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Home  /  Self-development/ How to cope with laziness and apathy on your own. These are the best tips from psychologists that help get rid of laziness. Terrible laziness and apathy.

How to cope with laziness and apathy yourself. These are the best tips from psychologists that help get rid of laziness. Terrible laziness and apathy.

Most often, it is laziness and apathy that prevent you from being realized in life and achieving the desired results.

To get out of these conditions on your own, you need to identify their cause, and then choose effective measures to overcome them.

Where does laziness come from?

In fact, laziness is a state when a person does not want, or cannot, be active and work on completing a given task.

At such moments, there is a desire to do something completely useless, or fall into inaction.

The reasons for this condition include both health problems and negative psychological attitudes or lack of motivation.

The state of apathy and inaction is provoked by:

  1. Health problems. Before developing an action plan to overcome laziness on your own, it is advisable to eliminate illness physical body. Listen carefully to how you feel. Figure out what's really bothering you. Perhaps low work capacity is due to exacerbation of chronic diseases, pain syndrome, or a feeling of discomfort in the body. In these cases, you need to seek help from a doctor and bring your health back to normal.
  2. Lack of motivation. The reluctance to work towards achieving your goals is explained by a lack of understanding of why certain actions need to be taken.
  3. Lack of a specific plan. In this case, the person simply does not understand what exactly needs to be done to get the expected result. The simplest solution in this situation is inaction or quickly switching attention to other tasks.
  4. Fear of difficulties. Fear of a specific or fictitious event paralyzes willpower and discourages any desire to work fruitfully.
  5. Fear of failure. Scrolling over the most unfavorable outcome of events in his thoughts, a person loses heart and feels a lack of desire to act.
  6. Not uncommon, it is difficult to examine and diagnose on your own. In a depressed state, there is a lack of motivation, loss of energy, and intrusive negative thoughts.
  7. Weak willpower. It prevents you from systematically performing certain, often monotonous, actions.
  8. Hope for the best. A person justifies his inaction with the belief that the situation will resolve itself and will not require his direct participation. Bad news is that the probability of such an outcome is extremely low. But with active intervention, the chances of success increase significantly.
  9. Disorganization. If there is no specific plan of action and a clear understanding of what to do and when, then the easiest way out is inaction or switching attention to secondary issues.
  10. Lack of purpose. If the end result is not defined, then it is difficult to act in this direction.
  11. Uncertainty about the final result. Fears and doubts significantly reduce productivity and are the main cause of laziness.
  12. . We have already talked about its causes and ways to overcome it.

These are the 12 most common reasons that lead to laziness and inaction. As practice shows, most often they occur not individually, but in combination. Each of these points entails subsequent ones, and leads to loss of motivation, loss of strength or chronic fatigue.

If you cannot identify the reasons for your laziness and apathy on your own, then consulting a psychologist will allow you to put everything in its place and draw objective conclusions.

How to get rid of laziness and overcome apathy yourself

It’s easier to do this by identifying the main reasons for their occurrence. Success in this matter directly depends on the strength of desire and the willingness to follow the psychologist’s advice received.

To get rid of apathy and begin to take active action, experts recommend taking the following steps.

