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North Caucasian svu sksvu admission conditions. Vladikavkaz Suvorov School

Vladikavkaz city

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362000, Vladikavkaz, st. International 22

Website K:Educational institutions founded in 1943

North Caucasian Suvorovskoe military school(SkSVU)- military educational institution (Suvorov School), located in the city of Vladikavkaz. It arose on the basis of the Ordzhonikidze Suvorov Military School, which had previously ceased operation due to the renaming of the city of Ordzhonikidze to Vladikavkaz, and its revival in 2000.


Currently (after its revival in 2000), 325 Suvorov students from the constituent entities of the North Caucasus Federal District of the Russian Federation are studying at the school.

Heads of the school

College graduates

  • Bulgakov, Vladimir Vasilievich - Colonel General, Hero of the Russian Federation.
  • Zarudnitsky, Vladimir Borisovich - Colonel General, Commander of the Central Military District (?)
  • Kolesnik, Vasily Vasilyevich - Major General, Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Otrakovsky, Alexander Ivanovich - Major General, Hero of the Russian Federation.
  • Starostin, Evgeniy Vasilievich - doctor historical sciences, professor, UNESCO expert, director of MGIAI in 1992-1996.
  • Sidzhakh, Khazretbiy Iskhakovich - colonel, candidate of historical sciences.
  • Suanov, Stanislav Nikolaevich - First Deputy Head of the Department of Troops and Forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.
  • Fesin, Ivan Ivanovich - major general, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Shurukhin, Pavel Ivanovich - Major General, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.

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Sidzhakh, Khazretbiy Iskhakovich. The book “We were the first Suvorovites.”

Sidzhakh, Khazretbiy Iskhakovich. Historical and reference collection “We are Suvorovites from the Caucasus.”

An excerpt characterizing the North Caucasus Suvorov Military School

The princess came out and cried too. The elderly lady was also wiping herself with a handkerchief. Pierre was kissed, and he kissed the hand of the beautiful Helene several times. After a while they were left alone again.
“All this had to be this way and could not have been otherwise,” thought Pierre, “so there is no point in asking whether it is good or bad? Good, because definitely, and there is no previous painful doubt.” Pierre silently held his bride's hand and looked at her beautiful breasts rising and falling.
- Helen! - he said out loud and stopped.
“Something special is said in these cases,” he thought, but he could not remember what exactly they say in these cases. He looked into her face. She moved closer to him. Her face flushed.
“Oh, take off these... like these...” she pointed to the glasses.
Pierre took off his glasses, and his eyes, in addition to the general strangeness of the eyes of people who took off their glasses, looked fearfully questioning. He wanted to bend over her hand and kiss it; but with a quick and rough movement of her head she captured his lips and brought them together with hers. Her face struck Pierre with its changed, unpleasantly confused expression.
“Now it’s too late, it’s all over; “Yes, and I love her,” thought Pierre.
- Je vous aime! [I love you!] - he said, remembering what needed to be said in these cases; but these words sounded so poor that he felt ashamed of himself.
A month and a half later, he was married and settled, as they said, the happy owner of a beautiful wife and millions, in the large St. Petersburg newly decorated house of the Bezukhyh counts.

