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Sailor ranks. Understanding military ranks

Sailors are always respected and serious people for whom work comes first. But at the same time, they all have families who are faithfully waiting for them and loving them. The profession of a naval sailor is not only responsible and serious, but also interesting. Members of the Navy can see a lot during their career. Although there is also a risk to life.

What are the military ranks in the Navy?

Let's start with the fact that in the Russian Navy, military ranks are divided into two categories: military and naval. The first ones have categories:

  1. The ladder begins with soldiers and foremen, who, in turn, are divided into soldier, corporal and foreman.
  2. Next come the warrant officers. This rank is divided into warrant officer and senior warrant officer.
  3. Officers. Here the subcategories are:
  • junior officers: junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain;
  • senior: major, lieutenant colonel, colonel;
  • highest: major general, lieutenant general, colonel general, army general and marshal of the Russian Federation.

Ship ranks have slightly different names:

  1. Soldiers, sergeants, sailors. Here the ranks are in ascending order: sailor, senior sailor, foreman of the 2nd article, 1st article, chief, chief ship officer, foreman.
  2. Midshipmen: midshipman, senior midshipman.
  3. Junior officers: junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, lieutenant captain.
  4. Senior officers: captain 3rd rank, 2nd rank, 1st rank.
  5. Higher officers: rear admiral, vice admiral, admiral, fleet admiral, marshal of Russia.

The uniform of military personnel in the Navy does not always include shoulder straps on which ranks are determined. Often, military sailors have stripes on their sleeves that identify their position and rank.

More information about the procedure for assigning titles

Like the Army, the Navy assigns a member's rank on the day his or her military rank expires. The legislation establishes the following deadlines:

  • to become a private or a sailor, you must serve for 5 months;
  • a year is required to serve in order to become a junior sergeant or sergeant major of the 2nd article;
  • You must serve three years to receive the ranks of senior sergeant and chief sergeant;
  • the same number of years is allotted to become an ensign or midshipman;
  • You must serve two years to become a junior lieutenant;
  • three to lieutenant;
  • three more to first lieutenant;
  • 4 years to captain and lieutenant commander;
  • 4 – up to major and captain of the 3rd rank;
  • It takes 5 years to become a lieutenant colonel or captain of the 2nd rank.

To receive the rank of senior officer, you must serve in your previous position for at least 1 year. As a rule, naval soldiers receive their next military rank 2 years after receiving the previous rank. The deadline includes:

  1. The break time (if any) due to the military being brought to criminal liability for unjustified reasons, as well as in the case of illegal dismissal with subsequent reinstatement.
  2. Time to stop military activities.
  3. Number of years spent in reserve.

Note that for special achievements, a naval soldier can receive another military rank ahead of schedule.

What are the responsibilities of the Navy?

Like any other troops, the Navy works for the good of the country. The main functions of the naval personnel are:

  • usage military force in case of a threat to the country from the sea. The Navy is also obliged to contain and suppress possible threats to Russia;
  • protect the sovereignty of your country by any means;
  • creating conditions to ensure the security of the state;
  • by order of the commander-in-chief, participate in various operations.

If we talk specifically about departments, then each of them has its own responsibilities. For example, naval aviation is engaged in missile and bomb strikes, and also provides cover. Coastal units defend the coast and lead ground fighting, protecting the sea border.

How to get into the Navy

Many young guys dream of working for the good of their Motherland, namely, protecting it. In order to become a member of the Navy, you must meet all categories. To be more precise, to become an employee you need:

  1. Have a complete secondary education. But it is preferable, of course, to graduate from a maritime school.
  2. Be at least 165 cm tall, and also have at least the second group of mental stability.
  3. Have a fitness category of at least A-2 (although you cannot get into the military infantry with such indicators).

Conscripts who are tall and good-looking are often taken into the honor guard company. However, secondary specialized education will not hurt in this case either.

Serving in the Navy Russian Federation Those who are capable of taking responsibility for commanding military personnel are awarded ranks in the navy. Each of them has characteristic insignia. To receive a specific rank, a person in the service must prove his worth and show zeal for further promotion.

Naval ranks in the Navy are divided into several categories:

  • Conscripts of contract and military service;
  • Junior officers;
  • Senior officers;
  • Senior officers.

Each military personnel who falls into one of the above categories is assigned certain responsibilities. He must strictly follow the charter and not neglect the tasks the implementation of which is his primary goal.


Military ranks are divided into ship or sea and military. The former can be assigned to employees of surface and submarine forces. Military personnel refers to individuals who serve in the airborne, ground and space forces.

