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Section Y. Social and pedagogical infrastructure of education:

essence, state and development trends(Prepared jointly with A.K. Bykov and O.G. Prokhorova)

In understanding the essence and content of the socio-pedagogical infrastructure of raising children, the basic theoretical foundations are the following:

about the relationship between the concepts “infrastructure”, “social infrastructure”, “social-pedagogical infrastructure”, “social-pedagogical infrastructure for raising children”;

about the composition and functions of social institutions pedagogical activity in the field of raising children as determinants of the composition and functions of the socio-pedagogical infrastructure;

about the place of social and pedagogical infrastructure in state social policy in the field of raising children and the strategy for its implementation.

In encyclopedic literature, infrastructure is defined as a set of structures, buildings, systems and services necessary for the functioning of sectors of material production and ensuring the living conditions of society .

The concepts of “social infrastructure” and “social-pedagogical infrastructure” are not established in the scientific literature; At the same time, the need for their introduction into the terminological apparatus of the humanities and social sciences is not questioned. In sociology, social infrastructure is most often understood as a stable set of material elements that provide general conditions for the normal implementation and rational organization of human activity in all spheres public life [98,232-233 ].

The generic concept of social infrastructure is the concept of the material and technical base of society. Social infrastructure represents that part of it that is aimed not at the development of production directly (such as means and objects of labor), but at the development of man, his essential forces and social relations.

Types of social infrastructure correspond to types of activities (social infrastructure labor activity, education, culture, science, etc.). A certain type of social infrastructure can be considered at the level of the country, district, work collective, and family.

Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in Russian Federation» determined that social infrastructure for children is a system of objects (buildings, structures, structures) necessary for the life support of children, as well as organizations, regardless of organizational, legal forms and forms of ownership, that provide social services to the population, including children, and whose activities are carried out in order to ensure a full life, health protection, education, upbringing, development of children, and satisfaction of their social needs.

The analysis of socio-pedagogical theory and practice allows us to assert that the socio-pedagogical infrastructure of raising children is a system of objects (buildings, structures, structures) necessary for the life support of children, as well as government bodies and institutions, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms property whose purpose is to provide social and pedagogical services to the population, including children, for the purpose of the full education and development of the younger generation.

To the main types of social services in accordance with National standard The Russian Federation, adopted and put into effect by the Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated November 24, 2003 No. 327-st, includes social, social, medical, socio-psychological, socio-pedagogical, socio-economic and socio-legal services.

The set of tasks of the social and pedagogical infrastructure of raising children is concentrated in the list of social and pedagogical services contained in the National Standard of the Russian Federation, adopted and put into effect by Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated November 24, 2003 No. 327-st.:

Social and pedagogical consultation; = socio-pedagogical diagnostics and personality examination; = pedagogical correction; = animation services (excursions, visits to theaters, exhibitions, amateur art concerts, holidays, anniversaries and other cultural events); = organization and holding of club and group work to form and develop the interests of clients; = assistance in obtaining education for people with disabilities, taking into account their physical capabilities and mental abilities; = creating conditions for receiving school education according to special programs; = creating conditions for disabled people to receive secondary specialized and vocational education; = services related to social and labor rehabilitation: creating conditions for the use of residual labor opportunities, participation in medical and labor activities; = carrying out activities to teach accessible professional skills, restore personal and social status; = organization of vocational guidance, vocational training, employment of teenagers, etc.

Social-pedagogical infrastructure is the form in which the content of social-pedagogical activities is implemented, and which determines the effectiveness of the functioning of the entire socio-pedagogical complex.

On the one hand, the socio-pedagogical infrastructure includes the highest management level (the Government of the Russian Federation and the relevant Ministries), the level of regional bodies, municipal bodies and institutions.

On the other hand, its bodies and institutions, based on the content of their activities, constitute the vertical organizational and management system of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, other ministries and departments, as well as a number of committees, services and commissions (on youth affairs, employment, physical culture, sports and tourism, etc.) and their local bodies and institutions that lead the solution of certain social and pedagogical issues and the implementation of specific acts of social policy.

At the regional and municipal level there is also its own system of bodies and institutions that deals with solving social and pedagogical problems. The peculiarity of this system is that it includes not only managerial, but also functional elements - institutions of society (specific institutions): schools and hospitals, institutes and libraries, social service centers for various categories of the population, employment services, etc.

An integral part of the socio-pedagogical infrastructure that arose and is actively developing in last years, are non-governmental organizations and charitable and social institutions (associations of people with similar problems, foundations, etc.).

In the practice of organizing their social and pedagogical activities, two principles of building the appropriate infrastructure dominate: institutional and territorial.

IN Methodical writing Ministry of Education “On social and pedagogical work with children” emphasizes that the most economical and humane is territorial principle creation of an interdepartmental system of social services. With this approach, social assistance services to the population, where professional social educators and social workers work, are as close as possible to the family, and therefore most consistent with the characteristics and needs of society, of each individual person. With this approach, educational, cultural, healthcare, social, housing and communal institutions, etc. services work as “open” socio-pedagogical systems, focused on the interests and needs of specific families, various categories of the population living in a given microsociety.

The territorial principle makes it possible:

More precisely define the functions of departments, services, institutions, give them appropriate rights, and ensure shared responsibility;

To unite specialists of the same profile and the necessary qualifications, to set them a rational workload for a deeper study of interdepartmental problems, to make it easier for clients to use the services of specialists;

Establish a unified approach to the problem and thereby create conditions for its comprehensive study, selection of forms and methods of assistance, exchange of experience, and advanced training of specialists;

More clearly identify the main areas of social assistance to minors and combine all the forces of a given territory to solve their key problems;

Strengthen the responsibility of managers and performers for the final result of their activities, eliminate inconsistency and duplication in work.

It is advisable to implement the territorial principle of building a social and pedagogical infrastructure for raising children by increasing the number of specialists working in a given territory, as well as by creating interdepartmental centers that perform a social and pedagogical function.

Despite the obvious advantages of the territorial principle in domestic socio-pedagogical practice, institutional principle , which involves the formation of a socio-pedagogical infrastructure on a departmental basis.

As the analysis shows, the composition and functions of the socio-pedagogical infrastructure depend on the essential characteristics of socio-pedagogical activity as a whole, the composition and functions of the institutions of socio-pedagogical activity in the field of raising children.

In general, the social and pedagogical infrastructure for raising children implements a number of functions, the main ones of which are the following functions.

Function of health protection and protection of children's rights. The social and pedagogical infrastructure creates the most important prerequisites for the accumulation of educational capabilities of social and pedagogical institutions in the formation of a healthy and legally protected younger generation.

The function of satisfying the social and pedagogical needs of children.

The function of providing the upbringing of children with the material and technical base of social and pedagogical services.

Developmental function. Only by relying on a wide range of social services and resources, society, family, school and other social institutions are able to create comprehensive conditions for the full, harmonious development of children’s personalities.

Direct educational function. Each of the elements of the socio-pedagogical infrastructure carries educational potential, the implementation of which is carried out in the form of economic, moral, patriotic, environmental, legal and other types of education.

A prognostic function, the essence of which is expressed in the fact that the level of socio-pedagogical infrastructure determines the development trends of state social policy in the field of raising children.

Corrective function. The social and pedagogical infrastructure indirectly makes it possible to regulate (strengthen or weaken) one or another direction of state social policy in the field of raising children, and therefore, adjust literally everything: finances, social resources, etc.

On other grounds, other functions are identified that are justified in social pedagogy: integrative-educational, adaptive-correlative, expressive-mobilizing, control-sanctioning, rehabilitation-unloading, protective-preventive functions.

In the studies of V.G. Bocharova the grounds for the development of socio-pedagogical practice within the framework of the relevant institutions that make up the socio-pedagogical infrastructure are formulated. These include:

The preventive nature of social and pedagogical support, aimed at all categories and groups with the aim of identifying problems as early as possible on the basis of a differentiated, person-oriented approach;

Including clients in the process of solving their own problems as active subjects; social participation in the life of society; intolerance to dependency and all manifestations of consumer psychology (the concept of self-help);

Priority of social and pedagogical work with the family, family and neighborhood community, community; comprehensive strengthening, restoration and awakening of the unique capabilities of the family as social institution; reliance on the family in working with all segments of the population, which contributes to harmonization and development of moral and spiritual relations in society;

Integration of the forces, means and capabilities of various state and non-state social institutions for their reasonable, economical and full use in the social sphere of children and adults, rich and poor, various exclusive, marginal groups of the population;

Increasing social and pedagogical competence in the process of professionalization of social workers, other social sector specialists, social service workers of various departments;

Involving commercial structures to help the most impoverished segments of the population;

Recognition and strengthening of the authority of non-governmental and public organizations, development of the volunteer movement with the inclusion of various layers and groups of the population, including the development of various children's and youth social initiatives.

In accordance with various criteria for assessing the socio-pedagogical infrastructure of raising children, it is possible to distinguish its various spheres. Based on the institutional criterion, institutions for the population and children, included in the social and pedagogical infrastructure of raising children:

Educational institutions (preschool educational institutions, schools, orphanages, orphanages, vocational schools, higher educational institutions, institutions additional education and so on.);

Health care institutions (hospitals, special hospitals for drug addicts, rest homes and sanatoriums, etc.);

Institutions social protection population (social service centers, social assistance centers for families and children: assistance centers for children without parental care, rehabilitation centers for persons with disabilities, etc.);

Institutions of the internal affairs system (reception centers for children and adolescents, special boarding schools, children's colonies, juvenile courts, etc.).

Institutions of youth affairs committees (clubs, creativity houses, rest houses, educational centers, sports and theme camps, career guidance centers, employment centers, etc.).

In addition to departmental institutions, there are also interdepartmental, comprehensive centers - family and childhood centers, leisure centers, family clubs, health centers, etc.

Based on the age criterion, the areas of activity of a social teacher related to preschoolers, schoolchildren, youth, adults, the elderly, and the elderly are identified.

Based on the criterion of social problems, various areas, the enumeration of which is quite extensive.

Let us analyze, as an example, the infrastructure of the family as an integral part of the socio-pedagogical infrastructure of raising children. According to V.S. Torohtia , family infrastructure exists at least at two levels: subject-object and functional.

On the first, subject-object level family infrastructure is manifested:

1. In the nature of housing and communal construction (in the state of the housing and everyday life sphere of families) and the development of the territory. We are talking about minimized conditions for comfortable living of families in places where they live compactly.

Firstly, a well-known set of living conditions necessary for the normal functioning of the family must be provided, in particular, the architecture, design, footage, layout and placement of housing are implemented taking into account the diverse needs of different categories of families. For example, only the size of the living space, its arrangement and other parameters significantly influence such indicators as the family planning attitude of spouses, their desire for family longevity, the psychological health of the family, etc.

Secondly, the general characteristics of housing and places of collective use should adequately take into account the conditions for meeting the needs of persons with disabilities (disabled people, the elderly, seriously ill, etc.), and the resources themselves should be calculated on the basis of long-term social forecasts of the microdistrict .

Third, humanization of places of compact residence of families is necessary:

a) purposeful, reasonable arrangement of the territory adjacent to the residential area - playgrounds, schools, recreation areas, roads, sidewalks and pedestrian paths, utility areas, animal walking areas, etc. For example, the same sidewalk can be made with the expectation of walking one person, or it can be built with the expectation that it will become a favorite walking place for married couples or a young family;

b) the creation of repair and maintenance departments, savings banks, various repair shops, communication centers, shops, service centers, hairdressers, laundries, dry cleaners, family cafes and pizzerias, clubs, consultation centers, etc. at the facilities of public utilities and social services for the population. .P. It should be taken into account that today there are reasonable calculations not only in relation to public service facilities, but also in relation to social services.