The old Prince Nikolai Andreich Bolkonsky in December 1805 received a letter from Prince Vasily, informing him of his arrival with his son. (“I’m going on an inspection, and, of course, it’s not a 100-mile detour for me to visit you, dear benefactor,” he wrote, “and my Anatole is seeing me off and going to the army; and I hope that you will allow him to personally express to you the deep respect that he, imitating his father, has for you.")
“There’s no need to take Marie out: the suitors are coming to us themselves,” the little princess said carelessly when she heard about this.
Prince Nikolai Andreich winced and said nothing.
Two weeks after receiving the letter, in the evening, Prince Vasily’s people arrived ahead, and the next day he and his son arrived.
Old Bolkonsky always had a low opinion of the character of Prince Vasily, and even more so in Lately, when Prince Vasily in the new reigns under Paul and Alexander went far in rank and honor. Now, from the hints of the letter and the little princess, he understood what was the matter, and the low opinion of Prince Vasily turned in the soul of Prince Nikolai Andreich into a feeling of malevolent contempt. He snorted constantly when talking about him. On the day Prince Vasily arrived, Prince Nikolai Andreich was especially dissatisfied and out of sorts. Was it because he was out of sorts that Prince Vasily was coming, or because he was especially dissatisfied with the arrival of Prince Vasily because he was out of sorts; but he was not in a good mood, and Tikhon in the morning advised against the architect coming in with a report to the prince.
“Can you hear how he walks,” said Tikhon, drawing the architect’s attention to the sounds of the prince’s steps. - He steps on his entire heel - we already know...
However, as usual, at 9 o'clock the prince went out for a walk in his velvet fur coat with a sable collar and the same hat. It snowed the day before. The path along which Prince Nikolai Andreich walked to the greenhouse was cleared, traces of a broom were visible in the scattered snow, and a shovel was stuck into the loose mound of snow that ran on both sides of the path. The prince walked through the greenhouses, through the courtyards and buildings, frowning and silent.
- Is it possible to ride in a sleigh? - he asked the venerable man who accompanied him to the house, similar in face and manners to the owner and manager.
- The snow is deep, your Excellency. I already ordered it to be scattered according to the plan.
The prince bowed his head and walked up to the porch. “Thank you, Lord,” thought the manager, “a cloud has passed!”
“It was difficult to get through, your Excellency,” added the manager. – How did you hear, your Excellency, that the minister will come to your Excellency?
The prince turned to the manager and stared at him with frowning eyes.
- What? Minister? Which minister? Who ordered? – he spoke in his shrill, harsh voice. “They didn’t clear it for the princess, my daughter, but for the minister!” I have no ministers!
- Your Excellency, I thought...
- You thought! - the prince shouted, pronouncing the words more and more hastily and incoherently. – You thought... Robbers! scoundrels! “I will teach you to believe,” and, raising a stick, he swung it at Alpatych and would have hit him if the manager had not involuntarily deviated from the blow. - I thought so! Scoundrels! – he shouted hastily. But, despite the fact that Alpatych, himself frightened by his audacity to dodge the blow, approached the prince, obediently lowering his bald head in front of him, or maybe that’s why the prince continued to shout: “scoundrels! throw up the road! He didn’t pick up his stick another time and ran into the rooms.
Before dinner, the princess and M lle Bourienne, who knew that the prince was out of sorts, stood waiting for him: M lle Bourienne with a beaming face that said: “I don’t know anything, I’m the same as always,” and Princess Marya - pale, frightened, with downcast eyes. The hardest thing for Princess Marya was that she knew that in these cases she had to act like m lle Bourime, but she could not do it. It seemed to her: “If I act as if I don’t notice, he will think that I have no sympathy for him; I’ll make it look like I’m boring and out of sorts, he’ll say (as it happened) that I’m hanging my nose,” etc.
The prince looked at scared face daughter and snorted.
“Dr... or stupid!...” he said.
“And that one is gone! They were already gossiping about her too,” he thought about the little princess, who was not in the dining room.
-Where is the princess? - he asked. - Hiding?...
“She’s not entirely healthy,” said Mlle Bourienne, smiling cheerfully, “she won’t come out.” This is so understandable in her situation.
- Hm! hmm! ugh! ugh! - said the prince and sat down at the table.
The plate did not seem clean to him; he pointed to the spot and threw it. Tikhon picked it up and handed it to the barman. The little princess was not unwell; but she was so insurmountably afraid of the prince that, having heard how out of sorts he was, she decided not to go out.
“I’m afraid for the child,” she said to m lle Bourienne, “God knows what can happen from fright.”
In general, the little princess lived in Bald Mountains constantly under a feeling of fear and antipathy towards the old prince, which she was not aware of, because fear was so dominant that she could not feel it. There was also antipathy on the part of the prince, but it was drowned out by contempt. The princess, having settled down in the Bald Mountains, especially fell in love with m lle Bourienne, spent her days with her, asked her to spend the night with her, and often talked to her about her father-in-law and judged him.
“Il nous arrive du monde, mon prince,” said M lle Bourienne, unrolling a white napkin with her pink hands. “Son excellence le prince Kouraguine avec son fils, a ce que j"ai entendu dire? [His Excellency Prince Kuragin with his son, how much have I heard?],” she said questioningly.
“Hm... this boy of excellence... I assigned him to the college,” the prince said offended. “Why son, I can’t understand.” Princess Lizaveta Karlovna and Princess Marya may know; I don’t know why he’s bringing this son here. I don't need it. – And he looked at his blushing daughter.

North Caucasus Suvorov Military School, opened in 2000 in the capital of North Ossetia-Alania, the city military glory Vladikavkaz, is called upon to continue the glorious traditions of its predecessors.

More than 100 years ago, by a personal decree of Emperor Nicholas II dated September 26, 1901, the Vladikavkaz Cadet Corps was created for the sons of military personnel serving or serving in the Caucasus, local nobles and children “by election of the commander of the troops.”

On September 1, 1902, the grand opening of the building took place, timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the annexation of Georgia to Russia. Classes for students of the first intake began in temporary premises, hastily converted barracks of the 81st Absheron Regiment. By the 1903/4 academic year, classes were held in a building specially built for cadets of the Vladikavkaz Cadet Corps (now the headquarters of the 58th Army is located here).

VlKK held nine issues. Graduates of the cadet corps carried the title of Vladikavkaz cadet with honor. During the First World War, a graduate of the corps, I. Gusakov (1912), was awarded the St. George Arms and the St. George Cross of the 4th degree. The students of the corps, Second Lieutenant K. Vakulovsky and Cornet V. Skorobogatiy, were awarded the Cross of St. George.

In the years civil war the number of students of the Vladikavkaz Cadet Corps increased from 500 to 900 people: in November 1919, cadets from the Petrovsko-Poltava Cadet Corps were added to the corps. In the spring of 1920, a decision was made to evacuate cadet corps from Vladikavkaz to Crimea, and in October, on the initiative of General Wrangel, the Crimean Cadet Corps was created from the cadets of the Vladikavkaz and Poltava corps.

The KKK settled in Slovenia, in the city of Bila Tserkva. The Serbian War Ministry provided the corps with two three-story stone buildings. The Crimean Cadet Corps existed for 10 years. From his midst came great engineers, technicians, architects, doctors, teachers, professors, writers, journalists and other figures in all fields of culture.

During the Great Patriotic War, the idea arose to revive the tradition of educating youth in military affairs. The author of the idea of ​​​​creating Suvorov schools is the famous Russian, Soviet military leader, General Alexey Alekseevich Ignatiev.

21 August 1943 Council people's commissars and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks adopted a resolution “On urgent measures to restore the economy in areas liberated from German occupation,” which provided a detailed program of priority measures to eliminate the severe consequences of the occupation. The resolution emphasized that Suvorov schools were being created according to the type of old cadet corps, and indicated the need to create a wide network of special institutions for children disadvantaged by the war.

In 1943, nine schools were opened, including the Krasnodar Suvorov Military School. From 3.5 thousand applicants, 540 young men aged 8 to 13 years were selected. Most of the students were children of fallen soldiers and front-line soldiers, including three - sons of Heroes Soviet Union. 58 of them are sons of regiments and young partisans, 11 were awarded orders and medals.

The location of the school was to be Krasnodar. But in the regional center there was no suitable building then, and Suvorov School was located temporarily in the city of Maykop - the center of the Adygea Autonomous Region.