Law "On military duty And military service» The Russian Federation (Russian Federation) establishes a military rank for military MFRs.


In the navy, the lowest rank is sailor

The junior rank in the Navy is Seaman. In the Navy, it corresponds to the private rating given to a member of the Army. It is received by a conscript for military service. The title is also given to contract soldiers who are just beginning to get acquainted with military affairs.

Next comes the senior sailor. In importance he is equal to a corporal in the army. This rank is given to a serviceman who has never violated discipline and takes his own responsibilities responsibly. Often a senior sailor becomes an assistant or even a deputy foreman of the second class.

Petty Officers

The most junior rank in the senior ranks is the sergeant major of the second class. A soldier of this category can count on permission to command a squad.

The sergeant major of the first article becomes a sailor who is ranked higher in rank than the sergeant major of the first article. He is the squad leader. This rank is awarded to military personnel who were able to show good results in the process of performing combat missions. They are also characterized by high organizational skills.


Midshipman's shoulder straps

The rank of midshipman is awarded to a sailor who has completed a number of training courses and programs. He corresponds to the rank of ensign in ground forces. The midshipman is considered responsible for carrying out combat duties and organizational affairs.

Above him in rank is the senior midshipman. This rank is similar to senior warrant officer in the army. He has the same responsibilities.

Junior officers

The junior lieutenant occupies the initial rank in the officer ranks. This rule applies to both naval and ground forces. A soldier with this rank may be assigned the duties of commander of a post or an entire platoon. It all depends on his professional skills and discipline.

The naval rank of senior lieutenant is given to a sailor who has performed well during service as an ordinary lieutenant. If the serviceman continues to give excellent performance, he will be able to become an assistant captain of a sea vessel.

The junior officer corps is completed by a lieutenant commander. This is the highest rank, which in the Russian Federation corresponds to the rank of company captain in the army. A sailor has the right to become a deputy captain of a ship. He also has the prospect of becoming a company commander, who has several hundred subordinates under his command.

Senior officers

A captain in the naval fleet has the right to occupy command positions on military vessels

A captain of the third category is the equivalent of a major in the army of the Russian Federation. Duties include commanding a ship appropriate to his rank. This includes anti-submarine, landing, torpedo vessels, as well as minesweepers.

Captains of the second rank are the same in importance as lieutenant colonels in the ground forces. This title is given to commanders of missile and landing ships, as well as destroyers.

Captain of the first category navy has the right to command ships, which are distinguished by complex control and great military power. We are talking about nuclear submarines, cruisers and aircraft carriers.

Senior officers

The rank of senior officers begins with the rear admiral. He has a naval squadron at his disposal. Also, a serviceman with this rank can temporarily occupy the position of flotilla commander. In terms of importance and responsibilities, a rear admiral corresponds to a major general in the ground army.

In Russia, the rank of vice admiral is provided. This soldier can replace the admiral. In importance, he is on a level with a lieutenant general in the ground forces. Flotillas are subordinate to the vice admiral.

An admiral, which in the land army corresponds to a colonel general, is a rank higher than a vice admiral. He controls and directs the actions of the fleet.

A serviceman who has managed to positively prove himself in the process of performing strategic, combat and organizational tasks can become an admiral of the fleet.


Fleet Admiral is the highest rank in the Navy.

The Russian Navy has two categories of shoulder straps. Some of them are intended for officers, while others are for junior personnel.

Sailors, midshipmen and foremen wear blue everyday clothes. Sometimes it is decorated with a silver-tone edging. There is an embroidered letter “F” on the shoulder strap. Midshipmen's dress shirt is beige. Dress uniform complemented by gray and black sewn shoulder straps, a jacket and a coat.

Officers wear a white dress shirt, which is complemented by detachable shoulder straps without piping. They have a golden color. Also presented is a beige dress shirt with shoulder straps that match the tone of the clothing. It goes with a casual coat and jacket. The latest version of the uniform is complemented by black shoulder straps, which are decorated with yellow edging. On an important occasion, officers wear a ceremonial jacket, which has golden shoulder straps with black edging.

According to the laws and regulations of the Russian Federation, military personnel of the Navy have insignia presented in the table. These data apply only to the Russian Federation.