For example, according to a study by the Institute of Pedagogy social work RAO, every statistical Russian family throughout the year needs psychological and pedagogical consultations, a detailed explanation of 4-5 problems of family functioning and family life, assistance in correcting 2-3 intra-family situations (if there are 4-5 children in the family - mainly educational ), in 1-2 sessions of family psychotherapy, etc. For every 350-450 families living in the microdistrict, with an average of 6-9 initial appointments on family problems per working day, psychological and pedagogical consultation is required with a staff of 3-4 employees of various profiles (psychologist, social teacher, valeologist or gerontologist), excluding organizational and administrative activities.

2. In objects of valeological, environmental and animation properties: health complexes, emergency medical and psychological services, cinemas, travel agencies and bureaus, tourist centers, stadiums and sports towns, reservoirs, parks, museums and panoramas, exhibitions, churches, parishes and etc.

3. In urban transport facilities, patterns and modes of its movement, as well as family-friendly regulations for its operation. For example, in a number of Western European countries, a train ticket on domestic lines for a family is 20% cheaper than for an individual passenger. There are a number of other social mechanisms that stimulate an active family lifestyle.

4. In production facilities (including family small businesses), educational, law enforcement and other institutions (visitor rooms in military units etc.), as well as in special areas where restoration needs are significant physical strength, in the social adaptation of family members, and especially parents with difficult (difficult to educate or poorly performing) children.

On the second - functional level family infrastructure includes:

1) Socio-economic, legal, socio-pedagogical psychological and others human relations in the micro- and macroenvironment, determining the status of the family in society, the priority of its structure and benefits, the dominant position in state social policy, the moral and ethical standards of society, types of interaction in the family, etc. They materialize in regulatory documents, civil acts and the practice of resolving vital situations (Family Code, norms of family-neighborhood relations, etc.).

2. All types of social support for the family (issues of retraining and employment of family members, physical and humanitarian assistance, various types of information and psychological support, etc.). Today, from 32 to 45% of problem families in Russian regions need such support. Television, radio and other media, philanthropy and charity are expected to play an important role in its implementation. A significant part of their efforts is aimed at reviving the traditions of the Russian family, strengthening family-neighborhood relations, shaping personality in the family and other areas of developing the family’s own potential. For example, numerous centers for social support for families and children operate successfully in all regions of Russia.

3. State and public organizations and communities, social agencies implementing social family programs, having stable connections and cooperating with foreign societies and organizations. Their multi-level structure makes it possible to cover a wide range of problems in the theory and practice of family life. First of all, these are committees on family issues, children and demographic policy at the federal and regional levels, societies such as “Marriage and Family”, “Young Family” clubs, women’s organizations and movements, as well as their print media and publications.

4. The information environment as part of the family infrastructure, which is an integration of elements and channels of information interaction that allow for adequate social orientation of various categories of families, and to determine rational ways to achieve personal and family-wide prospects (goals).

a) an increasing trend towards late marriages and a reduction in the birth rate, expressing the desire of married couples, especially young ones, for family comfort, for pragmatic norms for the organization of intra- and extra-family life;

b) the development of a market economy, which inevitably stimulates competition in the social sphere. Today intensive development various forms family infrastructure can be seen in the example of luxury construction (including the so-called “Smart Homes”), exclusive forms of social services, innovative educational technologies, etc., which should gradually become an achievement for a wide range of families as the country emerges from the crisis ;

c) democratization of social relations, which persistently implements the principle of social equality, which means taking into account the needs of all categories, layers and classes of the population (children, disabled people, elderly, housewives, etc.);

d) intellectualization of professional activity, which inevitably requires development sociocultural space personality, and therefore the desire to raise the family infrastructure to the level of organizing socially significant work;

e) wide dissemination in Russia of the experience of countries Western Europe and the USA on the formation of the social and pedagogical infrastructure of the family.

Analysis current state individual elements of the socio-pedagogical infrastructure of raising children, such as, for example, the infrastructure of education, shows that educational institutions are among the leading components of the socio-pedagogical infrastructure of education, since it is in them that targeted educational training is carried out, a common culture of children is formed, and the task of personal development is solved child, his adaptation to life in modern society.

At the beginning of 2003, in the Russian Federation there were 65.0 thousand state daytime educational institutions, in which 18.4 million children and adolescents studied (2000 - 20 million, 2001 - 19.4 million).

A positive trend continues - the abandonment of general education institutions with a large number students studying in them. Over the past two years, there have been 131 fewer secondary schools with over 1,600 students, primary schools with the number of students from 62 to 180 people - 108 more.

The number of schools operating in two and three shifts is steadily decreasing. Their total number has decreased over the past two years by 1007 schools (from 30.5% in the 2000/2001 academic year to 29.6% in the 2002/2003 academic year). Thus, in the 2002/2003 academic year, 3,343 thousand people studied in the second and third shifts, or 19% of the total number of students.

An essential characteristic of the modern educational infrastructure is its differentiation by types of institutions that make it possible to satisfy the various educational needs of students. At the beginning of 2002/2003 school year there were 7,378 gymnasiums, lyceums, schools with in-depth study of subjects, schools with classes with in-depth study of subjects, which is 15% of the total number of educational institutions of basic and secondary general education, in which 13% of children study.

The upbringing and educational environment of the school creates conditions that ensure subjective self-realization, the development of the child’s essential strengths, and performs the functions of compensating for the shortcomings of primary socialization; correction of children's complexes; expanding the educational space based on connections with the social environment; ensuring the moral stability of pupils to the influence of negative factors in the social environment.

The educational interests of nationalities and ethnic groups living on the territory of the Russian Federation are protected and supported. In 2002, the number of students studying in their native (non-Russian) language totaled 229.2 thousand students in 3.3 thousand general education institutions. Teaching is conducted in 34 native (non-Russian) languages, and 81 native (non-Russian) languages ​​are studied in Russian schools.

The main difficulties of educational institutions are insufficient funding. In general, there is a poor material and technical base of educational institutions that does not meet the requirements of modern educational technologies. The rate of aging and deterioration of buildings is faster than the rate of their reconstruction and construction of new facilities. Over 50% of buildings have all types of amenities (in the city - about 90%, in the village - 35%). A third of Russian schools do not have central heating, canteens or buffets. The number of schoolchildren using hot meals is constantly decreasing. The material and technical base of existing preschool institutions is deteriorating, 33.3% of buildings need urgent major repairs, 1.2% are in disrepair, and more than 10% of buildings do not have all types of amenities.

In 2002, in the Russian Federation there were 18.1 thousand (in 2001 - 18 thousand) educational institutions of additional education for children of various departmental affiliations, including: 8.9 thousand educational institutions, 5.8 thousand - culture, 1.8 thousand - sports, 1.8 thousand - public organizations. More than 13 million children from 6 to 17 years old study there.

Additional education is considered as a component of a unified educational process within the framework of secondary general education and continues to remain practically free for students. In the system of additional education for children, 500 military-patriotic clubs (centers, associations) are actively working - young paratroopers, paratroopers, border guards, pilots and cosmonauts, sailors and rivermen, in which over 300 thousand teenagers study.

The analysis of the theory and practice of developing the social and pedagogical infrastructure of raising children allows us to identify the following: trends:

increasing the role of socio-pedagogical and educational guidelines included by government bodies in the initial conceptual provisions for improving the socio-pedagogical infrastructure. In federal target programs, the ideological basis of all measures to improve the situation of children is to ensure their socialization in a market environment through the acquisition by young generations of basic social skills, practical skills in the field of economics and social relations; this will contribute to the formation of a broad social basis for further progress in solving childhood problems, which is one of the pillars of social consolidation;

a program-targeted approach to the implementation of main tasks at the federal and regional levels. This approach has become one of the main methods for solving the most important social problems in the field of improving the situation of children, including improving the social and pedagogical infrastructure of educating the younger generation. Since 2002, the federal target program “Prevention and control of diseases of a social nature (2002-2006)” has been implemented, including the subprograms “On measures to prevent sexually transmitted diseases”, “Vaccine prevention”, “Urgent measures to prevent the spread in the Russian Federation diseases caused by the human immunodeficiency virus" (“Anti-HIV/AIDS”), “Urgent measures to combat tuberculosis”, “Comprehensive measures to combat drug abuse and illicit trafficking for 2002-2004”, etc. Included in the “Youth of Russia” program » the subprograms “Physical education and health improvement of children, adolescents and youth in the Russian Federation”, “Young family” are included. The practice of developing targeted programs on childhood problems is widely used in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

expanding the participation of civil society in the implementation of measures to improve the social and pedagogical infrastructure of raising children on the basis of intellectual and financial participation in this activity. Quite close interaction between state authorities and public associations and non-governmental organizations is being established, which is carried out at the federal, regional and local levels in the field of implementing policies in the interests of children. Currently (at the end of 2002) there are 120 public associations registered with the Russian Ministry of Justice (in 1997 - 38 organizations) with international or all-Russian status, the main activities of which are related to solving childhood problems and expanding the educational infrastructure;

legislative consolidation of legal norms in the field of social and pedagogical infrastructure for the upbringing and development of children, protection of their rights. Currently, Russian legislation has been developed to ensure the rights and interests of children. A new Civil Code (1994), Family Code (1995), Criminal Code (1996), and Code of Administrative Offenses (2001) were adopted. A set of relevant federal laws was adopted, and, above all, the Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation” (1998), which added a qualitatively new dimension to legislation on children and related law enforcement practice. In particular, the law determines that the goals of state policy in the interests of children are the implementation of the rights of children provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the prevention of discrimination against them, as well as the restoration of their rights in cases of violations. One of the important rights of the younger generation is the right to use the social and pedagogical infrastructure created by the state for children.

The measures taken to improve the infrastructure are aimed at developing the child’s personality, protecting his health, expanding his opportunities for self-realization, and maximizing the creative potential of children;

strengthening the personnel base of specialists working in the field of social and pedagogical infrastructure for raising children. This primarily concerns the area of ​​work with children in particularly difficult circumstances. The increase in the professionalism of social and pedagogical workers was manifested in the specialized training of these specialists in the system of higher educational institutions.

The conducted study of socio-pedagogical theory and practice allows us to identify as the main ways improvement of the social and pedagogical infrastructure of raising children is as follows:

a) a steady increase in the status of the social and pedagogical infrastructure of education as an integral part of the state social policy in the field of raising children. Problems of improving the socio-pedagogical infrastructure of raising children should take their rightful place in the adopted socio-economic programs at the federal, regional and local levels;

b) conducting a comprehensive examination at the subject-object and functional level of the modern social and pedagogical infrastructure of cities, urban-type settlements and villages. The results of its work can be reflected in urban development plans, development of the capabilities of healthcare institutions, education, consumer services, environmental management, transport, and in other important areas of children’s lives.

c) an increase in costs from the local, regional and federal budgets for the development of the social and pedagogical infrastructure of education, especially for bringing buildings, structures, and structures necessary for the full life support and upbringing of children to an exemplary condition;

d) improving interaction between government bodies and public organizations, interdepartmental coordination of efforts on the problems of developing the social and pedagogical infrastructure of raising children;

e) increasing the professionalism and level of remuneration of employees working in the field of social and pedagogical infrastructure for raising children.

Thus, the prospects for the development of the social and pedagogical infrastructure for raising children, as a matter of priority, depend on the quality of the government authorities’ resolution of the existing contradiction between the complications of the situation in the creation and functioning of the social and pedagogical infrastructure in the country due to the emergence of previously unknown problems (the appearance of refugee children, forced migrants, the spread of alcoholism and drug addiction among minors, the growth of child homelessness, social orphanhood and violence against children, etc.) and the potential increase in the state’s capabilities to overcome existing problems in the conditions of a certain economic stabilization in Russia.