Major General Alexey Ivanovich Nerchenko, a participant in the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars, was appointed head of the school. He graduated from the Military-Political Academy, was a military commissar of a special cavalry brigade, and the head of the Oryol Military Infantry School. From September 1943 to January 1949 - head of the Krasnodar, later Caucasian Red Banner Suvorov Officer School.

On December 19, 1943, in all nine schools, including the Krasnodar Suvorov Military School, a big celebration, which went down in history as the opening day of the country's Suvorov schools.

In January 1944, the Krasnodar Suvorov Military School was presented with a banner, in front of which the Suvorov students swore an oath of allegiance to the Motherland. In August 1947, the school was relocated by three railway trains to the capital of North Ossetia, the city of Dzaudzhikau (since 1954 - Ordzhonikidze, since 1990 - Vladikavkaz). The school was located in the building of the former Vladikavkaz Cadet Corps, which by that time housed the 1st Ordzhonikidze Red Banner Infantry School.

On September 4, 1947, by order of the Minister of the Armed Forces of the USSR, the 1st Ordzhonikidze Red Banner Infantry School was renamed the North Caucasus Red Banner Infantry School, and in the same year the Krasnodar Suvorov Military School was renamed the North Caucasus Suvorov Military School.

In 1948, the first graduation of Suvorov students took place; 41 students graduated from the school. In the same year, the Suvorov School merged with the North Caucasus Red Banner Infantry School. It was reorganized into the Caucasian Red Banner Suvorov Officer School, which was headed by Lieutenant General I.F. Barinov. After graduating from the Suvorov Military School, the student automatically became a cadet of his own school and after two years (later - after three) graduated with the rank of lieutenant.

In 1958, the school was reorganized again and became only Suvorov, accordingly the name changed to the Caucasian Red Banner Suvorov Military School (KK SVU), and in 1966 it was renamed the Ordzhonikidze Suvorov Red Banner Military School. In 1968, the last graduation of Suvorov students took place.

Heads of KKSVU:
1. Major General Nerchenko Alexey Ivanovich (September 1943 - January 1949)
2. Lieutenant General Iosif Fedorovich Barinov (February 1949 - February 1955)
3. Major General Busarov Mikhail Mikhailovich (March 1955 - December 1955)
4. Major General Filippov Mikhail Mikhailovich (December 1955 - November 1957)
5. Major General Rakov Stepan Semenovich (January 1958 - October 1966)
6. Major General Nikolai Adamovich Sarapin (October 1966 - August 1967)

The Caucasian Red Banner Suvorov Military School existed for a quarter of a century. There were 20 episodes. The number of graduates was 1,862 people, of which 204 graduated with a gold medal, 179 with a silver medal.

On the basis of the Suvorov Military School, the Ordzhonikidze Higher Combined Arms Command Twice Red Banner School named after Marshal of the Soviet Union A.I. was opened. Eremenko. For the successful completion of the task of providing international assistance in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan and the courage and heroism shown in this case, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to the graduate of the SVU CC, Major General V.V. Kolesnik. By Order No. 494 of November 17, 2005 of the Minister of Defense Russian Federation Hero of the Soviet Union, Major General V.V. Kolesnik is forever included in the lists of the North Caucasus Suvorov Military School.

For courage and heroism shown during hostilities in Chechen Republic, the title of Hero of Russia was awarded to graduates of the Caucasian Red Banner Suvorov Military School: the head of the coastal forces of the Northern Fleet, Major General A.I. Otrakovsky (posthumously), deputy commander of the North Caucasus Military District, Colonel General V.V. Bulgakov.

The North Caucasus Suvorov Military School was recreated by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 2, 2000. No. 522-R. on the basis of order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated April 11, 2000 No. 165.

The school was located in Vladikavkaz on the corner of V. Chkalov and International streets in a building built at the beginning of the twentieth century. Before the revolution, it housed the Military Women's Gymnasium. Colonel Yuri Georgievich Managarov was appointed head of the SVU Investigative Committee. He commanded the school from 2000 to 2004. Born on December 5, 1949 in Novokuznetsk, in 1968 he graduated from the Caucasian Red Banner Suvorov Military School and entered the Leningrad Higher Command Combined Arms School. Graduated Military Academy named after M.V. Frunze.

In 2001, 349 young men aged 10-17 years, representatives of 19 nationalities from North Ossetia, Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkaria, Adygea, Stavropol and Krasnodar territories, Volgograd and Rostov regions crossed the threshold of the Suvorov School. More than 30 Suvorov students were left without fathers who died as a result of local wars in the Caucasus. The same number of Suvorov students were orphans.

In order to increase the efficiency of training and education of future officers, timely resolution of educational and economic problems, a board of trustees was created headed by the President of the Russian North Ossetia - Alania A. Dzasokhov, who did a great job of organizing and comprehensively providing the educational process.

In 2003, the first graduation of Suvorov students from the SK SVU took place. 54 Suvorov graduates graduated from the school. The leadership of the Suvorov Military School pays great attention to the education of future officers in the traditions of previous generations of military intelligentsia. For this purpose, a well-equipped museum was designed, which reflects the history educational institution since the beginning of the last century.

In 2004, Major General Boris Khabbasovich Khavzhokov was appointed head of the school. Commanded the North Caucasus Suvorov Military School from 2004 to 2006. Born on August 6, 1956 in the city of Nartkala, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. In 1978 he graduated from the Ordzhonikidze Higher Combined Arms Command Twice Red Banner School named after Marshal of the Soviet Union A.I. Eremenko. In 1988 he graduated from the Military Academy named after M.V. Frunze.

Since 2006, Colonel Ruslan Sergeevich Tavitov was appointed head of the SVU Investigative Committee. Born on September 12, 1955. In 1977 he graduated from the Ordzhonikidze Higher Combined Arms Command School, the Military Academy named after. M.V. Frunze in 1991

Based on the results of 2006/2007 school year The North Caucasus Suvorov Military School took third place among 18 Suvorov schools and cadet corps in Russia.

