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To the first civilizations 4 thousand years ago. The most ancient civilization

Which of the ancient human civilizations appeared earlier than the others? Scientists have been collecting information about our ancestors literally bit by bit for many years, learning more and more new facts. Our planet in different times inhabited various civilizations that ceased to exist many thousands of years ago. Did you know that the most ancient civilization on the planet surpassed the modern one in terms of the amount of knowledge and scientific achievements? Find out about this and much more from the ranking of the oldest civilizations in the world.

The most ancient civilizations

Kingdom of the Sun

After the Lemurian civilization plunged under water in the middle Pacific Ocean Many islands were formed on which the peoples of Aroe began to live. Thanks to their knowledge, the peoples of Aroe succeeded in building roads, pyramids, unique stone statues and even streets. The Aroe civilization or “Kingdom of the Sun” existed about 13 thousand years ago, making it one of the oldest advanced civilizations in the world.

Ancient Israel and Ethiopia

The peoples living in Ancient Israel and Ethiopia were famous for their super-technological achievements, which were ahead of all other civilizations of that time. Direct proof high development The ancient Israelites began the construction of a temple in Jerusalem, which was located on hewn stones, similar to the buildings in Baalbak, as well as the Temple of Solomon, built on the principle of megalithic buildings. Also, according to the Bible, the Ark of the Covenant was built in Solomon's Temple.

Empire of Rama (India)

The remains of this ancient civilization are now located deep at the bottom of the ocean or overgrown with impenetrable jungle. Some scholars argue that Indian civilization began a little earlier than 500 AD. But literally at the end of the last century, on the territory of Pakistan, in the Indus Valley, the more ancient Indian cities of Harappa and Mozhenjo-Daro were found. Thus, archaeologists have moved the date of the emergence of Indian civilization several thousand years ago. The cities were examples of excellent urban planning, with central government districts and residential areas. The sewage system was much more elaborate than in many Asian countries now.

Ancient Atlantis

After the continent of Mu completely sank to the bottom of the ocean, as a result of the disaster, the boundaries of the modern Pacific Ocean were formed, and therefore the water level in other parts of the planet decreased significantly. An entire continent was formed on the territory of the lands of the Poseidonis Archipelago. Modern historians are accustomed to calling this continent Atlantis, but its original name remains Poseidonis.

Scientists have been agreeing for many years that Atlantis was superior to modern civilization in almost all areas of development. Many ancient scriptures and books written by early scientists mention the presence of such inventions as water generators, fluorescent lamps, monorail transport, rifles that shoot electricity, aircraft and even the semblance of modern air conditioners for purifying the air in stuffy and dusty rooms. Scientists believe that Atlantis ceased to exist due to misuse authorities.

Lemuria or Mu

The most ancient civilization on earth existed almost 80 thousand years ago, on a huge continent called Lemuria or Mu. According to ancient sources civilization existed for about 52 thousand years. Unfortunately, Lemuria was destroyed at the very peak of its development by a powerful earthquake that occurred about 26 thousand years ago.

Lemuria never set itself the goal of overtaking other civilizations in development, and, in many ways, was inferior to them. But the main achievement of civilization was the construction of amazingly strong stone buildings that could withstand the strongest earthquakes.

Scientists also believe that the Mu civilization gave the whole world a unique language of communication and a control scheme. The key to the rapid development of civilization was education, thanks to which every citizen was well versed in the laws of the Universe and the Earth. Already by the age of 21, the citizens of Lemuria were versed in the basic sciences, and at the age of 28, every resident of Lemuria became a full member of the Empire and could count on receiving a place among high-ranking officials.

Scientists are yet to discover the mysteries of many other peoples and civilizations that existed on earth in the future. Will we be able to understand our ancestors and accept the fact that perhaps they were much more developed than us and had such unique technologies that we are not even aware of. We can draw one conclusion for sure - our ancestors were powerful, disciplined and educated peoples who so riskily plunged into dangerous experiments for the sake of the prosperity of mankind.

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Here is the largest and best-preserved Neolithic (New Stone Age) settlement discovered. The earliest cultural layers found date back to 7400 BC. e. The settlement existed until 5600 BC. e.