RankMarks of Excellence
SailorsShoulder straps without distinctive insignia. Senior sailors have a transverse stripe on them, also known as galloon.
Petty OfficersYellow braid and stripes. The number of braids depends on the category of petty officer. The main serviceman of this rank has a wide longitudinal braid.
MidshipmenShoulder straps with vertical sewn stripes without gaps. Sometimes there are edgings. There are small stars in the amount of 2 or 3 pieces.
Junior officersShoulder straps with a yellow vertical stripe and one gap. There are stars measuring 13 mm. The number of stars depends on the rank.
Senior officersShoulder straps with two gaps. They are complemented by stars, the size of which reaches 20 mm. The number of stars depends on the rank of the senior officer.
Senior officersShoulder straps without gaps. They are decorated with stars that reach 22 mm in size. The most big star present on the shoulder straps of Admiral Flor. It is equal to 40 mm.

Rivermen and sailors' shoulder straps look exactly like this. Military personnel of the river and sea fleets have another insignia - sleeve ones. They must be present on the uniform, namely on the jackets. Stars and yellow stripes are considered to be the sleeve insignia. They are presented in the following options:

  1. Junior and senior officers - a continuous stripe.
  2. Higher composition - there is an anchor inside the star.

The number of stripes and their width depend on the rank of the serviceman.

In what other units are naval ranks awarded?

Naval aviation has similar ranks as naval forces

In the order (with a certain sequence) for awarding insignia and ranks of the Navy, several parts are involved:

  1. Coast security.
  2. Marines.
  3. Naval aviation.

Each of these military units is responsible for a specific range of tasks. For example, the infantry is responsible for the defense of military installations, aviation is responsible for detecting and destroying enemy air structures, and the coast guard defends the country's fleet bases.

How are titles awarded?

Ranks are assigned to military personnel in accordance with established deadlines.

Important! A sailor can be given a new rank ahead of schedule if he shows special zeal for service.

Military personnel of the Navy are assigned ranks through the following periods:

  • Senior sailor - after 5 months;
  • Petty Officer of the second article - after 1 year;
  • Chief Petty Officer - after 3 years;
  • Midshipman - after 3 years;
  • Junior lieutenant - after 2 years;
  • Lieutenant and senior lieutenant - after 3 years;
  • Captain 3rd category - after 4 years;
  • Captain 2nd and 1st category - after 5 years.

Higher ranks are awarded after one year of service in the previous rank. To achieve a promotion, a sailor must prove himself as a good specialist who is ready to take on important tasks and carry them out competently.

Ship ranks, just like in the ground forces, are assigned according to the extent to which the serviceman has the ability and desire to take charge of the sector entrusted to him. All naval ranks differ significantly from similar land ranks. This is due to a number of events that occurred in the history of Russia.

The main changes have occurred:

  • In 1917, in connection with revolutionary events.
  • In the period 1922-1991 during the existence of the Soviet fleet.
  • At the time of the creation of the state of Russia.

All modern naval ranks can be divided into 4 general categories: conscripted military personnel, junior officers, senior officers, senior officer ranks.

Marine shoulder straps were introduced in 1802. At this time, shoulder straps appeared on the shoulders of sailors of the Baltic and Black Sea Fleet.

In 1917, shoulder straps were abolished when the Soviet government abandoned the old imperial system. They were replaced by sleeve patches. The sailors faced a long struggle for the right to wear shoulder straps on their shoulders, but in 1943, Navy shoulder straps again began to adorn the uniforms of the personnel of these types of troops.

Now the shoulder straps of all naval personnel are black. The difference in ship ranks is in the location and number of distinctive signs on them.


IN Soviet times Service in the navy was 3 years, so many conscripts tried to avoid such long service. They hid from conscription just to avoid joining the navy. Currently, the Navy is called up to serve for 1 year, the same as the Army.

However, due to the fact that in 2017 a decree was issued regarding conscript service in the Navy, conscripts will no longer serve on ships and submarines. This is due to the fact that the Navy is moving to a contract basis.

In order to train personnel, more time is needed than allotted for conscription service. Conscripts will serve exclusively in the Coast Guard or Marine brigade.

Naval ranks and shoulder straps in the Navy are assigned according to a certain period of service. All conscripts entering these troops receive the rank of sailor, which corresponds to the rank of private in other types of troops. During the service, if the sailor proves himself, he may be awarded the next rank in the sailor's career, senior sailor, which is in the ground forces.

Sailors can be:

  • radio technicians;
  • mechanics;
  • helmsmen.

Most modern Russian military ranks appeared in the 18th century, with the formation of the first army on a regular basis. The main part of the credit for the creation unified army and the emergence of a strict hierarchy of military ranks belongs to the great reformer - Emperor Peter I.

Rear admiral - this rank is firmly connected with the history of the formation and development of the Russian. How it appeared, what duties were performed by those holding this military rank - this will be discussed in our article.

