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Composition of military transport aviation of the Air Force. The military regiment returned home. The period of the Great Patriotic War.

According to the Directive of the Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR dated September 21, 1942, on the basis of the 1st aviation squadron of the separate special purpose aviation transport regiment (OTAP ON) of the Red Army Air Force, on October 7, 1942, the 2nd transport aviation regiment was formed consisting of two squadrons (on The three-squadron regiment was transferred on February 1, 1943). The newly formed regiment became part of the 2nd Special Purpose Air Division (2nd ADON). By orders of the commander of the 2nd ADON, the following were appointed as acting commanders: the commander of the 2nd TAP ON - Major Konstantin Iosifovich Lysenko; Chief of Staff of the 2nd TAP ON - Lieutenant Colonel Fedor Semenovich Borsuk.

The regiment was armed with Li-2 and S-47 aircraft. They were used by the regiment until 1963.

From October 1942 until the end of the Great Patriotic War The 2nd TAP carried out operational tasks of the Red Army Air Force for the relocation of flight and technical staff of headquarters and technical equipment of marching regiments, for the delivery of urgent cargo in the interests of the Technical Supply Directorate of the Red Army Air Force to the Air Armies (1st, 2nd, 3rd , 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 14th, 15th, 16th and 18th). The regiment's pilots provided assistance to the population of besieged Leningrad, delivered food to the city, transported the sick and wounded, and also transported weapons and scarce materials. The regiment's crews repeatedly flew to partisan airfields, in particular, they landed at the location of the partisan unit S.A. Kovpaka.

Pilots of the 2nd squadron of the 2nd TAP ON after a combat mission. 1942

The leadership of the 2nd TAP ON. 1943 In the first row in the center is the regiment commander, Lieutenant Colonel Zotov N.A.

Presentation of the battle flag to the 2nd TAP ON. 1943

Loading food for besieged Leningrad

In April 1943, Captain Dudkin's crew, delivering ammunition to the partisans, was fired upon by anti-aircraft artillery and then attacked by enemy night fighters. The aircraft commander maneuvered the aircraft out of the fire zone, and the gunner, Sergeant Major Vasilenko, shot down the enemy fighter with two machine-gun bursts. The crew successfully completed the combat mission.

On October 17, 1943, Lieutenant Fedorov’s plane, delivering cargo to the front line, was attacked and set on fire by an enemy fighter. The crew made an emergency landing, extinguished the fire on the plane, and then successfully completed the combat mission.

Captain Mogilny's crew, having landed in close proximity to the front line, refueled our tanks directly from the plane, which immediately went into battle.

April 26, 1944 The crew of the pilot Shupakovsky carried out a mission to deliver ammunition to the partisans. The landing site was under enemy fire. The crew commander was killed during the landing. Co-pilot Shevtsov landed, unloaded ammunition and took off under continuous fire. To top it all off, on the return route the plane’s damaged engine failed, but Shevtsov managed to land on his territory.

During the Great Patriotic War, the crews of the 2nd TAP carried out 27,806 combat missions. The regiment's total flight time was 39,474 hours. 47,415 people were transported, including 125 generals, 22,233 officers, 9,796 sergeants and privates. 8452 tons of cargo were delivered. The total length of the routes was 8,090,617 km. Over 200 soldiers and officers of the regiment were awarded orders and medals.

Until February 1943, the regiment was based in Monino, from February 1943 to June 1944 in Chkalovskaya, then again in Monino. In February 1945, the regiment was relocated to the Medvezhy Ozera airfield.

In 1945-1949 The 2nd Transport Aviation Regiment performed:

– government assignments in the interests of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of State Security, the Ministry of Cinematography;

– operational tasks General Staff, Air Force General Staff, Technical Supply Directorate for the delivery of passengers, technical equipment, various cargo to the military districts of Moscow, Leningrad, Baltic, Carpathian; Air armies - 4th, 14th and 16th, as well as Soviet troops in Germany.

Over four years, the crews of the 2nd TAP completed 7,239 sorties, flying 18,177 hours, transported 20,596 people and 1,811 tons of cargo. The length of the routes was 4,287,249 km.

Since February 1947, the regiment was based at the Central Airfield named after. Frunze in Moscow.

In 1948, one squadron of the regiment mastered the Il-12 twin-engine transport and passenger aircraft. The Ilys remained in service with the regiment for only four years: in 1952, 14 Il-12 aircraft were transferred from the regiment to other units, in return the regiment received 16 S-47 aircraft and 9 Li-2 aircraft.

From October 7 to October 24, 1948, eight crews of the regiment, on instructions from the Council of Ministers of the USSR, provided assistance to the population of Ashgabat affected by the catastrophic earthquake. 70 sorties were carried out with a flight time of 225 hours 38 minutes, of which 10 flights were at night; transported: 91 medical workers, 350 city residents, 8 tons of medical equipment and 23 tons of various cargo.

Commander of the 2nd TAP ON Major Gorodilov Ya.S. sets a combat mission. 1943

The squadron commander of the 2nd TAP ON, Major Plekhanov, and the ship's commander, Senior Lieutenant Bondarev, near the Li-2 aircraft. Monino. 1943

In 1948-1949, the crews of the regiment carried out a particularly important Government task to master flights in the Arctic. Il-12 planes flew here. The first “business trip”, from April 2 to May 14, 1948, was attended by the crews of Major Sevastyanov, senior lieutenants Shats and Krasikov. May 6, 1948 crew of Major I.G. Sevastyanov on an Il-12 aircraft reached North Pole.

In total, 61 flights were completed in the Arctic with a flight time of 251 hours 42 minutes, of which 127 hours were in SMU. 194 people, 24 tons of cargo were transported, the length of the routes was 66,467 km.

Eight Il-12 regiments carried out tasks for the development of the Arctic in May-June 1949. The work of the Il-12 crews was highly appreciated by the Government: by Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces of December 6, 1949, for carrying out a special task of the USSR Government for the development of the Arctic to the deputy commander of the 1st 1st aviation squadron, Major Ivan Grigorievich Sevastyanov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, another 31 people, including crew commanders Captains Zhilin and Kharagezov, senior lieutenants Glinsky, Krasikov, Shats, Shichko and Lieutenant Turin, were awarded orders and medals.

In April, June - July, October - November 1949, the regiment conducted weather reconnaissance to support the May Day and November parades and the air parade in honor of Aviation Day. 359 sorties were flown with flight time of 715 hours 50 minutes.

The crews flew abroad almost from the moment the regiment was formed. Naturally, during the war, “abroad” represented deep behind enemy lines, and in the first post-war years the flights were carried out in the interests of Soviet troops located in adjacent territories.

In 1949, the regiment truly entered the international arena for the first time: in June, the crews of senior lieutenants Savenkov and Glinsky completed three missions to support the work of the last Paris session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the USSR, USA, Great Britain, France and China (7 flights were completed 39 hours). In the same year, Captain Ivanov’s crew carried out tasks of the military medical department in China (22 flights with a total flight time of 66 hours 14 minutes). Captain Vereikin's crew flew to Czechoslovakia on instructions from the Ministry of State Security and the Trade Mission of the USSR.

Landing of people and cargo was not a priority for the 2nd TAP ON; however, in 1949, Captain Zhilkin’s crew provided training for the commanding staff of the Air Force parachute service.

On February 2, 1949, the 2nd TAP ON, by directive of the headquarters of the Moscow Military District, was renamed the 708th Special Purpose Aviation Transport Regiment.

The war is over, but the work of aviators is always associated with risk. As sad as it may be, accidents, flight incidents and catastrophes are inevitable. The first disaster in the regiment in the post-war years occurred in 1951, when a C-47 from the 2nd squadron crashed during landing in difficult weather conditions. The young pilot, Lieutenant Luchin, incorrectly calculated the landing approach, and the instructor - deputy commander of the 2nd ADON, Colonel Smirnov - did not intervene in time. Everyone on board died.