Catal Guyuk - ancient city in Anatolia. Anatolia literally means East in ancient Greek. This is what the ancient Greeks called Asia Minor. Since the 20s of our century, this has been the name given to the Asian part of Turkey. Anatolia had not previously attracted researchers of ancient civilizations, but in 1961-1963, the English archaeologist D. Mellart excavated the amazing and unique ancient settlement of Çatalhöyük here. It sparked passionate debate. Most immediately recognized this as the first real city.

Other scientists argued that this was the world's first real civilization.

In science for a long time The prevailing belief was that the most ancient civilization on Earth was the Sumerian. Originating in Mesopotamia, agricultural culture spread first to the Middle East, and only then its centers arose in Turkey and Europe. As for Anatolia (the region of central and southern Turkey), it has a reputation as a “barbarian outskirts”. And what a surprise it was scientific world, when it turned out that Anatolia was the first center of human civilization!

This sensational discovery, which radically changed our ideas about the course of history and the level of development of people of the Neolithic era, is associated with the name of the English archaeologist Professor James Mellart. However, when he began his search in 1956, he was just a young and not very experienced graduate student. Subsequently, Mellart admitted that he did not at all count on such a sensational result. He just wanted to check what exactly was hidden under a small hill near the village of Hacilar, which a local teacher told him about. From time to time, peasants came across various finds here.

The hill was small - 130-140 meters in diameter and about five meters high, and its appearance did not seem to promise anything promising. However, Mellart began to dig. And then it became clear why the height of the hill is so low. Usually, if people live in the same place for a long time, for many centuries, then the ground level gradually rises as the so-called cultural layer accumulates. But in this settlement the ground level almost did not rise, because every time after another disaster - a fire, an enemy raid, etc. - the settlement was rebuilt again in a new place, next to the old ashes.

This created a kind of “horizontal cross-section” of different eras. Radiocarbon analysis data showed that the best preserved layer dates back to the 5th millennium BC. And the most ancient was another two thousand years older and dated back to the end of the 8th - beginning of the 7th millennium BC. And this was not just an ancient settlement - it was a settlement of ancient farmers! This was clearly evidenced by clay-lined grain storage, stone inserts for sickles, grains of barley, emmer wheat, wild einkorn and lentils. And, as in Jericho, the people here did not know ceramics. Archaeologists did not find any clay figurines in Khajilar.

When, about 80-85 centuries ago, the long-term transgression of the Caspian Sea began and the waters of all the large lakes in Africa continued to overflow their shores, then the construction of Çatalhöyük began. This was the longest period of the "flood". There is no doubt that throughout the hemisphere at this time, and perhaps throughout the entire Earth, there was a very large rise in humidity and the usually dry valleys of Antalya were covered with lush vegetation. Herds of onagers, wild boars, red deer, bears, lions and leopards lived here. Grapes, pears, apples, pomegranates, walnuts, and fig palms grew. The remains of all these animals and plants were found during excavations at Çatalhöyük.

Photo 3.

Due to the uniqueness of the exit system, the outer part of the settlement was a massive wall, and other defensive structures were not needed. The defenders, armed with bows and arrows, slings and spears, could well have repelled the bands of marauding bandits who would have dared to attack the town, so no evidence of murder was found."

Photo 4.

Inside each house there is a large platform (ottoman) made of clay for sleeping and working, a stove with a flat arch and a niche in the wall, which usually serves as a kitchen. It is difficult to say how many inhabitants there were in the city, but if it was all built up just as densely, then the population could reach up to 20 thousand. However, considering that it was still Stone Age, experts suggest that there were 5-6 thousand inhabitants. But since in most of Europe, no more than 100-150 people lived in settlements at that time, this figure was also very significant. That's why many people call Çatalhöyük a city.

Photo 5.

Life expectancy was quite high at that time. On average, judging by the burials, men lived about 35 years, women - about 30, elders lived up to 60 years. Infant mortality was high, and therefore average life expectancy figures were quite low. On average, 4.2 children were born for each woman, of which 1.8 died on average, and 2.4 children survived for each family.

Photo 6.

The main occupation of most residents is growing cereals. At that time, simple canals had already begun to be built to irrigate fields. They bred mainly cattle, a sheep appeared, but it still differed little in its structure from wild ones, but the goat was already completely domestic. They continued to hunt onager, half-donkey, wild boar, red deer, bear, lion (or leopard). Even fish and vulture bones were found. They ate vegetables and fruits, which, judging by their seeds and remains, grew here in abundance.

