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State program of preschool education. State program of the Russian Federation "health development"

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2014 N 295 (as amended on March 31, 2017) On approval of the state program Russian Federation Development of education for 2013 - 2020

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  • Main menu
    • State program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020
      • Passport of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020
      • Passport of subprogram 1 "Implementation of educational programs of vocational education" of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020
      • Passport of subprogram 2 "Promoting the development of preschool and general education" of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020
      • Passport of subprogram 4 "Development of additional education for children and implementation of youth policy measures" of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020
      • Passport of subprogram 5 "Improving the management of the education system" of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020
      • Passport of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2011 - 2015
      • Passport of the federal target program "Russian language" for 2011 - 2015
      • Passport of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2016 - 2020
      • Passport of the federal target program "Russian language" for 2016 - 2020
      • 1. Description of the priorities and goals of state policy in the field of education, including general requirements for the state policy of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of education
      • 2. general characteristics participation of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the implementation of the Program (including justification for the composition and values ​​of target indicators (indicators) characterizing the achievement of expected results), if the scope of the Program implementation is fully or partially assigned to the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
      • Appendix No. 1. Information on target indicators (indicators) of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020 and their values
      • Appendix No. 2. List of main activities of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020 and departmental target programs
      • Appendix No. 3. Information on the main planned measures of legal regulation in the implementation of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020
      • Appendix No. 4. Resource support for the implementation of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020 at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget of the Russian Federation
      • Appendix No. 5. Rules for the provision and distribution of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for co-financing expenses arising from the implementation of state programs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, for the implementation of measures to promote the creation in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (based on the projected need) of new places in general education organizations within the framework of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020
        • Application. The maximum level of co-financing of the expenditure obligation of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation from the federal budget for the implementation of regional program activities
      • Appendix No. 6. Rules for the provision and distribution of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the creation of conditions for classes in general educational organizations located in rural areas physical culture and sports within the framework of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020
      • Appendix No. 7. Rules for the provision, within the framework of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020, of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for co-financing of capital investments in state-owned objects of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and (or) for the provision of subsidies by them to local budgets for co-financing of capital investments in municipal property, which are carried out from local budgets
      • Appendix No. 8. Implementation plan in 2017 and during the planning period of 2018 and 2019 of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020


Goals of the State Program: ensuring quality compliance Russian education the changing needs of the population and long-term challenges for the development of Russian society and the economy; increasing the effectiveness of the implementation of youth policy in the interests of innovative socially oriented development of the country.

The implementation period of the state program is years, stages: first years, second years, third years. The text of the order approving the state program "Development of Education" for a period of years was published on the official website of the government of the Russian Federation.

The state program includes the following subprograms and federal target programs: "Development vocational education"; "Development of preschool, general education and additional education children"; "Development of a system for assessing the quality of education and information transparency of the education system"; "Involving youth in social practice"; "Ensuring the implementation of the state program "Development of Education" for years"; federal target program "Russian language" for years; federal target program development of education for years.

Objectives of the State Program - Formation of a flexible system of continuous professional education, accountable to society, developing human potential, meeting the current and future needs of social economic development Russian Federation; - development of infrastructure and organizational and economic mechanisms that ensure the most equal availability of services for preschool, general, and additional education for children; - modernization of educational programs in the systems of preschool, general and additional education of children, aimed at achieving modern quality of educational results and socialization results; - Creation modern system assessing the quality of education based on the principles of openness, objectivity, transparency, public and professional participation

Target indicators and indicators of the State program - Share of the population aged 5-18 years enrolled in education, in total number population aged 5-18 years; - availability preschool education(the ratio of the number of children aged 3-7 years who are given the opportunity to receive preschool education services to the number of children aged 3-7 years, adjusted for the number of children aged 5-7 years studying at school); - the ratio of the average USE score (per 1 subject) in 10% of schools with the best Unified State Exam results to the average Unified State Exam score(per 1 subject) in 10% of schools with the worst USE results; - the share of the number of students in state (municipal) educational organizations who are given the opportunity to study in accordance with the basic modern requirements, in the total number of students; - the share of the number of graduates of full-time vocational education institutions who are employed within one year after completing their studies in the specialty (profession) received, in their total number; - coverage of the population with continuing education programs (the share of the employed population aged years who have undergone advanced training and (or) retraining in the total number of people employed in the economy of a given age group