In 1957, the development of new technology began - Il-14 aircraft. The regiment's leadership was the first to retrain, in August - the 1st squadron, in September - the 2nd. By the end of the year, 33 crews had retrained on the Il-14. A certain number of Li-2 and Si-47 aircraft remained even after the arrival of the Il-14.

At the beginning of 1959, the regiment was relocated to the main airfield of the country - Sheremetyevsky.

The late 50s and early 60s were marked by Khrushchev's notorious reforms. One of the most elite regiments of the Air Force, the 708th TAP ON, fell under the millstone of those reforms. The regiment lost the prestigious “increase” of “Special Purpose” in its name, becoming an ordinary military transport aviation regiment. The location of the deployment in June 1960 changed from the prestigious Sheremetyevo to the Azerbaijani Kirovabad. In fact, the regiment's personnel were renewed by 100%.

One can even say that the regiment was formed anew in a new place. The personnel were recruited from among the flight and technical crews of the 188th Bomber Aviation Division (in total, the regiment included representatives of 26 front-line aviation units bomber aviation), and the former commander of the 650th Bomber Aviation Regiment, Colonel P.D., was appointed commander. Panasov.

On August 16, 1960, the 708th TAP ON was officially renamed the “708th Military Transport Aviation Regiment (708th VTAP).” The bomber pilots who ended up in the 708th VTAP were lucky - they continued to fly, while many of their colleagues moved from an airplane to a tractor or a dump truck, that is, they became machine operators and drivers...

Regiment at the parade in Kirovabad

For the Il-28 crews, mastering the new Il-14 transport vehicle did not present any particular difficulties, however, they had to retrain for the new materiel “in a real way.” By the end of 1960, 27 crews who had previously flown Il-28 bombers had retrained on the Il-14. Another 18 crews mastered the Li-2.

Almost immediately after mastering the Il-14, the regiment began to carry out the tasks assigned to it, including “special purpose” ones. Thus, from April to October 1961, six crews, headed by the deputy regiment commander, Lieutenant Colonel A. A. Kalugin, transported 24 Il-14 aircraft to India, where they handed them over to representatives of the Indian Air Force.

In 1961, the regiment supported exercises for the 104th Airborne Division for the first time. The regiment will be associated with this division for many years, and the priority task of the unit has now become landing flights. More than once or twice, aviators will help paratroopers, and paratroopers will help aviators.

60s - height Cold War, and the Caucasus is not the easiest geographical region to pilot. “Carrying out flights in difficult climatic, geographical and meteorological conditions“, the crews successfully completed the tasks, showing great endurance, flying skill, high military discipline and vigilance.” “Carrying out individual educational work with privates, non-commissioned officers and officers, commanders, superiors, political workers, secretaries and members of party and Komsomol bureaus of air squadrons raised them in the spirit of high communist morality, a healthy way of life, instilled in the personnel courage, bravery, honesty, truthfulness, integrity, as well as a feeling of burning hatred for the American-British imperialists - their worst enemies Soviet people, cooking world war».

From September 21 to October 17, 1961, the crews of Major Chivkunov, Captain Lyubarsky and Senior Lieutenant Lesin carried out tasks of the General Staff of the Air Force in Poland, the GDR and Czechoslovakia to support events carried out by the headquarters of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Warsaw Pact countries. 173 military personnel and 12 tons of cargo were transported.

As you know, after the end of World War II, the struggle of oppressed peoples for liberation from colonial oppression flared up, as a result of which many “hot spots” formed in the world, which are inconvenient to even call hot spots. A real war broke out in Indochina.

The USSR supported the anti-colonial movement along all lines: political, economic, military. The 708th VTAP took part in providing military-technical assistance. In the case of Laos, it would be more correct to speak about civil war. On one side of the barricades there was a “legitimate” government supported by the United States, on the other - the National Liberation Front of Laos Pathet Lao. However, everything was far from so simple, the “picture” was more of a puzzle than “ black and white photograph." 1959 ended with a successful offensive launched by government troops against the Pathet Lao. The most active during the offensive of government troops was the 2nd parachute battalion of Captain Kong Le. August 9, 1960

After several months of protracted fighting, Kong Le decided to take matters into his own hands. While most government dignitaries were in Luang Prabang for the king's funeral, the 2nd Parachute Battalion occupied the Laotian capital of Vientiane. Kong Le then announced his intention to form a neutral government, open to both royalist and Pathet Lao communist participation. Pathet Lao troops began to converge on the capital of Laos. These units were supplied via an air bridge from North Vietnam by military transport aircraft with Soviet crews.

It is clear that the flights were carried out in secrecy, although for the West it was no secret who carried weapons to the Pathet Lao troops. After a series of battles in which the scales swung in both directions, in May 1962, the Pathet Lao forces inflicted a decisive defeat on government forces. US President J.F. Kennedy sent 5,000 troops to Thailand as part of a relief program Royal government. By June, fighting had ceased, and a second coalition government of royalists, neutralists and Pathet Lao communists was formed.

The United States made concessions to the new government of Laos and withdrew its military advisers and aid group from the country by October 6, 1962. It was the events of 1962 that made it possible to further establish the famous Ho Chi Minh Trail from North Vietnam to South Vietnam. Most of the trail passed through Laotian territory. Oddly enough, the contribution of Soviet military transport aviation to the creation of the Trail is very significant...

In 1962, 20 crews of the regiment on Li-2 and Il-14 aircraft, led by the regiment commander of the Guards. Colonel P.D. Panasov carried out transportation and drop of cargo from the territory of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam to airfields and landing sites in Laos. Over the course of 10 months, 3,879 combat sorties were completed (1,349 on Il-14 aircraft and 2,530 on Li-2 aircraft) with 9,480 flight hours. 15,834 people and 2,327 tons of cargo were transported. 286 tons of cargo were dropped by parachute. Landings and drops of cargo were carried out at the sites of Kon Dong Thum, Van Tien, Luang Probang, Nam Tha, Vam Nam Bac, Muong Sai, Phong Sam, Na Mo, Muong Hai, Nga Nasong, Thi Thom, Phu Song, Vang Vieng.

Flight personnel of the regiment in Laos

Before departure to Laos, Kirovobad

During combat missions, the planes of Major Chivkunov, captains Bolshakov, Lesin, Budovsky, Nadezhdin, Bondarev were fired at by rebel anti-aircraft artillery and received holes; Captain Karpov’s plane was attacked by a rebel fighter. The four Il-14s, led by Major Agafonov, were attacked by a pair of AT-6 aircraft on February 8 while dropping cargo at the Na Mo site. The Regimental History Form indicates that the aircraft belonged to the US Air Force, but in fact the aircraft belonged to the Laotian Air Force and was most likely piloted by a volunteer pilot from Thailand. As a result of machine gun fire and the launch of unguided missiles, Major Agafonov’s Il-14 was damaged (later 36 holes were counted in the plane); the squadron communications chief, Captain A.M., who was on board. Davydov was seriously wounded. Thanks to courage and high flying skill, the crew completed the task and landed safely at the alternate airfield in Dien Bien Phu. By decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces dated August 22, 1962, Major Agafonov was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, crew members were awarded the Order of the Red Star,

After completing the task, the entire personnel of the group was awarded the “Friendship” medal by the government of the DRV.

In March 1963, the regiment began theoretical preparation for mastering the An-8 turboprop aircraft, and in mid-May flights began on the new aircraft.