Photo 7.

The tools were made from large stone knife-like plates: bows, arrows, slings, spears. And magnificent daggers made from large retouched pieces of stone. The tools were made from excellent volcanic glass - obsidian. There was a lot of him in the settlement. This is not surprising, since the city is located not far from large deposit this most valuable raw material for tools. From here, obsidian spread over thousands of kilometers throughout the Near and Middle East. Mellart writes about this: “Çatal Hüyük had a monopoly on the obsidian trade with Western Anatolia, Cyprus and the Levant.

A remarkable wall painting from the sanctuary of the VII horizon depicts a city and, at some distance from it, a volcanic eruption, possibly Khasan-Dag (a deposit of obsidian formed as a result of its eruption - G.M.). Obsidian spearhead blanks are found in bags under the floors of houses, their number sometimes reaches 23: apparently, they were kept here as treasure. In exchange for obsidian, beautiful layered flint was brought from Syria, from which daggers and other tools were made."

Photo 8.

From the Mediterranean coast to large quantities They brought shells for beads, as well as alabaster, marble, black and brown limestone and other types of stone, from which they made magnificent vessels, beads, pendants, polishes, grain grinders, mortars, pestles, and figurines. From diorite, which was brought from the outskirts of the valley, polished adzes, axes and jewelry were made. In horizon VI, a dagger was found, processed by pressing retouching, that is, by chopping off thousands of miniature scales from the surface of the dagger, with a handle made of bone in the form of an entwined snake. This is an unsurpassed work of ancient art. Even after 3.5 thousand years such daggers were found only in the tombs of the pharaohs.

Photo 9.

A lot of all kinds of jewelry, especially women's beads, made of precious and colored stones, tin, copper. There are baskets with blush, cosmetic spatulas, obsidian mirrors fixed in the handle with the help of lime paste. Often, elegant Mediterranean shells with ocher mixed with some kind of creams were placed in women's graves. At this time it had already appeared women's cosmetics. Not even a needle could fit through the holes in the obsidian beads.

Photo 10.

A lot of wooden utensils. These include flat dishes with figures, shaped protrusions-handles, cups on legs, and boxes different forms with tight-fitting lids. There are many bone and horn vessels, wicker and leather containers. “The beautiful fabrics,” writes Mellaart, “possibly wool, were of such high quality that they would not put a modern weaver to shame.”

Photo 11.

Note that high level well-being for all residents. After all, it was the Stone Age, and the division into rich and poor had not yet taken place. There was no property distinction yet, although trade was ongoing, and it would seem that it was not difficult for a successful “merchant” to accumulate wealth. It was probably an exchange, not modern look trade. Although, apparently, they exchanged not only goods, but also ideological ideas. After all, there were already real temples in Çatalhöyük, and there were a lot of them.

Catal Guyuk perishes at the very beginning of the third ecological crisis (second half of the 6th-5th millennium BC).

Photo 12.

The Çatalhöyük culture has generated considerable debate about its origins. Various interpretations were also given to it. Of course, researchers could not ignore the problem of the origin of the people who committed the “Neolithic revolution” in the Middle East. Today evidence has been discovered - although still insignificant - of the continuous development of Anatolian culture from the Upper Paleolithic to the Neolithic, that is, the Çatalhöyük phenomenon was born on local soil. Big role The discoveries of Professor K. Kekten and Dr. E. Bostanci in the Antalya region played a role in studying the origin of this phenomenon, which showed that Upper Paleolithic art of the Western European type existed in Anatolia. Some anthropologists believe that the oldest remains of people of the Euro-African race, recorded in the burial grounds of Anatolia, represent the descendants of the European Upper Paleolithic man, the same one who created the magnificent paintings of Altamira.

Photo 13.

In addition to reliefs, often reaching a height of two meters or more, the sanctuaries of Çatalhöyük are decorated with magnificent frescoes - probably the oldest in the world. These drawings, painted in red, pink, white, cream and black on walls that were still damp, whitened or covered with pinkish plaster, were made in the 6th millennium BC.

The vibrant, extremely diverse paintings of Çatalhöyük reflect both the ancient cultural traditions of Stone Age hunters and the new customs and beliefs of the first farmers. Some scenes recreate hunting scenes, where numerous beaters surround a wild bull caught in a trap, or overtake a racing deer.