  1. Rule out possible health problems. These are not only diseases of the physical body, but also psychological problems: negative attitudes, destructive thinking patterns, emotional burnout, depression.
  2. Make long-term plans. Formulate a specific list of actions that you plan to take to achieve the expected result. If the goals are quite global, break them down into several stages. For each, define specific steps.
  3. Alternate work and rest. The human body is designed in such a way that it cannot concentrate its attention on a specific task for too long without loss of ability to work and productivity. If you feel tired, rest for 10-15 minutes, then collect your thoughts and continue what you started. Having outlined the list of tasks on paper and decided on the deadlines for implementation, gradually begin to complete them.
  4. Plan your day, week, month in writing. This way, you won’t waste time repeatedly determining what is best to do and when, but will be able to purposefully carry out specific actions. In this case, there will simply be no time left for laziness.
  5. Start your day with a completed task. This way you will get motivation to do further, often more complex and important, things.
  6. Don't waste time on useless things. These include communication in social networks, watching the news, talking “about nothing” with colleagues and much more. You can find out more about this.
  7. Praise yourself for your work and achievements. If you do not receive rewards, the desire to act will quickly dry up. This can be either verbal praise of one’s merits, or the purchase of a nice little thing or a long-desired gift.
  8. Don't give up halfway and always strive to complete the work started. Unfinished undertakings not only steal vital energy, but also lower self-esteem and destroy self-confidence. Try to bring as many things as possible to their logical conclusion. And if you have to stop halfway, then this should be a conscious decision, and not a consequence of another attack of laziness that you cannot overcome.
  9. Wake up earlier and follow a routine. Human biorhythms are designed in such a way that at dawn he experiences a surge of strength and increased ability to work. As the sun sets, the body begins to prepare for sleep, and signals this through a feeling of laziness and lack of vital energy. This is certainly not an axiom. There is a category of people, they are called “night owls,” who in the evening feel increased productivity and activity. Listen to your mood and take into account your individual characteristics.
  10. Eat nutritiously and do not overeat. By consuming excessive amounts of food, you overload your body, which spends a lot of energy on digesting and assimilating food. A lack of vitamins and microelements leads to deterioration of health and provokes laziness. That is why it is so important to ensure that the diet consumed is balanced and the food is of high quality.
  11. Keep a success diary. The easiest way to do this is to write down 5 to 10 points of your achievements at the end of each day. This will not only overcome apathy, but also increase faith in yourself and your strength.
  12. Fight fears and uncertainty. This can be done either independently or with the help of a psychologist. By increasing your self-esteem, you will feel a surge of vital energy and get rid of laziness and apathy.
  13. Organize your workplace correctly. Not only the ability to work, but also the productivity of a person directly depends on the order in the office, home and any space around. Organize your workplace in such a way that it is pleasant and comfortable to do business.
  14. Alternate mental and physical activity. If you feel tired from performing monotonous actions, put off what you started and do something else. For example, if you get tired of mathematical calculations, switch to cleaning the house, or go to lunch. This way you give your body and brain a rest, and later you can return to the task you started with renewed vigor.
  15. Communicate more often with active and cheerful people. By charging with vital energy from them and learning from experience, you yourself will be more cheerful.

To overcome laziness, you need to overcome internal resistance, and just start taking action. This step is usually the most difficult, but really effective.

Having completed it, a person begins to get into the swing of things and forgets about his apathy.

Practical tips to overcome laziness and take action

If you don’t know how to overcome your apathy and finally start taking action, then using these practical recommendations, will certainly help you get moving.

  • Make sure that you really need and are interested in what you are doing. Scroll through your head again: why and why you are doing this. If you realize that you are following imposed stereotypes and are minding your own business, then the best decision would be to give it up in time.
  • Write down the benefits you will receive after completing a specific task. If you feel a fit of laziness, re-read all the points. This way you will increase your personal motivation yourself.
  • Frequently replay in your head the reasons that motivated you to start a business. Think about what you will get if you successfully complete the task.
  • Pamper yourself with pleasant little things and gifts more often.
  • Replace the word “need” in your vocabulary with the word “want”. This trick will reduce internal resistance to action and increase efficiency.

Remember that all these tricks and tips only work when they are put into practice.

Don’t expect that reading, or even memorizing this information will help you get rid of laziness once and for all and force you to act. Don’t expect an immediate effect, but start working systematically: changing yourself and your thoughts.