By August 1 (the deadline set by the command), the regiment had basically completed retraining - 27 crews were trained to fly the An-8, and by the end of the year all 32 crews had retrained; 27 crews were trained for parachute landing of troops and cargo day and night at the PMU. On August 1, the regiment began flying the An-8 as part of its combat training course. In addition to providing exercises for units of the 104th Airborne Division, the regiment began working with special forces units.

During the two-year operation of the An-8, two disasters occurred in the regiment: one due to a crew error, the second due to a design and manufacturing defect. The crews of captains V.I. Putin and Sidorov died. On April 13, 1964, the An-8 of the ship’s commander, Captain V.I., crashed. Putin. While descending from an altitude of 5100 to an altitude of 1500 m to pass over the Kirovobad airfield, the plane collided with one of the peaks of the Main Caucasus Range.

The An-8 aircraft were not particularly popular among the troops and did not enter service in large numbers. The workhorse of the BTA was the An-12, the first truly mass-produced Soviet military transport aircraft.

The development of the An-12 began in April 1965 with theoretical training, and on May 24, flights began to train instructor crews and the entire flight personnel of the regiment. By September 1, 1965 (the deadline set by the command), 32 crews were trained - 100%.

On September 2, the regiment began flying Li-2 and Il-14 aircraft, led by regiment commander Guards. Colonel P.D. Panasov carried out transportation and drop of cargo from the territory of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam to airfields and landing sites in Laos. Over the course of 10 months, 3,879 combat sorties were completed (1,349 on Il-14 aircraft and 2,530 on Li-2 aircraft) with 9,480 flight hours. 15,834 people and 2,327 tons of cargo were transported. 286 tons of cargo were dropped by parachute. Landings and drops of cargo were carried out at the sites of Kon Dong Thum, Van Tien, Luang Probang, Nam Tha, Vam Nam Bac, Muong Sai, Phong Sam, Na Mo, Muong Hai, Nga Nasong, Thi Thom, Phu Song, Vang Vieng.

Preparation for landing. 1967

An aircraft from the 708th Regiment takes off during the Shield-72 exercise. Vitebsk.

A test of the level of training of An-12 crews was the participation of the regiment in the Seversky Donets demonstration exercise, held in 1966. During the exercises, 17,358 people, 40 pieces of military equipment, and 128 boxes of ammunition were parachuted from An-12 aircraft. For more than 20 years, the regiment successfully performed various missions on AN-12 aircraft without any flight accidents due to the fault of the flight personnel.

From July 25 to September 5, 1968, the regiment took part in the Czech events, called the Danube exercise. During the “exercises,” 25 regimental An-12s delivered airborne personnel (772 people), 19 units of military equipment, 24 vehicles, and 60 tons of cargo from the Ros airfield to the Brno airfield. The regiment then carried out transportation in the interests of troops from the Soviet Union to Czechoslovakia.

In 1969, the regiment took an active part in the famous Operation “Hay” - 18 An-12 aircraft from the airfields of Chimkent and Tashkent parachute-dropped hay to flocks of small ruminants stationed on the territory of the Turkestan Military District. 692 sorties were carried out, thanks to which the sheep who had the good fortune to live in the district received 3000 tons of hay. The question remains: did the hay turn out to be no more expensive than lamb and astrakhan fur?

In 1979, the regiment's personnel mastered practical bombing from An-12 aircraft using TG-12MV belt conveyors. The Indians were the first (and probably the last) to use the An-12 as a bomb carrier. During the Indo-Pakistan War of 1971, Indian Air Force An-12 aircraft were used as night bombers. Improvised bomb carriers carried up to 16 tons of bombs, which were dropped through the aft fuselage hatch using conveyor belts.

The experience of the Indo-Pakistani armed conflict was in demand in the Soviet Air Force, so the An-12 became a full-fledged successor to the Li-2, which was used both as a transport and as a bomber. Another thing is that in a combat situation, Soviet An-12s never acted as bomb carriers.

In 1979 – 1986 The regiment's crews carried out combat missions to transport troops, military equipment and supplies to Afghanistan from Soviet airfields (Mary, Fergana, Tashkent). From February 7 to April 28, 1980, 25 crews of the regiment flew to Afghanistan from Mary-2 and Fergana airfields. From January 20 to July 20, 1985, one squadron of the regiment (eight An-12s) was based in Bagram - the crews of Majors V.G. Ladnov. and Zhukov V.P., captains Kostrykina V.A., Leshchenko N.N., Saburov I.B., Khomutovsky A.B. and Chizhmak V.D.

Transportation was carried out throughout Afghanistan. The following figures give an idea of ​​the volume of transportation: in the first half of 1985 alone, 4,859 flights were carried out from Tashkent to the DRA, 14,858 tons of cargo and 54,765 people were transported! From September 21, 1985 to October 12, 1985, the crews of Major Yu.K. Cherepushkin and V.V. Bezmenov carried out 108 flights from Kabul airfield, transported 691 tons of cargo and 1308 people. During the first half of 1986, most of the regiment was permanently based in Tashkent.

Preparation for landing of military equipment

The crew of Lieutenant Colonel Khramtsov among the Afghan military. Kabul.

On November 29, 1986, the crew of Captain A.B. Khomutovsky, flying on an An-12 plane from Kabul to Jalalabad with a cargo of NAR S-24, was fired upon by dushmans. As a result of a direct hit from an anti-aircraft missile, the plane exploded and the crew died. By decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces, for courage and heroism shown during combat missions, the ship's commander, Captain A.B. Khomutovsky. awarded the Order of the Red Banner (posthumously). Crew members: Lieutenant Vologzhaninov A.S., senior lieutenants Kukhta Yu.A., Grigorov D.N., Andreenko S.I., warrant officers Mamedov Sh.M. and Cherkasov V.N. awarded the Order of the Red Star (posthumously).

The “second coming” to Afghanistan took place in 1990, when civil pilots refused to fly to Afghan airfields after cases of Taliban shelling of Aeroflot transport planes.

In 1990-1991, the regiment's crews, consisting of two groups of five aircraft from the Tashkent airfield, performed 325 flights to Afghanistan under the Air Bridge program. During one of the flights over Afghan territory, Major N. Kashin’s plane received bullet holes, but successfully completed the mission. There were cases of Stinger MANPADS being launched at the planes of the regiment, but, fortunately, the missiles carried away the traps fired from the IK planes.

Flights to Afghanistan were also carried out in 2002. In 2003, people and cargo of the Russian diplomatic mission were transported to Afghanistan from Chkalovskaya. Flights to Afghanistan were and are considered the most difficult, not at all because of possible shelling, but because of practically zero navigation support for landings in Kabul.

The “second coming to Indochina” of the crews of the 708th VTAP took place earlier. In 1982, the 1st squadron of the regiment was trained to carry out special missions of the Soviet Government in Vietnam. From June 29, 1982 to June 24, 1983, the detachment operated on An-12 aircraft in Socialist Republic Vietnam. Deputy commander of the 708th VTAP for flight training, Lieutenant Colonel A.K., was appointed commander of the detachment. Coord.

The main airfield was the former American base Tan Son Nhat, located near Ho Chi Minh (formerly Saigon). Three An-12s, TECh and 75 personnel were based in Tan Son Nat. The regiment's aircraft were also based in Da Nang - two An-12s and 27 people. Flights were carried out to Hanoi and back with cargo for commercial and household purposes, Soviet specialists and personnel of the Vietnamese People's Army.

Preparation for flights of vehicles of the 963rd UAP. March 1963

The Su-7B has a flight team of instructor pilot VT. Pugacheva - cadets Maksimov, Dyachenko, Afanasyev.

