines will gradually lead to a state of denial and apathy, which will lead to the abandonment of the development process.
  1. The most difficult point is not to give up daily repetitions. Every day analyze the significance and benefits of the goals set, do not stop and always check the truth of your goals.

Self-development and self-improvement: where to start a woman? The question that came to your mind for a reason. So you are ready for change in your life to improve it - and that's already great. Inspiration has found you, which means you can’t stop and you need to act. Let's start right now!

What is wrong with your life?

To begin with, I propose to evaluate your life: what does not suit you? Are you surrounded by gossips, envious people, ill-wishers? You yourself ? Do you work for pennies, and your work is not appreciated? Is your only hobby watching social media feeds or TV shows? Then think about where you took a wrong turn and what went wrong.

You know, there is an opinion that it is hard to live in Russia: there are no opportunities for development; the state pulls money; people are exhausted by low-paid work and the volume of work; you have to endure and "pull this strap." Do you think so too? But that's what people who don't want to talk about take responsibility for your life . It's easier for them to blame everything on someone else.

What if you try to take care of yourself? Figure out what you like, what activity will benefit not only you, but also those around you, how to fill your life so that everything around you shines differently. This is the path to self-development. So let's follow it!

Write in stages the events of your life that led to the present result: a difficult childhood, difficulties at school, choices educational institution didn’t depend on you, you had to work where you were taken, and not where you dreamed of getting ...

Self-development of a woman in different periods of life

In fact, the self-development of a person takes place throughout his life. conscious life any age. That is, it is not too late to start changing either at the age of 30 or after 40. Especially at the age of 30, girls perfectly absorb useful information, because there are plenty of forces, and the brain is actively working. New tasks and more complex steps are opened up, to which life itself leads.

At 35, you already have a store of knowledge and experience that you can skillfully use to acquire even greater skills. Usually at this age a woman already knows what she is drawn to and what works best. At 35, female dignity is revealed, complexes and insecurity disappear, and now you can safely move towards your goals.

And what can be said about a woman after 40 years? Many are afraid of this figure, because it usually accounts for a midlife crisis. A woman begins to regret missed opportunities, and in vain. It is after 40 years that the start to change occurs, when the children have grown up and there is time for themselves. Try any way to change!

Start keeping a personal diary where you will write down your thoughts, ideas, feelings, dreams. They will help you find your way to your destination.

Psychology of self-development

Interestingly, psychologists have paved the way for self-development through the development of correct and useful habits:

  • accustom yourself to at least go to bed earlier so that the brain rests to the maximum
  • allocate an hour in the morning for yourself - do not rush, but measuredly enjoy every moment
  • to prioritize - to feel the importance of cases and situations
  • Thinking positively is very important on the path to success. Psychology offers an effective “rubber band method”: you put a rubber band on your hand, and as soon as you start thinking negatively, pull it and release it
  • smile - it improves not only your mood, but also those around you
  • analyze the past week - praise yourself for your successes and note what is worth working on. Then make a plan for next week

Action plan for change

Self-development and self-improvement depends on the goals set: where should a woman start to get off the ground?

To do this, compose specific list of goals tasks that need to be completed every day. You will be pleasantly surprised when they start to surround you interesting people and new sources will appear useful information. Gradually, your environment will begin to change, and therefore life in general.

Take a notebook and write a plan of action - everything that will make you happy. It may consist of a bunch of goals that you will probably achieve all your life. But this is the trick - it will be rich and interesting. Roughly the list might look like this:

  • Switch to a healthy diet
  • Lose/gain a few kilos
  • start traveling
  • Quit a job you hate
  • Learn to swim/skate/bike
  • drink more water
  • Read one book a week
  • Become self-confident
  • Correct your posture
  • Go to driving school
  • To write a book
  • Do charity...

Study literature on self-development

Reading books is one of the important ways for self-improvement. But not all books are productive, so you need to choose carefully based on reviews.

The path to self-development can pave fiction, motivational and even business literature. Below is a list of personal growth books worth reading:

  • "Dreaming is not harmful" Barbara Sher
  • "It is high time!" Barbara Sher
  • "I refuse to choose!" Barbara Sher
  • "Number 1" Igor Mann
  • Morning Magic Hal Elrod
  • "Brain. Quick Guide Jack Lewis
  • "Be the best version of yourself" Dan Waldschmidt
  • "100 Ways to Change Your Life" Larisa Parfentyeva
  • "How to Say NO Without Remorse" Patti Brightman

Get information from different sources

Self-development and self-improvement can be achieved through useful free webinars: from them you can also start looking for your own path for a woman. Video lectures, short videos, sites for brain training, online training courses, trainings, articles successful people- all this will make a huge contribution to your personality.

For girls, courses on the development of female dignity will be especially productive, because healthy self-esteem can bring you closer to finding your destiny. Also, the self-development of a woman as a person occurs due to the identification of talents. And if you choose, it will help develop the necessary skills.

Apply new information to your life

In general, you need to see the goal of self-development: why are you doing this? For example, enrolled in courses foreign language- For what? Will you apply the acquired skills in life, or will they remain in the treasury of unclaimed knowledge? Or have you read a book about healthy eating - will you give up low-quality food in favor of health or change nothing?

It is important to do what you love so that it brings benefit and satisfaction. Be curious about new thoughts, ideas, knowledge, people. If now you have awakened the desire to develop - this is very commendable, because self-improvement will surely lead to a better life !

On this I say goodbye to you and invite you to become our regular readers. and grow with us!

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We all want the same thing. Each of us tries to achieve maximum comfort in a life in which we will experience the strongest feelings - love, happiness, craving for adventure, excitement, complacency.