Every person periodically experiences bouts of laziness, when you want to do only one thing - do absolutely nothing. Do you know that it turns out that women are 4 times lazier than men! And scientists have a simple explanation for this - among representatives of the fair half of humanity, the concentration of the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for our circadian rhythms, is several times less than that of the stronger sex. But if laziness - mother is short-term in nature, there is no need to worry about it. Perhaps it was the result of elementary fatigue and overexertion. In this case, it is even useful to be a little lazy, to give the body the opportunity to rest and recuperate. But, unfortunately, often the reasons for laziness can be much more serious. And one of the most common of them is apathy. At such moments, a person is not interested in anything, he is indifferent and indifferent to everything that happens, his eyes are not burning for anything and his soul is not attached to anything. Psychologists called this painful condition motivational deficiency syndrome. According to them, it occurs in every fifth inhabitant of our planet and can subsequently develop into real depression. To prevent this from happening, you need to be able to recognize alarm bells in time and use our tips on how to overcome apathy and laziness.

Why does apathy occur?

The causes of sudden apathy do not necessarily have to be physical or mental stress, crises at work or in your personal life, troubles and misfortunes. Even emotionally bright and enchanting events, grandiose holidays, after their completion, can lead to an apathetic state.

Severe and protracted illnesses and stress can also lead to a loss of interest in everything that happens and complete indifference. And often vitamin deficiency and a long absence of sunlight add fuel to the fire.

By the way, apathy and laziness are far from the same thing. In the first case, a person does not take on any business because he has lost motivation and interest in the result. And laziness is a simple lack of hard work. In this case, the person likes everything, everything is interesting, but he doesn’t want to do something again and is too lazy to even lift a finger to achieve what he wants.

However, apathy and laziness often occur simultaneously. Therefore, these conditions also need to be dealt with in a comprehensive manner.

All the tools are in your hands or at your side. To overcome fatigue in 90% of cases, just sleep is enough. To get rid of laziness - find motivation, to get rid of drowsiness - go in for sports. The methods are simple to the point of genius. But often they still don’t help. Mostly because we misdiagnose ourselves or take the wrong “medicines.” A person who hates running with all his heart forces himself to go for a run.

A guy prone to self-flagellation and solitude sets the task of becoming the life of the party, and a tired and driven girl decides to start training in the gym 5 times a week. You don't need to do this. How to get rid of fatigue - drowsiness - apathy - laziness correctly? Find real reasons and eliminate them by listening to yourself and your body. We’ll find out later how exactly to do this.

Laziness, fatigue, drowsiness and apathy - what are the reasons?

To understand how to get rid of fatigue and drowsiness, laziness and apathy, you need to find out the reasons for their occurrence. In each case, they will be individual and you need to find them, guided by general description. Let's start with definitions and creating a picture of the circumstances under which these feelings and sensations arise.

Laziness is the absence or constant lack of hard work, in which a person prefers labor activity free time.

Traditionally, laziness is viewed as a vice, in “ Divine Comedy"Dante Alighieri, lazy people were, for example, in the 5th circle of hell. But in conditions of constant intense work, laziness can be just a signal of the need for rest. It may also be a reaction to the lack of proper assessment of a person’s work and personality in society.

Psychologists do not identify laziness as a mental disorder, since in its qualities it is more reminiscent of a bad habit. Among the causes of laziness, experts note character traits, lack of self-discipline, low self-esteem, loss of interest in a specific type of activity.

Fatigue is a feeling of physical and emotional fatigue, weakening of the body and loss of performance as a result of overwork.

Fatigue is a natural reaction of the body and psyche to intense physical or mental activity. The body works not only during paid work, but also at any time of wakefulness and even sleep. Needless to say, when we “relax” in the club, our liver works at 100%.

You don't have to unload the cars to get tired. Fatigue can overtake you even in a situation where you are idle for a long time or doing something pleasant - for example, watching movies or sunbathing. It all depends on the state of the body, nervous activity, immune system and a number of other factors.

Drowsiness is a feeling of lethargy, fatigue, associated with a regular desire to fall asleep at an unintended time.

Most often, drowsiness is “payback” for an incorrect lifestyle. Constant stress, poor diet, deliberate reduction of sleep time are the causes of drowsiness.

Along with insomnia, it is considered by medicine as a sleep disorder. Causes also include clinical diseases (for example, Kleine-Levin syndrome or narcolepsy), taking a number of medications with side effects, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Among the psychological reasons are troubles and boredom, from which a person wants to run away and hide in a dream.