Based on the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated September 21, 2011, the SVU IC was transferred from the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to the jurisdiction of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania with renaming to the State Treasury educational institution“Cadet boarding school: “Vladikavkaz Cadet Corps.” After two years, full of successes in studies, sports, creative life, the school is again going through a stage of reorganization.

In 2014, on the initiative of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and the government of North Ossetia-Alania, the Cadet Boarding School: Vladikavkaz Cadet Corps was renamed the North Caucasus Suvorov Military School and accepted under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

On September 1, 2014, a ceremonial event was held to mark the opening of the school and the beginning of the school year. The restored school accepted 220 pupils in grades 6-11. The event was attended by representatives of the command of the Southern Military District, the 58th Army, the government and parliament of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania, the administration of Vladikavkaz, public and veteran organizations.

Veteran graduates of the SVU CC - representatives of the Rostov regional organization "Suvorov-Nakhimov-Cadet Union" handed over to the school a copy of the Battle Banner of the Krasnodar Suvorov Military School. A copy of the banner was presented to the head of the Suvorov military school R. Tavitov, Hero of Russia Colonel General Vladimir Bulgakov.

May 31, 2015 as part of All-Russian action“Watch of Heroes”, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the establishment of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and the 23rd anniversary of the title of Hero of Russia, the 70th anniversary Great Victory, a large star force landed in the SVU SC. Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of Russia, including the famous pilot-cosmonauts Sergei Krikalev, who was awarded both titles, and the world record holder for being in space, twice Hero of the Soviet Union Alexander Ivanchenkov, came to visit the Suvorov students. The delegation was headed by Hero of the Russian Federation, Commander of the Russian Airborne Forces, Colonel General Vladimir Shamanov.

On December 18, 2015, on the eve of the Day of the formation of Suvorov schools, the commander of the troops of the Southern Military District, Colonel General A.V. Galkin solemnly presented the banner to the North Caucasus Suvorov Military School. In his response, the head of the school, R. Tavitov, on behalf of the entire staff of the SVU SC, assured the command of the Southern Military District that the Suvorovites will always be faithful to Suvorov’s honor, duty and oath, and will honor and preserve the shrine as a symbol of the trust of our country.

Twice in 2016 and 2017, Suvorov School students became laureates of the All-Russian public-state initiative “Warm Heart” and were included in the Book of Honor “Warm Heart”.

Three times, September 1, 2016, 2017, 2018, on the Day of Knowledge, the students of the SK SVU were congratulated by the Hero of the Russian Federation, commander of the Southern Military District, Colonel General A.V. Dvornikov, himself a graduate of the Ussuri Suvorov Military School. While visiting the school, the commander of the Southern Military District repeatedly awarded high awards to the work of the teachers and administration of the school.

In September 2017, Colonel General A.V. Dvornikov presented it to the officer-educators: Major V.V. Kashenko, Lieutenant Colonel V.A. Oleynikov, Major E.Kh. Tavasiev. badges"For service in the Caucasus."

In September 2018, from the hands of the commander, educational officers Maliev A.I., Fedorchenko N.N. and Gritsenko S.E. received the insignia “For Merit”.

In September 2019, Deputy Commander of the Southern Military District, Lieutenant General Avdeev A.Yu. awarded the Badge of Distinction of the Southern Military District “For Merit” to the deputy head (for academic work) Zmailov I.V., the deputy head of the school (for logistics) Gataev S.Yu., teacher Oleinikov V.A.

The school is rightfully proud of the achievements of its students.

Twice, in 2018 and 2019. Suvorov School students took 1st place in the qualifying stage of the “Cadet Games”, among pre-university students educational organizations Southern Military District; Suvorov School students are multiple winners Regional competition young researchers "Step into science" All-Russian competition young researchers “Start into Science”, International scientific and technical conferences “Young Roboticist”, All-Russian competition of achievements of talented youth “National Treasure of Russia”.

During its existence, the school held 17 graduations, graduating 822 Suvorov students. Eleven Suvorov graduates graduated from the SVU SC with a “gold medal”: K. Zatynatsky (2011); V. Shkolnikov (2011); Y. Shkolnikov (2011); O. Tkachenko (2011); Z. Aladzhikov (2016); K. Reu (2016); R. Karsanov (2017), V. Gabaraev (2018); A. Alekseev (2018), A. Dzutsev (2019); B. Kasaev (2019). Three Suvorov graduates graduated from the school with a silver medal.

April 20, 2019 with the participation of Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation T.V. Ivanov. A solemn ceremony took place to unveil a memorial stone at the construction site of a new complex of buildings of the North Caucasus Suvorov Military School.

More than 100 years ago, by a personal decree of Emperor Nicholas II dated September 26, 1901, the Vladikavkaz Cadet Corps was created for the sons of military personnel serving or serving in the Caucasus, local nobles and children “by election of the commander of the troops.”

On September 1, 1902, the grand opening of the Vladikavkaz Cadet Corps took place, timed to coincide with the centenary of the annexation of Georgia to Russia.

On May 24, 1903, the building of the Vladikavkaz Cadet Corps was laid (now the Headquarters and military units of the 58th Army are located here).

The Vladikavkaz Cadet Corps existed until 1917. In March 1920, through Batumi, the Vladikavkaz Cadet Corps departed for Istanbul, and from there to Slavenia (Yugoslavia). In 1929, the Vladikavkaz Cadet Corps was disbanded.

On August 21, 1943, the Council of People's Commissars and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks adopted the Resolution “On urgent measures to restore the economy in areas liberated from German occupation,” which enshrined the idea of ​​​​creating Suvorov military schools. The Resolution emphasized that Suvorov military schools were being created according to the type of old cadet corps, and indicated the need to create a wide network of special institutions for children disadvantaged by the war.