Improving the social (including socio-pedagogical) infrastructure for raising children constitutes an independent direction in the development of state social policy in the field of raising children. The development of the social and pedagogical infrastructure for raising children is a prerequisite and condition for effective state policy in the field of educating the younger generation, an indicator and result of the management mechanisms of this policy.


97. Large encyclopedic dictionary. – 2nd ed., revised and expanded. – M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 1997.

98. See: Sociological Dictionary: Mn.: Universitetskoe, 1991.

99. See: Filonov G.N. Social pedagogy: scientific status and applied functions // Pedagogy. – 1994. - No. 6.

100. Bocharova V.G. Professional social work: a person-centered approach. - M., 1999.

101. See: Torokhtiy V.S. State of family infrastructure // Social and pedagogical problems of the family: Collection of scientific works. articles. – M.: MGPPU, 2004.

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Infrastructure of social and pedagogical activities

Social infrastructure is a set of bodies and institutions, a material and regulatory framework that ensures the satisfaction of the social needs of citizens and the protection of their social rights. It is a system external to social activity, which determines the effectiveness of the functioning of the entire social complex. On the one hand, social infrastructure includes the highest management level (the Government of the Russian Federation and relevant ministries), the level of regional bodies, municipal bodies and institutions. On the other hand, its bodies and institutions, based on the content of their activities, can be considered within the framework of organizational and managerial “verticals” of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, other ministries and departments, as well as a number of committees and services and commissions (youth affairs, employment, physical culture, sports and tourism, etc.) and their local bodies and institutions that lead the solution of certain social issues and the implementation of specific acts of social policy. In addition, the Office of the President of the Russian Federation has a Commission on Women, Family and Demography and a number of other divisions, which also have relevant regional and municipal bodies on the ground and manage the resolution of certain social issues.

At the regional and municipal level there is also its own system of bodies and institutions that deals with resolving social problems. The peculiarity of this system is that it includes not only managerial, but also functional elements: schools and hospitals, institutes and libraries, social service centers for various categories of the population, employment services, etc.

An integral part of the social infrastructure that has emerged and is actively developing in recent years are non-governmental organizations and charitable and social institutions (associations of people with similar problems, foundations, etc.).

Social teacher in educational institutions

Within the institutions of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, social and pedagogical activities are carried out by full-time social teachers of educational institutions and boarding institutions. New institutions of the Ministry of Education that have been emerging in recent years include centers for psychological, pedagogical and medical-social assistance, which provide methodological assistance to psychologists, social educators, teachers of secondary schools, and also provide comprehensive medical, psychological and pedagogical assistance to families and children . The Ministry of Education also operates a network of closed-type penitentiary special educational institutions, where children and adolescents with disabilities are sent deviant behavior by decision of the Commission on Minors' Affairs and Protection of Their Rights.

Social and pedagogical functions are performed by the vocational education system, a network of institutions supporting orphans and children left without parental care (orphanages, boarding schools for children with mental and mental disabilities physical development), institutions of further education, community clubs, specialists in organizing children's and youth movements.

School is one of the traditional places of activity for social educators. Introduction of the rate social teacher at school is determined by Art. 55 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. Based on domestic and foreign practice, the following goals of social and pedagogical activities in an educational institution can be formulated:

To contribute to the elimination and overcoming of specific difficulties in the process of socialization of schoolchildren from socially disadvantaged families and backgrounds; develop the process of advanced socialization, i.e. to acquaint all students, regardless of their origin, with their role prospects and chances in society, with social demands, to prepare them for a critical perception of these prospects;

To promote the development of personality and its orientation in social processes at the stage of training and choice of profession;

Participate in resolving potential and potential conflicts.

To realize these goals, a social teacher at school:

Uses methods of analysis, counseling, treatment and activation, covering in its activities not only the students themselves, but also their parents as a whole group;

Works closely with teachers, school psychologists and doctors, strives to attract to cooperation everyone who shows understanding and interest in his work;

Provides comprehensive assistance to individual students (pupils) and groups, using group pedagogy methods, works with the teaching staff;

Affects a positive change in the social field at school.

According to the Tariff and Qualification Characteristics (requirements) for positions of employees of educational institutions of the Russian Federation, social teacher:

Carries out a set of measures for the upbringing, education, development and social protection of individuals in institutions and at the place of residence of students (pupils, children);

Studies the psychological, medical and pedagogical characteristics of the personality of students (pupils, children) and its microenvironment, living conditions;

Identifies interests and needs, difficulties and problems, conflict situations, deviations in the behavior of students (pupils, children) and promptly provides them with social assistance and support;

Acts as an intermediary between the student (pupil, child) and the institution, family, environment, specialists of various social services, departments and administrative bodies;

Determines the tasks, forms, methods of social and pedagogical work, ways to solve personal and social problems, takes measures for social protection and assistance, implementation of the rights and freedoms of the individual students (pupils, children);

Organizes various types of socially valuable activities for students (pupils, children) and adults, events aimed at developing social initiatives, implementing social projects and programs, participates in their development and approval;

Contributes to the establishment of humane, moral healthy relationships in a social environment;

Helps create an environment psychological comfort and personal safety of students (pupils, children), ensures the protection of their life and health;

Carries out work on employment, patronage, provision of housing, benefits, pensions, registration of savings deposits, use of securities of students (pupils, children) from among orphans and children left without parental care;

Interacts with teachers, parents (persons replacing them), specialists in social services, family and youth employment services, with charitable organizations, etc. in providing assistance to students (pupils, children) in need of guardianship and trusteeship, with disabilities, deviants behavior, as well as stomping into extreme situations.

The work schedule of a social teacher is approved by the head of the educational institution. When drawing up the schedule, the time spent performing official duties outside the educational institution is taken into account.

Issues of remuneration, vacation, social protection of a specialist are resolved in accordance with current legislation.

In boarding institutions, social teachers communicate with social services and employment services, assist the administration of the institution in matters of protecting the rights of pupils and graduates, and their social adaptation.

IN educational institutions for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical-social assistance, a social teacher takes measures to identify the causes of social maladjustment of children and provides them with social assistance, communicates with the family, as well as with authorities and organizations on the issues of employment of children and adolescents, providing them with housing , benefits and pensions.

In a special educational institution for children and adolescents with deviant behavior (open and closed type), a social teacher communicates with the social protection services at the place of residence of the pupils, maintains contact with parents (persons replacing them) through correspondence, visiting them at home , personal conversations, holding parent meetings.

In many modern educational institutions, social services are created to organize the joint activities of the administration, students (pupils) and their parents, teaching staff, representatives of public structures collaborating with the educational institution to pedagogize the living environment of students (pupils) and provide qualified and timely social support and help. The social service must perform the following functions:

Act as a guarantor and provide social guarantees to each member of the school team;

Protect and defend the individual, his rights, interests and work;

Create conditions for a safe, comfortable creative life students;

Provide assistance and support to students and teachers in need;

Establish relationships in the team, prevent mental violence against the individual;

Study public opinion in the school team;

Organize socio-psychological and legal consultations for students, teachers, school administration, parents;

Organize the work of the school helpline;

Promote a healthy lifestyle for team members.

Thus, social and pedagogical activity in institutions of the educational system is a necessary, constantly developing and improving direction of pedagogical activity, which ensures full socialization, diversified development, and fruitful communication of all participants in the pedagogical process.

Social teacher in institutions of the social protection system

Social protection, as defined by V.P. Yudin, is understood as the activity of the state aimed at the formation and development of a full-fledged personality, at identifying and neutralizing negative factors affecting the personality, at creating conditions for its self-determination and affirmation in life. In a narrower sense, social protection is considered as a set of legally enshrined economic and legal guarantees that ensure compliance with the most important social rights of citizens and the achievement of a socially acceptable standard of living. The leading element of social protection of the population is social services.

Social services are the activities of social services for social support, provision of social, social, medical, psychological, pedagogical, social and legal services and material assistance, ensuring social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in difficult life situations.

Social service is a system of state and non-state structures that carry out social work and include specialized institutions for the provision of social services and their management bodies.

The Concept for the Development of Social Services for the Population of the Russian Federation (1993) defines the following functions of social services:

function of social assistance - identification and registration of families and individuals most in need of social support, provision of material assistance and provision of temporary housing to those in need, etc.; poverty prevention (creating conditions for families to independently ensure their well-being and family entrepreneurship); home-based services for those in need of care; promoting the development of non-traditional forms of preschool, school and out-of-school education; organization of temporary forced stay of a child outside the parental family, his further placement in a child care institution, under guardianship (trusteeship), adoption;

consulting function - consulting specialists, participation in preparing young people to choose a profession, preparing boys and girls for marriage and conscious parenthood, parental medical and psychological comprehensive education;

function of social correction and rehabilitation - social medical and psychological rehabilitation of minors with deviant behavior, neglected children and adolescents, children without parental care; medical and social rehabilitation and rehabilitation of children and adolescents with disabilities and the families raising them;

function of informing the population, studying and forecasting social needs - providing the client with the information necessary to resolve a difficult life situation; dissemination of medical, psychological, pedagogical and other knowledge among the population; studying the needs of clients and social problems that give rise to crisis situations in the region, developing and implementing specific measures aimed at eliminating them;

function of assistance in overcoming the consequences of natural disasters and social conflicts-- participation in the development of emergency programs, the formation of teams of social workers within the rescue services, etc.

Within the framework of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development, there are more than 2 thousand various social institutions for children and adolescents. In addition to specialized social rehabilitation institutions for minors, aimed directly at maladjusted children and adolescents, significant assistance in working with families is provided by territorial centers for social assistance to families and children, centers psychological assistance, centers for comprehensive social assistance, social shelters, etc.

Since 1994, on the initiative of the Ministry of Social Protection of the Russian Federation (today the Ministry of Labor and Social Development), assistance centers for children left without parental care began to operate. These centers carry out:

The social adaptation of children left without parental care, the protection of their rights and legitimate interests, are ensured by placement under guardianship (trusteeship), in a child care institution, as well as adoption, depending on their psychophysical condition. The structure of assistance centers for children left without parental care must necessarily include a social, legal and information service that:

provides social and legal protection for children in the center;

together with local child protection specialists, prepares personal files of children to identify them for further education;

together with employees of the reception and diagnostic department, works to select adoptive parents, guardians, trustees, parent-educators for minors or, as determined by adolescents, to a state institution for further education;

prepares materials for submission to the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission of the center;

provides advisory and practical assistance to children placed in families through the center and to persons involved in their upbringing;

identifies and takes into account children subject to adoption from among those in state institutions, carries out work on selecting adoptive parents for them;

provides consultations for administration and teachers of kindergartens government agencies on child protection issues;

conducts propaganda among the population of various forms of raising children left without parental care, identifies and takes into account persons wishing to accept such children into the family, provides legal training for citizens to fulfill the duties of adoptive parents, guardians (trustees), and parent-educators;

creates a unified data bank about children subject to adoption, guardianship, trusteeship, etc., and adults who want to accept them into their family, ensures the systematization and prompt use of the information contained in it.

In almost every region today there is a Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children. It is intended to provide families and children living in a city, district or microdistrict and in need of social support, timely and qualified social assistance various types(socio-economic, psychological-social, socio-pedagogical, medical-social, legal, social-rehabilitation, etc.) in need of social support. The purpose of the center is to promote the realization of the right of families and children to protection and assistance from the state, to promote the development and strengthening of the family as a social institution, to improve socio-economic living conditions, indicators of social health and well-being of families and children, to humanize family ties with society and state, establishing harmonious family relations.