Apathy is a state of complete indifference and indifference to everything that happens. This is a feeling of detachment, a lack of any incentives and motivation, and a reluctance to do anything.

Apathy, more often than other conditions described by us, is a symptom of serious mental disorders, in particular neuroses, depression and even schizophrenia. If a person just lies and looks at the ceiling for a long period of time, mindlessly clicks the remote control and shows no interest in life, this is a reason to consult a doctor. If the condition is short-term, then in this case apathy may be a reaction to stress, excessive physical and emotional stress, or exhaustion of the body (a striking example is the condition during diets).

We exclude clinical factors

First, it is necessary to exclude clinical factors. This can only be done after a medical examination. We recommend that you undergo it even if the symptoms seem subtle, since the disease is too serious. Depression is most effectively treated with medication, but the selection of drugs and the course of treatment takes long time. And the sooner the disease is detected, the better.

Reasons to see a doctor:

  • Constant fatigue with regular long-term rest and recovery.
  • Lack of desire to do anything and get up in the morning.
  • Thoughts of suicide, reluctance to live, awareness of the meaninglessness of life.
  • Lack of natural, instinctive desires.
  • Sleep disorders – insomnia, constant drowsiness.

Unfortunately, in the post-Soviet space people are not used to perceiving the same depression as a disease. Bad mood and sad states are more often considered vices and laziness. Whereas they can serve as symptoms of a real disease. Depression in most cases is a consequence of a violation of the metabolism of neurotransmitters and a person cannot restore metabolism on his own. The result is long-term apathy and even suicide. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude diseases and only then begin to attempt independent control.

How to get rid of laziness and fatigue

The best way to combat laziness is to find motivation and activities that you really love. You should strive to do what you want and not do what you don’t want. Within the framework of the criminal code and within reason, of course.

Are you too lazy to do work or study? Maybe you just don’t like it and intuitively want to do what you love?

Find a job you like, enroll in a university in a specialty that really interests you. Find motivation - clearly define for yourself the benefits that you will receive by doing something.

Now it is important to understand how to get rid of fatigue. Rest. The recipe is really simple - in order not to feel tired, you need to rest. Alternate work with physically and emotionally relaxing activities. Sleep as much as you need to get enough sleep. Normalize your daily routine. Increase your body's resources - strengthen your immune system with hardening and vitamins, play sports, eat right, use spa programs. Finally, engage in restorative therapy.

But all this will be useless if you suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome. This is a disease that is associated with the occurrence of neurosis and disruption of the nervous system regulators. Usually it is a consequence of intense, debilitating emotional and intellectual stress on the body or viral diseases. How to get rid of chronic fatigue? Only through treatment under the supervision of a specialist. When it comes to disorders of the nervous system, it is impossible to do anything on your own, and if you try, it is dangerous.

How to overcome drowsiness

It is important to understand the reason why you constantly feel tired and drowsy. If this is a sleep disorder, you should consult a doctor. If the reaction is a one-time reaction and just yesterday you felt cheerful and full of energy, you should try to overcome drowsiness on your own. How to do it:

  1. Maximum sunlight - open the curtains, take a walk, take a sunbath. At night and in cloudy weather - ensure maximum brightness of the lamps in the room.
  2. Normalize your daily routine - it should correspond to your biological clock.
  3. Get enough sleep - sleep as much as necessary for full recovery.

It's no secret that you feel sleepy in the fall. larger number people than in late spring and summer. This is due to a lack of sunlight. Therefore, walks in the cold season are mandatory. Also strive to strengthen the immune system - take vitamins and modulating medications in consultation with your doctor (doing it on your own is dangerous).

How to deal with apathy

Let us recall that apathy, more often than other feelings and conditions we have identified, is a symptom of severe mental disorders and diseases of the central nervous system. nervous system. Therefore, any attempts to overcome it should be carried out only after a medical examination - we strongly recommend that you undergo it. If apathy in your case is a short-term phenomenon and not permanent, then you should try to find the cause of indifference and eliminate it.