Often there are paintings depicting human hands. They are made on a red background or painted with red, pink, gray or black paint, completely covering the walls or forming a border around the central compositions. Many examples of geometric paintings have also been discovered, often very complex, reminiscent of colorful Anatolian carpets. In other paintings there are magical symbols - hands, horns, crosses. Some frescoes seem to consist entirely of symbols, most of which remain incomprehensible to us. At the same time, pictorial images are combined with relief, carved, etc. Among the fifty sanctuaries of Çatalhöyük, it is impossible to find two similar friends at each other, and their variety is simply amazing.

Many subjects of the paintings are obviously connected with the afterlife cult. On the walls of two large sanctuaries, for example, huge vultures are depicted, tormenting headless human bodies. A scene from another sanctuary shows a man armed with a sling defending himself against two vultures.

Photo 14.

Photo 15.

Photo 16.

Photo 17.


To judge ancient civilizations, you need to know the framework of this historical period human life on the Planet. And also what previous generations prepared for this transition. Framework Ancient world open from the prehistoric period (primitive communal system) to the beginning of the Middle Ages in Europe. In India and China they were different.

So, Europe (Greek and Roman history) in classical antiquity or antiquity. It began in 776 BC (another version is based on the founding of Rome in 753). The end of antiquity is the fall of the Western Roman Empire (476 AD), by other standards - from the advent of the religion of Islam (622), or the beginning of the reign of Charlemagne (742 or 748). At least, from his name the word “king” began to circulate around the world - from the Latin Carolus.

Prehistoric time was not barren in the geopolitical sense, the improvement of tools. The process received powerful development in the Bronze and Iron Ages. Let us recall that the Persian empire was “forged” iron age. Below we present it, as well as the most ancient civilizations of the world (list). But first, let’s get acquainted with the concept of “empire”.

What is an empire?

Any public education is built according to a certain model, which must meet a number of important points. The presence of a capital (titular) people or nation, the boundaries of a territory, the main governing bodies of all life, structures capable of reliably protecting the people.

A country may have an emperor in power, but that does not make it an empire. A state, even a very large one, is different from an empire. An empire must be multinational and unite many cultures, the advantages of a separate part being applied throughout the empire, even if they are at different stages of human development.

Yes, empires also have a negative character. But history shows that it is precisely such supranational formations that give a gigantic impetus to progress. Even in the Middle Ages. In such cases, all the achievements of the minds of many peoples of the empire are multiplied, and they are “head and shoulders” higher than in those countries that are limited by their territory.

Persia: the oldest civilized empire

And in the 21st century, Persia is synonymous with the state of Iran. In general, the word “Iran” is the modern name of Ariana, the country of the Aryans. This was the second name of the Persians. In the six hundred years BC, few people knew about the Persian tribes. Even where they were - in the Middle East, and where they thoroughly created their ethnic home. At the same time, the most ancient civilizations of the world remained a mystery for a long time for historiographers of all times, the list of which is as follows:

  • Civilizations of Mesoamerica: Mayans, Aztecs;
  • Civilizations South America: Chivnu, Nazca, Inca;
  • Crete-Mycenaean (Minoan);
  • Ancient India;
  • Ancient Phenicia;
  • Ancient China;
  • Celtic, Scythian;
  • Ancient Assyria;
  • Kingdom of Babylon;
  • Hittite;
  • Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.

But let's return to the story about Persia. Sources characterized the Aryans as almost gigantic people, with great physical strength and endurance. After all, they constantly had to fight both with a wild climate and with wild peoples who did not give them peace. This forced the Persians to constantly migrate across the mountains and steppes.

Persipolis is the capital of Ancient Persia. Open air museum

But as soon as they united as a people, left their nomadism and began to create a state, those qualities that prevailed throughout the Middle Ages throughout the civilized world awoke in them. Luxury in clothes, jewelry in jewelry, food from the nobility is overseas in the literal sense of the word. Fish was brought from distant seas, fruits from the territories of what is now Syria and Iraq.

Polygamy and even marriage to close relatives and concubines were developed, as was the case in Ancient Egypt.