Initially, the location of the Caucasian Suvorov Military School was supposed to be Krasnodar. But at that time there was no suitable building in the regional center and the Suvorov School was temporarily located in the city of Maykop (Adygea Autonomous Region).

On December 19, 1943, in all the first nine schools created, including the Caucasian Suvorov Military School, a big holiday took place, which went down in history as the opening day of the Suvorov schools.

In January 1944, the Caucasian Suvorov Military School was presented with a military Banner, before which the Suvorov students swore an oath of allegiance to the Motherland.

In August 1947, the school was relocated by three railway trains to the capital of North Ossetia, the city of Dzaudzhikau (since 1954 - Ordzhonikidze, since 1990 - Vladikavkaz) and became known as the North Caucasus Suvorov Military School.

In 1948, the first graduation took place at the North Caucasus Suvorov Military School in Stavropol, with a total of 41 graduates. In the same year, the school was merged with the North Caucasian Red Banner Infantry School and reorganized into the Caucasian Red Banner Suvorov Officer School.

Ten years later, the school underwent reorganization for the second time. The cadet battalion was liquidated and the school again became purely Suvorov and received the name - Caucasian Red Banner Suvorov Military School.

In 1965, the school received the name “Ordzhonikidze Suvorov Military School”, and three years later it was disbanded and on its basis the Ordzhonikidze Higher Combined Arms Command Twice Red Banner School named after Marshal of the Soviet Union A.I. was created. Eremenko.

The first North Caucasian (Caucasian) Suvorov Military School existed for a quarter of a century. There were 20 episodes. 1862 people graduated from the school, 204 of them graduated with a gold medal, 179 with a silver medal. Most Suvorovites from the Caucasus continued their studies in various military educational institutions of the country and, being in various command, political, staff and teaching positions, devoted all their strength to serving the Fatherland.

60 graduates of the infantry, general arms and Suvorov schools were awarded the gold medal of the Hero of the Soviet Union (Major Generals I.I. Fesin and P.I. Shurukhin - twice), 7 became heroes of the Russian Federation, 34 graduates received the rank of general. The school gave the country more than 120 doctors and candidates of science, many received high government awards, honorary titles of the USSR and the RSFSR.

The pride and glory of the school are: Major General V.V. Kolesnik, Hero of the Soviet Union; General - Colonel V.V. Bulgakov, Hero of Russia; Major General A.I. Otrakovsky, Hero of Russia, Colonel General F.M. Kuzmin (commanded the troops of the Baltic Military District, headed the Frunze Military Academy), Colonel General G.P. Kasperovich (was the head of the Main Directorate of Personnel and Military Education of the Russian Defense Ministry, commanded the troops of the Siberian Military District); Lieutenant General Chernikov A.N. (headed the department at the VA General School); Colonel General Suanov S.N. (was the first deputy head of the Department of Troops and Forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia), as well as Lieutenant Generals Kriunev V.P., Yurchenko I.D., Shishkov A.N., Agavelov I.A., Kashchenko G.V., Mokrous A. .AND. and many others.

The federal state educational institution North Caucasus Suvorov Military School was again created by order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 322-r dated March 2, 2000, by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated April 11, 2000 No. 167 with a 7-year training period. In accordance with the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated April 19, 2004 No. 108, the period of study at the school was set at 3 years.

More than 100 years ago, by a personal decree of Emperor Nicholas II dated September 26, 1901, the Vladikavkaz Cadet Corps was created for the sons of military personnel serving or serving in the Caucasus, local nobles and children “by election of the commander of the troops.”

On September 1, 1902, the grand opening of the Corps took place, timed to coincide with the centenary of the annexation of Georgia to Russia. On May 24, 1903, the building of the Vladikavkaz Cadet Corps was laid (now the Headquarters and military units of the 58th Army are located here). The Vladikavkaz Cadet Corps existed until 1917.

On August 21, 1943, the Council of People's Commissars and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks adopted a resolution “On urgent measures to restore the economy in areas liberated from German occupation,” which provided a detailed program of priority measures to eliminate the severe consequences of the occupation. The Resolution emphasized that Suvorov schools were being created according to the type of old cadet corps, and indicated the need to create a wide network of special institutions for children disadvantaged by the war.

The location of the school was to be Krasnodar. But at that time there was no suitable building in the regional center, and the Suvorov School was located temporarily in Maykop - in the center of the Adygea Autonomous Region. On December 19, 1943, a big celebration took place in all nine schools, including the Caucasian Suvorov Military School, which went down in history as the opening day of the Suvorov schools.

In January 1944, the Caucasian Suvorov Military School was presented with a military Banner in front of which the Suvorov students swore an oath of allegiance to the Motherland.

In August 1947, the school was relocated by three railway trains to the capital of North Ossetia, the city of Dzaudzhikau (since 1954 - Ordzhonikidze, since 1990 - Vladikavkaz), and became known as the North Caucasus Suvorov Military School.

The first graduation took place in 1948. At that time, 41 people graduated from the North Caucasus Suvorov Military School. In the same year, the school was merged with the North Caucasian Red Banner Infantry School and reorganized into the Caucasian Red Banner Suvorov Officer School.

Ten years later, the school underwent reorganization for the second time. The cadet battalion was liquidated, and the school again became purely Suvorov, receiving the name - Caucasian Red Banner Suvorov Military School.

The first Caucasian Suvorov Military School existed for a quarter of a century. There were 20 episodes. The number of graduates was 1862 people, of which 204 graduated with a gold medal, 179 with a silver medal, 60 graduates of the infantry, general arms and Suvorov military schools during the Great Patriotic War awarded the gold medal of the Hero of the Soviet Union. Major General I.I. Fesin and P.I. Shurukhin (twice), 7 became heroes of the Russian Federation, 34 graduates received the rank of general.

