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Problems of student youth at the present stage. Main problems of students 3 problems of forming the status of modern students

General characteristics

The success of students’ studies at a university is largely determined by the real conditions of their life, the nature of the problems that arise during the study process and the possibilities for resolving them on the part of the administration, teachers, as well as the services of social pedagogues and psychologists that are currently being formed. To correctly determine the strategy of educational influence, university teaching staff must clearly understand the range of current problems that occur in the student environment. At the same time, it is necessary to clearly draw a line between the general trends in the personal development of modern student youth and those problematic situations problems that students face in a particular educational institution.

Our research was devoted to identifying the most typical problems for modern students. The main research method was a questionnaire survey, which covered 3,438 students, representatives of 13 universities of the Republic of Belarus. The survey results indicate that among the problems that arise in the lives of students, insufficient material security dominates. It is referred to by 5-42% of the total number of all respondents.

Traditionally, the financial support of students depended on two main factors: the size of the scholarship and assistance from parents or other close relatives. IN last years To these sources, the factor of additional earnings of the students themselves is added as a fairly significant factor.

Analysis of student responses about the use of additional income in free time showed that about a quarter of all respondents turn to them. Moreover, the main forms extra work students are those that offer all kinds of market structures: from the service sector (4.2%) and commercial trade (7.5%) to the resale of currency and things (3.5%). The share of construction teams and the organization of auxiliary work at the university is insignificant (2.2% and 2.5%, respectively). Only 0.3% of the total population participates in university contract research.

This leads to serious conclusions about the role of our official university structures, civil service employment, the State Committee for Youth Affairs in resolving issues of secondary employment of students. Considering the economic difficulties the state is experiencing, one cannot expect a noticeable increase in the size of scholarships or significant assistance from parents in the near future. Therefore, the efforts of government and youth structures should be aimed at expanding secondary employment opportunities for the vast majority of students.

Second place, according to students, is the problem of heavy workload training sessions. Moreover, if in the case of insufficient material security the difference in the weight of this factor between universities is small, then with regard to the second factor they differ significantly depending on the profile of the students’ professional training.

Judging by the results obtained, students of medical (GGMI - 80.0%) and technical universities (BATU - 75%; BSPI - 70.8%) are the most loaded, or rather, overloaded with studies. Among the universities with the smallest number of students indicating a high workload with academic classes are BSUK (20.9%), BSEU (31.9%), as well as non-state universities: Institute of Modern Knowledge (24.2%) and Institute of Humanities and Economics ( 33.8%). For other universities, approximately half of the total number of students surveyed cite high workload.

It is obvious that there is a need to reform the learning process in higher school, including by reducing the number of compulsory courses to give students more time to independent work with educational and scientific literature, participation in scientific research.

Students ranked the third place among emerging problems as lack of necessary conditions for independent work (26.8%). This means that simply cutting back on mandatory classroom activities in favor of independent work will not produce immediate positive results. To solve this problem, it is necessary to have an appropriate educational and methodological base at the university, providing regular assistance and consultations from teachers.

As the results of the study show, a quarter of the students we surveyed feel dissatisfied with their material and living conditions. They are even more dissatisfied with the conditions for relaxation and full-fledged leisure activities - 37.1%. 18.1% of the total number of respondents indicated unsatisfactory conditions for physical education and sports. Such a situation cannot in any way contribute to the creation and strengthening healthy image students' lives. It is no coincidence that 13.4% of students participating in the survey cite poor health, as well as significant psychological stress that they have to endure during their studies at the university.

The presence of psychological discomfort in the student environment is also confirmed by the results of the answer to the question about the need to create a social and psychological assistance service in universities. The first thing that should be noted is that the need for this kind of service is quite clearly expressed on the part of students.

Functions of the socio-psychological service at the university

What kind of help do students need from social and psychological services? The largest percentage of the total number of respondents indicated personal and emotional reasons. This is assistance in studying one’s abilities, character traits and behavior (36.9%), advice on relieving stress and psychological overload (32.3%), receiving advice in the area of ​​personal life (friendship, love, starting a family, family relationships ( 30.8%), as well as the acquisition of communication skills (22.9%). No significant differences were found in the answers by course and gender, except for the need to receive advice on relieving stress and psychological overload (boys - 21.4%, girls - 42.0%).