The tasks of the center are adjusted depending on the socio-demographic situation in the region, national traditions, the need of the population for specific types of social assistance and services and other factors. The main objectives of the center are:

identifying, together with government and non-governmental organizations (bodies and institutions of education, healthcare, internal affairs, employment, migration, associations of large families, single-parent families, parents of disabled children, etc.) the causes and factors of social ill-being of specific families and children, determining their need for social assistance;

identification and provision of specific types and forms of socio-economic, medical-social, psychological-social, socio-pedagogical, legal and other social services to families and children in need of social assistance;

support for families and individual citizens in solving problems of self-sufficiency, in realizing their own capabilities to overcome difficult life situations;

social patronage of families and individual citizens in need of social assistance, rehabilitation and support;

participation in work to prevent the neglect of minors and protect their rights;

analysis of the level of social services for families with children in a city, district, microdistrict, forecasting their need for social assistance and preparation of proposals for the development of the sphere of social services;

involvement of various government and non-governmental organizations in addressing issues of social services for families and children. Clients have the right to contact the center in person, by telephone, or send a written statement or request. An anonymous request to receive certain types of assistance is allowed. Communication between clients and center employees can also take place outside the center. At the invitation of families, center staff can serve clients at home.

Structural divisions of the center: department of primary reception, information, analysis and forecasting; department of social and economic assistance; department of medical and social assistance; department of psychological and pedagogical assistance; department for the prevention of neglect of children and adolescents, etc.

Another widespread type of child welfare institution is a social shelter.

The purpose of creating a shelter is social assistance to street children and adolescents, organization of their temporary accommodation, legal and medical-psychological assistance, and their further livelihoods.

Tasks facing the shelter staff:

ensure temporary residence of children and adolescents in normal living conditions with the provision of free food, utilities, medical care, proper care and hygiene;

provide the opportunity to visit educational institution, study on individual program or work for teenagers who, for some reason, left their family or boarding school for the period of their stay in the shelter;

provide psychological, psychocorrectional and other assistance to eliminate a crisis situation in the family and facilitate the return of the child to his parents or persons replacing them, the placement of orphans and children left without parental care;

assist in determining future fate minor together with the concerned departments (assistance in finding a permanent place of residence, return to a boarding school ( Orphanage) or resolving the issue of transfer to another children's institution, permanent or temporary employment of adolescents in need).

The structure of the shelter is determined taking into account the tasks, capabilities, and availability of specialists. Departments can be formed in the main areas of work (reception, inpatient departments, department of social and legal services, etc.), as well as divisions within departments.

The social teacher in the shelter performs the following functions:

collects information regarding the child’s social status (visiting and studying the family and the child’s position in it, establishing contact with other relatives of the child, and, if necessary, with the school, other institutions, internal affairs bodies, neighbors);

collects and maintains documentation for each child;

analyzes available information about the child’s social status and discusses with the director and staff of the shelter the possibilities for the socialization of the child and his placement;

establishes contacts and maintains connections with other institutions involved in providing assistance to children from disadvantaged families;

prepares documents for the adoption of a child, taking him into guardianship or transferring him to another institution (together with the director and other employees);

carries out social support a child during his stay in a shelter (assistance in enrolling in school, vocational training, employment, and solving other life problems);

assists the director of the shelter in preparing documents to initiate a criminal case in the interests of the child;

assists in organizing the life and upbringing of a child in an orphanage;

assumes the responsibilities of a teacher-educator in the event of his absence from the staff of the shelter.

This is not a complete list of institutions, centers, services of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation and its territorial representative offices where social pedagogical work. Against the backdrop of exacerbation modern problems childhood, there is an obvious need for further development and improvement of the activities of social educators in the system of social protection of the population.

Social educator in healthcare institutions

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation is under the jurisdiction of orphanages where children under 3 years of age are kept, children's clinics (medical and social family patronage), hospitals and clinics serving children in hospital settings, institutions of medical and social rehabilitation, medical, psychological and pedagogical assistance, a system of psychiatric and drug treatment clinics and dispensaries (there is only one children's psychiatric hospital in the country, there are no adolescent psychiatric and drug treatment institutions). In recent years, priority has been given to the valeological direction, valeology services and centers have been created.

Summarizing the experience of social educators in healthcare institutions, we can highlight the following possible areas of their activity:

social-environmental and socio-psychological rehabilitation (development of social skills: communication skills, ability to present oneself, etc.; mastering social roles; ensuring personal growth, formation of an active personal position, creative potential);

working with families of children and adolescents ( family counseling, organization of parental “support groups”, correction of violations of the psychological state of family members);

vocational guidance(introduction to the world of professions, assistance in professional self-determination, correction of inadequate professional interests and intentions);

organizational, educational, methodological and educational work with the immediate social environment of children and adolescents;

social and legal consultation and information.

Social teacher in cultural institutions

The activities of social educators in the institutions of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation are currently practically not represented. At the same time, there is an obvious need to cultivate social and pedagogical practice in the area directly related to leisure and ensuring the deepening of the interests and creative capabilities of citizens.

For children and adolescents, leisure is a field for acquiring knowledge and expanding their own horizons, developing interests, abilities and talents. The same great importance has leisure to form social connections, qualities, feelings, one’s own social position, and master social roles. From the tasks of social education it follows that leisure should:

bring joy and satisfaction, develop social relationships (family, friends, communities), offer opportunities for communication, entertainment, communication;

provide an opportunity for the realization of public interest, for participation in public life;

promote the development of one’s own initiative and self-determination.

Regardless of the type of cultural institution, a social-pedagogical animation and leisure service may operate within its structure, the activities of which are structured in the following areas:

participation in the development of the socio-cultural environment, unification and coordination of the activities of extracurricular, cultural, educational and other institutions to solve the problems of comprehensive organization of free time for residents of a given territory, identifying and providing for their cultural needs;

organization of various forms of family recreation, activities
physical education and sports;

revival of folk traditions and culture;

organizing joint recreation for different generations, primarily parents and children;

arrangement of the living environment of residents of the territory
in accordance with their socio-cultural demands and needs.

Social-pedagogical complexes (SPC) can operate on the basis of cultural institutions (as well as educational institutions).

Their activities represent a system of coordinated actions aimed at the comprehensive implementation of the tasks of social education in the community, strengthening the family and increasing its responsibility for raising children, and the planned socio-cultural development of the microdistrict. The structure of the SEC includes, along with self-government bodies, various sections, departments, clubs, etc. For example, the SEC of Almetyevsk work based on their sections, including: sections of mass political work, organization of leisure, maintenance of public order, improvement and material support of the microdistrict, physical education and sports work, work with youth living in hostels . Almost every school has communication rooms and extended-day groups (not on a class basis, but on a territorial basis, not with forty students in one class, but with twenty children of different ages living in the same house), club informal associations (their difference from ordinary circles is that the groups have different age groups, proximity to their place of residence, with members of the amateur association they not only conduct classes on topics that interest them, but also organize their life activities).

Thus, the activities of a social teacher in cultural and leisure institutions:

designed to influence the structure of the individual’s living space and his vital forces;

carried out in free time personalities;

assumes the voluntariness and activity of the ward;

due to national-ethnic characteristics and traditions.

Social teacher in penitentiary institutions

The approach to crime as a socially negative phenomenon presupposes an appropriate combat strategy, which includes the development of a system for the prevention of criminal behavior and a system of punishment for illegal behavior (penal system).

Penitentiary - relating to punishment, mainly criminal.

In the system of internal affairs bodies (Ministry of Internal Affairs) to replace the juvenile affairs inspectorate (IDN), units for the prevention of juvenile delinquency (PPPD) in accordance with Federal law RF “On the basics of the system for preventing neglect and juvenile delinquency” (1999) came from the juvenile affairs division (PDN). Reception centers for minors have been transformed into temporary isolation centers. The Law of the Russian Federation “On the Police” (1991) extends the preventive activities of internal affairs bodies primarily to teenagers who have committed a crime or misdemeanor. In recent years, a movement of specialists has been actively developing to consolidate a special direction in jurisprudence - juvenile justice.

Juvenile justice is a system of legal norms and institutions that ensure the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of minors, that is, covering the area where the child acts as a subject of law. According to another approach, it is a system of norms and institutions that are associated with the child as a subject of offenses, i.e. in which the child acts as a subject of criminal behavior, on the one hand, and an object of preventive, judicial, investigative and penitentiary influence, on the other.

Correctional institutions, according to the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation of January 8, 1997 No. 1-FZ (as amended on January 8, 21, 24, 1998), are correctional colonies, educational colonies, prisons, and medical correctional institutions. Minors serve their sentences in juvenile correctional facilities until they reach the age of 21.

According to the UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice (the “Beijing Rules”), adopted by UN General Assembly resolution 40/33 of 10 December 1985, the aim is educational work with juveniles in correctional institutions is to provide care, protection, protection, education and vocational training to assist them in fulfilling a socially useful and productive role in society. Minors in correctional institutions must be provided with all the necessary assistance - social, psychological, medical, physical, as well as assistance in the field of education and vocational training - that they may require, taking into account their age, gender and personality, interests and full development.

According to Art. 109 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, educational work with those sentenced to imprisonment is aimed at their correction, the formation in them of a respectful attitude towards man, society, work, norms, rules and traditions of human society, and at increasing their educational and cultural level. The participation of convicts in educational activities is taken into account when determining the degree of their correction, as well as when applying incentives and penalties to them. Educational work is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of April 2, 1997 No. 201 “On approval of the Instructions on the organization of educational work with convicts in educational colonies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Model Regulations on amateur organizations of convicts in educational colonies.”

To assist the administration of the educational colony in organizing the educational process, in resolving issues of social protection of convicts, labor and living arrangements for released persons, the following are created at the colony:

comprehensive schools (Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated February 8, 1996 No. 57 “On approval of the Instructions on the organization of activities secondary school in the educational labor colony of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation");

boards of trustees from representatives of state enterprises, institutions, organizations, public associations and citizens (Approximate regulations on the board of trustees at an educational colony of the criminal educational system were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 13, 1997 No. 1295);

parental committees of parents, persons replacing them, and other close relatives of convicted persons (activities are regulated by regulations approved by the head of the educational colony).

The list of employees carrying out educational work in the above-mentioned documents does not include a social worker or a social teacher. Currently, the need to include these specialists in the staff of correctional colonies for minors is being justified.

L. V. Mardakhaev identified the main directions of correctional pedagogical work in correctional institutions:

punitive-educational, involving correction, re-education within the framework of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;

correctional and educational;

educational and labor.

The work of a social teacher with prisoners can be carried out in several stages:

Stage 1 - when a convicted person enters a colony, the teacher studies his documents, court documents, his personality and the reasons for deviations in behavior. Based on this, social and pedagogical work with the convicted person is planned, its forms and methods are determined. Contacts are established with the minor’s family and relatives, the characteristics of their influence are assessed, and recommendations are developed for organizing visits and possible vacations.

Stage 2 - the compiled program is implemented. The effectiveness of its implementation depends on psychological characteristics the convict, the length of his stay in the colony, the team he ended up in, the experience of the educators, the educational capabilities of the institution. The ward is provided with assistance in adapting to the group, and measures are taken in the event of a conflict with other students. The correction process is analyzed. The development of an individual approach can be based on the following types of behavior of the ward:

the first type - they have taken the path of correction, study, get a profession, fulfill all the requirements;

the second type - firmly on the path of correction, initiators in work and implementation of the regime, influence others, participate in amateur activities, repent of their deeds;

the third type - they prove their correction, engage in self-education and self-education, condemn their crime;

the fourth type is “swamp”, behavior is uncertain;

fifth type - troublemakers who do not obey the requirements of the administrator;

sixth type - malicious violators, leaders of criminal groups.