Soon the Persians, who rose from their knees, embarked on the path of conquest. This was the beginning of the creation of the Persian Empire - one of the oldest unstable state entities. The territories from the Araks to Elbrus were the first to be captured; the Median peoples living there submitted under hostile pressure. They were followed by campaigns and the expansion of new lands. The Persian king Cyrus II was able to create a powerful army for those times and prepared it to seize Babylonian territory.

Already before this campaign in the Middle East, everyone saw a new military force, which had claims to be changing the geopolitical structure of this already troubled region.

In order to repel the Persians, the quarrelsome Babylonians and Egyptians reconciled. They understood the emerging danger for both countries. Babylonia and Egypt began to prepare to repel the aggression of their closest neighbor. But this did not help: Babylon was quickly captured. Cyrus went further to the Asian steppes, where he died.

His two successors - Cambyses and Darius - continued the work begun. They annexed Egypt, which became a military-administrative province of the Persians (satrapy). Most likely, following the example of the Persians both in Rome and in Ottoman Empires such captured territories became vassal provinces.

The Persian monopoly extended over thousands of kilometers from west to east. Almost the entire world of civilization came under its leadership by the 4th century BC. By modern names these were the Middle East, all post-Soviet Asian states, Balkan countries, part of the Caucasus. The only place the Persians could not reach was Russia. Their mighty empire was broken by Alexander the Great (Iskandar). Once the Persians captured and burned Greek Athens, now the commander took revenge on the Iranians for this: he burned their Persepolis.

Cultural heritage of the empire

The Iranians benefited from the capture of Babylonia by adopting the achievements of Mesopotamian civilization. Craftsmen quickly mastered the methods of processing bronze and making various items from it for the army and everyday life. Archaeologists excavated ancient cities, studied artifacts and appreciated the contents.

The Greco-Roman conquest of Persia was a disaster for her. The Empire is used to ruling, not bowing. The cities built by the conquerors became alien to the Persians both in architecture and religion. But even after the expulsion of the Greeks by the Parthians, Greek motives continued to operate. The same thing was built as it was under the Greeks. Coins were minted with Greek inscriptions. The traditions of local culture are forgotten.

Just like the commandment of the Iranian priest and prophet Zarathushtra: do not worship idols, but only the symbol of deity - the unquenchable flame. Later, Greek architecture here was called "Dragon buildings."

The Greeks, having become familiar with the rules of the administrative structure and government of the Persian empire, were amazed by their ability to provide for everything and make it convenient. The organization was considered a high achievement of the Persian monarchy.

The empire was divided into provinces and satrapies. Everything was subordinated to the collection of taxes in the occupied territories. She existed on the funds received. But at the same time, the national and other characteristics of the country were taken into account. The rule of local kings and the presence of special people were allowed, to whom entire cities were given for lifelong control and ownership. Local rules, measurement systems, languages, and cultural principles continued to apply.

Only the Sassanid dynasty tried to revive what was lost. But it turned out the other way around. It was all theological through and through, and everything good from the Greeks was destroyed. Fire altars appear to replace the broken Athenian sculptures.

But there were also useful beginnings. Palaces and royal parks are being built. The Greeks called parks “paradis” - paradise. Monumental architecture and decorations appeared, which became the predecessors of Muslim ornament. Iran and the adjacent imperial provinces were dotted with amazing roads for those times - in the mountains, in the valleys. They even laid it to Sinop (northern Türkiye), crossing all of Asia Minor. From the annexed Lydia, the Persians adopted coin circulation.

Oddly enough, the Persians made the city of Ctesiphon, built by other tribes near the fallen Babylon (present-day Iraq), the capital of their empire.

Irrigation is being improved: many kilometers of water pipelines made of durable clay pipes (“karizas”) are laid underground. A dozen steps along this line, wells were installed to clean the water pipeline from silt. This raised the level of agriculture, and the cultivation of cotton and sugar cane, fruits and berries began. Several types of fabrics were produced that were in demand outside the empire.

The second, Sasanian, empire lasted longer than the first, but on a reduced territory. And she also lost strength in the fight against the Romans and Byzantines. The attacking Arabs, the spreaders of Islam, brought an end to the empire.

Age of Axial Civilizations

It originates at the border of the second - first millennia BC. The circuit completed the collapse of one of the most powerful civilizations of the Middle Ages - the Roman Empire.