The need for assistance in obtaining permission is presented in a separate block. conflict situations with classmates (5.4%), dormitory mates (6.7%), teachers and university administration (13.9%). The rather high proportion of conflicts that take place, according to students, between them and the teaching staff, as well as the university administration, is cause for concern. The problem of the emotional and psychological state of students seems extremely relevant and should become the subject of a special scientific study. It is necessary to develop practical methods for solving it in the higher education system.

The effectiveness of the institute of curators and educators

Despite a number of positive trends that have emerged in recent years in the organization of educational work in higher education, the institution of curators and educators does not yet provide the proper educational impact on student youth. Thus, 14.5% of the respondents indicated insufficient attention to themselves from teachers, curators, and educators. This is due to a number of reasons, including the lack of a regulated status for the curator of a student group, and therefore the corresponding attitude on the part of teachers to the role of the curator; lack of proper psychological and pedagogical training for hostel curators and teachers to work with students; high workload of teachers with training sessions and the need to look for additional sources of income due to low wages.

A significant weakening of the position of curators and the educational influence they exert on students led to a change in the status of the academic group. This is confirmed not only by the results of this survey, where 20.3% of students listed “disorganization, disunity in my student group” as a significant problem in student life, but also by our research, using sociometric methods, into the level of development of relationships in academic groups at the university. The results obtained indicate a significant decline in the role of the academic group in the lives of students, which inevitably entails a number of negative trends, including the loss of a sense of collectivism and mutual assistance, and increasing tendencies of individualism. Increasing the authority of the curator and the academic group in order to influence them on the personal development of students should be considered one of the important tasks of the educational work of the university.

Problems that arise during student years include caring for one’s own family (10.1%). Creating a family, establishing family life, having a child and caring for him, in combination, as a rule, with the final stage of education, requires not only significant mental, physical and material costs, but also the proper level of readiness to provide the most complex social role of a family man. What is the attitude of students towards marriage and starting a family during their student period? An analysis of the results of our study showed that only 12.3% of all respondents expressed a negative attitude towards marriage. With a general positive attitude toward marriage, 58.4% of respondents consider it possible provided they have financial security. 11.1% of respondents allow marriage under forced circumstances and approximately the same number (11.8%) have a positive attitude towards the idea of ​​marriage, regardless of any circumstances.

E. V. Milkova

candidate pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts

social problems of student youth (on the example of students from Kemerovo state university culture and arts)

Youth is a special socio-demographic group experiencing a period of formation of social maturity, the position of which is determined by the socio-economic state of society. Social problems arising in society also affect student youth.

Social problems are living conditions leading to social reactions that violate some human values ​​and human social well-being. The causes of social problems can be environmental (situational), personal (related to individual characteristics), activity-related (determined by personal activity, activity).

The need to solve social problems of young people (students) in our country and abroad has been discussed for many years by scientific theorists and practitioners, such as E. I. Kholostova, V. N. Kuznetsov, P. D. Pavlenok, V. T. Lisovsky ., Kohn I. S., Likhachev B. T., Berggren K., Bernasconi A., Pitre P., Osborne M., Llade M., etc. Each scientist defined his own vision of the problems from the position of pedagogy, sociology, psychology, as well as social protection.

Scientists see differently how modern youth is defined and who belongs to students. Levikova S.I., Darvish O.B., Timoshina N.V., Ivanova G.Yu., Ilyina E.P., Laptenok S.D. and others agree that the boundaries of youth age are fluid. They are characterized, on the one hand, as a favorable time for starting a family, on the other hand, as a necessity professional self-determination, on the third hand, as a definition of attitude towards public life and his role in it.

Here it is necessary to say something about student youth. “Student” literally means “working hard, studying.” Student youth are a special category, a specific community of people organizationally united by the institution of higher education.

During study at the university, the basis of labor, professional activity. The teacher faces a responsible psychological and pedagogical task - the formation of a student as a subject of educational activity, which presupposes, first of all, the need to teach him the ability to plan, organize, and analyze his activities.

Social psychologist Shevandrin N.I. believes: “In a student environment, a person quickly learns a stereotype of behavior in public places, etiquette, and a certain vocabulary.”

Rubin B.G., Kolesnikov Yu.S. identify five groups of students:

Students who strive to master knowledge, methods of independent work, acquire professional skills, etc.;

Students who strive to acquire knowledge in all areas of educational activity;

Students who show interest only in their profession;

Students who do well in their studies, but curriculum are selective;

Students are quitters, lazy people.