From Da Nang the An-12s flew to Laos, transported ammunition, Construction Materials, equipment for the Laotian People's Army. In Vietnam, the crews of the regiment worked on a rotational basis, the duration of the assignment was one year. Thus, from June 18, 1983 to June 19, 1984, there were five crews and three An-12 aircraft in Vietnam.

In 1982-1984, the regiment's squadron on An-12 aircraft, based in Ho Chi Minh City (DRV), transported special cargo, technical equipment, construction equipment, as well as ammunition, spare parts for military equipment and communications equipment for the Lao People's Army. The detachment finally returned from Vietnam in 1987.

As you know, the latest military equipment arrived in units Soviet army, aimed at carrying out combat missions in the European theater of operations, so the “Transcaucasian” regiment was delayed in mastering the Il-76 turbojet.

In the fall of 1986, theoretical training of the regiment's flight personnel began in Ivanovo to master the third generation military transport aircraft IL-76MD. The 1st Squadron was the first to retrain, from October 21 to December 26. The personnel of the 2nd squadron retrained in Ivanovo from February 25 to April 30, the 3rd squadron - from July 10 to September 11. On January 31, 1987, the regiment received two aircraft No. 713 and No. 714. In a solemn ceremony, the first aircraft No. 713 was presented to the crew of Major S.V. Popov. On February 13, 1987, the crews of the first squadron began flying the new aircraft, on June 1 - the crews of the second squadron, and in October - the crews of the third squadron. The regiment received 22 Il-76MD aircraft, and 39 An-12 aircraft were transferred to other units.

In 1988, the development of the Il-76MD was successfully completed. The qualifying flight as part of the squadron was performed at night: 1st Airborne Aviation Flight – March 15; 2 vtae – March 29; 3rd Airborne Aviation Flight - April 5, 1988. Re-equipment from An-12 to Il-76MD was completed in 1988.

The mid-80s were marked by a series of industrial and natural disasters, the largest of which were Chernobyl and the earthquake in Armenia. In May 1986 The regiment carried out tasks to eliminate the consequences of the disaster in Chernobyl nuclear power plant, transporting 10,052 people and 321 tons of cargo.

From December 1988 to April 1989 The regiment took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the strongest earthquake in Armenia. 444 flights were completed, 5,220 people and 1,770 tons of cargo were transported. For assistance in eliminating the consequences of the earthquake, 24 people were awarded the Order of the Red Star, 18 people were awarded the Order for Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR, III degree, the Order of Honor was awarded to six people, and the medal For Military Merit was awarded to 13 people.

In 1988, flights to “hot spots” of the then Soviet Union began. However, the regiment itself was stationed in " hot spot" Kirovabad became Ganja. Almost the entire 1988, the regiment’s crews flew to Nagorno-Karabakh, transporting personnel and military equipment “there” internal troops, “in reverse” – refugees. In 1989, more than 250 flights were carried out to Uzbekistan, where an ethnic conflict broke out in the Fergana Valley between Uzbeks and Meskhitian Turks. More than 10,000 refugees were taken to the Moscow region from Fergana.

1st class instructor pilot Captain Sergei Mamtsev is holding a raffle for a challenging aerobatics flight (but in reality, he is simply posing with the cadets for this picturesque photo). 963rd UAP, Taganrog, 1979

January 1990 – Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. The internal troops alone transported 14,870 people...

The regiment itself found itself in the very center of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. Pressure on personnel came from both sides. And after the collapse of the Union, pressure increased from within. The majority of warrant officers are traditionally recruited from local residents. Many Azerbaijani officers served in the regiment. Immediately after Azerbaijan was declared an independent state, the command staff of the regiment received “flattering” offers to continue serving in the old place, but in a new country with an increase in ranks and positions. To the credit of the regiment officers, no one succumbed to the lucrative offers.

In Baku there was a strong intention to “privatize” a part that was valuable in terms of future commercial benefits. Unlike, say, Kiev, which managed to retain the aviation regiments stationed on the territory of Ukraine, the political situation at that time in Azerbaijan was not stable. Political maneuvers made it possible to withdraw the regiment to Russia with all the “movable” and part of the real estate of the air base.

The evacuation began even before the memorable Belovezhskaya Pushcha with the removal of military families to Russia. The planes were filled to capacity with people and property - only a narrow passage remained. 215 families and 459 people were evacuated.

The withdrawal of the regiment took place in April-May 1992. During the period of the regiment's relocation, the Ganja airfield was located in the cordon of units of the 104th Airborne Division. There were no overt attempts to prevent the withdrawal, but sabotage did occur: the planes’ landing gear tires were “suddenly” deflated, and radio equipment units were broken. Personnel of Azerbaijani nationality did not strive for a new duty station... In total, during the relocation from Ganja to Taganrog, 230 flights were carried out, 2800 tons of cargo were transported.

At first there was no clarity about the new location. The Shadrinsk airfield in the Urals was considered, but in the end the regiment flew to Taganrog, as it turned out, out of the frying pan and into the fire. If in Ganja the 708th regiment was located directly in the “hot spot”, then Taganrog became the closest military transport aviation airfield in Russia to the North Caucasus. More often than 708th VTAP on North Caucasus No one flew to VTA.

Taganrog airfield is an old and well-equipped air base. The 963rd Instructor Aviation Regiment of Fighter-Bombers, the training regiment of the Yeisk Aviation School of Pilots, was based here, and there is an aircraft repair plant.

The 963rd training aviation regiment was formed after the war on the basis of the 6th separate naval aviation squadron at the Yeisk Aviation School of Pilots. The regiment was based in Taganrog since 1960, when the regiment was armed with MiG-17 fighters. In 1961, the regiment began training fighter-bomber pilots, and in 1962 the regiment received its first Su-7B aircraft. The mastering of the “rocket plane” by the instructors proceeded without transport flights - there were no pilots. The cadets were released on the Su-7B after being transported on the twin MiG-21U.

The MiG-21 and Su-7B aircraft were, to put it mildly, somewhat different in piloting. The first group of cadets completed training on the Su-7B in 1964. The regiment received its first twin Su-7UBs only in 1966. For mastering the Su-7 fighter-bomber by instructors and high-quality training of cadets, the 963rd UAP was the first among the training aviation regiments of the Soviet Air Force awarded the Order of the Red Banner. The case is unprecedented: the Order of the Red Banner was awarded only to military units that had the Battle Banner. The training regiments did not have the Battle Banner.

The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, by Decree of March 14, 1968, decided to present the Battle Banner to the regiment, and according to the Directive of the General Staff of the Air Force, the regiment became known as the “963rd Red Banner Aviation Training Regiment EVVA-UL named after. V.M. Komarov". Since 1981, the regiment has been training cadets on the Su-17 fighter-bomber. Local residents remember that time with horror, and veterans with admiration and nostalgia. The regiment flew six days a week, almost around the clock. The airfield is located almost within the city limits of Taganrog. One can imagine the “joy” of peaceful villagers from the constant roar of aircraft engines. They say that there were letters to Moscow with a request to move the rumbling airfield far away, today they don’t write such letters - the reason has disappeared...

Su-7B B.C. Mikhailova

On the territory of the aircraft repair plant

The 963rd UAP was disbanded in November 1994, its Battle Banner was transferred to the 16th Red Banner Assault Aviation Regiment. Many pilots, whose names, as they say, are well known, are grateful to the instructors of the 963rd UAP. Test pilots S.G. flew as cadets in Taganrog. Bliznyuk, V.G. Pugachev, N.F. Sadovnikov, V.Yu. Averyanov, L.D. Lobas, S.N. Melnikov, M.O. Tolboev, commander of the first carrier-based air regiment T.A. Apakidze, pilot-cosmonauts V.A. Dzhanibekov, Yu.I. Onufrienko, G.I. Padalko. The current Commander-in-Chief of the B.C. Air Force began his career as a cadet in Taganrog. Mikhailov.