Volumes of budgetary allocations of the State program - The forecast volume of financing of the State program (in prices of the corresponding years) from the federal budget will be (thousand rubles): .44 thousand rubles (including additional federal budget allocations for 2013 and 2014 in the amount 15 thousand rubles)

Including: a) in terms of subprograms and federal target programs: subprogram 1 – .30 thousand rubles; subprogram 2 – .81 thousand rubles; subprogram 3 – .67 thousand rubles; subprogram 4 – .66 thousand rubles; Federal target program for the development of education for years - .00 thousand rubles; Federal target program “Russian language” for years – .00 thousand rubles;

By year of implementation: 2013 – .60 thousand rubles 2014 – .30 thousand rubles 2015 – .32 thousand rubles 2016 – .80 thousand rubles 2017 – .22 thousand rubles 2018 – .37 thousand . rubles 2019 – .40 thousand rubles 2020 – .29 thousand. rubles

Expected results of the implementation of the State program - results will improve Russian schoolchildren based on the results of international comparative studies of the quality of general education (PIRLS, TIMSS, PISA); - public satisfaction with quality will increase educational services; - the total volume of expenditures on education in relation to GDP (budget funds, funds of families and enterprises allocated to the education system) will increase from 5.4 to 6.5%; - the efficiency of using budget funds will increase, the financial and economic independence of educational organizations will be ensured through the implementation of new principles of financing (based on state (municipal) assignments); - the attractiveness of the teaching profession and the level of qualifications of teaching staff will increase; - the needs of the Russian economy for highly qualified personnel in priority areas of modernization and technological development;

Support infrastructure will be created early development children (0-3 years); - queues for enrollment of children aged three to seven years in preschool educational institutions will be eliminated; in all educational institutions conditions will be created that meet the requirements of federal state educational standards; - at least 75% of children aged 5-18 will be enrolled in additional education programs. The expected results of the implementation of the State program are that the number of Russian universities ranked in the top five thousand in the most widely recognized rankings of world universities will increase; - conditions will be created for any citizen of the country to receive professional education, advanced training and retraining throughout their lives; - the share of educational services provided within the framework of public-private partnership will increase; - a network of leading universities in the country will be formed;

Priorities public policy in the field of education for the period until 2020: 1. ensuring accessibility of preschool education; 2. development of the sphere of lifelong education, including flexible organized variable forms of education and socialization throughout a person’s life; 3. modernization of the education sector in the direction of greater openness, greater opportunities for initiative and activity of the recipients of educational services themselves, including students, their families, employers and local communities through their involvement in management educational process, and directly in educational activities; 4. Strengthening unity educational space Russia, which implies: equalization of educational opportunities for Russian citizens regardless of region of residence, development of leading universities in all federal districts of the Russian Federation, implementation of a unified policy in the field of educational content, dissemination of best practices regional administration education for all regions of Russia

Forecast for the development of the education sector for the period up to 2020 Professional and continuing education In the vocational education system in the coming years, due to a reduction in the number of students due to demographic processes, there will be a release of resources. At the same time, a decrease in the number of young people aged by % by 2016 compared to the level of 2010 will also lead to a reduction in supply in the most flexible and active segment of the labor market. In the long term (by 2025), the corresponding negative trends may lead to a reduction in Russian GDP in real terms by at least 10%, and taking into account the increase in life expectancy of the population, GDP per capita in real terms may decrease by % relative to the level 2010. This means the need, on the one hand, to create a supply of high-performance jobs, and on the other hand, to radically improve the quality of training for work with high productivity.

As a result of the implementation of the State program, the network of institutions and organizations of vocational education will acquire a structure that corresponds to the realities of the knowledge economy, will lead to an increased role of corporate training, to more close connection vocational education with subjects of demand in the labor market. -This network will include presenters research universities(40-60 universities), which are engines of development of the innovative economy, flagship universities of regional economic systems that provide specialized professional training, and universities that provide extensive training for bachelors. - Postgraduate training will be concentrated mainly in national research and federal universities. Most universities, along with undergraduate and graduate educational programs, will implement applied bachelor's programs. - By 2020, all students will study according to individual curricula, including a significant proportion independent work using information technology.