Most of the Suvorovites continued their studies at various military educational institutions, and devoted all their strength to serving the Fatherland, holding various command, political, staff and teaching positions. The school gave the country more than 120 doctors and candidates of science, and many received high government awards, honorary titles of the USSR and the RSFSR. The pride and glory of the school are: Major General V.V. Kolesnik, Hero of the Soviet Union; Colonel General V.V. Bulgakov, Hero of Russia; Major General A.I. Otrakovsky, Hero of Russia, Colonel General G.P. Kasperovich, who commanded the troops of the military district and was the former head of the Main Personnel Directorate, Lieutenant General A.I. Sokolov, who served as Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces; Lieutenant General A.N. Chernikov, who headed the department at the VA General Staff; as well as Lieutenant Generals Kriunev V.P., Yurchenko I.D., Shishkov A.N., Agavelov I.A., Kashchenko G.V., Mokrous A.I.

By Order No. 494 of November 17, 2005 of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Hero of the Soviet Union, Major General V.V. Kolesnik is forever included in the lists of the North Caucasus Suvorov Military School.

In 1945, an orphan, the son of partisans shot by the Nazis, Vasya Kolesnik, entered the Caucasian Suvorov Military School. In 1956, V. Kolesnik graduated from the Caucasian Red Banner Military School. Served in the Central Office of the Main Intelligence Directorate. In 1979, the country's top leadership instructed V.V. Kolesnik to develop and carry out a lightning-fast operation to capture the Amin Palace in Afghanistan. On December 27, the operation, which lasted only 2 hours, was brilliantly carried out by V.V. Kolesnik not only led it, but also personally participated in a very difficult, fleeting battle with special forces guarding the Afghan dictator. For the successful completion of the task of providing international assistance to the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan and the courage and heroism displayed, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, by Decree of April 28, 1980, awarded you the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

Suvorovites are proud of Colonel General F.M. Kuzmin, who became a prominent military leader, commanded the troops of the Baltic Military District and headed the Military Academy. For the courage and heroism shown during the hostilities in the Chechen Republic, the title of Hero of Russia was awarded to graduates of the first Caucasian Suvorov Military School: the head of the coastal forces of the Northern Fleet, General A.I. Otrakovsky (posthumously), and deputy commander of the North Caucasus Military District, General V.V. Bulgakov.

Today, there are 8 Suvorov schools operating in the system of the Russian Ministry of Defense. The young North Caucasus Suvorov Military School took a worthy place in the field of military education. The North Caucasus Suvorov Military School was opened on the basis of an order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated April 11, 2000, with the active support of the President of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania Dzasokhov A.S.

In accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 322-r dated March 2, 2000 and the directive General Staff Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 207/5/21951 dated 08/18/1999, the government of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania, together with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, revived the North Caucasus Suvorov Military School in the city of Vladikavkaz to train future officers of the Russian Army from among minor citizens.

Active participation in restoration and creation educational and material base The North Caucasian Suvorov Military School was hosted by Tebiev M.B., Lieutenant General Ogoev U.S., graduates of the Caucasian Red Banner Suvorov Military School.

Ogoev Uruzmag Sozrykoevich, was born on January 17, 1948 in the city of Baku Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the family of an employee. Ossetian by nationality. In 1959 he entered the Caucasian Red Banner Suvorov Military School, from which he graduated in 1966. Subsequently, from August 1966 to September 2000, he served in various positions, ranging from deputy commander of an anti-aircraft missile division for weapons - commander of a radio battery of military unit 26036 of the Air Defense Ministry to commander of the 11th Air Force and Air Defense. In 1973 he entered the Military Command Academy named after Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov, from which he graduated in 1977. Awarded the following Orders: - “For Service to the Motherland” in the USSR Armed Forces, third degree; - “For military merit”; - awarded sixteen medals of the USSR Armed Forces. Awarded the title “Honored Military Specialist” of the Russian Federation.

Suanov S.N. emerged from the walls of the North Caucasus Suvorov Military School. - First Deputy Head of the Department of Troops and Forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

Suanov Stanislav Nikolaevich, born August 21, 1949, p. Bolshevik, Kursk district Stavropol Territory. Ossetian, marital status - married, has two adult children. In 1967 he graduated from the Ordzhonikidze Suvorov Military School, in 1971 he graduated from the Vladikavkaz Higher Combined Arms Command School, served in various positions from platoon commander of the Kyiv Higher Combined Arms Command School command school to the first deputy head of the department, head of the department of the Civil Defense Troops and rescue units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. He led a number of major rescue operations within the country and abroad (elimination of the consequences of earthquakes in Colombia, Turkey, etc.). He was the head of the interdepartmental operational headquarters to eliminate the consequences of the catastrophic flood in Lensk. Represented the Russian Federation in the Interstate Council for Emergency Situations of the CIS countries. By decision of the heads of government of the CIS countries, he was appointed head of the international Corps of CIS forces to eliminate the consequences emergency situations. Actively worked in the International Organization civil defense. Presided over international conference countries of the Asia-Pacific region in Vietnam. Went on work trips to a number of foreign countries. In December 2001 he resigned. Awarded the Order of Courage, the Order of Military Merit, the Order of Service to the Motherland in the USSR Armed Forces, 3rd degree, medals, firearms, Certificate of Honor from the Government of the Russian Federation.

Currently, 325 Suvorov students of 25 nationalities, from 21 regions of the Republic, are studying at the school North Caucasus and Russia. The new Suvorov military school, which inherited the banner of the first, will preserve and increase the best traditions pre-revolutionary cadet corps and Soviet schools, which bore the name of the invincible Russian commander A.V. Suvorov.

Rules and procedure for admission to school

The school can be attended by male minor citizens of the Russian Federation, no older than 15 years of age (as of December 31 of the year of admission), who have completed 8 classes of a general education institution in the year of admission, are fit for health reasons, and meet the requirements of professional psychological selection and physical fitness.

Minor orphans and those left without parental care who enter the school are enrolled without exams based on the results of an interview and medical examination.