In 1974, at the age of 31, Colonel Mikhailov became the youngest commander of an air regiment in the Soviet Air Force. The future commander-in-chief commanded the 963rd regiment until 1977. Through the efforts of the commander at that time, a Su-7B with tail number “77” was installed at the entrance of the air garrison. Today, the former glory of the 963rd regiment in Taganrog is reminded by the same Su-7B at the checkpoint, and stands in the modest, but very “representative” aviation museum located on the territory of the unit.

The organization of the aviation museum also could not have happened without Mikhailov, who at that time held the rank lieutenant general served as commander of the 4th Air Army and ... the country's highest political leadership.

In the early 90s, aircraft were slaughtered in abundance. One of the cutting bases was located at the Taganrog ARZ. When the 708th Regiment relocated to Taganrog, the ARZ parking lots presented a picturesque sight - about three hundred fighters and fighter-bombers awaited a sad fate. The cutting was carried out, naturally, under the supervision of the Americans. Oddly enough, the Americans managed to do a good deed in Taganrog: at the insistence of the “observers,” a bathhouse was built for them. The presence of the Americans was gradually forgotten, but the bathhouse is functioning properly! From that “cutting batch” the museum received two Su-17s (combat and twin), a MiG-25BM, and a MiG-23MLD, which retained the “Afghan painting” on the air intakes.

The 325th aircraft repair plant located in Taganrog traces its history back to 14 mobile repair shops formed in 1941. The plant has been located in Taganrog since 1948. In the 50s - 60s. The plant repaired light front-line fighters MiG-15 and MiG-17, Il-10 attack aircraft, light aircraft Yak-12 and Yak-18. Since 1968, the 325th Aircraft Repair Plant has specialized in the repair of military transport aircraft. An-1 2 is still being repaired here.

Over almost forty years, the plant has undergone major overhauls of more than 1,100 An-12 aircraft, and this figure is still far from final. In 1991, ARZ mastered the overhaul of Il-76 aircraft. Today ARZ became the leader in the overhaul of 76s. Staraya Russa, only five Ilovs were repaired in Taganrog. However, the plant carries out repairs of on-board equipment of the Il-76 aircraft - very useful for the 708th VTAP.

At the assault table, Sergei Samoilenko, deputy commander of the 2nd Air Force educational work, ship's navigator

The regiment commander sets a task for the crew. Air. Vozdvizhenka, "Mobility-2004"

Loading of military equipment during the exercise "Mobility-2004"

In addition to the An-12, the plant carries out major overhauls of the An-72 and J1-410 aircraft. Many pilots and engineers of the 708th regiment after graduation military service continue to serve the sky at the 325th ARZ.

For a number of reasons, it turned out that the 708th Regiment de facto arrived in an “open field” and not at an equipped base. A good airfield with developed infrastructure, but a training one. At first, the Ilys stood right on the ground, the personnel and their families lived in tents, or even right in the planes.

Economic and everyday problems were complicated by serious losses in people. The Azerbaijanis remained in Azerbaijan, some Ukrainians and Belarusians left in search of a better life in Ukraine and Belarus, and some Russians also sought happiness in other places. Nevertheless, the regiment's crews completed their first flights from the new location just a few days after the official completion of the relocation. The planes were pulled from the ground onto the concrete by tractors.

In 1994 and 1999, the regiment transported troops and military equipment to the area of ​​the armed conflict in Chechnya, and in 1996 - to Tajikistan, Moldova, and Abkhazia.

Flights to Chechnya have become almost routine. Only planes of the 708th VTAP landed directly in Grozny. Soldiers of the “Rus” detachment were taken to the “First Chechen” from Grozny to the Moscow region. During the events in Beslan, Il from Taganrog quickly delivered special forces from Grozny to Budenovsk.

The regiment's crews transported peacekeeping forces to Yugoslavia. The memorable Russian landing on Pristina in 1999 caused quite a stir on both sides of the Atlantic. The Pristina airfield was captured by the “landing force”, but the landing force needed to be increased... or not increased. Eight Il-76s flew on alert from Taganrog to Dyaghilevo near Ryazan, where they stood for almost two weeks awaiting the command to load troops for departure to Kosovo. The command never did. The Ilys of the 708th regiment finally got to Pristina - in March 2003, Russian paratroopers were transported from Pristina to the Migalovo airfield.

On the left is regiment veteran Lieutenant Colonel V.V. Khramtsev

Il-76 of the 708th regiment VT A lands at Kubinka airfield

At the Ukrainka airfield

Poster with autographs of "Swifts"

By a directive of the General Staff of April 7, 1995, the 708th separate military transport aviation regiment and the 192nd Guards Kerch Red Banner military transport aviation regiment were reorganized into the 708th separate guards Kerch Red Banner military transport aviation regiment with the transfer of the Battle Banner, honorary titles and orders of the 192nd VTAP.

The 192nd VTAP was formed in March-April 1942 at the Chkalovsky airfield as the 102nd transport air regiment of the 1st transport air division. Li-2 aircraft entered service. From July 1942, the regiment was designated the 102nd Long-Range Aviation Regiment, performing both transport missions and bombing missions. In September 1943, the regiment was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, in May 1944 it received the honorary name “Kerch”, and in November 1944 it was transformed into the 32nd Guards. In 1946, in connection with the transfer of the regiment to military transport aviation, the number was changed - from 32 to 192. The regiment was armed with Il-12, Il-14, An-8, An-12, Il-76 aircraft. At the time of disbandment, the 192nd Guards VTAP was based in Transbaikalia, in Ukurei.

In 1998, the regiment became part of the 3rd Military Transport Aviation Division. On September 1, 2001, the 708th VTAP was withdrawn from the 3rd VTAD and transferred directly to the command of the 61st VA VGK (VTA).

Regiment commander Colonel V. G. Kochergin

Named aircraft of the Taganrog regiment

In 2001, the regiment, following the results of a competition for the best military unit to create and ensure safe conditions military service took 2nd place in the Russian Armed Forces and 1st place in the Air Force and was awarded a diploma from the Russian Defense Ministry.

Numerous business trips did not cancel the fulfillment of tasks in the combat training course of the Military Aviation and Airborne Forces. After a long break, the personnel returned to flights in combat formations and began to take part in airborne exercises. In September 2003, Major Romashkin's crew parachuted BMD-3 airborne combat vehicles into the regiment for the first time. In June 2004, the regiment, consisting of two groups of 4 aircraft, participated in the Mobility 2004 exercise. During the exercises, the task of transferring troops and equipment to the Far Eastern strategic direction was completed. Was transported

340 personnel, three amphibious armored personnel carriers, four infantry fighting vehicles, two GAZ-66 vehicles, two Ural vehicles and five KAMAZ vehicles. The flights were carried out along the route Taganrog – Koltsovo – Belaya – Vozdvizhenka – Krasny Ruchey – Ukrainka.

The regiment's activities in the international arena are not interrupted. In this regard, the autumn of 2004 turned out to be quite intense. In September, the crew of one of the most experienced pilots of the 708th VTAP, Major Khramtsov (currently a lieutenant colonel, deputy regiment commander for flight safety), accompanied the MiG-29 of the aerobatics team to China and back. Swifts." That flight marked the beginning of friendly relations between the pilots of the 708th Regiment and the Swift pilots.

In October, the crew of Lieutenant Colonel Kizilov carried out transportation as part of supporting the visit of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin to Brazil. “For the President,” the regiment’s crews began flying a little earlier, ensuring Putin’s trip to Murmansk in February 2002. “As a rule,” the President’s visits and trips are provided by the crews of the Tver 196th Regiment, so the involvement of Taganrog residents in performing such tasks is recognition of the flight skills of the crews and a kind of sign of special trust.