Along with this, two types of networks of institutions and organizations will develop in the regions, implementing educational programs for secondary vocational education and obtaining applied qualifications, as well as flexible modular programs for retraining and advanced training. On the one hand, territorially accessible multidisciplinary colleges with flexible variable programs. On the other hand, leading companies in various industries will also, together with the state, develop networks of institutions implementing educational programs of applied qualifications and secondary vocational education in specific industries.

Consolidation of universities and institutions of secondary vocational education will lead to their reduction total number. Non-state education will develop in conditions of fair competition with the public sector through the admission of accredited programs to budget funding. This will lead to an improvement in the quality of educational services in this sector and in education in general. Improving the quality of jobs and secondary vocational education, as well as the introduction of applied bachelor's degrees, will lead to a relative increase in the proportion of students in relevant programs. The offer of short programs to improve qualifications and life skills throughout life will develop at a faster pace.

General, preschool and additional education Four external trends will have a decisive influence on the development of preschool, general and additional education: Firstly, with the relative stability of the number of preschoolers, the number of children will increase school age. Secondly, the settlement structure will continue to change: sparsely populated areas will decrease and the population of cities will increase. At the same time, the proportion of children of labor migrants will increase. Thirdly, the lack of supply in the labor market will lead to greater competition for human resources, including the diversion of teaching staff to other areas of activity. Fourthly, the socialization environment will change radically, creating both new social, cultural, technological opportunities and risks for children, families, and educational organizations.

A feature of the network of institutions and organizations of preschool education will be that it will include organizations different forms property, state support for variable forms of preschool education will be organized, which will make it possible to cover all children with preschool education preschool age and increase expected years of education to 13.5 years. - Preschool education organizations will also provide support to families on issues of early childhood development.

The network of schools in rural areas will have a complex structure, including basic schools and branches, connected not only administratively, but also by the system distance education. Many rural schools will become integrated socio-cultural institutions, performing not only educational functions, but also other social functions(culture and sports, social services, etc.).

In order to stimulate promising graduates of higher education educational institutions pedagogical profile for their work in state educational institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal educational institutions, competitive selection and financial support of the best young teachers is carried out within the framework of the Federal Target Program “Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia” for years, various measures in regional education development programs. A project will begin to create a special mortgage in the regions for young rural teachers at a reduced rate, with a minimum down payment and without restrictions on salary. However, the problem lies not only in attracting young graduates of pedagogical universities to schools, but also in the availability of places for them (the number of teaching vacancies is decreasing (in 2008 - 40 thousand teacher vacancies, in 2011 -8.3 thousand) and securing young teachers (for over the past five years, the share of teachers with up to 2 years of experience has increased slightly, and those with two to five years of experience have decreased).

1. Description of the priorities and goals of state policy in the field of education, including general requirements for the state policy of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of education

Increasing the efficiency and quality of education is one of the basic directions for the implementation of state policy, general frame systemic transformations that will ensure solutions to issues of socio-economic development. The general goals of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020 (hereinafter - the Program) are to ensure that the quality of Russian education meets the changing needs of the population and the long-term goals of the development of Russian society and the economy, to increase the efficiency of the implementation of youth policy in the interests of innovative, socially oriented development countries.

Qualitative changes in the education system by 2020 must occur at all levels of education. Taking into account the division of powers established by the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", the participation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the implementation of the priorities and goals of state policy in the field of education is carried out through the coordination of the activity plan of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for 2016 - 2021, the action plan ("road maps") "Changes in sectors of the social sphere aimed at increasing the efficiency of education and science", approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 30, 2014 N 722-r, and regional sectoral "road maps".

For each level of education, key objectives and areas of development have been identified. The general direction of activity is to improve the structure and network of educational organizations.

IN general education, including the level of preschool education, priority in the state educational policy The Russian Federation is the following areas:

achieving by 2016 and further maintaining 100 percent accessibility of preschool education for children aged 3 to 7 years;

implementation of a holistic program of interrelated system changes teacher education, advanced training of working teachers, certification procedures for teachers, conditions of remuneration based on the content and requirements of the professional standard of a teacher.