The mobility of behavior types makes it necessary to constantly diagnose the patient’s condition and adjust the activity program.

Relationships with relatives and family are maintained. In most cases, the specialist encourages the mentee to maintain and strengthen these relationships. There is a search for additional contacts outside the walls of the colony, which could later become a support for resocialization. The social and living situation of the ward is monitored: the necessary consultations are provided, and organizational work is carried out to improve it.

Stage 3 - after serving the sentence, the result of the work is assessed, preliminary and subsequent steps are taken to accompany the ward outside the colony, normalize his resocialization, relationships are maintained both with the ward himself and his relatives. If necessary, support is provided in employment, determination for further study (in the form of applications, letters of recommendation).

Thus, in the institutions of the domestic penitentiary system there are currently no social service specialists; their functions are performed by all employees of these institutions. The issue of creating such a service or introducing social workers or social educators into the staff of correctional institutions remains debatable, although in most developed countries it has already been decided positively. When modeling the work of a social teacher in a correctional institution, let us once again pay attention to its specifics:

it is carried out in closed and isolated social spaces;

its object is persons with a high level of social disadvantage and increased stress;

it is carried out in conditions of inevitable confrontation between “prison staff” and “prison contingent”;

it is inextricably linked with the execution of criminal punishment;

it does not stop after the execution of the punishment, but involves assistance in resocialization and adaptation to the outside world.

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Practical lesson No. 1

Issues for discussion

Practical lesson No. 2

Subject. Methods and technology of social and pedagogical activities with personality

Issues for discussion

1. Methodology for diagnosing personality. Methodology for diagnosing personality and its environment.

2. Methodology of social and pedagogical work with various categories of children.

3. Methodology of social and pedagogical prevention, correction, rehabilitation:

3.1. Prevention of school maladjustment, pedagogical and social neglect.

3.2. Prevention of social deviations.

3.3. Technology of social rehabilitation.

3.4. Rehabilitation and correction.

4. Technology of individual consultation in the work of a social teacher.

Practical lesson No. 3

Subject. Technologies of social and pedagogical protection of children's rights

Issues for discussion

1. Social and pedagogical protection of the child’s right to be raised in a family.

2. Social and pedagogical protection of property rights of minors.

3. Activities of a social teacher to resolve disputes regarding the upbringing of children.

4. Social and pedagogical protection of the child’s rights to education.

5. Social and pedagogical protection of the child’s rights to health care.

6. Social and pedagogical protection of the child’s rights to develop abilities.

7. Social and pedagogical protection of the rights of minors to participate in labor activities.

Practical lesson No. 4

Subject. Methodology and technology of social and pedagogical activities with families

Issues for discussion

1. Diagnostic technologies in the work of a social teacher with a family. Diagnosis of family education.

2. Methodology of work of a social teacher with various categories of families.

3. Models of assistance to modern families.

3.1. Social patronage.

3.2. Social supervision.

4. Family counseling techniques.

5. Parent correctional groups.

Questions for the test

1. The essence of the concepts “methodology”, “technology”, their hierarchy, interrelation.

2. General classification and the purpose of technologies and methods in social work with children, adolescents, and youth.

3. The concept and specificity of socio-pedagogical technology.

4. Algorithm of activity as an element of socio-pedagogical technology.

5. Methodology for diagnosing personality.

6. Methodology for diagnosing a person and his environment.

7. Methodology of social and pedagogical prevention.

8. Methodology of socio-pedagogical correction.

9. Methods of social and pedagogical rehabilitation.

10. Technology of individual consultation in the work of a social teacher.

11. Diagnostic technologies in the work of a social teacher with a family.

12. Methodology of work of a social teacher with various categories of families.

13. Social patronage.

14. Social supervision.

15. Activities of a social teacher to resolve disputes regarding the upbringing of children.

16. Social teacher in educational institutions.

17. Social teacher in healthcare institutions.

18. Social teacher in institutions of the social protection system.

19. Social teacher in cultural institutions.

20. Social teacher in institutions of the penitentiary system.


Practical lesson No. 5

Subject. Methods and technology of social and pedagogical work with groups,

Children's and youth associations and organizations

Issues for discussion

1. Group: definition, characteristics, classification.

2. Methodology of work of a social teacher with groups of various orientations.

3. Methodology for organizing self-help groups.

4. Children's and youth public associations in the work of a social teacher.

5. Technology for organizing group activities.

6. Methodology for organizing collective creative activities.

Practical lesson No. 6

Practical lesson No. 7

Practical lesson No. 8


List of sample questions for the exam

in discipline B1.V.OD.8 Methods and technologies of social and pedagogical work

(5th semester)

1. Characteristics of the object and subject of social and pedagogical activity.

2. Determination of the functions and content of social and pedagogical activities.

3. Characteristics of the legal framework regulating the activities of a social teacher.

4. Characteristics of the process of goal setting in social and pedagogical activities.

5. Conditions for social and pedagogical activities that meet humanistic and democratic principles.

6. The role of the network of interactions in social and pedagogical activities.

7. Characteristics of the concept of “social-pedagogical technology”.

8. Characteristics of the main stages of the technological cycle of social and pedagogical activity.

9. “Social infrastructure” and its role for the development of social and pedagogical activities.

10. Features of institutional and territorial approaches organization of social and pedagogical activities.

11. Specifics of the activities of a social teacher in the education system.

12. Responsibilities of a social teacher in institutions of the social protection system.

13. Reasons proving the need to introduce the position of a social teacher in healthcare institutions.

14. Opportunities for social and pedagogical activities in cultural and leisure institutions.

15. Tasks and specifics of socio-pedagogical personality diagnostics.

17. The essence of the concept of “prevention”.

18. general characteristics the concepts of “social maladaptation”, “deviant behavior”, “criminogenic behavior” and the relationship between the phenomena designated by these concepts.

19. The role of desocializing influences in the development of various types of deviations in the behavior of minors.

20. Resocialization, rehabilitation, correction.

21. Technology for individual consultation.

22. Specifics of the helpline operation.

23. Requirements for the behavior of a social teacher in resolving interpersonal conflicts.

24. Technology of social and pedagogical support for children and adolescents in crisis situations.

25. The main stages of registration of guardianship, trusteeship, adoption.

26. Fundamental differences between a foster family and a family orphanage, orphanage, or boarding school.

27. The role of the social teacher in the deprivation of parental rights and in the restriction of parental rights.

28. The capabilities of a social teacher to protect the property rights of minors.

29. The rights of a student in an educational institution and their violation.

30. The main areas of activity of a social teacher to protect the rights of the child to protect health and develop abilities.

32. Diagnostic technologies in the work of a social teacher with a family. Diagnosis of family education.

33. The importance of differentiation of families for the organization of social and pedagogical activities.

34. Generalized characteristics of “at-risk” families.

35. Different approaches to the organization of social and pedagogical work with various categories of families.

36. Models of assistance to modern families.

37. Social patronage.

38. Social supervision.

39. Family counseling technique.

40. Definition of the concept of “group”. The place of work with a group in the activities of a social teacher.

41. Requirements for a social teacher to carry out diagnostic procedures when working with a group.

42. A detailed description of asocial informal amateur activities of minors. Problems of activity of a social teacher with this type of groups.

43. Possible areas of work for a social teacher with an antisocial group.

44. Algorithm for the activities of a social teacher organizing the work of a self-help group.

45. Lines of interaction between a social teacher and representatives of children's and youth associations.

46. ​​Technologies for organizing group activities.

47. The essence of intermediary activity. Intermediary function of a social teacher in an educational institution; boarding institution; institutions of the penitentiary system.

48. Assignment of expert activities. The use of elements of examination by a social teacher.

49. The need and possibilities for a social teacher to work with volunteer assistants from among children and adults.

50. Social and pedagogical service of a children's health camp.

51. Procedure for planning and designing social and pedagogical activities.

52. Specifics of control of social and pedagogical activities.

53. Reporting on the activities of a social teacher in an educational institution.

54. The importance of diagnosing the microenvironment in the activities of a social teacher.

55. Work of a specialist with a map-scheme of the microdistrict of an educational institution.

56. Characteristics of the socio-pedagogical complex, the advantages of such an organization of socio-pedagogical activities.

57. Rehabilitation of the educational subject-spatial environment

58. Social and pedagogical work with low-income families in the microdistrict.

59. Specifics of street work as a type of social and pedagogical activity.

60. The main areas of activity of a social teacher in organizing children's leisure time.

Requirements for notes

The summary must be the answer to questions posed in the practical lesson plan;

II. Making notes

The number of the practical lesson, the topic, the question to which the answer is being prepared, the author and the title of the work being noted must be indicated;

When quoting, the page cited is indicated in the margin, the quote is placed in quotation marks and highlighted in a different color;

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Practical lesson No. 1

Subject. Infrastructure of social and pedagogical activities

Issues for discussion

1. Social teacher in educational institutions.

2. Social educator in healthcare institutions.

3. Social teacher in institutions of the social protection system.

4. Social teacher in cultural institutions.

5. Social teacher in institutions of the penitentiary system.

Practical lesson No. 2

Social infrastructure is a set of bodies and institutions, a material and regulatory framework that ensures the satisfaction of the social needs of citizens and the protection of their social rights. It is a system external to social activity, which determines the effectiveness of the functioning of the entire social complex. On the one hand, social infrastructure includes the highest management level (the Government of the Russian Federation and relevant ministries), the level of regional bodies, municipal bodies and institutions. On the other hand, its bodies and institutions, based on the content of their activities, can be considered within the framework of organizational and managerial “verticals” of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, other ministries and departments, as well as a number of committees and services and commissions (for youth affairs, employment, physical culture, sports and tourism, etc.) and their local bodies and institutions that lead the solution of certain social issues and the implementation of specific acts of social policy. In addition, the Office of the President of the Russian Federation has a Commission on Women, Family and Demography and a number of other divisions, which also have relevant regional and municipal bodies on the ground and manage the resolution of certain social issues.

At the regional and municipal level there is also its own system of bodies and institutions that deals with resolving social problems. The peculiarity of this system is that it includes not only managerial, but also functional elements: schools and hospitals, institutes and libraries, social service centers for various categories of the population, employment services, etc.

An integral part of the social infrastructure that has emerged and is actively developing in recent years are non-governmental organizations and charitable and social institutions (associations of people with similar problems, foundations, etc.).

A social teacher can work in general education, cultural and leisure and sports and recreational institutions of various departmental subordination, social protection services, law enforcement, administrative and territorial bodies, in enterprises, in public organizations, foundations, private and commercial structures. His place of work depends on the specifics of the region, region, district, city and is determined by the degree of development of social services and the level of management1.

In the practice of organizing social and socio-pedagogical activities, two structuring principles dominate: institutional and territorial.

The Methodological Letter “On Social and Pedagogical Work with Children” emphasizes that the most economical and humane is a territorial approach to creating an interdepartmental system of social services. With this approach, social assistance services to the population, where professional social educators and social workers work, are as close as possible to the family and therefore most consistent with the characteristics and needs of society, of each individual person. With this approach, institutions of education, culture, healthcare, social, housing and communal services, etc. operate as “open” socio-pedagogical systems, focused on the interests and needs of specific families, various categories of the population living in a given microsociety.

The territorial approach makes it possible to:

More precisely define the functions of departments, services, institutions, give them appropriate rights, and ensure shared responsibility;

To unite specialists of the same profile and the necessary qualifications, to set them a rational workload for a deeper study of interdepartmental problems, to make it easier for clients to use the services of specialists;

Establish a unified approach to the problem and thereby create conditions for its comprehensive study, selection of forms and methods of assistance, exchange of experience, and advanced training of specialists;

More clearly identify the main areas of social assistance to minors and combine all the forces of a given territory to solve their key problems;

Strengthen the responsibility of managers and performers for the final result of their activities, eliminate inconsistency and duplication.