If apathy has become a reaction to serious stress, you need time during which stress will not recur.

That is, in situations where indifference is the result of a serious shock (the death of a loved one, dismissal, failure, and so on), you need to distract yourself and do something at least somewhat interesting and pleasant. At least not annoying. In this case, you will be able to feel the taste of life again after some time - usually a few weeks are enough.

How to quickly cheer up and find motivation

To find motivation:

  • Be mercantile - find real benefits in what you do, feel them.
  • Do what you really like - quit a job you don't like.
  • Surround yourself with goal-oriented, proactive people.
  • Imagine the situation from the outside, analyze it.
  • Read stories about people who have achieved success in your field.

For vivacity:

  • Do exercises every day, in any condition and in any weather.
  • Drink vitamins and take immune-restoring medications, but only strictly in consultation with your doctor.
  • Prefer natural juices (preferably orange or grapefruit) to coffee and tea.
  • Listen to music that is uplifting but not annoying.
  • Walk more often - give your body “access” to oxygen.

TOP 3 effective exercises to combat laziness

If you don’t know how to get rid of fatigue and drowsiness, laziness and temporary apathy, try these exercises. They definitely won’t cause any harm, but they may well help.

Exercise 1. In this case, the wedge is knocked out with wedge. You need to sit on the couch alone and do nothing. Nothing at all - don’t turn on the TV, don’t listen to music, don’t read a book, don’t pick up your phone. Just sit for at least 20 minutes. Try not to think about anything. Most likely, after the allotted time, you will find strong desire do something that you didn’t want to do before.

Exercise 2. In this case, you need to try to find motivation. The place of execution is again the sofa. We sit down, close our eyes and mentally transport ourselves to the future. It is necessary to imagine all the circumstances that will occur after completing the task in front of you. You will be paid money, you will get an excellent mark on the exam, you will be thanked. Imagine the task completed and try to feel your state at the same time.

Exercise 3. Especially effective for gambling people. You need to make a bet with one of your relatives or friends. At the same time, it is important to involve the other person in the argument - you should receive a reward for doing something. The easiest way to do this is to make a bet with the initiator of the action. That is, the person asks you to do something that you are frankly too lazy to do. Make a bet with him - then there will be much more motivation.

Yuri Okunev School

Greetings, friends! Yuri Okunev is with you.

Have there been times in your life when you absolutely didn’t want to do anything? Well, nothing at all. Absolutely. You slept until lunchtime, didn’t leave the house for several days, didn’t answer calls from family and friends, spent days lying on the couch in an untidy, cluttered apartment.

Has it passed? If yes, then I am sincerely happy for you. If the condition in one form or another remains with you for a long time, then we need to talk right now about how to deal with laziness and apathy. Otherwise, you are not far from a deep nervous breakdown.

In general, you need to worry about any psychological or physiological condition that prevents you from living a full life. But the whole point is that when you are in a depressed state, you are not always able to sensibly assess the situation and understand that there really are big problems.

Another thing is that depression in its symptoms is very similar to chronic fatigue. Therefore, in order to understand exactly how to deal with the disease, you need to know what it actually is.

It is important to consider that if the unpleasant condition lasts a couple of weeks or even months. If people around you begin to notice serious changes in your behavior (not better side, of course). If you start avoiding work, socializing, just going out the world around us, then this is an objective reason to shout: “Help, save me, I’m desocializing!”

Maybe I'm just lazy in life?

Anything is possible, of course. And in that case, I'm glad you're reading this article. Perhaps this is the first step towards changing your worldview and lifestyle. After all, laziness on the scale of “Oblomovism” is a crime both against oneself and against humanity, to which each of us can potentially benefit.

Therefore, let's agree right away - any manifestation of laziness, apathy, total disorganization and others like them will be considered a disease that requires competent comprehensive treatment.

How to overcome laziness and fatigue

Before choosing a weapon type, you must first decide who exactly you are going to fight with and why. Therefore, let's list the most common causes of this vile condition.