Outside the competition, if the entrance exams are passed positively, the following are admitted to the school:

Children of military personnel performing military service under a contract and having a total duration of military service in calendar terms 20 years or more;
- children of citizens dismissed from military service upon reaching age limit stay in military service, for health reasons or in connection with organizational and staffing events, in calendar terms for 20 years or more;
- children of military personnel who died while performing their military service duties or who died as a result of injury (wounds, trauma, concussion) or illness received by them while performing their military service duties;
- children of military personnel serving in military conflict zones;
- children of military personnel raised without a mother (father).

Statement from parents (persons replacing them) about the candidate’s desire to enter the school and Required documents are accepted from citizens of the Russian Federation living on its territory by military commissars at their place of residence during the period from April 15 to May 15. The application stipulates the consent of the parents (persons replacing them) of the candidates to send them after graduation for further education to a military educational institution of the Ministry of Defense.

The following documents are attached to the application:

- a personal statement of the candidate addressed to the head of the school about the desire to study at this school;
- a certified copy of the birth certificate;
- copy of the passport;
- autobiography;
- a copy of a standard document confirming Russian citizenship the candidate and his parents (for those living outside the Russian Federation);
- an extract from the candidate’s report card with grades 1-3 academic quarters 8th grade indicating the school;
- pedagogical characteristics candidate signed by the class teacher and the school director, certified by the official seal of the school;
- four photo cards measuring 3x4 cm (without headdress, with space for a seal imprint in the lower right corner);
- a copy of the medical insurance policy;
- medical examination card of the candidate for admission to the school;
- a certificate from the place of residence of the parents (persons replacing them) indicating the composition of the family and living conditions;
- copies of documents confirming the candidate’s right to benefits upon admission to the school:
a) from orphans and persons left without parental care, in addition, are provided with:
- certified death certificates of father and mother;
- a copy of the decision of the court and local authorities on the establishment of guardianship (trusteeship);
- documents from the local government confirming the presence or absence of living space;
- a certified copy of the guardian’s (trustee’s) certificate;
b) from other categories enjoying the right of non-competitive enrollment, in addition, the following shall be submitted:
- a certificate or extract from the personal file of a military serviceman who died while performing the duties of military service or died as a result of an injury (wound, trauma, concussion) or illness received while performing the duties of military service, about exclusion from the lists of a military unit, a copy of the death certificate, certified according to established order;
- a certificate from a military unit confirming military service under a contract in a military conflict zone at the present time, certified by the official seal;
- a copy of the divorce certificate, an extract from the house register and financial and personal account (for children of military personnel raised without a mother (father);
- a certificate from the military unit about the length of service in calendar terms (20 years or more) of the serviceman, certified by the official seal or a certified copy of the “Veteran of Military Service” certificate;
- an extract from the order of dismissal from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, health conditions or in connection with organizational and staffing measures, if the total duration of military service in calendar terms is 20 years or more, certified by the official seal.

Original birth certificate, passport, certificate of primary general education, a report card based on the results of the academic year for the 8th grade, a certificate of merit “For excellent academic achievements”, a medical insurance policy and original documents confirming the candidate’s right to benefits upon admission, are presented by the candidate to admissions committee school upon arrival.

All candidates entering the school take entrance exams from August 1 to August 15 in physical fitness, mathematics (written), Russian language (dictation) in the scope of the 8th grade program high school, undergo a psychological and psychophysiological examination to assess the category of professional suitability, and their suitability for admission is determined for health reasons.

Studied foreign language at school - English.

Standards for physical training:


You are not a slave!
Closed educational course for children of the elite: "The true arrangement of the world."

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North Caucasus Suvorov Military School
original name

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International name

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Former names

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Life is for the Fatherland, honor is for no one!

Year of foundation
Closing year

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Year of reorganization

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Target capital

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The president

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Scientific director

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Foreign students

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Bachelor's degree

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Master's degree

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Postgraduate studies

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Doctoral studies

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The doctors

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Russia 22x20px Russia, Vladikavkaz city


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Legal address

362000, Vladikavkaz, st. International 22


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Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. K:Educational institutions founded in 1943

North Caucasus Suvorov Military School (SkSVU)- military educational institution ( Suvorov School), located in the city of Vladikavkaz. It arose on the basis of the Ordzhonikidze Suvorov Military School, which had previously ceased operation due to the renaming of the city of Ordzhonikidze to Vladikavkaz, and its revival in 2000.


Currently (after its revival in 2000), 325 Suvorov students from the constituent entities of the North Caucasus Federal District of the Russian Federation are studying at the school.

Heads of the school

College graduates

  • Bulgakov, Vladimir Vasilievich - Colonel General, Hero of the Russian Federation.
  • Zarudnitsky, Vladimir Borisovich - Colonel General, Commander of the Central Military District (?)
  • Kolesnik, Vasily Vasilyevich - Major General, Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Otrakovsky, Alexander Ivanovich - Major General, Hero of the Russian Federation.
  • Starostin, Evgeniy Vasilievich - Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor, UNESCO expert, director of MGIAI in 1992-1996.
  • Sidzhakh, Khazretbiy Iskhakovich - colonel, candidate of historical sciences.
  • Suanov, Stanislav Nikolaevich - First Deputy Head of the Department of Troops and Forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.
  • Fesin, Ivan Ivanovich - major general, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Shurukhin, Pavel Ivanovich - Major General, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.

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Sidzhakh, Khazretbiy Iskhakovich. The book “We were the first Suvorovites.”

Sidzhakh, Khazretbiy Iskhakovich. Historical and reference collection “We are Suvorovites from the Caucasus.”