1 See Introduction to a new profession - Socio-historical context // Social work. - 1994 - No. 1 - From 13.

The territorial approach can be implemented by increasing the number of specialists working in a given territory, as well as by creating interdepartmental centers that perform a social and pedagogical function.

Despite the obvious advantages of the territorial approach, the institutional approach predominates in domestic socio-pedagogical practice, which involves the division of social institutions along departmental lines.

Social teacher in educational institutions

Within the institutions of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, social and pedagogical activities are carried out by full-time social teachers of educational institutions and boarding institutions. New institutions of the Ministry of Education that have been emerging in recent years include centers for psychological, pedagogical and medical-social assistance, which provide methodological assistance to psychologists, social educators, teachers of secondary schools, and also provide comprehensive medical, psychological and pedagogical assistance to families and children . The Ministry of Education also operates a network of special closed-type penitentiary educational institutions, where children and adolescents with deviant behavior are sent by decision of the Commission on Minors’ Affairs and the Protection of Their Rights. Social and pedagogical functions are performed by the system of vocational and technical education, a network of institutions supporting orphans and children without parental care (orphanages, boarding schools for children with mental and physical disabilities), institutions of additional education, clubs at the place of residence, specialists on organizing children's and youth movements.

School is one of the traditional places of activity for social educators. The introduction of the rate of a social teacher at school is determined by Art. 55 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. Based on domestic and foreign practice, the following goals of social and pedagogical activities in an educational institution can be formulated:

To contribute to the elimination and overcoming of specific difficulties in the process of socialization of schoolchildren from socially disadvantaged families and backgrounds;

Develop the process of advanced socialization, i.e. to acquaint all students, regardless of their origin, with their role prospects and chances in society, with social demands, to prepare them for a critical perception of these prospects;

To promote the development of personality and its orientation in social processes at the stage of training and choice of profession;

Participate in resolving potential and potential conflicts.

To realize these goals, a social teacher at school:

Uses methods of analysis, counseling, treatment and activation, covering in its activities not only the students themselves, but also their parents as a whole group;

Works closely with teachers, school psychologists and doctors, strives to attract to cooperation everyone who shows understanding and interest in his work;

Provides comprehensive assistance to individual students (pupils) and groups, using group pedagogy methods, works with the teaching staff;

Affects a positive change in the social field at school1.

According to the Tariff and Qualification Characteristics (requirements) for positions of employees of educational institutions of the Russian Federation, social teacher:

Carries out a set of measures for the upbringing, education, development and social protection of individuals in institutions and at the place of residence of students (pupils, children);

Studies the psychological, medical and pedagogical characteristics of the personality of students (pupils, children) and its microenvironment, living conditions;

Identifies interests and needs, difficulties and problems, conflict situations, deviations in the behavior of students (pupils, children) and promptly provides them with social assistance and support;

Acts as an intermediary between the student (pupil, child) and the institution, family, environment, specialists of various social services, departments and administrative bodies;

Determines the tasks, forms, methods of social and pedagogical work, ways to solve personal and social problems, takes measures for social protection and assistance, implementation of the rights and freedoms of the individual students (pupils, children);

Organizes various types of socially valuable activities for students (pupils, children) and adults, events aimed at the development of social initiatives, implementation of social projects and programs, participates in their development and approval;

1 See/Firsov M.V., Studenova E.G. Theory of social work Proc. allowance. - M., 2000 - P 204-205.

Promotes the establishment of humane, morally healthy relationships in the social environment;

Promotes the creation of an environment of psychological comfort and personal safety of students (pupils, children), ensures the protection of their life and health;

Carries out work on employment, patronage, provision of housing, benefits, pensions, registration of savings deposits, use of securities of students (pupils, children) from among orphans and children left without parental care;

Interacts with teachers, parents (persons replacing them), specialists in social services, family and youth employment services, with charitable organizations, etc. in providing assistance to students (pupils, children) in need of guardianship and trusteeship, with disabilities, deviants behavior, as well as those in extreme situations1.

From the point of view of St. Petersburg specialists, the main tasks of a social teacher of an educational institution are the social protection of children’s rights, the creation of favorable conditions for the development of the child, the establishment of connections and partnerships between the family and the educational institution.

A social teacher is an equal member of the teaching staff. He takes part in the work of pedagogical councils and methodological associations.

Considering the specific nature of social and pedagogical activity, the work schedule of a social teacher should be variable and flexible.

The work schedule of a social teacher is approved by the head of the educational institution. When drawing up the schedule, the time spent performing official duties outside the educational institution is taken into account.

Issues of remuneration, vacation, social protection of a specialist are resolved in accordance with current legislation.

In boarding institutions, social teachers communicate with social services and employment services, assist the administration of the institution in matters of protecting the rights of pupils and graduates, their social adaptation2.

1 See: Tariff and qualification characteristics (requirements) for positions of employees of educational institutions of the Russian Federation. Appendix to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 17, 1995 No. 4.

2 See - Model regulation on an educational institution for orphans and children left without parental care Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 1, 1995 No. 676

In educational institutions for children in need of psychological-pedagogical and medical-social assistance, a social teacher takes measures to identify the causes of social maladaptation of children and provides them with social assistance, communicates with the family, as well as with authorities and organizations on issues of employment of children and adolescents, providing them with housing, benefits and pensions1.

In a special educational institution for children and adolescents with deviant behavior (open and closed type), a social teacher communicates with the social protection services at the place of residence of the pupils, maintains contact with parents (persons replacing them) through correspondence, visiting them at home , personal conversations, holding parent meetings2.

In many modern educational institutions, social services are created to organize the joint activities of the administration, students (pupils) and their parents, teaching staff, representatives of public structures collaborating with the educational institution to pedagogize the living environment of students (pupils) and provide qualified and timely social support and help. The social service must perform the following functions:

Act as a guarantor and provide social guarantees to each member of the school team;

Protect and defend the individual, his rights, interests and work;

Create conditions for a safe, comfortable creative life for students;

Provide assistance and support to students and teachers in need;

Establish relationships in the team, prevent mental violence against the individual;

Study public opinion in the school community;

Organize socio-psychological and legal consultations for students, teachers, school administration, parents;

Organize the work of the school helpline;

Promote a healthy lifestyle for team members.

1 See: Model regulations on an educational institution for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance. Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 31, 1998 No. 867 // Bulletin of psychosocial and correctional rehabilitation work. - 1998. - No. 4. - P. 80 - 87.

2 See: Model regulations on a special educational institution for children and adolescents with deviant behavior. Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 1995 No. 240; amendments dated 01/08/1997

Thus, social and pedagogical activity in institutions of the educational system is a necessary, constantly developing and improving direction of pedagogical activity, which ensures full socialization, diversified development, fruitful communication of all participants in the pedagogical process.

Social teacher in institutions of the social protection system

Social protection, as defined by V.P. Yudin, is understood as the activity of the state aimed at the formation and development of a full-fledged personality, at identifying and neutralizing negative factors affecting the personality, at creating conditions for its self-determination and affirmation in life1. In a narrower sense, social protection is considered as a set of legally enshrined economic and legal guarantees that ensure compliance with the most important social rights of citizens and the achievement of a socially acceptable standard of living. The leading element of social protection of the population is social services.

Social services are the activities of social services for social support, provision of social, social, medical, psychological, pedagogical, social and legal services and material assistance, ensuring social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in difficult life situations.

Social service is a system of state and non-state structures that carry out social work and include specialized institutions for the provision of social services and their management bodies.

The Concept for the Development of Social Services for the Population of the Russian Federation (1993) defines the following functions of social services:

function of social assistance - identification and registration of families and individuals most in need of social support, provision of material assistance and provision of temporary housing to those in need, etc.; poverty prevention (creating conditions for families to independently ensure their well-being and family entrepreneurship); home-based services for those in need of care; promoting the development of non-traditional

1 See/ Lyashchenko A I Organization and management of social work in Russia. - M, 1995. -S. 17

tion forms of preschool, school and out-of-school education; organization of temporary forced stay of a child outside the parental family, his further placement in a child care institution, under guardianship (trusteeship), adoption;

consulting function - consulting specialists, participation in preparing young people to choose a profession, preparing boys and girls for marriage and conscious parenthood, parental medical and psychological comprehensive education;

function of social correction and rehabilitation - social medical and psychological rehabilitation of minors with deviant behavior, neglected children and adolescents, children without parental care; medical and social rehabilitation and rehabilitation of children and adolescents with disabilities and families raising them;

function of informing the population, studying and forecasting social needs - providing the client with the information necessary to resolve a difficult life situation; dissemination of medical, psychological, pedagogical and other knowledge among the population; studying the needs of clients and social problems that give rise to crisis situations in the region, developing and implementing specific measures aimed at eliminating them;

function of assistance in overcoming the consequences of natural disasters and social conflicts - participation in the development of emergency programs, the formation of teams of social workers within the rescue services, etc.

Within the framework of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development, there are more than 2 thousand various social institutions for children and adolescents. In addition to specialized social rehabilitation institutions for minors, aimed directly at maladjusted children and adolescents, significant assistance in working with families is provided by territorial centers for social assistance to families and children, psychological assistance centers, comprehensive social assistance centers, social shelters, etc.

Distinctive feature centers, complexes, and services of this kind are allocated in their organizational structure to departments of a social, pedagogical, social and legal profile. The staffing schedule of these institutions includes the positions of social teachers, social workers specializing in working with children and youth, and child welfare inspectors. Let's give a few examples.

Since 1994, on the initiative of the Ministry of Social Protection of the Russian Federation (today the Ministry of Labor and Social Development), assistance centers for children left without parental care began to operate. These centers carry out

The social adaptation of children left without parental care, the protection of their rights and legitimate interests, are ensured by placement under guardianship (trusteeship), in a child care institution, as well as adoption, depending on their psychophysical condition. The structure of assistance centers for children left without parental care must necessarily include a social, legal and information service that:

Provides social and legal protection for children in the center;

Together with local child protection specialists, prepares personal files of children to identify them for further education;

Together with the employees of the reception and diagnostic department, he works to select adoptive parents, guardians, trustees, parent-educators for minors or, as determined by teenagers, to a state institution for further education;

Prepares materials for submission to the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission of the center;

Provides advisory and practical assistance to children placed in families through the center and to persons involved in their upbringing;

Identifies and takes into account children subject to adoption from among those in state institutions, carries out work on selecting adoptive parents for them;

Provides consultations to administration and teachers of state children's institutions on child protection issues;

Promotes among the population various forms of upbringing of children left without parental care, identifies and takes into account persons wishing to accept such children into the family, provides legal training for citizens to fulfill the duties of adoptive parents, guardians (trustees), and parent-educators;

Creates a unified data bank about children subject to adoption, guardianship, trusteeship, etc., and adults who want to accept them into their family, ensures the systematization and prompt use of the information contained in it.

In almost every region today there is a Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children. It is intended to provide families and children living in a city, district or microdistrict and in need of social support, timely and qualified social assistance of various types (socio-economic, psychological-social, socio-pedagogical, medical-social, legal, social- rehabilitation, etc.) in need of social support. The purpose of the center is to promote the realization of the right of families and children to protection and assistance from

state, to promote the development and strengthening of the family as a social institution, improvement of socio-economic living conditions, indicators of social health and well-being of the family and children, humanization of family ties with society and the state, establishment of harmonious intra-family relations.