Or the era of the New Kingdom of Egypt. The pharaohs crossed the borders of their country and conquered the nearest tribal territories, individual cities and even the Libyan desert. Nubia was an independent territory and supplied slaves to the north before joining Egypt. The conquerors included it in their normal economy. The Nubians, residents of Ethiopia, became familiar with Egyptian culture.

Both the Roman, Egyptian, and Byzantine civilizations at the beginning of their inception were located on a wide coastal strip from Gibraltar to the Yellow Sea and on both sides of the Mediterranean Sea. It was not because of natural barriers that they did not go deeper. On the strip lay the ancient civilizations of Crete and Mycenae, Egypt, Indus and Junguo (China). Here were all the conditions for the existence of future empires: ancient but stable logistics both along the coast and by sea, administration, military formations. It was a treasury of all human achievements. Use them, then a state will arise and develop with everything necessary for its further civilization.

Empires, like states and people, went through the same path: birth, development and death. Not a single empire became immortal. They died from the sum of significant factors. For example, the Roman Empire was threatened by the Ottomans, who were strong at that time. Hundreds of historians have proven various reasons the fall of this civilization: from barbarian tribes to the ruling elite, rotting in its preferences, destroying the commanders. But she died... from mosquitoes. It was a strong and terrible enemy of the empire, which knew no defeat.

Itchy and unknown enemy

Only modern doctors, biologists, botanists, physiologists, with the help of DNA, revealed the terrible imperial secret. The enemy is the malaria mosquito, which carries the deadly microbe Plasmodium Falciparum. But a mosquito itself without bacilli is harmless, but a bacillus without a carrier will die. Only when a female mosquito drinks the blood of a malaria patient does it become a carrier of the infection.

Paradox: the troops of both Roman empires were already collapsing from tropical fever. And the Romans, who knew about the danger, did not know how to recover from it. The wetlands bred “interventionists” daily and hourly.

What secrets and mysteries do disappeared civilizations keep? Do we need answers to these mysteries? The Eternal Stones are reluctant to reveal their secrets. Will they help us figure out who we are now and who we will be tomorrow?

In this article we have compiled a list of the most famous, mysterious ancient civilizations of the world.

Historians consider the period of the birth of civilization to be 4-3 millennia BC. Moreover, it is believed that Sumerian civilization became the basis for all subsequent ones. The Sumerian population lived in the area between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Their main activity was conducting agriculture. However, the main distinctive feature The Sumerians became cuneiform. Taking into account historical data, we can confidently assume that the Sumerians already in those distant times possessed full knowledge and mining skills, smelted copper and were well aware of what a wheel was.

Each city, called “nome,” inhabited by the Sumerians had its own leader and patron. According to historical data, about 50-60 thousand people lived in such towns, and Nippur was the center of all civilization. The most interesting thing is that the Sumerians, long before our era, already had class inequalities. So the inhabitants were divided into temple priests, artisans, traders, farmers, warriors and, believe it or not, slaves. However, in the 24th century BC, the Sumerian community was absorbed by the Babylonian kingdom and ceased to exist as an independent entity.

The oldest civilization that existed from the 14th to the 16th centuries. The Aztecs themselves, according to legend, came from giant caves, which received their name in honor of the mysterious place Aztlan. Aztec culture has survived to this day in jewelry, statues of various gods, pottery and architecture. In addition, the Aztecs were considered excellent writers. But the most interesting legacy of the Aztecs is considered to be two calendars, which are combined into a 52-year cycle. One of the calendars was solar. It had 18 months, each of which had 20 days. The second - the ritual calendar, counted 260 days. It is believed that it was thanks to this calendar that the Aztecs predicted fate.

The Mayan civilization began its history in 2 thousand BC on the Yucatan Peninsula and nearby Mexico. Many scientists argue that Mayan settlements appeared long before these historical dates, and this is confirmed by calendars that begin from an earlier period. The decline of this ancient civilization is considered to be 850-900 AD. However, scientists are still trying to unravel the mystery of these settlements. In the middle of the last century, scientists, trying to decipher the Mayan writing, completely refuted the theory that the inhabitants of this civilization were peace-loving and calm. Their records indicate that the tribes constantly came into conflict with each other and never created " single state", the only common place where the tribes met were the pyramids, in which rituals and sacrifices were performed. The cause of the collapse of civilization still remains an unsolved mystery.