Khanzhin E.V. believes that “a student as a person of a certain age and as a person can be characterized from three sides:

From psychological (unity psychological processes, states and personality traits);

Social (social relations, qualities generated by the student’s belonging to a certain social group, nationality, etc.);

With biological (type of higher nervous activity, instincts, unconditioned reflexes, physique, height, etc.).”

In addition to external similarity, the unification of students into a mass social group is determined by age, educational environment, general problems associated with the organization and content of studies, concerns about future employment, the nature of upcoming professional activity, etc.

“The policy pursued by the state,” writes Reprintseva G.I., “has led to the fact that student youth, as the most educated and at the same time the most “problematic” part of the population, find themselves surrounded by their own social problems.” For this reason, we can talk about student youth as a social group that requires the closest attention from the state, whose activities should be aimed at solving existing social problems. Social problems are the inability to satisfy one’s social needs, such as material well-being, prosperity, education, medical care, etc.

“From a pedagogical point of view,” notes Yu. G. Volkov, “a period of intensive social change characterized by two trends: the first is the development of new social forces, the second is negative social phenomena.” Confirming this fact, we can say that these two contradictory trends have led to the emergence of a number of problems that must be solved by all subjects of education and upbringing and modern pedagogical science.

Thus, according to social political scientists (N. A. Volgina, T. S. Sulimova), the following social problems arise for student youth: social insecurity of young people in the sphere of labor, unemployment (youth are the first to be laid off and make up 38% of all unemployed); lack of demand for young people with secondary and higher education(the most prestigious is work in the field of trade, intermediary activities); lagging level of education from the current level of the most developed countries.

In addition to the above-mentioned problems, Levikova S.I. highlights the decline in the prestige of vocational education, the unpreparedness of higher, vocational and secondary school personnel to work in new conditions, a weak material and technical base, etc. Yusupova N.V. says that among the main problems are dominated by a large outflow of talented youth abroad, low wages, scholarships, difficulties with secondary employment, lack of high-quality inexpensive goods, a reduction in the material base for organizing cultural leisure for youth, etc.

Based on the analysis existing definitions student youth from the point of view of psychology, pedagogy, sociology, philosophy, we can conclude that in domestic science several approaches to the analysis of students have developed:

Students as a socio-demographic group;

Students as a socio-professional group;

Students as a special social group.

Thus, students are social group society, consisting of young people of approximately the same basic education and age, distinguished by similar forms of organization of life activities, a common focus on obtaining the necessary

hidden professional knowledge. Consequently, this stratum of the country's population has approximately the same social problems.

Having studied and analyzed scientific literature such authors as S. N. Ikonnikova, V. T. Lisovsky, A. A. Kozlov, O. I. Karpukhina, Yu. S. Kolesnikova, B. G. Rubin, T. E. Petrova, E. G. Slutsky, A. S. Vatoropin, Yu. R. Vishnevsky, V. T. Shapko, V. F. Pugach and others, who studied student youth, it is possible to determine a classification of methods for identifying social problems of students.

The systemic method is manifested in the fact that the analyzed object is considered as a certain set of elements, the interconnection of which determines the integral properties of this set.

The specific historical method is manifested in the fact that the research is carried out in the aspect of changes and trends caused by a specific stage of development of society, the changing role of students in the processes of socio-economic development of the country.

The statistical method is manifested in the analysis and study of a large volume of empirical data obtained in the course of processing the results of sociological research.

Method comparative analysis used to study the state of the situation of students in the Soviet period and currently in the study of the state of their socio-economic situation.

In the process of identifying social problems of students, using the above methods, “problematic” indicators appear, which, from the point of view of an employee of the Russian State Social University, E. S. Sorokina, reflect the social reality of modern students:

Education (covers the student’s intellectual activity, self-realization, self-education, competitiveness in the labor market, etc.);

Family (includes relationships both with the older generation and as a spouse or parent, etc.);

Health (determines general well-being, dependence on medications, frequency and type of diseases and their forms, etc.);

Income (shows economic situation, sources of income, average monthly earnings, etc.);

Social well-being (determines a person’s place in society, his status, the degree of his fulfillment as an individual and as a participant public relations and etc.);

Value orientations (reflection in a person’s consciousness of values ​​recognized by him as strategic life goals);

Life strategies and attitudes (shows life goals, means of achieving them);

Social activity (reflects a person’s social activity and the degree of its usefulness).