Many commanders of the 708th regiment reached high command positions: Colonel General Vyacheslav Vasilyevich Efanov in 1986 - 1997. commanded the 61st Air Army (VTA), Major General Alexey Konstantinovich Odintsev is currently the chief of staff of the 61st VA, Major General Viktor Timofeevich Kachalkin is currently the 1st deputy commander of the 61st VA, major general Until 2005, Viktor Egorovich Erofeev commanded the 12th military transport aviation division. E.A., who later became Heroes of Russia, served in the 708th regiment. Zelenov (as deputy regiment commander) and A.Zh Zelenko (as ship commander).

Named aircraft of the regiment:

76740 “Taganrog” - the honorary name was assigned in 2002.

Hero of the Soviet Union

Sevostyanov Ivan Grigorievich

Regimental commanders

The regiment was commanded in different years: year of taking office

Colonel Panasov P.D 1960

Colonel Chemerisov Yu.Ya. 1968

Colonel Efanov V.V. 1973

Colonel Monakhov B.S. 1975

Colonel Belov V.V. 1979

Colonel Tabakov N.I. 1983

Colonel Odintsev A.K. 1989

Colonel Erofeev V.E. 1991

Colonel Osikov V.F. 1995

Colonel V.T. Kachalkin 1997

Colonel Burlachenko A.A. 2000

Colonel Kochergin V.G. 2004

photo by Dmitry Pichugin

On the tab there is a photo of Sergei Krivchikov

To the 90th anniversary of Russian naval aviation


The Military Transport Aviation regiment, disbanded in the late 90s, was revived on the territory of the Ulyanovsk-Vostochny airport thanks to the support of President Vladimir Putin and the authorities Ulyanovsk region.

On December 1, 9 Il-76 aircraft of the Military Transport Aviation from Orenburg landed in Ulyanovsk. This is the basis of the 235th aviation regiment of the 18th military transport aviation division of the BTA. A ceremonial meeting of the aircraft took place, as well as the opening and consecration of the regiment headquarters (about 1,500 people will serve in it) and production facilities on the territory of the Ulyanovsk-Vostochny airport. Unit commander Vadim Dyrdin received brand new colonel shoulder straps from the hands of the commander of the Military Transport Aviation, Lieutenant General Vladimir Benediktov. Other officers were also promoted.

“Truly a great day! Let Ulyanovsk land accept words of gratitude from all VTA pilots. She greeted us hospitably and at home, as is customary in Rus'. The 235th regiment celebrates its second birthday and spreads its wings,” Lieutenant General Vladimir Benediktov, commander of the Military Transport Aviation, commented on the event.

Military families will not have housing problems. “The Ministry of Defense has a program for allocating funds for rental housing. The issue regarding Ulyanovsk is closed, everything is in order,” the BTA commander briefly explained to a Media73 correspondent. The event was attended by the head of the regional government, Alexander Smekalin, who conveyed greetings from Governor Sergei Morozov.

A little history. The military transport aviation regiment was formed at the Seshcha airfield in the Bryansk region in October 1989. It included two squadrons flying An-124 Ruslan aircraft and one squadron flying Il-76 aircraft. Since its formation, the regiment has carried out operational transportation of personnel, equipment and cargo on the territory of the USSR and abroad. In 1994, the regiment's personnel took part in the peacekeeping operation of the UN forces in Zaire under the code name "Turquoise", in combat operations to eliminate illegal groups on the territory of the Chechen Republic. On February 1, 1995, the regiment began relocating to a new location - Ulyanovsk; three years later it ceased to exist.

In May 2017, the commander of military transport aviation (MTA), Lieutenant General Vladimir Benediktov, announced that the formation of a new formation was beginning - the 18th military transport aviation division with headquarters in Orenburg, as well as a MTA regiment based in Ulyanovsk. “This aviation unit will also receive new aircraft - Il-76MD-90A. Today this is a priority task for us. In 2017, BTA planned to receive three new Il-76MD-90A aircraft. Last year we got two. On the basis of the center for combat training and retraining of flight personnel in Ivanovo, active learning for a new aircraft for instructors and teaching staff,” Benediktov said then.

Il-76MD-90A is a heavy transport aircraft, a deeply modernized version of the Il-76MD. Produced at the Ulyanovsk aircraft manufacturing plant "Aviastar-SP". Under a contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense, the company must supply 39 aircraft to military transport aviation. of this type until 2020 - this is the largest order in the history of Russian aviation. The aircraft is designed to transport troops, heavy large equipment and cargo, as well as parachute and landing of personnel, equipment and cargo; it can also be used to transport sick and wounded people and extinguish area fires.

And so on December 1, the new “old” 235th VTA regiment was revived in Ulyanovsk. “Comrades! Today we witnessed historical event. Previously we observed reverse processes disbandment of units and cessation of flights. People left the army. Thanks to Supreme Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Putin, much has changed radically. I am grateful to Lieutenant General Vladimir Benediktov and the personnel for the fact that without huge financial investments the regiment was equipped in Ulyanovsk. I wish that the number of takeoffs corresponds to the number of landings, this is our tradition. I am sure that the life of pilots in the Ulyanovsk region will bring them only joy,” said Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Aerospace Forces, Commander of the Russian Air Force, Lieutenant General Andrei Yudin.

Also at Ulyanovsk-Vostochny, a ceremony was held to name the An-124-100 Ruslan aircraft after the great aircraft designer Oleg Antonov, which completed its modernization at the Aviastar-SP plant. The name of Oleg Antonov is inextricably linked with the history of domestic military transport aviation, and aircraft of the Il and An brands form the basis of its flight fleet today.

An-124-100 "Ruslan" is the most load-lifting aircraft in the world. “Ruslan” was developed in the first half of the 80s of the 20th century at the Antonov Design Bureau together with leading allied research institutes, enterprises, aviation industry organizations and ministries. Everyone worked on its creation Soviet Union. Two thirds of the Ruslan production aircraft were produced in Ulyanovsk. Currently, the repair and modernization of the An-124 in Russia is carried out at the Aviastar-SP aircraft plant.

The aircraft, which was solemnly named after Oleg Antonov on December 1, was released on December 31, 1986 and was operated as part of the Russian VTA. In October 2017, production work to modernize the airframe and aircraft systems was completed in the final assembly shop of the Aviastar-SP plant.

According to Benediktov, the plans of the 235th regiment include the use of the modernized An-124-100 Ruslan and the new project of the Il-276 medium transport aircraft, which are associated with Aviastar-SP.

Aviastar, we recall, may become the manufacturer of the new Il-276 transport aircraft. UAC Vice President for Transport Aviation, General Director of the Aviation Complex named after. S.V. Ilyushin Alexey Rogozin spoke about this at a meeting on the development of VTA in Ulyanovsk this fall. The medium transport aircraft should replace the outdated An-12, An-26 and An-72. The price and requirements for this project, as well as the tactical and technical specifications, are being worked out.

“Today, the UAC transport division is the base for the production of military transport aircraft. We have an important task ahead of us - we undertake to supply new and deeply modernized aircraft for the needs of the BTA in the coming years. We are confident that soon our winged aircraft will serve to ensure Russia’s defense capability,” Rogozin made a statement on December 1 in Ulyanovsk.

The previously disbanded 235th Military Transport Aviation Regiment (MTA) returned to its original location - the Ulyanovsk-Vostochny airfield. Now it will be replenished with new Il-76 MD-90A aircraft produced at the Ulyanovsk aircraft manufacturing plant Aviastar-SP. The plant's management welcomes the military, believing that joint basing will reduce the cost of maintaining the airfield. Experts call the decision to dislocate the BTA unit “absolutely justified.”

