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Subjective determination of activity. The emergence of something new and the determination of brain activity

A concept reflecting conditioning human activity a system of internal and external, material and ideal, objective and subjective factors. Ultimately, activity is determined by objective, i.e. conditions in which it is carried out independent of the consciousness and will of the subject. The influence of objective conditions is of decisive importance. However, with all the enormous importance of objective conditions, they can play a role if they find their refraction in the subjective sphere and take on the form of subjective forces. Without the participation of subjective factors, activity as such can neither arise nor exist. Therefore, subjective factors in the presence of objective conditions are of decisive importance. The subjective sphere includes needs and interests, values ​​and attitudes, incentives and motives, social orientations, i.e. factors that actively encourage the subject to act, set goals, make decisions and realize goals.

Determination of criminal economic activity is the process of its conditioning and definition. The term "determinants" or "factors" of crime is traditionally used as a general generic concept to designate the causes and conditions of crime. It is used in the same sense in this work.
Causes and conditions play different roles in the process of generating criminal behavior in the economic sphere. If the causes actually give rise to it, then the conditions themselves do not give rise to this phenomenon, but influence the processes of generation and participate in its determination.
The scope of the causes is, first of all, motivation and decision-making when it comes to the formation of a motive, a goal, and the determination of the means of achieving it as criminal. The selection of specific means among criminal data, the choice of a specific object of criminal attack, the infliction of specific harm in appropriate conditions place and time is determined to a large extent by conditions. Such conditions may be circumstances characterizing the state of the external environment when making and executing a decision (for example, weakness or lack of financial control), as well as those circumstances that characterize the person himself (for example, having special knowledge, experience).
We proceed from an interactionist understanding of the determination of crime, according to which the cause is the interaction of the environment and a person under certain conditions. Our main goal is to describe the institutional, market conditions, economic-political, socio-economic properties of the market economic system, which, on the one hand, create favorable opportunities for various models of criminal activity, on the other hand, ultimately also have a deforming effect on the motivation of economic agents.
The criminal economy exists in any society where there is a state and an economy. In any modern society factors of illegal economic activity are also reproduced.
The determinants of illegal behavior in the economic sphere can be considered at three levels:
fundamental determinants associated with the essential characteristics of an economic system of a certain type: market, command-administrative, transitional;
specific reasons related mainly to the ongoing socio-economic policy;
conditions and circumstances of committing specific types of offenses and crimes.
The subject of consideration in this work are fundamental and specific determinants. Of this set of factors, we will consider the first two groups.
The third group of factors is not the subject of systematic analysis in this textbook. In some cases, they are considered in relation to economic crimes and illegal markets in the relevant parts of the textbook.
In the structure of specific determinants, a specific set of factors is identified and discussed in a separate paragraph, primarily associated with the emergence and development of the hidden sector of the normal economy - the production of normal goods, the provision of normal services, the performance of normal work not prohibited by law. At the same time, some of the factors that give rise to this part of the shadow economy turn out to be determinants for its other sectors. In addition, concealing economic activity from state control and taxation usually entails its criminalization and the involvement of its agents in various types of criminally punishable activities. In a certain sense, we can say that the shadow economy is an independent factor in criminalization, and its own determinants can be considered as such for the criminal consequences it generates.
The identification of individual criminogenic factors and their categories is to a certain extent conditional, since criminal economic behavior is formed and reproduced under the influence of their entire interconnected set. In addition, it has the opposite effect on the determinants, ensuring the self-determination of the criminal economic behavior.
In the following paragraphs, attention is paid primarily to the study of criminogenic factors of an economic nature.
Taking into account the above, the problem of determining criminal economic behavior is considered in three paragraphs:
"Fundamental determinants of criminal economic activity";
"Specific determinants of criminal economic activity";
"Determinants of the shadow economy."

More on topic 1.4. Determination of criminal economic activity:

  1. Chapter 32. The economic role of the state: public choice and side effects of economic activity
  2. Chapter IV SYSTEM OF ECONOMIC RESULTS INDICATORS (according to SNA methodology)
  3. 4.1 Main indicators of the economic performance of the country and region
  4. Module 4. Organization of economic activities of social protection of the population
  5. Chapter 4.2. Organization of economic activity and efficiency of social services
  6. 4.2.1. Organization of economic activities of social services
  7. 1.4. Determination of criminal economic activity
  8. 1.5. Fundamental determinants of criminal economic activity in a market economic system

Determination of mental activity

according to Z. Freud, all manifestations of mental activity are not random or meaningless, but are based on real reasons - physiological or mental. The classic formula of psychoanalysis: there is no arbitrariness in the psyche at all.