A civilization that sank as a result of a powerful earthquake. To this day, scientists are trying to uncover the mystery of the sunken island, but everything is in vain; no confirmation or refutation of its existence has yet been found. The only thing that is known, and note in Plato’s notes, is that it existed 9 thousand years ago and was located on the islands near the Strait of Gibraltar.

Another civilization that does not have reliable evidence of its existence. Historians have found little information about Lemuria in the records of the inhabitants of India and Tibet. However, their legend says that this is an island inhabited by snake-headed inhabitants. Whether this is true or not is not yet known for certain; there are only assumptions by scientists who believe that the territory of Lemuria could be located on the sunken part of Madagascar. Later studies say that Madagascar was part of Hindustan more than 60 million years ago, and perhaps Lemuria is just part of the Hindustan Plate, which separated from the Asian continent.

In the 7th century BC. The ancient Greek poet Hesod mentions the country of Hyperborea in his works, and a little later Herodotus speaks about it in his historical records. Both of them claim that Hyperborea was inhabited by extremely hardworking and very smart people. There are mentions that even Apollo himself fell in love with this country and patronized it in every possible way. According to ancient sources, a subtropical climate reigned in this area, and it was these conditions that made it the favorite of all artists and architects of those times. To this day, the mystery of the disappearance of this country remains unsolved, however, there are suggestions that the inhabitants of Hyperborea were forced to leave their lands due to a sharply changed climate.

Until recently, it was believed that the development of civilizations in India occurred quite late, what was the surprise of scientists who discovered the remains of the ancient Harappan civilization in the Indus Valley. Many scholars believed that the inhabitants of the valley were Sumerians, others believed that they were Indo-Aryans. But unfortunately, no facts have been found that reliably determine the origin of the inhabitants of this area. The only thing we can say for sure is that the inhabitants of the valley were initially engaged in gathering and only over time began to engage in farming and cattle breeding. The culture of the Harappan civilization developed quite quickly and soon the local population began to build trade relations with their nearby neighbors. There is no exact information about the death of the Harappan civilization. There are two assumptions that say that the inhabitants of the valley left their homeland due to unfavorable natural conditions or was captured by hostile tribes. One thing can be said: its collapse is as rapid as its unexpected development.

A well-known Russian expert claims that before the appearance of people on earth, there were four more civilizations.

The famous Russian specialist Ernst Muldashev, an ophthalmologist by profession and a researcher by vocation, is searching for traces of disappearing civilizations. According to Muldashev, there were four civilizations on earth that disappeared by the time humanity appeared, but left their traces.


The Asuras, or self-born, were the first race on earth, appearing 10 million years ago. They were incredibly tall, almost 50 meters, had an ethereal body, lived for ten thousand years, and used telepathy to communicate with each other. They had to move to Earth as a result of the death of the planet Phaeton.


Gradually the asuras changed, their bodies became more dense. Thus, a new race of Atlanteans was gradually formed, “born after.” They were slightly smaller in size, they still had no bones, but they had a third eye located between the eyebrows.


After the Atlanteans, the Lemurians appeared on earth. They looked much more like modern people, they had a bony skeleton, gender division appeared, they still had a third eye, but not as well developed as the Atlanteans. The Lemurians were about 7-8 meters tall, and they lived for about a thousand years. According to Muldashev, it was they who built the Sphinx, Stonehenge and other amazing monuments.


This race formed later, its representatives were much lower, no more than 3-4 meters, the third eye was well hidden, and the rest of the organs were very similar to human ones.

As Muldashev believes, approximately 25-30 thousand years ago a nuclear disaster occurred on our planet as a result of the conflict between the Lemurians and the Boreans. Some of the Lemurians hid in caves, where they fell into a state similar to samadhi hibernation, while the other part flew away in spaceships.

The Boreas, or late Atlanteans, reached unprecedented heights of development, but also could not preserve their civilization and died about 12 thousand years ago.


Muldashev calls our race, the fifth in a row, Aryan. The birth of the fifth civilization occurred approximately 12 thousand years ago, shortly before the destruction of Atlantis. The ancestors of modern people already lacked a third eye, which is why our civilization is developing so slowly.

The existence of more ancient civilizations is confirmed by archaeological finds, rock paintings, and mentions of aircraft in legends and traditions.