Causes of apathy

  • Disorders in health. There is a whole bunch of diseases accompanied by total apathy. This is especially true for hormonal problems.
  • Overload. Emotional or physical, mental. These are all our overwork in training, at work, study, fatigue after quarrels, etc. In this case, the body reacts to an external stimulus with apathy - as if it switches off in order to rest.
  • Lifestyle. We have already talked about this option. If you have been “this way since childhood,” this does not mean that nothing can be changed in adulthood. As long as you are alive and relatively healthy, there is always a chance to improve your life!
  • Negative. Our psychology directly depends on emotional state. Various kinds of troubles, defeats, disappointments, failures, heavy blows of life cause serious damage to the psyche. As a result, after such “shocks” we close ourselves into our own “shell” in order to sit there, wait it out, get sick and survive what happened.

Having understood the reason - on your own or with the help of a doctor - you need to find an adequate solution to the problem. Strong internal motivation is fundamentally important. There is absolutely no way without it, because... this is the same driving force that will pull you out of the “swamp”.

As an example, I can offer several options.


  • Get acquainted with biographical stories and stories about people who managed to make their lives bright, despite the most difficult trials and obstacles. Think about disabled people, orphans, poor people who live thousands, millions of times worse than you. And after this you have enough conscience to complain about your life??? Seriously? And if you think again???
  • Look around - how many happy people there are successful people who live to the fullest rich life. Are you really ready to give up to them the joys that could be yours? Hurry up, go out and take all the good things that fate has prepared especially for you!
  • Motivation from the opposite is also possible. Remember about the “aimless years lived”? Are you sure that instead of vivid memories of an eventful life in old age, you want to indulge in despondency and sadness due to the lack of them??!! Before it's too late - get out of bed, leave the house and do things that you will be pleased to think about in 10, 20, 50 years!

Once you have set yourself up for recovery, begin to actively fight the blues.

Methods to combat laziness

  • Treatment. Serious health problems should be treated by qualified professionals. And that's the only way! Don’t fool yourself with all sorts of tinctures and poultices. Traditional medicine is priceless, but common sense no one canceled.
  • Rest. Any overload really requires a break. But this does not mean that you need to lock yourself in the house, lie down in bed and prepare to die in the prime of your life. You just need to slow down and pay attention to your loved one. Give yourself a week for joy and relaxation.

Go fishing, go shopping, have a picnic with friends, go abroad for a weekend, go to the cinema, make dumplings with your family and organize a “Belly Feast”. Be sure to normalize your wake-up and bedtime times. Be sure to exercise every day (even just exercise), ventilate your apartment, and let lots and lots of light into your rooms.

  • Review of the daily routine. If you are a chronically pathological sloth, then there is only one option - a total change in the principles of life. “Purposefulness, punctuality, activity, planning and strict adherence to the planned points” - from now on this is your life motto. Start with a good sleep schedule and a few must-have items on your daily to-do list. Then complicate the tasks, make longer lists, set more difficult goals.
  • Positive. The greater the scale of the troubles, the more positive you should respond to them. The main thing is not to go to extremes that echo biblical passions. Again, use your brains - you don’t need new problems later???

Always start your recovery small. For example, you find it difficult to get out of bed. Make an effort - get up, take a shower, tidy yourself and the room, make a cup of tea and only then lie down again. The second stage is to go out and sit on a bench near the entrance. The third is to take out the trash. Fourth - walk the cat. Fifth - go to the grocery store. And so on, increasing.

I hope that the article made you at least think about the problem. If after it you finally tear your butt off the sofa, then I’m just happy. You can read more on this topic. Well, and the most detailed information and you will find the most direct professional, practical and simply humanly friendly help on my website. You can sign up right now.

And if you still have questions, I invite you to an individual consultation. Details.

I will end here. Until new publications. Don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter. Your Yuri Okunev!