Dictionary practical psychologist. - M.: AST, Harvest. S. Yu. Golovin. 1998.

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Human behavior is determined (from the Latin determinare - to limit, from terminus - limit), in other words, it is determined by various reasons.

Determination is often simplistically interpreted as an external influence on an individual, as a result of which he performs actions (“hard” mechanistic understanding of determination) or makes decisions on the basis of which he performs actions (“soft” mechanistic understanding of determination). Recognition of the determinism of behavior is expressed in the acceptance of the principle determinism in one version or another. Determinism is opposed indeterminism - explanatory principle according to which behavior is completely determined by internal factors and a person acts on the basis of “free will”. Strictly speaking, indeterminism should be expressed in the recognition of the exclusive spontaneity of behavior. On one's own decision as the basis of action is already the determining factor of action or deed. All decisions are made on some grounds, for some reasons, which in turn are formed due to certain conditions (the upbringing received by a person, lifestyle, habits formed under his influence, etc.).

“Internal” factors cannot be reduced to subjective, much less conscious, prerequisites for behavior. TO internal factors include unconscious attitudes, drives, preferences, as well as genetically determined predispositions, organic needs, which in relation to consciousness act as objective factors in the sense that they do not depend on consciousness and volition. They are objective, albeit internal.

In psychology, it is customary to talk about the mediation of external causes of behavior by internal conditions. At the neuropsychological level, the unity of internal and external is often interpreted as follows: mental activity, on the one hand, is a function of the brain, the brain is an organ of mental activity, and on the other hand, it is a reflection of reality, is reflexive in nature and is determined by external influences. It must be remembered that the division into external and internal does not coincide with the division of objective and subjective (relating to the subject) and mental activity is not only reflexive, but also reflexive, i.e. directed towards itself: desires, drives, emotions, spontaneous preferences (all of these are manifestations of mental activity) can be the subject of attention and analysis (reflection) of the individual and thereby rational control. The latter is an important factor in behavior. Self-control and self-determination are based on a person’s ability to make decisions and take actions independently (based on one’s own ideas) and responsibly (i.e., in accordance with the reasonable expectations and interests of others, norms and traditions).

Factors determining individual behavior can be, as mentioned above, genetically given predispositions, organic needs, spontaneous reactions to the immediate environment (subsequently conscious or not). Close to this are socio-psychological mechanisms that manifest themselves through individual or group habits, social stereotypes and imitation and ensure actions performed by inertia. Activities that can be defined as socially adaptive are determined in a special way. This is determination ensured by the presence (emergence, discovery) of goals, the very fact of which predetermines the activity to achieve them - expedient activity. The named types of determination usually act spontaneously. Their mechanisms can be covertly used within the framework of the manipulative organization of individual or collective behavior carried out by various social agents for their private propaganda or commercial purposes.

Behavior can be determined from the outside through open social action in the form of coercion, in particular through the threat of violence (physical, socio-political or mental). Unlike social coercion, manipulative influence ultimately affects the consciousness of a person, who then acts as if of his own free will, confident that he is acting subjectively, consciously self-determining. Under conditions of coercion, a person may realize the compulsion of the actions to which he is forced by the threat of violence, and at the same time not see for himself any alternative except the unacceptable - to be subjected to violence, possibly fatal, for disobedience.

Behavior can be determined with the help of sociocultural regulations - through reference to authority (individual or collective), the presentation of samples and examples, as well as obligations arising in accordance with the agreements reached. Important questions arise here: Who refers to authority and Who provides samples and examples? In the case of various regulators, these “who” can be different social agents, in particular the acting individual himself, and then the determination of behavior is carried out through appealing to authorities, independent choice and recognition of the significance of models and examples for oneself.

A type of sociocultural determination is value orientation. Values ​​determine behavior by the very fact of their existence, represented in different forms- in texts, customs, mores, unspoken sets of norms and rules or instructions for appropriate behavior, in specially adopted and proposed formalized codes, as well as in the form of attitudes and principles accepted by an individual as an internal duty, the fulfillment of which is associated with personal purpose .

The need for sociocultural requirements arises in conditions where natural inclinations and spontaneously acting mental mechanisms do not ensure the individual’s interaction with the communicative and social environment.

Sociocultural requirements characterize regulation of behavior(from Latin regulare - to manage, from regula - rule) - ordering, organizing behavior and controlling it through the imputation of values ​​and requirements

according to Z. Freud, all manifestations of mental activity are not random or meaningless, but are based on real reasons - physiological or mental. The classic formula of psychoanalysis: there is no arbitrariness in the psyche at all.

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