Expanding the potential of the system of additional education for children in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is planned through measures aimed at increasing the number of children aged 5 to 18 years studying in additional educational programs to 75 percent by 2020, within the framework of the following priority areas:

development and implementation of programs (projects) for the development of additional education for children, ensuring their socialization, employment and health improvement;

development of network models for the implementation of additional education programs by educational organizations of general and additional education for children, cultural and sports institutions;

development of additional education programs implemented on the basis of general education organizations;

introduction of effective organizational and financial mechanisms, development of infrastructure for additional education for children;

ensuring the transition to normative per capita financing when implementing additional educational programs;

introduction of a system of independent assessment of the quality of additional education for children;

implementation of projects to create children's technology parks within the framework of the initiative "New model of the system of additional education for children", including using public-private partnership mechanisms.

Due to the measures implemented in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, an increase in the proportion of children and youth enrolled in additional education will be ensured, including an increase in the proportion of children and youth attending technical programs, participating in sports sections and participating in patriotic education events.

In the vocational education system, priority is given to activities aimed at increasing the performance of educational organizations. higher education taking into account their specialization, effective interaction between organizations of higher and secondary vocational education and employers. The main directions of planned changes in the field of vocational education (including higher education) are:

diversification of educational programs in accordance with federal state educational standards;

increasing the efficiency of spending federal budget funds, including through the use of mechanisms of normative per capita financing of educational activities;

development and use of mechanisms to ensure interaction between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in the distribution of control figures for admission to state educational organizations higher education in specialties in demand by the regional economy;

increasing the efficiency of the network and the competitiveness of higher education organizations, including through the support of leading universities;

determination of the structure of admission target figures for professions, specialties and areas of training and (or) enlarged groups of professions, specialties and areas of training based on forecast industry and regional needs for personnel (including measures that provide for the training of qualified personnel for organizations of the military-industrial complex);

bringing vocational education programs closer to the real needs of employers through the implementation of the Presidential program for advanced training of engineering personnel for 2012 - 2014, from 2015 to 2016 - a departmental target program for advanced training of engineering personnel, from 2016 to 2020 - a departmental target development program an integrated system for providing highly qualified personnel to organizations of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation;

encouraging employers to create educational vocational education organizations that provide for the combination of mastering theoretical knowledge with practical training at enterprises;

training citizens in the basics of entrepreneurship.

In order to improve the quality of human resources in industries with strategic importance for the economic development of Russia, in the interests of technological modernization of the economy, ensuring increased labor productivity through advanced training of engineering and technical personnel, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation:

develops and approves in in the prescribed manner departmental target program "Improving the qualifications of engineering and technical personnel for 2015 - 2016", and also ensures its implementation;

annually organizes and conducts competitive selection of advanced training programs for engineering and technical personnel.

In the higher education system, the priority areas in the state educational policy of the Russian Federation are:

conducting annual monitoring of the effectiveness of educational organizations of higher education;

implementation of programs for the development of supporting educational organizations of higher education for regional economic systems with the aim of developing leading sectoral educational organizations of higher education, including through the creation of university centers for innovative, technological and social development of regions in them;

continuation of work on modernization of engineering and pedagogical education;

support for programs to increase the international competitiveness of leading Russian universities among the world's scientific and educational centers;

updating federal state educational standards of higher education taking into account professional standards;

expanding the implementation of the targeted training mechanism in the interests of key employers in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

creating conditions to ensure accessibility of higher education for people with disabilities disabilities health and disability;

improvement of normative and methodological support for postgraduate studies as a level of higher education;

support for gifted children enrolled in educational institutions of higher education.

In order to improve the quality of personnel potential of organizations of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation by supporting programs for the development of a personnel training system for the military-industrial complex in educational organizations of higher education, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation:

At the federal level, these activities ensure the formation of a state task and the implementation on its basis of educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialty programs, master's programs, programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (adjunct), residency programs, assistantship-internship programs, as well as state assignment for the training of doctoral students.