Last Friday, the first 9 Il-76 MD aircraft of the 235th VTA regiment arrived at the Ulyanovsk-Vostochny airfield from Orenburg for permanent deployment. From this moment on, the regiment is considered formed and operational. The commander of the VTA, Lieutenant General Vladimir Benediktov, called this day “the second birthday of the 235th regiment and the 18th division of the VTA, which returned to their home places of deployment.” A day earlier, the management of the 18th BTA division officially began operating in Orenburg, which now includes BTA units in Orenburg, Ulyanovsk, Taganrog and Omsk.

Let us recall that the 235th Military Aviation Regiment was formed in 1985 at the Seshcha airfield (Bryansk region) as a regiment of An‑124 aircraft, and in 1995 it was relocated to Ulyanovsk, where not only the plant that produced the An‑124 is located, but also interacts with VTA 31st Airborne Brigade. In 1998, the regiment was disbanded, the An-124 aircraft were returned to Seshcha. Since 2008, a squadron of An-2 aircraft from the Orenburg air regiment has been stationed at Ulyanovsk-Vostochny under a joint basing agreement, providing training for paratroopers 31 airborne brigade.

Vladimir Benediktov explained that in the future the regiment will be replenished with new Il‑76 MD‑90A aircraft, the production of which is carried out by the Ulyanovsk aircraft manufacturing plant "Aviastar-SP" (state defense order for 39 aircraft), noting that the idea of ​​​​returning to Ulyanovsk is precisely connected with manufacturer of transport aircraft. He also added that in the future the regiment plans to accept military transport An‑124.

The strength of the regiment will be about 500 people. It was located on one of the parking areas of Ulyanovsk-Vostochny, where the planes of the Polet airline used to be located (which ceased operations in 2014). The administrative buildings (headquarters) of the regiment are also located there, as well as technical premises (TECH), which previously belonged to Polet. One of the Ulyanovsk-Vostochny boathouses and half of the control post building are also at the disposal of the regiment.

Perspective quantitative composition aircraft of the 235th regiment are not disclosed, however, as explained by the director of the Ulyanovsk-Vostochny airport (a separate division of Aviastar-SP) Vladimir Gortikov, the airfield parking areas are not enough for all the aircraft, and “what we have now is actually at the limit ". According to him, land has already been allocated and in the near future the Ministry of Defense will begin to build new parking lots for aircraft.

According to Kommersant's information, while the regiment's personnel will be housed in the vacant living quarters and barracks of the 31st Airborne Brigade, in the future the Ministry of Defense plans to build a separate military camp for the regiment's personnel in the immediate vicinity of the airfield.

Managing Director of Aviastar-SP JSC Sergei Yurasov met the BTA regiment “in a good mood,” noting that maintaining such a factory airfield is “a bit difficult,” and the arrival of the military will reduce the load and also take interaction with the operator to a new level.

However, as Mr. Gortikov explained to Kommersant, no financial compensation is expected for the deployment of the VTA, and the load on maintaining the airfield could be reduced by 8-10% due to joint efforts to clear the runway, when the regiment receives the necessary airfield equipment.

Chairman of the Government of the Ulyanovsk Region Alexander Smekalin, in response to a question about the region’s readiness to accept additional social burden, notes that, on the contrary, developers will only be happy to have a new buyer and tenant in the person of the Ministry of Defense, and the regional budget does not provide for special costs for the deployment of the regiment. “The arrival of the air regiment is a big plus and a challenge for the development of the region; moreover, it is also a large taxpayer,” the prime minister noted.

The head of the analytical center of the Aviaport agency, Oleg Panteleev, sees “only advantages” in joint deployment at the factory airfield. “Even when the development of the Ulyanovsk aviation cluster was discussed, we pointed out the prospects for such a location, since it is an excellent combination of infrastructure capabilities, proximity to a service organization, great savings on the delivery of spare parts and travel of specialists, the possibility of training flight and engineering personnel. And such proximity to manufacturer of heavy military transport aircraft is absolutely justified,” the expert said.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to the person who spared no time and effort in collecting this information.

610th center for combat use and retraining of military air personnel (Ivanovo): three squadrons of Il-76 aircraft (two instructor squadrons and one research squadron)

18th Guards Taganrog Red Banner Orders of Suvorov and Kutuzov Military Transport Aviation Division (Shauliai, Lithuanian SSR)
- 128 1st Guards Leningrad Red Banner Military Transport Aviation Regiment (Panevezys, Lithuanian SSR): Il-76M aircraft - in 1992 the regiment was redeployed to Orenburg;
- 196 1st Guards Minsk Military Transport Aviation Regiment (Tartu, Estonian SSR): Il-76M aircraft - redeployed to Tver;
- 600 1st Military Transport Aviation Regiment (Kėdainiai, Lithuanian SSR): Il-76 aircraft - in 1992, the regiment was redeployed to Shadrinsk (Kurgan region).
Since the late 1960s The 117th Berlin Order of Kutuzov aviation regiment of electronic warfare (Šiauliai) was also subordinated to the management of the 18th Guards Airborne Forces: An-12PP, An-12PPS aircraft; in 1992, the regiment was redeployed to Orenburg.

6th Guards Zaporozhye Red Banner Order of Bohdan Khmelnitsky military transport aviation division (Krivoy Rog): Il-76 MD aircraft
- 3 7
- 338 1st Military Transport Aviation Regiment;
- 363 1st Cherkasy Order of Suvorov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky military transport aviation regiment.

7th Military Transport Aviation Division(Melitopol): Il-76 aircraft
- 25 1st Guards Moscow Military Transport Aviation Regiment;
- 175 1st Military Transport Aviation Regiment;
- 369 1st military transport aviation regiment.

3rd Guards Smolensk Orders of Suvorov and Kutuzov Military Transport Aviation Division(control of the division and its 339th brigade - in Vitebsk, Belarusian SSR)
- 110 1st Military Transport Aviation Regiment (Krechevitsy, near Novgorod): Il-76 aircraft.
- 334 1st Berlin Red Banner Military Transport Aviation Regiment (Pskov): Il-76 aircraft.
- 339 1st Order of Suvorov military transport aviation regiment (Vitebsk): Il-76- aircraft

12th Mginskaya Red Banner Military Transport Aviation Division(Tver)
- 8 1st Military Transport Aviation Regiment (Tver): An-22 aircraft;
- 81 1st Military Transport Aviation Regiment (Ivanovo): An-22 aircraft;
- 566 1st Solnechnogorsk Red Banner Order of Kutuzov military transport aviation regiment (Seshcha village, Bryansk region): An-124 aircraft.
- 978 1st Military Transport Aviation Regiment (Seshcha village, Bryansk region): two squadrons of An-124 aircraft, one squadron of Il-76 aircraft.

- 192 1st Guards Kerch Red Banner Military Transport Aviation Regiment (Ukurey, Transbaikalia): Il-76MD aircraft.
- 708 1st Military Transport Aviation Regiment (Taganrog): Il-76MD aircraft.
- 930 1st Komsomolsk Transylvanian Red Banner Military Transport Aviation Regiment (Zavitinsk, Amur region): An-12 aircraft.
- 194 1st Guards Bryansk Red Banner Military Transport Aviation Regiment named after N.F. Gastello (Fergana, Uzbek SSR): An-12

Old version
Military transport aviation - 20 regiments in 1991 (657 aircraft - 55 An22 + 26 An124 + 120 An12 + 456 Il76)

610 1st TBP and PLS (517th IVTAP) Ivanovo (Northern)

3 vtad- Vitebsk:
- 339 vtap- Vitebsk-32 (IL-76);
- 103 vtap- Smolensk;
- 334 vtap- Pskov;
- 110 vtap- Novgorod.