Speaking about modern students, it is necessary to highlight such a concept as “the quality of life of student youth”, without defining which it is impossible to clearly understand the current student problems and ways to solve them.

Scientists Basova V. M., Volkov Yu. G., Genaev R. T., Darvish L. D., Kolkov V. V., Stolyarenko L. D., Tkachenko A. A., Shubkin V. N. , exploring the quality of life of students in their works, they define it through various characteristics. Satisfaction with one’s own life, one’s social status, level of education, which is determined by a number of economic, social, demographic, political and other factors and determines the physical, mental, socio-cultural development of student youth.

Student youth are one of the most socially vulnerable segments of the population. This is also proven by the fact that the scientific interests of students constantly turn to the study of social problems of young people, in which the quality of life is a fundamental factor.

Thus, in the 2006-2008 academic years, students of the department of social pedagogy Belyaeva N., Eliseeva A., Longe T., Saidbekova K. and others dedicated their course studies identifying social problems of student youth and developing ways to solve them.

Thus, Belyaeva N. in 2006 conducted a pilot study through a questionnaire in order to study social problems and the quality of life of student youth at Kem State University of Culture and Culture.

The main stages of the survey:

1) preparing students (explaining the goals of our research), establishing interpersonal contact;

2) conducting a survey;

3) calculation of results and presentation of the obtained data in graphical form.

The questionnaire consists of 14 questions, each of which contains 3 answer options,

one of which is the students’ own opinion

The respondents, 84 people, were SP students, as well as 16 FRAI students.

To the first question, “Do you drink alcohol?” 54 people answered that “they use it, but extremely rarely / rarely”; 21 - “do not use at all”; 11 - “on holidays”; 14 - “once a week.”

To the second question, “Have you tried drugs?” 82 people answered that they “have not tried”; “tried” - 18 people.

To the third question, “Do you have your own income?”: “yes” - 49 people; “no” - 51.

“Are you financially dependent on your parents or other relatives?”; “yes” - 81 people; “no” - 19 respondents.

“Are you confident in successful employment after graduation?”; “no” - 69 people; “yes” - 20; “I don’t know” - 11 respondents.

“Are you satisfied with your level of material wealth?”; “yes” - 17 respondents; “no” - 44 people; “not very” - 13; “when and how” - 12 people; “partially” - 11; “not really, sometimes” - 3rd respondent.

“Do you have any health problems?”; “absolutely healthy” - 10 people; “sometimes there are complaints” - 58 people (the vast majority); “I get sick very often” -32 respondents.

“Are you satisfied with the class schedule this semester?”; “yes” - 39 people; “no” -47 respondents; “no way out” - 14 people.

“Are you satisfied with the work of the university wardrobe?”; “satisfied” - 55 people; “not satisfied” - 25; “not always” 20 - person.

“Are you satisfied with the quality and cost of food in the canteen?”; “yes” - 31 people; “no” -53 respondents; “very expensive” - 16 people.

“Are you satisfied with the work of the university library?”; “yes” - 46 people; “no” - 39 people”; “not always, not really” - 15 respondents.

“Are you satisfied with the living conditions in the hostel?”; “yes” - 24 people; “no” - 27 people; “suitable, but it’s expensive to pay for a hostel” - 22 respondents; “satisfied, but they don’t let guests and friends through” - 8 people; 19 students surveyed do not live in the dormitory.

“What question would you like to ask the administration of our university?”: “Are you interested in our desires?”, “When will all this end?”, “Why social and academic

Can’t the scholarships be combined?”, why don’t they pay? increased scholarship excellent students?”, “why is the university’s activities so poorly organized, no one knows anything?”, the most common question is: “when will the scholarship be increased?”

To the question “Are you satisfied with the quality of education at the university?”: “yes” - 58 people; “no” - 19 respondents; “average quality of education” - 18 respondents; “I’ll find out when I’ll get a job after graduating from university” - 5 people.

Overall, to sum it up research work, the author notes the fact that modern student youth big number social problems that, in a university environment, should and can be resolved by self-government bodies together with the educational and social departments of the university.