by government order

Russian Federation

dated __________ 2013 N ___



  • Passport of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020
  • I. General characteristics of the area of ​​implementation of the Program, including the formulation of the main problems in this area and the forecast for its development
  • II. Priorities of state policy in the field of education for the period until 2020, goals, objectives and indicators (indicators) for achieving goals and solving problems, description of the main expected final results of the Program, timing and stages of its implementation
  • III. Generalized characteristics of the main activities of the Program
  • IV. Generalized characteristics of government regulation measures within the Program
  • V. Description of legal regulation measures under the Program
  • VI. Forecast of summary indicators of government assignments by stages of Program implementation (in the provision of public services (works) by federal government agencies
  • VII. Generalized characteristics of the main activities implemented by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
  • IX. Justification for the allocation of subprograms and inclusion of implemented federal target programs in the Program
  • X. Justification of the amount of financial resources required for the implementation of the Program
  • XI. Analysis of the risks of implementing the Program and description of measures to manage the risks of its implementation
  • XIII. Subprograms of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" and federal target programs (passports of federal target programs)
  • Appendix No. 1. Information on the indicators (indicators) of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020, its subprograms, federal target programs, subprograms of federal target programs and their values
  • Appendix No. 2. List of departmental target programs and main activities of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020
  • Appendix No. 3. Assessment of the application of government regulation measures
  • Appendix No. 4. Information on the main measures of legal regulation in the implementation of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020
  • Appendix No. 5. Forecast of summary indicators of government assignments for the provision of public services by federal government agencies under the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020
  • Appendix No. 6. Resource support for the implementation of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020
  • Appendix No. 7. Resource provision and forecast (reference) assessment of expenditures of the federal budget, budgets of state extra-budgetary funds, consolidated budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and legal entities for the implementation of the goals of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020
  • Appendix No. 8. Information on the indicators of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020, included in the federal statistical work plan
  • Appendix No. 9. Implementation plan of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020
  • Appendix No. 10. Calculations for budgetary allocations of the federal budget for the fulfillment of public regulatory obligations, the volume of subventions from the federal budget and payments made from the federal budget by state extra-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to certain categories of citizens under the state program of the Russian Federation " Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020
  • Appendix No. 10a. Estimation of expenses for the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013 - 2020, calculated on the basis of the planned method
  • Appendix No. 11. Analytical distribution of funds not included in state programs according to state programs of the Russian Federation

Government program
Russian Federation
“Development of education for 2013 – 2020
in the new edition"

Speech at the RMO

Teacher MBOU Lyceum No. 1: Takhtarova T.G.

August 2014



On approval of the state program

Russian Federation "Development of Education" for 2013-2020

Slide 2 Responsible implementer of the Program - Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Program participants - Federal agency scientific organizations,

Federal Forestry Agency,

Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation,

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation,

Federal Fisheries Agency,

Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science,

Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation,

Federal Communications Agency,

Federal Agency for Youth Affairs,

Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Humanitarian Cooperation,

Federal Air Transport Agency,

Federal agency railway transport,

Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport,

Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation,

Ministry of Labor and social protection RF,

Federal Customs Service,

Federal Service for Intellectual Property,

Federal Agency for State Reserves,

The Federal Tax Service,

Administration of the President of the Russian Federation,

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation,

Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation,

Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation,

Federal Medical and Biological Agency,

Federal Service for Environmental and Technological Supervision,

Federal state budget educational institution higher professional education " Russian Academy National economy And civil service under the President of the Russian Federation",

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "St. Petersburg State University»,

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov",

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture of Ilya Glazunov",

Russian Academy of Arts,

Federal State Budgetary Institution "Russian Academy of Education"

Slide 3Program Goals- ensuring high quality of Russian education in accordance with the changing demands of the population and long-term goals for the development of Russian society and economy;

Increasing the effectiveness of youth policy implementation in the interests of innovative socially oriented development of the country.