History of the title

Traditionally, the Russian fleet did not have a single leadership and was subordinate to two different departments. The fleet was led first by the Admiralty Board (18th century), and in the 19th century by the Navy Ministry. The Russian fleet had its own system of military ranks, different from other countries.

IN European countries the highest in the fleet appeared in the 17th century, and in Russia a century later. These were: the admiral, who controlled the main forces of the fleet, the vice admiral, who occupied a lower level in the military hierarchy, and the rear admiral, the lowest rank in the leadership of the fleet. He usually commanded the rearguard.

These ranks replaced the obsolete navarkh (fleet commander in Ancient Greece) and drungaria (head of the imperial Byzantine fleet).

and Table of Ranks

The title "rear admiral" came from Holland. Peter I, having visited Amsterdam, not only learned how to build ships, but also adopted the European military system. The prefix contra meant that in battle the admiral was at the head of the fleet, and the rear admiral took a position in the rearguard.

For some time in the 18th century, this rank was replaced by the rank of Schoutbenacht, but then it was returned again.

In Russia, according to the Table of Ranks created by Peter the Great, the rank of rear admiral corresponded to major general in the ground forces. Today, this primary admiral rank continues to exist in most armies of the world.

Now in the fleet, a rear admiral can command a squadron or be deputy commander of a flotilla.

In the USSR, the rank of rear admiral was established in 1940.

Distinguishing marks

The main insignia of admirals for a long time was the number of buttons on the cuffs of the uniform.

The rear admiral wore one button each, and then everything progressed: the vice admiral had two, and the admiral had three.

As a decoration, and at the same time as insignia, there were also stripes of braid of different colors that ran diagonally along the uniform. Gold embroidery on the cuffs and collar also served to distinguish the ranks of naval officers.

Then, in 1807, epaulettes with gold and silver twisted plaits were introduced as insignia.

After the revolution and during the years Civil War The insignia and uniforms for both the ground forces and the navy changed several times. Sleeve flaps with stripes and braid were used.

Modern insignia - shoulder straps - appeared during the war, in 1943. At the same time, the word “officer” is introduced.

Famous rear admirals of Russia

The outstanding naval commander of Russia was Vladimir Ivanovich Istomin.

In the years Crimean War distinguished himself while under the command of the famous Admiral Nakhimov. For his courage he received the rank of rear admiral. Together with Kornilov and Nakhimov, he was one of the leaders of the heavy defense of Sevastopol. During the defense of the city, he did not leave his defensive positions and lived there, in a dugout. He died during artillery shelling and was buried in the same crypt with other heroic defenders of the city.

The name of another brilliant rear admiral, Mikhail Nikolaevich Kumani, is associated with Sevastopol. He participated in the Crimean War with the rank of lieutenant. Served in the Baltic, Caspian Sea and Pacific Ocean. He received the rank of rear admiral and was soon appointed mayor of his hometown of Sevastopol. In this post, Cumani was able to do a lot in a short time before his death: Primorsky Boulevard was completed, a yacht club was founded, a shelter for the disabled was opened, the Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul, which was badly damaged during the defense, was rebuilt, and a city newspaper began to be published.

Women in the Navy

The weaker sex has long been actively involved in wars. IN modern armies female soldiers are a completely common occurrence. But it should be noted that they rarely occupy high positions. That is why the example of the American Grace Hopper, who rose to the rank of rear admiral in the US Navy, is so famous.

She was also a distinguished scientist in the field of programming language development. She resigned at the age of 79 and was at that time the oldest US naval officer in age.

Named after her a large number of different objects. The name is given to a street, a park, a building. 4 years after she left this world, a new missile frigate, the Hopper, was launched, named after the “amazing Grace.” The example of this amazing woman shows that not only men can successfully serve in the navy and achieve high rank and respect.

The list of military ranks is established by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Military Duty and Military Service”. They are divided into military and naval (sea).

Naval ranks are assigned to military personnel of submarine and surface forces Navy. Military applies to ground, space and airborne forces.

Navy units

These include:

  • Coastal troops. They guard strategic areas coastal zone. Military bases of the Russian Federation are equipped with missile systems and artillery. They have torpedo, anti-aircraft and mine weapons.
  • Naval aviation protects its ships from air attack. It organizes reconnaissance, search and rescue operations, transportation and landing of detachments. Its formations are based in the Black Sea, Pacific, Northern and Baltic fleets.
  • Marines was created in 1992. It is designed to protect naval bases, defend important coastal facilities, and participate in combat operations.