The reason why self-development as an idea and as a practice exists at all is that we do not feel the proper quality of life. Otherwise, we would not have needed to develop.

There are many ways to start working on self-development. You can work on everything you don't like about yourself or enhance what you like.

We all love different things, so this work is unique for everyone. But there is list of universal methods to help you grow as a person:

  1. Set aside time for reflection.
  2. Make learning a habit.
  3. Stop wasting energy and take a break.
  4. Know your desires.
  5. Take care of yourself physically.
  6. Set your priorities.

If you don't take the time to think about why you want to improve, how to improve, how to learn how to improve, where to find the time to improve, and how to get rid of excuses why you haven't started yet, chances are you'll never get anywhere. .

1. Take time to reflect

We are convinced that we know what is good and what is bad, what behavior of people is right, what is well-being, what success means, what happiness means, how to become happy...

To meditate is to delve into something with thoughts, that is, to really think about and ask a specific question. We live as if we already know the answers to all questions.

We all live by certain principles, don't we? We are all in constant search for the same thing - comfort, that is, such a state of mind when we will feel a stable feeling of happiness, craving for the unknown, excitement and love.

Don't you find it interesting that most of the people who cross our path, including ourselves, do not feel satisfied(evaluate your level of satisfaction with life), which is usually so sought after by everyone? Have you ever wondered why this is so?

If we don't take the time to really think about these issues, we'll never get to them, and we should start doing it soon.

As soon as we open our eyes in the morning, our mind and attention are already filled with those things that we must complete throughout the day. Our day begins with the fact that we literally accept our obligations.

Take the time to just ask yourself where you're going and if you'll end up where you want to end up., is the most important thing you can do for yourself.

What is self-development worth without knowing where your desire to improve comes from and how it will affect the quality of your life?

2. Make learning a habit

Need to acquire good habits For example, start learning something new every day.

Without being influenced by other ways of thinking, avoiding new information and having no other view of the world, the quality of our thoughts will not change.

If we do not find a way to transform our thoughts, then our entire existence will be limited by the framework that was originally set. If we do not change anything in our life and it will be so until its end, then we can say that we have already died.

What does it mean to feel alive? A living person is attentive, active, involved.

When our attention always follows the same path, our actions in any situations are automatic and not directed towards growth and development, then we cannot consider ourselves active and involved.

3. Stop wasting your energy and get some rest

If we don't sleep what do we usually do from 10 pm to 2 am? I especially want to ask this question to every teenager.

It's one thing when we spend time with friends or family and enjoy it, but it's completely different when we watch TV or surf the Internet.

We often suffer from a lack of time, but have we ever really thought how much we spend on completely useless and meaningless things? Spend at least once the timing of the dayto assess your usefulness of daily activities.

Agree that if we stopped wasting our nights so uselessly, then we could have a good rest, and then wake up fully ready to create our day according to our own rules, and not lament over the lack of time for ourselves.

We all have certain obligations and we all have some desires.

Stop wasting time and take control of it so that your responsibilities do not take away from you all the precious time that you could spend on fulfilling your desires.

4. Know your desires

Why do you do certain things? What drives you when you make certain decisions day in and day out?

Why do you want one thing now, and after a while - a completely different one?

Let's say why you now have a strong motivation to be strong, play sports, eat right, but after 5 minutes you find excuses for not doing this?

And this question is raised not only for girls who, in principle, tend to change their desires often, but it is relevant for absolutely everyone.

We are all convinced that we know ourselves perfectly, that is, we understand who we are and why we do certain things. However, do not forget that you need to be able to treat yourself objectively and how to look at yourself from the outside.

Learn to notice the inconsistency of your desires. Most effective way to get even a little closer to the possibility of personal growth is to become the master of your internal contradictions.

5. Take care of yourself physically

Physical abilities undoubtedly play a very important role in order to feel happy, to feel best quality life.

When we feel bad or hurt, we cannot help but get upset because of this, feel sorry for ourselves and justify our idleness.

To get rid of this problem, your physical condition should be at such a level that you don’t even think about it. You do this by exercising, adhering to healthy eating and good sleep.

Without proper oil, water, fuel, and regular maintenance, a car cannot run normally. Its parts begin to fail one by one until the car falls apart entirely.

It also happens with our body. Take care of your body. Give him the opportunity to act in your interests, and not vice versa.

6. Prioritize.

Instead of trying to rebuild everything at once, focus on a few things first. In some cases, it's even better to focus on just one area at first.

Focus on a few things, but not all at once.

Let's look at some simple examples:

  • First you dive deep into privacy issue. An example - finally approach the girl with whom you have long wanted to meet.
  • And, once you've got it under control, you move on to your health. Do exercises in the morning, go to the gym, buy healthy food, finally make an appointment with the doctor, etc.
  • Next, you work on your productivity(get up early in the morning, do not be distracted from the task during the day).

In this way, you will not be overwhelmed and you will be able to direct all your resources to successfully change one of the areas of your life.

If you manage to change one area of ​​your life, then you will gain the necessary confidence to change other areas.

Determine your focus to start self-development

Trying to do everything at once will only result in a lack of time, focus, and energy, drastically reducing your chances of success. Once your initial enthusiasm wears off, the whole thing can quickly become overwhelming.

Thus, choose from one to three areas and focus only on them. Only then can you move on to improving other areas of your life.

Many people in our world are knowledge junkies, they only like to collect more knowledge, but then they don't take real action, which creates a false sense of personal development.

Now you know where to start self-development and how to prioritize self-improvement. Don't Forget These 6 simple rules that will help you achieve success in your self-development.