6 vtad- Krivoy Rog
- 363 vtap- Krivoy Rog
- 338 vtap- Zaporozhye
- 37 vtap- Artsyz

7 vtad-Melitopol(2 vtap-Melitopol, Dzhankoy)
- 25 vtap- Melitopol-1
- 175 vtap- Melitopol-2
- 369 vtap- Dzhankoy

12 vtad- Migalovo:
- 8 vtap- Migalovo (An-22);
- 81 vtap- Ivanovo (An-22) - disbanded in 1998;
- 566 vtap- Seshcha (An-124);
- 235 vtap- Ulyanovsk - Seshcha (An-124) - 1989 to delivery. in 1998 in the 12th airborne regiment (based in 1989-94 - Seshcha, 1994-98 - Ulyanovsk), after disbandment the aircraft were transferred to the 566th airborne regiment.

18 vtad- Panevezys:
128 vtap- Panevezys (IL-76) - withdrawn to Orenburg(?) and disbanded in 1998;
196 vtap- Tartu (Il-76) - was withdrawn to Migalovo;
600 vtap- Kėdainiai (Il-76) - disbanded in 1963, on its basis the formation was formed in Shadrinsk (search for cosmonauts), from 1965 in Uzhnouralsk, from 1980 in Kustanay, on the An-12;
117 oap electronic warfare - Shauliai (An-12PPS, An-12BK-PPS) - OAP was withdrawn to Orenburg, retrained on the Il-76 and became VTAP. An-12PPS are in storage in Orenburg (although several vehicles may be in use).

? then- Tula:
110 vtap- Krechevitsy.

Individual shelves:
- 708 ovtap- Kirovobad;
- 194 ovtap- Fergana;
- 117 ovtap- Orenburg.

In the KDVO in the 50s there was the 1st Aviation Transport Division (as they were called then). Plus, there was information that there was a BTA regiment stationed in Ukurei (Chita region). Those. a regiment in Zavitinsk, a regiment in Ukurei and a regiment in Ulan-Ud...

An attempt to bring together data on the VTA of the USSR Air Force (approximately 1985 -1991)
I would be grateful for corrections and additions

610th Pulp and Paper Plant and PLS(517th ivtap) Ivanovo (Northern)

6th Guards then Ukraine
338th Vtap? Krivoy Rog
37th Vtap? Zaporozhye

7th tad Ukraine
25th Guards Vtap Melitopol
?-th vtap Dzhankoy

3rd Guards VTAD(Vitebsk)
339th Vtap Vitebsk (Zhurzhevo)
110th Vtap Krechevitsy
235th Vtap Sescha
103rd Guards Vtap Smolensk

334th Vtap Pskov (Crosses)

18th Guards Regiment(Siauliai)
117th Vtap?Panevezys
128th Guards Vtap?Kėdainiai
?-th vtap Siauliai

Y vtap Ulyanovsk (Vostochny)

12th tad
81st Vtap Ivanovo (North)
8th Vtap Tver (Migalovo)
?-th vtap Wedge

?th ovtap Kirovabad
?th ovtap Fergana
708th ovtap ?

In total, there are 7 military aviation units in the USSR Air Force VTA

For 1991:
6th Guardsthen Zaporozhye:
- 37 Artsyz;
- 338 Zaporozhye;
- 363 Cherkasy-Krivoy Rog;
7 then Melitopol:
- 25 Guards VTAP-Moscow-Melitopol-1;
- 175 Zaprozhye -Melitopol-2;
- 369 Cherkasskaya-Dzhankoy;
3rd Guards then Smolenskaya - Vitebsk:
- 334 Berlin-Pskov;
- 339-Vitebsk;
18th Guardsthen Taganrog - Panevezys:
- 128 Leningradsky - Panevezys;
- 196 Minsky - Tartu;
- 600 or 225 (in 1992) Shadrinsk;
- 108;
12 then Migalovo:
- 235 Sescha;

Others not installed:
192 Kerch;
708 Taganrog;
223 Chkalovsky;
103 Krasnoselsky-Smolensk;
117 Berlin;
978 Wedge - 5;
194 Bryansk;

For Alexey:
Yes you are right. In Ukurei there was the 192nd GVTAP. I made a mistake in spelling. The 193rd was OGRAP. There in Ukurei.
I was also mistaken about Efanov. I heard the ringing, yes... But now I’m quoting from a book about the history of the VTA:

In the summer of 1955, all transport aviation units were transferred to the Air Force, within which a new type of aviation was created - military transport. In addition to the airborne transport aviation, the VTA also included four divisions and four separate air transport regiments of the Air Force. Additionally, one helicopter division was formed.
The organizational and staffing structure of the BTA was constantly changing during the period of formation and development. Depending on its equipment aviation technology divisions consisted of two, three, and in some periods four air regiments. So, in 1955 of the eleven divisions, four were of three regiments, and the remaining seven (4, 6, 12, 40, 35, 54, 124 Tad) were of two regiments. The regiments had three squadrons of three detachments each. The detachments had 3-5 aircraft. The combat strength of the regiments ranged from 32 to 45 aircraft (helicopters) of the same type. In 1960-1970 all divisions (in total there were from 3 in 1959 to 5 in 1965) were first of four regiments, and then of three regiments. In addition to the aviation regiments, the divisions included an aviation control detachment, logistics, communications and radio support units (RTO). There were also control units (3 An-12s each) in regiments with heavy An-22 aircraft.
By 1955, the number of aircraft in military transport aviation almost doubled (to 950 units), and three years later it reached 1267. Then, due to the rearmament and significant reduction of the Armed Forces in 1960, the number of divisions was reduced by almost 4 times (out of eleven there are three left). Helicopter formations and units were reassigned to the Air Force, and the armed Li-2 and Il-12 were disbanded. The equipment was transferred to other departments. The number of aircraft in the BTA by 1965, compared with 1958, had more than halved.
In 1964, new additions to the aircraft fleet began. 6th Guards The bomber aviation division was re-equipped with An-12 aircraft (all three regiments) and renamed the 11th Guards. vtad (since 1966 under a different number). In the autumn of the same year, 14 regiments of two regiments were formed in Transbaikalia (in 1971 it was disbanded, and the regiments included in it became separate). In 1965, in the Kiev Military District, from two regiments of 6 battalions and one new regiment, 7 regiments were created (both divisions were transferred to the MTA of Ukraine in 1992).
Over the next five years, three more regiments transferred from Long-Range Aviation to the VTA, which were also re-equipped with the An-12. As a result, in 1971 the number of regiments increased from 15 to 24. Of these, 22 are on An-12 aircraft of various modifications and two are on An-22. The total number of aircraft reached 724 (98% of them are An-12). Then the number of aircraft fleet decreased slightly (to 620) and remained this way until the beginning of 1992.

The 14th VTA was formed on September 1, 1964 on the basis of General Staff Directive No. org/4/112456 dated July 8, 1964 in the city of Zavitinsk, Amur Region. The division included:
192nd Guards Kerch Red Banner Military Transport Aviation
930th Komsomol Transylvanian Red Banner Military Transport Aircraft
tion regiment.
At the time of formation of the division, the An-8 aircraft was in service. On June 20, 1967, the 192nd troop regiment was relocated to the Ukurei airfield (Trans-Baikal Military District).
In 1967, units of the division began theoretical and practical retraining for the An-12 aircraft.
Based on Directive of the General Staff of the Air Force No. 123/3/00840 dated May 10, 1971, the division was disbanded.
Over the years the division was commanded by:
since 1964 - Major General of Aviation Pakilev G.N., since 1966 - Major General of Aviation Sitkin VL., since 1969 - Colonel Nozdrachev V.V.