An excerpt characterizing the North Caucasus Suvorov Military School

Inside the carriage sat the king and queen we already knew, and also a pretty girl of about eight years old, as well as two ladies still unknown to us. Everyone looked gloomy and worried, and even the little girl was quiet, as if she sensed the general mood of the adults. The king was dressed surprisingly modestly - in a simple gray frock coat, with the same gray round hat on his head, and the queen hid her face under a veil, and it was clear that she was clearly afraid of something. Again, this whole scene was very reminiscent of an escape...
Just in case, I looked again in Stella’s direction, hoping for an explanation, but no explanation came - the little girl was very intently watching what was happening, and in her huge doll eyes there was a deep, not at all childish, sadness lurking.
“Well, why?.. Why didn’t they listen to him?!.. It was so simple!..” she suddenly became indignant.
The carriage was rushing all this time at almost crazy speed. The passengers looked tired and somehow lost... Finally, they drove into some large, unlit courtyard, with the black shadow of a stone building in the middle, and the carriage stopped abruptly. The place was reminiscent inn or a large farm.
Axel jumped to the ground and, approaching the window, was about to say something, when suddenly an authoritative male voice was heard from inside the carriage:
– Here we will say goodbye, Count. It is not worthy for me to expose you to further danger.
Axel, of course, who did not dare to object to the king, only managed to fleetingly touch the queen’s hand as a farewell... The carriage rushed off... and literally a second later disappeared into the darkness. And he was left standing alone in the middle of the dark road, wanting with all his heart to rush after them... Axel felt “in his gut” that he could not, had no right to leave everything to the mercy of fate! He just knew that without him, something would definitely go awry, and everything that he had organized for so long and carefully would completely fail due to some ridiculous accident...
The carriage was no longer visible for a long time, and poor Axel still stood and looked after them, clenching his fists with all his might in despair. Angry male tears flowed sparingly down his deathly pale face...
“This is the end already... I know, this is the end already...” he said quietly.
– Will something happen to them? Why are they running away? – not understanding what was happening, I asked.
- Oh, yes!.. They will be caught very soon bad people and they will put you in prison... even a boy.
-Where do you see the boy here? – I was surprised.
- So he’s just dressed up as a girl! Don't you understand?..
I shook my head. So far, I still didn’t understand almost anything here - neither about the royal escape, nor about the “bad people,” but I decided to just look further without asking anything else.
“These bad people offended the king and queen and wanted to capture them. So they tried to escape. Axel arranged everything for them... But when he was ordered to leave them, the carriage drove slower because the king was tired. He even got out of the carriage to “get some air”... and that’s where they recognized him. Well, they grabbed it, of course...

Pogrom at Versailles Arrest of the royal family

Fear of what is happening... Seeing off Marie Antoinette to the Temple

Stella sighed... and again threw us into another “new episode” of this, not so happy, but still beautiful story...
This time everything looked ominous and even frightening.
We found ourselves in some dark, unpleasant room, as if it was a real evil prison. In a tiny, dirty, damp and fetid room, on a wooden bed with a straw mattress, sat exhausted by suffering, dressed in black, a thin, gray-haired woman, in whom it was completely impossible to recognize that fabulously beautiful, always smiling miracle queen whom young Axel most loved. loved in the world...

Marie Antoinette at the Temple

He was in the same room, completely shocked by what he saw and, not noticing anything around, stood on bended knee, pressing his lips to her still beautiful, white hand, unable to utter a word... He came to her completely desperate, having tried everything in the world and having lost the last hope of saving her... and yet, again he offered his almost impossible help... He was obsessed with a single desire: to save her, no matter what... He simply could not let her die... Because without her, his life, already unnecessary to him, would end...
They looked at each other in silence, trying to hide the naughty tears that flowed in narrow paths down their cheeks... Unable to take their eyes off each other, because they knew that if he failed to help her, this glance could be their last.. .
The bald jailer looked at the grief-stricken guest and, not intending to turn away, watched with interest the sad scene of someone else's sadness unfolding in front of him...
The vision disappeared and another one appeared, no better than the previous one - a terrible, screaming, armed with pikes, knives and guns, a brutal crowd mercilessly destroyed the magnificent palace...


Then Axel appeared again. Only this time he was standing at the window in some very beautiful, richly furnished room. And next to him stood the same “friend of his childhood” Margarita, whom we saw with him at the very beginning. Only this time all her arrogant coldness had evaporated somewhere, and her beautiful face was literally breathing with sympathy and pain. Axel was deathly pale and, pressing his forehead against the window glass, watched in horror something happening on the street... He heard the crowd rustling outside the window, and in a terrifying trance he loudly repeated the same words:
- My soul, I never saved you... Forgive me, my poor... Help her, give her the strength to bear this, Lord!..
– Axel, please!.. You have to pull yourself together for her sake. Well, please be reasonable! – his old friend persuaded him with sympathy.
- Prudence? What kind of prudence are you talking about, Margarita, when the whole world has gone crazy?!.. - Axel shouted. - What is it for? For what?.. What did she do to them?!.
Margarita unfolded a small piece of paper and, apparently not knowing how to calm him down, said:
- Calm down, dear Axel, listen better:
- “I love you, my friend... Don’t worry about me. The only thing I miss is your letters. Perhaps we are not destined to meet again... Farewell, the most beloved and most loving of people...”
This was the queen’s last letter, which Axel had read thousands of times, but for some reason it sounded even more painful from someone else’s lips...
- What is this? What's going on there? – I couldn’t stand it.
- This beautiful queen is dying... She is now being executed. – Stella answered sadly.
- Why don’t we see? – I asked again.
“Oh, you don’t want to look at this, trust me.” – The little girl shook her head. - It’s such a pity, she’s so unhappy... How unfair it is.
“I would still like to see...” I asked.
“Well, look...” Stella nodded sadly.
In a huge square, chock-full of “excited” people, a scaffold rose ominously in the middle... A deathly pale, very thin and exhausted woman dressed in white proudly climbed up the small, crooked steps. Her short-cropped blond hair was almost completely hidden by a modest white cap, and her tired eyes, reddened from tears or lack of sleep, reflected deep, hopeless sadness...