The following study of interest was conducted by Eliseeva A. on the basis of the Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts among teachers and students of the department of social pedagogy, where they were used the following techniques:

1. WHOQOL questionnaire - 100 (World Health Organization quality of life - 100 questions, 2003), where 5 groups of students were studied: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 courses of 12 people each. The goal is to trace the dynamics of changes in the student’s quality of life at the initial, middle and final stages of studying at a university.

2. Questionnaire, where 5 groups of students were studied: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 years, 12 people in each. The goal is to identify social problems of student youth and the possibilities of solving them through the eyes of the students themselves.

3. A survey reflecting the areas of activity of curators to prevent and eliminate these problems. Teachers from the Department of Social Pedagogy took part in the survey.

The following results were obtained during the study:

1. indicators of the quality of life of students: (WHOQOL Questionnaire - 100)

Number of people in %

Study groups

| | Low quality | | Average quality | |

High quality of life

Low quality of life:

1 course - 10%; 2nd course - 10%; 3rd year - 20%; 4th year - 20%; 5th course - 20%.

Average quality of life:

1 course - 30%; 2nd course - 40%; 3rd year - 30%; 4th year - 50%; 5th course - 60%.

High quality of life:

1st course - 60%; 2nd course - 50%; 3rd course - 50%; 4th year - 30%; 5th course - 20%.

This trend is due to the following: if in the 1st and 2nd years a student is characterized by isolation from parental supervision, but at the same time financial support from his parents, then in the 3rd year the process of autonomy from his parents begins, his own families are created, and the need for independent earnings appears. In the 4th and 5th years, the student’s personal development is completed: he acquires new social roles, even greater separation from his parents, and self-sufficiency. Each of these stages is characterized by material, social, psychological, physiological problems, where the ability to overcome them determines the quality of life.

2. Current social problems of students and their solutions:

TO current problems all students cited financial difficulties, in addition:

1st year - low supply of educational literature; lack of organization of free time; 2nd year - low provision of benefits, lack of free time and rest; 3rd year - undeveloped and unsystematic educational work health-saving technologies, due to workload - the impossibility of additional income; 4th year - lack of housing/poor living conditions, disorganized leisure time; 5th year - difficulties in finding employment, lack of housing.

ways to solve social problems can be differentiated based on the analysis of the research results:

1st year: changes in state policy in the field of material support for students; understanding on the part of teachers of working students; replenishment of the library with the necessary literature for training (even just 1 copy); organizing events for leisure and creative activities of students; pay more attention to the real problems of students;

2nd year: joint activities of students, teachers, rector, specialists in solving social problems of students; material support students; real, not paper, activities of specialists; everything is in the hands of the students themselves; there are no solutions;

3rd year: increasing university funding; teachers' understanding of working students; providing students with free trips to sanatoriums and medical procedures; providing free tickets to movies, theaters, and exhibitions; student government;

4th year: literate public policy; material support; understanding students' problems; improving the living conditions of students, reducing interest rates for mortgage lending to students; real, not paper work of specialists; pay attention to the social policies of other universities; everything is in the hands of the students themselves; nothing depends on the student’s opinion;

5th year: meetings with employers; housing affordability for young people; increasing wages for young specialists; the opportunity to get a job with minimal or no experience; changes in university policy; Nothing depends on the students' opinions.

The survey conducted shows that problems cover all aspects of a student’s life (material, psychological, physiological, professional, etc.), the issue of eliminating which should be actively addressed at the Federal, regional, regional and intra-university levels.

2. Through the survey, the identified areas of activity of curators can be presented as follows:

Tracking student progress;

Assistance in transferring high-performing students from a paid form of education to a budget-funded one;

Monitoring the timely provision of necessary benefits to students;

Assisting students in settling into a dormitory;

Survey of the living conditions of students living in the dormitory;

Interaction with the commandant of the hostel and specialists from the department of educational and social work with students;

Communication with parents of students or persons replacing them;

Advisory - psychological - organizational assistance;

Individual and group work with students;

Student employment tracking;

Assistance in obtaining financial assistance, in arranging tuition payments in installments and training subsidies.

These studies confirm that the work of curators is necessary and important in identifying the social problems of student youth and helping to solve them.