Each department has its own responsibilities, but they have the same basic functions:

  • protection of the country's sovereignty;
  • ensuring public safety;
  • use of force in case of detection of a threat from the sea side;
  • obedience to the orders of the commander in chief.

Junior ranks in the navy

During the first months of service in the Russian Navy, soldiers are called sailors. Until 1946 they were called “Red Navy men”. This rank is equivalent to private in the ground forces.

To the best sailors for excellent performance of official duties and observance of discipline is assigned to the senior sailor. They can replace squad commanders during their absence. The corresponding military rank is corporal.

The squad leader is a foreman of the first or second class. These titles began to be used in 1940. In the ground forces they are equivalent to sergeant and junior sergeant.

The deputy platoon commander is called the chief sergeant major. Among army servicemen, he corresponds to a senior sergeant. The rank above him is the chief petty officer.

Midshipman - this military rank is assigned to persons who remain in service in the ranks of the Navy after the expiration of the established period. They are trained in schools or courses. Senior midshipman is a rank higher. The ranks are equivalent to military warrant officer and senior warrant officer.

Naval officers

The first rank of junior officers in the navy is junior lieutenant. Upon completion of their period of service and successful completion of certification, they are transferred to lieutenants.

The next level is senior lieutenant. The rank corresponds to cavalry captain, infantry captain or esaul Cossack troops. The highest rank of junior officers is captain-lieutenant.

A captain of the 3rd rank is sometimes called a "captri". Equivalent to a major of the ground forces. Abbreviated name of captain 2nd rank -"kavtorang" or "kapdva". Corresponds to a lieutenant colonel in the armed forces. A captain of the 1st rank or “kapraz” is equivalent to the rank of colonel, and can command ships.

Rear admiral is the first admiral rank established on May 7, 1940. He serves as deputy fleet commander. A similar rank in the aviation and ground forces is major general. Above are the vice admiral and the admiral. Similar to them are army servicemen, lieutenant general and colonel general.

The post of Commander-in-Chief of the Navy is occupied by the Admiral of the Fleet. This is the highest active naval rank in the Russian Federation.


Shoulder straps of sailors without insignia. Senior sailors have one braid - a transverse strip. The foreman of the second class has two yellow fabric braids, the first class has three. The shoulder straps of the chief petty officer have one wide stripe. The chief petty officer has one longitudinal braid.

Midshipmen's shoulder straps are marked with small stars, which are located vertically. The midshipman has two stars, the senior midshipman has three.

Junior officers wear a vertical yellow stripe on their shoulder straps - a clearance. They have 13mm stars sewn on them. The junior lieutenant has one star in the clear, the lieutenant has two stars on both sides of the yellow stripe, the senior has one in the clear and two on the sides, the captain-lieutenant has two on the line and two on the sides.

The shoulder straps of senior officers have two parallel gaps and stars measuring 20 millimeters. The captain of the 3rd rank has one star between the yellow stripes, the second - one on each gap, the first - one between the lines and one on them.

Officers top level wears shoulder straps with big stars and without gaps. A rear admiral has one star, a vice admiral has two, and an admiral has three. On the shoulder straps of the fleet admiral there is only one large star measuring 4 centimeters.

Sleeve insignia

On the sleeves of officers' uniforms there are yellow stripes and stars. Higher ranks have an embroidered anchor inside the star.

The number of stripes and width vary by rank:

  • medium-sized stripe for a junior lieutenant;
  • medium and narrow - for the lieutenant;
  • two middle ones - for the senior lieutenant;
  • one narrow and two medium ones - for the lieutenant commander;
  • three medium ones - for the captain of the 3rd rank, four medium ones - for the second one, one wide - for the first one;
  • medium and wide - for the rear admiral;
  • two medium and wide - for the vice admiral;
  • three medium and wide - for the admiral;
  • four medium and one wide - for the fleet admiral.

The procedure for assigning the next Navy rank

The law establishes the following stages of increase:

  • the minimum period of service to obtain the rank of sergeant major of the second article is one year;
  • Three years of service allows you to become a chief petty officer;
  • the same number of years is required to be a midshipman;
  • in two years you can receive the rank of junior lieutenant, in three - lieutenant, and in another three - senior lieutenant;
  • four years of further service give grounds to qualify for a captain-lieutenant, and the next four - for a captain of the 3rd rank;
  • in five years you can become a captain of the 2nd rank.

For special achievements, it is possible to receive the next military rank early.


Below you can examine in detail all the insignia of the Russian Navy in presentation format.