Slide 4Program Objectives:

Formation of a flexible system of lifelong education, accountable to society, developing human potential and meeting the current and future needs of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation;

Development of infrastructure and organizational and economic mechanisms to ensure equal access to preschool, general and additional education services for children;

Modernization of educational programs in the systems of preschool, general and additional education of children, aimed at achieving modern quality of educational results and socialization results;

Creation of a modern system for assessing the quality of education based on the principles of openness, objectivity, transparency, public and professional participation;

Providing an effective system for the socialization and self-realization of youth, development of youth potential

Target indicators and indicators of the Program- coverage of the population aged 5-18 years with general and vocational education;

Availability of preschool education;

Students in state and municipal educational organizations are provided with the opportunity to study in accordance with basic modern requirements;

Coverage of the employed population aged 25-65 years with programs of additional professional education, advanced training or professional retraining

Participation in the activities of youth public associations, young people aged 14 to 30 years,

Slide 5 definedStages and timing of the Program implementation:

Slide 6IN program includes five Subroutines and two federal target programs:

Slide 7subroutine 1“Development of vocational education”;

Target: a significant increase in the contribution of vocational education to the socio-economic and cultural modernization of the Russian Federation, to increasing its global competitiveness, ensuring demand for the economy and societyevery student.

Slide 8subroutine 2“Development of preschool, general and additional education for children”;

Target: creation in the system of preschool, general and additional education of children equal opportunities for modern quality education and positive socialization of children.

Slide 9subroutine 3“Development of a system for assessing the quality of education and information transparency of the education system”;

Target: providing reliable and up-to-date information to the decision-making processes of managers and employees of the education system, as well as consumers of educational services to achieve high quality education through the formation of an all-Russian system for assessing the quality of education.

Slide 10subroutine 4“Involving youth in social practice”

Target: creating conditions for successful socialization and effective self-realization of youth.

Slide 11subroutine 5“Ensuring the implementation of the state program of the Russian Federation “Development of Education for 2013-2020” and other activities in the field of education of the state program “Development of Education for 2013-2020”.

Target: providing organizational, informational and scientific-methodological conditions, including public participation, for the implementation of the Programs.

The Program includes:

Slide 12 Federal target program for the development of education for 2011-2015.

Target: ensuring the availability of quality education that meets the requirements of innovative socially oriented development of the Russian Federation.

Slide 13 Federal target program “Russian language” for 2011-2015.

Target: support, Programs for the preservation and dissemination of the Russian language, including among compatriots living abroad.

For each level of education, not only key tasks are defined

and directions of development. The general direction of activity is

improving the structure and network of educational organizations.

In the new edition of the state program, in particular,provided mechanisms control over the fulfillment by the subjects of the Federation of obligations related to their powers to provide financial support for the activities provided for by the state program.

In the updated stateprogram secured full reflection of indicators and unconditional implementation of instructions contained in the decrees of the President of Russia of May 7, 2012.

One of the key areas of government social policy is a salary increase teaching staff taking into account performance indicators and quality of services.

As part of the implementation of the Program activities, access to open data contained in the information systems of authorities will be provided on the Internet information and telecommunications network state power Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising management in the field of education. Through the transfer of services for accepting applications, registering and enrolling children in educational organizations that implement the basic educational program preschool education in electronic form (electronic queue), by 2018 the proportion of citizens using the mechanism for receiving state and municipal services in electronic form will increase.

The program includes support for universities in the Far Eastern federal district and Baikal region, North Caucasus Federal Districtwithin the framework of financial supportprograms university development, as well as subjects of the Federation of the Far Eastern Federal District and the Baikal region, the North Caucasus Federal District in terms ofproject supportmodernization regional systems education.

Changes included in the following sections of the state program:

    list and information about target indicators and indicators of the state program, as well as information about the relationship of activities and the results of their implementation with these indicators;

    resource support for the implementation of the state program at the expense of the federal budget;

    directions and parameters for the implementation of priority national projects, the activities of which are implemented within the framework of the state program.

Slide 14Expected results of the Program implementation:

- improving the results of Russian schoolchildren based on the results of international comparative quality studiesgeneral education;

An increase in the number of Russian universities ranked in the top five thousand in the most widely recognized rankings of world universities;

- formation of a network of leading universities in the country;

- increasing population satisfaction with the quality of educational services;

Increasing the efficiency of using budget funds;

Slide 15 - increasing the attractiveness of the teaching profession and the level

qualifications of teaching staff;

Creating conditions for any citizen of the country to obtain a professional

education, advanced training and retraining throughout life; implementation of the guarantee of receiving preschool education;

No waiting list for enrollment of children aged 3 to 7 years in preschool educational organizations;

Creation of conditions that meet the requirements of federal state educational standards in all educational organizations;

Coverage of additional education programs with at least 75 percent of children aged 5-18 years;