The center’s tasks are adjusted depending on the socio-demographic situation in the region, national traditions, the population’s need for specific types of social assistance and services and other factors. The main objectives of the center are:

Identification, together with government and non-governmental organizations (bodies and institutions of education, healthcare, internal affairs, employment, migration, associations of large families, single-parent families, parents of disabled children, etc.) of the causes and factors of social ill-being of specific families and children, determination of their needs for social assistance;

Determination and provision of specific types and forms of socio-economic, medical-social, psychological-social, socio-pedagogical, legal and other social services to families and children in need of social assistance;

Support for families and individual citizens in solving problems of self-sufficiency, in realizing their own capabilities to overcome difficult life situations;

Social patronage of families and individual citizens in need of social assistance, rehabilitation and support;

Participation in work to prevent the neglect of minors and protect their rights;

Analysis of the level of social services for families with children in a city, district, microdistrict, forecasting their need for social assistance and preparation of proposals for the development of the sphere of social services;

Involving various government and non-governmental organizations in addressing issues of social services for families and children.

Clients have the right to contact the center in person, by telephone, or send a written statement or request. An anonymous request to receive certain types of assistance is allowed. Communication between clients and center employees can also take place outside the center. At the invitation of families, center staff can serve clients at home.

Structural divisions of the center: department of primary reception, information, analysis and forecasting; department of socio-economic assistance; department of medical and social

no help; department of psychological and pedagogical assistance; department for the prevention of neglect of children and adolescents, etc.

Another widespread type of child welfare institution is a social shelter.

The purpose of creating the shelter is social assistance to street children and adolescents, organization of their temporary accommodation, legal and medical-psychological assistance, and their further livelihoods.

Tasks facing the shelter staff:

Ensure temporary accommodation of children and adolescents in normal living conditions with the provision of free food, utilities, medical care, proper care and hygiene;

Provide the opportunity to attend an educational institution, study according to an individual program, or work for teenagers who, for some reason, have left their family or boarding school for the period of their stay in the shelter;

Provide psychological, psychocorrectional and other assistance to eliminate a crisis situation in the family and facilitate the return of the child to their parents or persons in their stead, the placement of orphans and children left without parental care;

Assist in determining the future fate of the minor together with the concerned departments (assistance in finding a permanent place of residence, return to a boarding school (orphanage) or resolving the issue of transfer to another children's institution, permanent or temporary employment of teenagers in need).

The structure of the shelter is determined taking into account the tasks, capabilities, and availability of specialists. Departments can be formed in the main areas of work (reception, inpatient departments, department of social and legal services, etc.), as well as divisions within departments.

The social teacher in the shelter performs the following functions:

Collects information regarding the child’s social status (visiting and studying the family and the child’s position in it, establishing contact with other relatives of the child, and, if necessary, with the school, other institutions, internal affairs bodies, neighbors);

Collects and maintains documentation for each child;

Analyzes available information about the child’s social status and discusses with the director and staff of the shelter the possibilities for the socialization of the child and his placement;

Establishes contacts and maintains connections with other institutions involved in providing assistance to children from disadvantaged families;

Prepares documents for the adoption of a child, taking him into guardianship or transferring him to another institution (together with the director and other employees);

Provides social support to the child during his stay in the shelter (assistance in enrolling in school, vocational training, employment, solving other life problems);

Assists the director of the shelter in preparing documents to initiate a criminal case in the interests of the child;

Assists in organizing the life and upbringing of a child in an orphanage;

Assumes the responsibilities of a teacher-educator in the event of his absence from the staff of the shelter.

A special place among social protection institutions is occupied by social services for youth, which are created on an interdepartmental basis with the involvement of specialists from youth affairs committees and education authorities. It is explained by the specifics of this age category and the greatest need for social support among young people entering life.

Social institutions of this type provide services related to problems of starting out in life and other youth problems themselves, providing assistance in forms and methods that are correlated with the characteristics of the youth subculture. Moreover, services and assistance are provided primarily by young people who act as a contact group of peers.

Objectives of creating social services for youth:

Organization of qualified and comprehensive counseling for young people, depending on the specific causes of social discomfort;

Providing assistance to young citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations (those who have lost ties with their immediate environment, who find themselves in circumstances related to social tension or natural disasters), as well as in connection with forced migration;

Identification of current problems and crisis situations that have led to a maladjusted state of young citizens, development of ways to solve or eliminate them;

Development of social infrastructure taking into account the specific needs of young people;

Creation of a network of youth leisure centers and ensuring their activities.

There are the following types of social services: information and documentation centers, youth labor exchanges, centers for socio-psychological assistance (including telephone numbers)

Veria), drug treatment services, shelters for teenagers and youth, services aimed at restoring the physical, mental and social status of young disabled people, rehabilitation centers for juvenile offenders, legal aid and consultation centers, services to help young families, leisure centers, sexological consultations (including including “Anti-AIDS”), resocialization centers for those returning from prison, etc.

This is not a complete list of institutions, centers, services of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation and its territorial representative offices where social and pedagogical work is carried out. Against the backdrop of aggravation of modern childhood problems, the need for further development and improvement of the activities of social educators in the system of social protection of the population is obvious.

Social educator in healthcare institutions

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation is under the jurisdiction of orphanages where children under 3 years of age are kept, children's clinics (medical and social family patronage), hospitals and clinics serving children in hospital settings, institutions of medical and social rehabilitation, medical, psychological and pedagogical assistance, a system of psychiatric and drug treatment clinics and dispensaries (there is only one children's psychiatric hospital in the country, there are no adolescent psychiatric and drug treatment institutions). In recent years, priority has been given to the valeological direction, valeology services and centers have been created.

Valeology is the science of human health, prerequisites and factors for a healthy lifestyle. The subject of valeology is the health of modern “ public person"and the lifestyle that leads to the acquisition, preservation, maintenance or return of this health.

Family planning centers play a special role. In the future, it is possible to create social and legal offices in antenatal and children's clinics, based on the experience of the 1930s.

The functions of a social educator in the healthcare system include providing care for patients during the pre- and post-hospital period, helping to relieve stress, promoting health, including promoting a healthy lifestyle. Depending on the place of work, the specialist’s functions differ: in interdepartmental institutions, he provides

medical and social services, in institutions, services and health care centers - social and pedagogical.

As an example of the activities of a social teacher in interdepartmental institutions, we will cite the experience of the valeological service of the sanatorium school-complex in the city of Zheleznogorsk."

The purpose of creating the service is to organize a holistic system of valeological education aimed at creating a culture of health and organizing a healthy lifestyle, preserving the health of students and school staff.

The system of activities of a valeologist in a sanatorium school includes five areas.

The first direction is the creation of a psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation to obtain a holistic picture of the school status of a sick child, a disabled child, school staff, and staff; development of a general strategy for valeological support of a disabled child.

During the work of the consultation, an idea of ​​the current condition of the child is formed, and specific steps are developed in the valeological support of a disabled child.

Individual valeological support for disabled children involves:

Valeology education (conducting special classes);

Valeological development taking into account psychophysiological capabilities (teaching anatomy and the child’s knowledge of the characteristics of his body and health status, practicing skills in following the rules of personal hygiene, developing a valeologically based work regime for the day (week), determining nutritional characteristics, the basics of physical therapy and movement culture, massage, relaxation, autogenic training, aromatherapy, music therapy, color therapy, practicing skills of physical self-control and overcoming critical situations associated with the disease, assessing the state of one’s health; caution in society, rules of conduct in extreme situations, education legal basis child health protection with elements of labor protection, etc.).

The second direction is the formation of valeological literacy. It involves increasing the teacher’s vale literacy and determining the level of his readiness to work with children, increasing the vale literacy of parents; implementation of valeological examination of the educational process at school and in structural units; Conducting a valeological analysis of the lesson, the mode of life of the sanatorium school-complex.

Third direction - correctional work, which represents measures to reduce existing deviations from the norm. Basically, individual forms of interaction with the student are used, allowing one to take into account the parameters of his physical and mental

1 See Pasechkina V. P. Valeological service in the conditions of the sanatorium school-complex No. 180 in Zheleznogorsk // Bulletin of psychosocial and correctional rehabilitation work. - 2001. - No. 1. - P. 61-71.

development and other individual characteristics, the degree of susceptibility to the influence of factors external environment etc.

The fourth direction is advisory activities.

The fifth direction is organizational and methodological activity (selection of literature, methods of valeological analysis of a lesson, systems of relaxation exercises, generalization of accumulated experience, etc.).

The functions of a social teacher-valeologist, organizer of a valeological service are defined as follows:

Heads the valeological service and coordinates the activities of the administration, doctor, psychologist, sociologist, ecologist, teachers on the formation, preservation, and strengthening of the health of students and teachers;

Together with the head teacher, draws up a class schedule or adjusts it taking into account the requirements;

Plans work, directs research, monitors and corrects healthy lifestyles for students, teachers, educators, and parents; manages the methodological activities of all employees of the school’s valeological service;

Ensures the implementation of organizational and methodological recommendations of the valeological service; is responsible for the material and educational base of the valeology room and the psychological relief room;

Together with the school administration, carries out personnel selection, profiling for training courses and areas of work;

Conducts group and individual valeological studies at school;

Attends lessons, extracurricular activities, extended-day group classes in order to observe the activities of students, assess their health and dynamic performance;

Summarizes work experience at teachers' councils and methodological associations;

Participates in the certification of teaching staff, is an expert in assessing the creation of valeologically favorable conditions in the learning process;

Constantly improves the level of self-education.

Summarizing the experience of social educators in healthcare institutions, we can highlight the following possible areas of their activity:

Social-environmental and socio-psychological rehabilitation (development of social skills: the ability to communicate, the ability to present oneself, etc.; mastering social roles; ensuring personal growth, the formation of an active personal position, creative potential);

Work with families of children and adolescents (family counseling, organization of parental “support groups”, correction of psychological disorders of family members);

Professional guidance (familiarization with the world of professions, assistance in professional self-determination, correction of inadequate professional interests and intentions);

Organizational, educational, methodological and educational work with the immediate social environment of children and adolescents;

Social and legal consultation and information.

Social teacher in cultural institutions

The activities of social educators in the institutions of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation are currently practically not represented. At the same time, there is an obvious need to cultivate social and pedagogical practice in the area directly related to leisure and ensuring the deepening of the interests and creative capabilities of citizens.

For children and adolescents, leisure is a field for acquiring knowledge and expanding their own horizons, developing interests, abilities and talents. Leisure is equally important for the formation of social connections, qualities, feelings, one’s own social position, and the development of social roles. From the tasks of social education it follows that leisure should:

bring joy and satisfaction, develop social relationships (family, friends, communities), offer opportunities for communication, entertainment, communication;

provide an opportunity for the realization of public interest, for participation in public life;

promote the development of one’s own initiative and self-determination.

Regardless of the type of cultural institution, a social-pedagogical animation and leisure service may operate within its structure, the activities of which are structured in the following areas:

Participation in the development of the socio-cultural environment, unification and coordination of the activities of extracurricular, cultural, educational and other institutions to solve the problems of comprehensive organization of free time for residents of a given territory, identifying and providing for their cultural needs;

Organization of various forms of family recreation, physical education and sports;

Revival of folk traditions and culture;

Organization of joint recreation for different generations, especially parents and children;

Arrangement of the living environment of residents of the territory in accordance with their socio-cultural demands and needs.