Of interest are the ways to solve student problems at the university, prescribed by student researchers. They propose to do the following with the help of students, together with the teaching staff and administrative structures, with the involvement of specialists. For example, in one work there are recommendations for the administration, for the social department on creating conditions for solving identified problems. Another author developed a model of adaptation of university and university students to students through the work of services (for example, services for working with student families, with students in need of government support, as well as services for organizing student leisure, work of a labor exchange for students, legal services and services health care, etc.). Each service has a substantive characteristic (purpose, directions, methods and forms of work). The desire of students to solve their problems independently is encouraging, since it indicates that they have formed an active position. The third proposes to form an inter-university student coordination council dedicated to solving youth problems.

At the same time, the above material invites all participants to think educational process university about creating a comfortable atmosphere of interaction and relationships, which will help overcome social problems of students and productive work and study


1. Volkov Yu. G., Dobrenkov V. I., Savchenko I. P. et al. Sociology of youth: tutorial/ ed. prof. Yu. G. Volkova. - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2004. - 576 p.

2. Levikova S.I. Youth subculture. - M.: New knowledge, 2004. - 286 p.

3. Basics social work: textbook for beginners. prof. education / E. V. Khanzhin, T. P. Karpova, N. P. Erofeeva, etc.; edited by E. V. Khanzhina. - M.: Publishing Center Academy, 2003. - 144 p.

4. Rubin B. G., Kolesnikova Yu. S. Student through the eyes of sociologists. - Rostov n/d: 2004. - 218 p.

5. Social policy: encyclopedic Dictionary/ under the general editorship of D.E. Sc., prof. N. A. Volgina; resp. ed. d.f. n. T. S. Sulimova. - M.: Academic Project, 2004. - 371 p.

6. Sociology of youth: textbook / ed. Doctor of Sociological Sciences, prof., corresponding member. RAS V. N. Kuznetsova. - M.: Gardariki, 2005. - 335 p.

7. Institutions for social services for children and youth: analysis of activities / author.-comp. G. I. Reprintseva. - M.: Gardariki, 2003. - 298 p.

8. Shevandrin N. I. Social Psychology in education: textbook. - M.: Vlados, 2005. - 396 p.

So, the above data does not allow us to express optimism regarding the financial situation of students in recent years. There are still a significant number of students with incomes below or on the borderline of the poverty level. The increase in the share of those who study on a commercial basis increases differentiation in the student environment on material grounds.

At the same time, the problems of students should not be reduced only to material ones. Below we consider the main problems that arise among modern young people receiving higher education:

  • 1) Problems in the field of attitude to study, professional implementation:
    • · discrepancy between the work performed after graduation and the education received;
    • · reduction in the quality of education and, at the same time, the competitiveness of university graduates in the labor market.

In order to remove the negative consequences of the necessary disconnection from study to earn money, you can pay attention to the connection between additional work and the training received at the university. Half of the “part-time” students do not have such a connection. Only 11% of the students surveyed clearly indicate the opportunity to work in a related specialty; another 12% use their professional knowledge partially. Despite the differences in their social origin and, consequently, material capabilities, students are connected by a common type of activity and in this sense form a certain socio-professional group. General activities in combination with territorial concentration, it gives rise to a certain community of interests among students, group identity, a specific subculture and way of life, and this is complemented and enhanced by age homogeneity, which other socio-professional groups do not have. The socio-psychological community is objectified and consolidated by the activities of a number of political, cultural, educational, sports and everyday student organizations.

It is also necessary to prohibit the combination of study and work throughout the entire period of study, if this is not related to the educational process (practice, internships, etc.). As a result government scholarships, benefits and grants should cover the bulk of students' expenses.

  • 2) Problems in the area of ​​students’ financial situation:
    • · dependence of the financial condition of students on the financial condition of their parents, as a result of which the success of a student’s studies depends on the financial capabilities of his parents.

To solve these problems, it is necessary to implement developed measures aimed at:

  • · development of a data bank implemented in the city, scholarship and grant programs to support student research activities;
  • · development of recommendations on the choice of topics for coursework and dissertations, taking into account the needs of the city and sponsors.
  • · introduction modern methods student lending;
  • · involvement of young people in the activities of labor associations, student groups, youth labor exchanges and other forms of youth employment;
  • · to introduce effective programs for the development of social competence of young people necessary for advancement in the labor market.
  • 3) Problems in the field of socio-political activity:
    • · lack of necessary access to information;
    • · lack of an established transparent (legislative (generally accepted) decision adequately adopted by economic conditions, reflecting all aspects of the real situation) environment for its adequate perception by both society and students.