Increasingly, residents of large cities are faced with depression and apathy. It is especially difficult to cope with these enemies of active life in winter. Every new morning brings a lack of desire to see someone, everyday activities cause irritation, and in the evening you want to hide in the farthest corner and cry. Are the symptoms familiar? Psychologists note that during periods of low solar activity More than half of all people on the planet face apathy. How to get rid of apathy and start living? Let’s take the advice of experts and compile a list of the most effective recommendations for getting rid of fatigue and lack of interest in life.

Characteristic signs of apathy and depression

Before looking for advice on how to get rid of apathy, it is worth understanding the symptoms that simply “scream” about the presence of a problem in the body. It is best to undergo special tests, but you can also monitor your

Very often we experience certain symptoms and do not understand what exactly is happening to us. And this leads to further aggravation of the situation and deterioration of the condition. Therefore, be wary if you notice the following unpleasant changes in your life:

  • constant desire to sleep;
  • lack of interest in people around you and close friends;
  • loss of performance;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • the presence inside of a carefully hidden feeling of dissatisfaction and irritation;
  • desire to criticize yourself and your life;
  • incredible fatigue caused by even the simplest task.

If you find yourself with several of these symptoms, then it’s time for you to seriously think about apathy. But first of all, it’s worth finding out what kind of psychological disorder you have. Some of them pass easily with the slightest effort from the outside, but others require the immediate intervention of psychologists.

Fatigue is your body's first warning sign

Fatigue always has significant causes. It supposedly suddenly comes only when a person does not allow himself to relax and rest for a very long time. In this case, the body begins to signal that it needs to rest. Most often this manifests itself in drowsiness, loss of performance and interest in life. A person becomes lethargic and irritable; the simplest requests can cause a flood of tears or provoke a quarrel.

Apathy: second stage of fatigue

Apathy becomes the next stage of body fatigue. If you still failed to recognize the symptoms of chronic fatigue and did not give rest to your soul and body, then apathy occurs. It is a more serious stage and requires some outside intervention.

Usually he completely refuses to communicate with loved ones. Women begin to take less care of themselves and become indifferent to the choice of clothes and makeup. Everyday chores and household responsibilities turn into an overwhelming burden that is simply impossible to drag along. If you don’t understand how to get rid of apathy and fatigue and don’t take action, then total laziness will set in.

Laziness is a force that poisons and destroys

A person who could figure out how to get rid of laziness and apathy would be able to get Nobel Prize. But, unfortunately, no way has yet been found to deal with this problem with lightning speed.

If you have never been a lazy person before, but now spend most of your day daydreaming and building castles in the air, then you should look for the reasons for this behavior. We're sure they exist. After all, laziness poisons every day; a person cannot overcome the irresistible desire to give up and forget about everything, plunging into sweet dreams.

Ultimately, self-doubt and internal dissatisfaction with one’s inaction grows, so laziness must be fought decisively and harshly.

Depression is a black hole in the soul

Depression is already recognized as a scourge modern society. The state of causeless discontent, irritation, and loss of meaning in life is familiar to almost every person. It seems like the whole world is against you. The most extreme degree of depression is the desire to commit suicide.

In most cases, it is not enough to understand how to get rid of apathy and depression, because the mechanism for getting out of this state is extremely difficult. A person must be under the constant supervision of a psychologist or psychotherapist. Therefore, if you feel constant discomfort inside and causeless disappointment in life, then immediately seek help from specialists. They know a lot of techniques that will not only determine the degree of danger, but also help solve the problem in the bud.

Fatigue, drowsiness, apathy: causes. How to get rid of it?

Remember that symptoms are not always clear-cut and refer only to one of the manifestations of the disorder. Very often a person has a whole range of symptoms that fit into each category described above. Let's try to identify the causes of sudden blues.

The easiest version of apathy and depression occurs when you go back to work after a vacation. In this case, more than half of vacationers face causeless irritability and fatigue. And this is no wonder, because the body managed to completely relax and appreciate the days spent in inactivity and bliss. The blues are especially noticeable if you have visited the seaside. In this case, it will take at least two weeks to adapt to the working rhythm of life. Help your body with the following recommendations:

  • do not take on a large amount of work from the very first day;
  • plan your work day carefully - it is difficult for the body to get into a crazy rhythm and it cannot cope with the same work as easily as before;
  • start taking vitamins, they will recharge your body with energy;
  • allow yourself to get enough sleep on your days off.