Social-pedagogical complexes (SPC) can operate on the basis of cultural institutions (as well as educational institutions)

Their activities represent a system of coordinated actions aimed at the comprehensive implementation of the tasks of social education in the community, strengthening the family and increasing its responsibility for raising children, and the planned socio-cultural development of the microdistrict. The structure of the SEC includes, along with self-government bodies, various sections, departments, clubs, etc. For example, the SEC of Almetyevsk work relying on their sections, including: sections of mass political work, organization of leisure, maintenance of public order, improvement and material support of the microdistrict, physical education and sports work, work with youth living in hostels1 . Almost every SEC has communication rooms, extended-day groups (not on a class basis, but on a territorial basis, not with forty students in one class, but with twenty children of different ages living in the same house), informal club associations (their difference from ordinary circles in groups of different ages, close to their place of residence, with members of the amateur association not only classes are held on topics that interest them, but their life activities are also organized). Thus, the activities of a social teacher in cultural and leisure institutions:

Designed to influence the structure of the individual’s living space and his vital forces;

Carried out in the individual’s free time;

Assumes the voluntariness and activity of the ward;

It is determined by national-ethnic characteristics and traditions.

Social teacher in penitentiary institutions

The approach to crime as a socially negative phenomenon presupposes an appropriate combat strategy, which includes the development of a system for the prevention of criminal behavior and a system of punishment for illegal behavior (penal system).

Penitentiary - relating to punishment, mainly criminal.

In the system of internal affairs bodies (Ministry of Internal Affairs), replacing the juvenile affairs inspectorate (IDN), departments for pre-

1 See Ryabov I. Development of club amateur associations in the conditions of social and pedagogical complex // Theory and practice of social work, domestic and foreign experience - T 2 - C 102-109

In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Fundamentals of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency” (1999), Juvenile Affairs Units (PDN) came into force for the prevention of juvenile delinquency (PPPD). Reception centers for minors have been transformed into temporary isolation centers. The Law of the Russian Federation “On the Police” (1991) extends the preventive activities of internal affairs bodies primarily to teenagers who have committed a crime or misdemeanor. In recent years, a movement of specialists has been actively developing to consolidate a special direction in jurisprudence - juvenile justice.

Juvenile justice is a system of legal norms and institutions that ensure the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of minors, i.e. covering the area where the child acts as a subject of law. According to another approach, it is a system of norms and institutions that are associated with the child as a subject of offenses, i.e. in which the child acts as a subject of criminal behavior, on the one hand, and an object of preventive, judicial, investigative and penitentiary influence, on the other.

Correctional institutions, according to the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation of January 8, 1997 No. 1-FZ (as amended on January 8, 21, 24, 1998), are correctional colonies, educational colonies, prisons, and medical correctional institutions. Minors serve their sentences in juvenile correctional facilities until they reach the age of 21.

According to the UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice (“Beijing Rules”), which were adopted by UN General Assembly resolution 40/33 of 10 December 1985, the purpose of educational work with juveniles held in correctional institutions is to provide care , guardianship, protection, education and vocational training to assist them in fulfilling a socially useful and productive role in society. Minors in correctional institutions must be provided with all the necessary assistance - social, psychological, medical, physical, as well as assistance in the field of education and vocational training, which they may require, taking into account their age, gender and personality, interests and full development

According to Art. 109 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, educational work with those sentenced to imprisonment is aimed at their correction, the formation in them of a respectful attitude towards man, society, work, norms, rules and traditions of human society.

hostels, to improve their educational and cultural level. The participation of convicts in educational activities is taken into account when determining the degree of their correction, as well as when applying incentives and penalties to them. Educational work is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of April 2, 1997 No. 201 “On approval of the Instructions on the organization of educational work with convicts in educational colonies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Model Regulations on amateur organizations of convicts in educational colonies.”

To assist the administration of the educational colony in organizing the educational process, in resolving issues of social protection of convicts, labor and living arrangements for released persons, the following are created at the colony:

1996 No. 57 “On approval of the Instructions on the organization of activities of a comprehensive school in an educational labor colony of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation”);

Boards of trustees from representatives of state enterprises, institutions, organizations, public associations and citizens (Approximate regulations on the board of trustees at an educational colony of the criminal educational system were approved by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 13

1997 No. 1295);

Parental committees of parents, persons replacing them, and other close relatives of convicts (activities are regulated by regulations approved by the head of the educational colony).

The list of employees carrying out educational work in the above-mentioned documents does not include a social worker or a social teacher. Currently, the need to include these specialists in the staff of correctional colonies for minors is being justified.

L. V. Mardakhaev identified the main directions of correctional and pedagogical work in correctional institutions:

punitive-educational, involving correction, re-education within the framework of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;

correctional and educational;

educational and labor^.

The work of a social teacher with prisoners can be carried out in several stages.

1 See Mardakhaev L V Educational problems of work in penitentiary institutions // Social pedagogy / Edited by V A Nikitin - M, 1998 - P 187-212

Stage 1 - when a convicted person enters a colony, the teacher studies his documents, court documents, his personality and the reasons for deviations in behavior. Based on this, social and pedagogical work with the convicted person is planned, its forms and methods are determined. Contacts are established with the minor’s family and relatives, the characteristics of their influence are assessed, and recommendations are developed for organizing visits and possible vacations.

Stage 2 - the compiled program is implemented. The effectiveness of its implementation depends on the psychological characteristics of the convict, the length of his stay in the colony, the team in which he ended up, the experience of educators, and the educational capabilities of the institution. The ward is provided with assistance in adapting to the group, and measures are taken in the event of a conflict with other students. The correction process is analyzed. The development of an individual approach can be based on the following types of behavior of the ward:

the first type - they have taken the path of correction, study, get a profession, fulfill all the requirements;

the second type - firmly embarked on the path of correction, initiators in work and implementation of the regime, influence others, participate in amateur activities, repent of their deeds;

third type - they prove their correction, engage in self-education and self-education, condemn their crime;

the fourth type is “swamp”, behavior is uncertain;

fifth type - troublemakers who do not obey the requirements of the administrator;

sixth type - malicious violators, leaders of criminal groups.

The mobility of behavior types makes it necessary to constantly diagnose the patient’s condition and adjust the activity program.

Relationships with relatives and family are maintained. In most cases, the specialist encourages the mentee to maintain and strengthen these relationships. There is a search for additional contacts outside the walls of the colony, which could later become a support for resocialization. The social and living situation of the ward is monitored: the necessary consultations are provided, and organizational work is carried out to improve it.

Stage 3 - after serving the sentence, the result of the work is assessed, preliminary and subsequent steps are taken to accompany the ward outside the colony, normalize his resocialization, relationships are maintained with both the ward himself and her relatives. If necessary, provide

Support is provided in employment and determination for further study (in the form of applications, letters of recommendation).

Thus, in the institutions of the domestic penitentiary system there are currently no social service specialists; their functions are performed by all employees of these institutions. The issue of creating this kind of service or introducing social workers or social educators into the staff of correctional institutions remains debatable, although in most developed countries it has already been resolved positively. When modeling the work of a social teacher in a correctional institution, let us once again pay attention to its specifics:

It is carried out in closed and isolated social spaces;

Its objects are persons with a high level of social disadvantage and increased stress;

It is carried out in conditions of inevitable confrontation between “prison staff” and “prison contingent”;

It is inextricably linked with the execution of criminal punishment;

It does not stop after the execution of the punishment, but involves assistance in resocialization and adaptation to the outside world.

Questions and tasks

1. Describe the concept of “social infrastructure”. What role does the development of infrastructure play for the development of social and pedagogical activities?

2. What are the features of institutional and territorial approaches in organizing social and pedagogical activities? Evaluate which approach prevails in your region?

3. What are the specifics of the activities of a social teacher in the education system?

4. What are the responsibilities of a social teacher in institutions of the social protection system? Get acquainted with the system of work of any social protection institution in your region, find out about the responsibilities and requirements for the activities of a social teacher in this institution.

5. Select arguments that prove the need to introduce the position of a social educator in healthcare institutions.

6. What are the possibilities of social and pedagogical activities in cultural and sports institutions9

7. Get acquainted with the contents of the Instructions on the organization of educational work with convicts in educational colonies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Model Regulations on amateur organizations of convicts in educational colonies. Specify the possible field of activity of a social teacher in an educational colony. How will it differ from the content of the teacher’s activities?


Bocharova V.G. Social pedagogy. - M., 1994.

Vasilkova Yu.V. Methodology and work experience of a social teacher. - M., 2001.

Handbook for a Juvenile Lawyer / Comp. A. V. Babushkin. - M., 1999.

Social services for youth: Materials and documents. - M., 1995.

Theory and practice of social work: Domestic and foreign experience / Ed. T.F. Yarkina, V.G. Bocharova. - M.; Tula, 1993. - T. 1,2.

Management of the social sphere: Textbook. / Ed. V. E. Gordina. - St. Petersburg.. 1998.

Firsov M.V., Studenova E.G. Social work theory. - M., 1999

School is one of the traditional places of activity for social educators. Based on domestic and foreign practice, the following goals of social and pedagogical activity in an educational institution can be formulated: - to help eliminate and overcome specific difficulties in the process of socialization of schoolchildren and socially disadvantaged families and strata - to develop a process of advanced socialization; - promote the development of personality and its orientation in social processes at the stage of training and choice of profession; - participate in resolving potential and potential conflicts

l In boarding institutions, social teachers communicate with social employment services and assist the administration of the institution in matters of protecting the rights of pupils. l In educational institutions for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical-social assistance, a social teacher takes measures to identify the causes of social maladaptation of children and provides them with social assistance, communicates with the family, as well as with authorities and organizations on issues of employment of children and teenagers, providing them with housing, benefits and pensions. l In a special educational institution for children and adolescents with deviant behavior, a social teacher communicates with social protection services at the pupils’ place of residence and maintains contact with parents

Thus, social and pedagogical activity in institutions of the educational system is a necessary, constantly developing area of ​​pedagogical activity, which ensures full socialization, diversified development, and fruitful communication of all participants in the pedagogical process.

Social protection, as defined by V.P. Yudin, refers to the activities of the state aimed at the formation and development of a full-fledged personality, at identifying and neutralizing negative factors affecting the personality. Since 1994, on the initiative of the Ministry of Social Protection of the Russian Federation, assistance centers for children left without parental care began to operate. These centers carry out social adaptation of children left without parental care, protection of their rights and legitimate interests.

In almost every region today there is a Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children. It is designed to provide families and children living in the city and region with timely and qualified assistance of various types. Another widespread type of child welfare institution is a social shelter. The purpose of creating the shelter is social assistance to children and adolescents.

The functions of a social educator in the healthcare system include providing care for patients in the pre- and post-hospital period, helping to relieve stress, promoting health, including promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Areas of activity of social educators in healthcare institutions: l l l social-environmental and socio-psychological rehabilitation, work with families of children and adolescents, professional guidance, organizational, educational and methodological and educational work with the immediate social environment of children and adolescents, social and legal consultation and information

The activities of social educators in institutions of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation are currently practically not represented. There is an obvious need to cultivate socio-pedagogical practice in the area directly related to leisure and ensuring the deepening of the interests and creative capabilities of citizens

Regardless of the type of cultural institution, a social-pedagogical animation and leisure service may operate within its structure, the activities of which are structured in the following areas: l organizing various forms of family recreation, physical education and sports, l reviving folk traditions and culture, l organizing joint recreation of different generations, especially parents and children Socio-pedagogical complexes (SPC) can operate on the basis of cultural institutions. Their activities represent a system of coordinated actions aimed at the comprehensive implementation of the tasks of social education in the community, strengthening the family and increasing its responsibility for raising children.

Thus, the activities of a social teacher in institutions of cultural and leisure sphere: l l is designed to influence the structure of the individual’s living space and his vital forces, carried out in the individual’s free time, assumes voluntariness and the activity of the ward is determined by national-ethnic characteristics and traditions

Penitentiary - relating to punishment, mainly criminal. L. V. Mardakhaev identified the main directions of correctional and pedagogical work in correctional institutions: - punitive and educational, involving correction, re-education within the framework of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - correctional and educational - educational and labor

Professional socio-pedagogical work is one of the main ways of society’s response to a new social situation.