To solve this problem you need to:

  • · involve students in the political life of society;
  • · promote the work student council Universities as a model of the socio-political life of students;
  • · to form a corporate image of the university by monitoring the expectations and needs of students ( social studies, surveys, questionnaires).
  • 4) Problems in the field of psychological support for students:
    • · the presence of psychological problems among students during all periods of study at a university, as a result of which academic performance decreases and dropout from the university occurs;
    • · lack of opportunities for students to receive timely help from psychological service specialists.

To solve this problem, it is enough to organize the presence of a psychologist on the territory of the university.

Letien E.V.

teacher foreign language

MAOU "Secondary School No. 40"

Problems faced by students of language faculties when undergoing production and teaching practice.

The process of professional development of students - future teachers in pedagogical educational institutions unthinkable without educational pedagogical practice. Famous teacher P.P. Blonsky wrote that “pedagogy cannot be taught with books... Practice is also necessary, but not copying, but creative and aware” . Teaching practice is an important step on the path to becoming a teacher.

During teaching practice, a student can demonstrate his creative and professional skills in the role of a teacher and make sure that he has made the right choice of his future profession.

How do students define the purpose of teaching practice?

Most of my student trainees believe that the main task of teaching practice is that it provides an opportunity to “try” oneself as a teacher. (45% of the number of students)

For a small number of students, teaching practice is a way to apply theoretical knowledge in practice. (35%)

Quite rarely there are students who determine that the purpose of practice at school is to equip students with knowledge and skills. (20%)

For several years, students from the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​have been practicing at our school. As a rule, at the beginning of practice they make the same mistakes. We will try to identify these difficulties and possible ways their decisions. The problems described below can be divided into 2 types:

Itype is associated with the integration of knowledge from various subject blocks (cultural, psychological, pedagogical, subject) when solving a specific pedagogical problem.

IItype is associated with the translation of theoretical knowledge into the plane of solving practical problems.

Let's look at the problems associated withItype.

Proper time management.

The lesson lasts a certain time and a constant mistake is the inability to feel this period of time. Most often, it happens that either students do not have time to complete all the tasks they planned, or they have time left, but the tasks have already been completed. In such situations, you always need to have something in stock (additional exercises on the topic, language games, songs, tongue twisters). And if you don’t have time, you need to analyze why this happened.

Thus, creativity and having a watch are one of the basic tools of a new teacher.

Discipline in the classroom.

IN Lately It is not necessary to stand at the blackboard for the entire lesson. The teacher himself chooses his place depending on the tasks and goals of the lesson. It is important that students perceive the student trainee as a dynamic mentor. As you move around the class, you can correct students' written and oral answers. And if you hide behind the teacher's desk, you cannot maintain perfect discipline in the classroom.

In other words, expanding the workspace to the maximum.

Language of the body.

For a foreign language teacher, it is very important to be able to master and use body language. Where you want to say something native language, it is better to replace this with some sign. As a result, it develops its own sign system and save time. To body language, I would add voice. It must be emphasized that you should learn to vary the volume of your voice so that the lesson does not become monotonous.

Towards difficultiesIItype of problemtranslation of theoretical knowledge into the plane of solving practical problems.

Students who come to practice, as a rule, speak the language. But they often forget that they should teach children the language, and not demonstrate their knowledge. In other words, try to put yourself in the student’s shoes and correctly correlate your level of language proficiency with his. And if a mistake was made and the students noticed it, thank them, because everyone can make a mistake. Don't be afraid to admit if you don't know something.

In addition, every qualified teacher hascompetent methodological concept and your working style. Such a teacher knows for what purpose he gives tasks and can predict alternative paths solutions to the same problem. Strive to become good teacher- work on yourself. A competent teacher uses and considers the life experiences, interests and emotions of students. He is different in different classes, he tries to take into account the different life circumstances of his students, but at the same time not adapt to them. For a competent teacher, the lesson is about the language, not about the language. Speech is always situational. These can be real, problematic or conditional situations. But all of them must be determined by the communicative task that needs to be solved during communication. Reading, listening, speaking and writing are multifunctional.

In conclusion, it should be noted that it is necessary to teach students to take into account all the above factors. Pedagogical practice should be student-oriented, creative in nature and contribute to the development of an individual style pedagogical activity. Its main result should be the firm conviction of students in the correctness of their choice - to become a teacher, to devote themselves to the most humane profession on Earth - human education.


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