It is more difficult to decide how to get rid of the state of apathy if it is caused by hormonal imbalances in the body. Most often, women suffer from such problems; their thyroid function is disrupted, which leads to an extremely unstable mental and physical state. In this case, you should definitely consult with an endocrinologist. He will give you a referral for tests and write a conclusion about the woman’s hormonal background. In case of thyroid dysfunction, the doctor will prescribe medication that will relieve you of depression.

In many situations, unsolved problems, accumulated overwork and stress are to blame for apathy. Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of the causes of this condition, so you need to change your attitude towards the situation and try to start with yourself:

  • Do sports in any form - morning exercises, swimming on weekends, fitness three times a week. Any physical activity improves blood flow and, consequently, improves mood.
  • Choose the right diet for yourself, excluding sweets, fatty foods and carbonated foods. Vegetables and fruits are always helpful in the fight against depression.
  • Try to spend more free time in the fresh air, the brain will be saturated with oxygen, which will affect the condition of the skin and hair.
  • Be visible. Even if you don’t really want to meet with friends, go to friendly gatherings. Communication with other people distracts you from your own problems.

If the question of how to get rid of apathy is very acute, and you cannot improve your condition in any way, then consult a specialist. You may be experiencing symptoms of true depression and need help from a psychologist.

Treatment of depression through the efforts of a specialist

Depression is a very insidious disease; it constantly eats away at the body from the inside and seriously undermines vitality. According to psychologists, almost everything can be cured with therapy and lifestyle changes. Only the smallest percentage of patients who turn to psychotherapists need to use antidepressants, without which they will not have the desire to overcome the disease.

The main thing in treating depression is awareness of your problem. From this moment a person has every chance of recovery and a return to normal life. Together with a psychiatrist, he can get out of depression in a few months.

What to do if laziness wins?

Laziness is not a serious disorder that requires immediate intervention from specialists. You can cope with it only with a great desire to defeat yourself. It is this inability to fight with oneself that turns a simply lazy person into a pathological lazy person. Therefore, the fight against laziness requires a very special approach:

  • Divide any complex task into several parts, this does not give you the opportunity to be afraid of difficulties and refuse to complete the task.
  • Use a system of rewards and punishments for your actions. If you complete difficult tasks, go shopping and buy yourself something you have long wanted, but are out of reach. If you are lazy, then the punishment should also be tangible for you.
  • Do not think about the planned task for a long time. The more a lazy person thinks about a task, the lower the likelihood that he will start doing it.
  • Make it a habit to learn something new every day. According to the Chinese method, to overcome laziness, you need to do something new for only five minutes a day. As a result, you will achieve results without unnecessary stress and will be happy with your acquired skills.

If you have just begun to notice the first symptoms of apathy and blues, then immediately pull yourself together and do not let yourself fall apart. Psychologists advise forming the habit of positive thinking; it will help you out in any difficult situation and prevent depression and fatigue from taking over you. So, best recommendations, allowing you to permanently solve the problem of how to get rid of apathy:

  • Clear your apartment of old things and always keep it in order. Psychologists note that a cluttered space around a person puts him in a depressive mood and prevents him from seeing life in bright colors.
  • Communicate only with pleasant people. Even the most devoted friends can begin to weigh you down with their problems and drain your vitality, so spend time only with people who sparkle with positivity and recharge from them.
  • Learn to perceive your work correctly. You should enjoy your time at work. Try to surround yourself with cute and cuddly trinkets, and allow yourself to take breaks even on the busiest day.
  • Introduce something unusual into your life. For example, go skydiving or take a diving course. New knowledge and skills raise self-esteem and give everyday life a new flavor.

Of course, all people are completely different. And these tips may not apply to some of you, but in any case, don’t give up and don’t let depression defeat you. Do not forget that only those who walk can navigate the road.