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The world around us calendar. Nature calendar

The test on the topic “Universe, time, calendar” was compiled based on the material from the textbook UMK “Perspective” by the authors A.A. Pleshakov and M.Yu. Novitskaya, 2nd grade. The test material allows you to test students' knowledge in this section.

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"Test "Universe, time, calendar" on the world around us."

Department of Education of the Lipetsk City Administration

Municipal budget educational institution

Gymnasium No. 19 named after. N.Z. Popovicheva, Lipetsk

Environment test

on this topic: "Universe, time, calendar»

Mitina Lyudmila Valerievna,

teacher primary classes

MBOU gymnasium No. 19 named after. N.Z. Popovicheva

city ​​of Lipetsk

Lipetsk – 2018

Last name, first name_________________

Test on the section “Universe, time, calendar”

1. The word “Federation” means __________________________________________

2.Huge, red-hot celestial bodies emitting light is _______________

3. Cold celestial bodies that do not emit their own light are ____________

4. List several planets_____________________________________________

5. Earth's surface, which we see around us, is limited by the line this _____________________________________________________

6. What device is used to determine the sides of the horizon______________________________

7. List the main sides of the horizon__________________________________________

8. The model of the Earth is called ________________________________________________

9. Device for measuring time___________________________________________

10. What units of time do you know?________________________


11. The time it takes for the Earth to completely rotate around its axis _______________________

12. The time it takes for the Earth to complete full turn around the sun ____________

13. List the seasons_________________________________________________

14. All changes occurring in nature are called _______________________

15.What is weather______________________________________________________________

16.What holidays do you know_______________________________________________


17. What science teaches us to be careful about the world around us________________

18. Give examples environmental days _____________________________________


19. Why do the seasons change?_____________________________________________


20. Give examples of natural phenomena_____________________________________________

1. Association, union.

2. Stars.

3. Planets.

4. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter.

5. Horizon.

6. Compass.

7. North, west, south, east.

8. Globe.

10. Second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, century.

13. Summer, winter, spring, autumn.

14. Natural phenomena or natural phenomena.

15. The combination of air temperature, cloudiness, precipitation, wind - weather.

16. Russia Day, Knowledge Day, National Unity Day, Constitution Day, Teacher's Day.

17. Ecology.

18. World Water Day, Bird Day, Earth Day, Animal Protection Day.

19. The change of seasons is explained by the movement of the Earth around the Sun and the tilt of the Earth's axis.

20. Change of seasons, change of day and night, rotation of the Earth, its movement in orbit.


    The world. Textbook for 2nd grade. beginning school At 2 p.m. Part 1/ A.A. Pleshakov, M.Yu. Novitskaya; Ross. acad. Sciences, Ross. acad. education. Publishing house "Enlightenment". – M.: Education, 2012. – 127 p.: ill.

    Workbook 1 for the textbook for grade 2 “The world around us” / A.A. Pleshakov, M.Yu. Novitskaya. – M.: Education, 2014.

    Vasilyeva T.Yu. Lesson developments for the course “The World around us”: 2nd grade. – M.: VAKO, 2013. – 416 p. - (To help the school teacher).

Let's remember

  1. What calendars do your family use?
  2. How do you find out what month, date, day it is?
  3. How do you find out about the weather for tomorrow?

Now it’s so easy for us to find out the year, month, date and day of the week. One has only to look at the calendar on the wall, on the table, in the diary. They also talk about it on radio and TV, and write in the newspapers. They also tell us what weather awaits us the coming day. In addition, they talk about future holidays and upcoming memorable dates. In the diary we write; what and when exactly we need to do.

Now imagine that we find ourselves in the distant past of any of the many nations of the world. There was no radio, television, newspapers, telephones... But then people were much more attentive to nature. They watched the changing seasons, changes in life and inanimate nature. They were able to predict the weather for the next day, and for a long time to come, based on the state of plants and the behavior of animals. For centuries, all this knowledge was accumulated and passed on orally from generation to generation of each nation.

Here are some folk signs. You can check them with your own observations.

  • Red sky at sunset - predicts wind or rain.
  • If the sun sets in the clouds, expect rain.
  • A clear moon means frost.
  • The cones of coniferous trees open - signifies dry weather.
  • Swallows fly low - it means rain.
  • In winter, crows and jackdaws sit on the tops of trees - for frost, on the lower branches - for wind, on snow - for thaw.

Days of the folk calendar

Together with faith I entered folk life orthodox calendar. Each day is dedicated to the memory of an important event or holy person for believers. Images of saints on icons were in every peasant hut. And their names were reflected in the names of the days of the national calendar. These days, like good friends, reminded the farmer of business on weekdays and of fun on holidays. For example:

September 1 - Thekla the Beetroot. People spoke about this day like this: “Dig beets on Thekla.” From this day on, they began to harvest beets from the gardens.

September 5 - Luppa-lingonberry. By this time, cranberries and lingonberries are ripe, it’s time to go into the forest for them. The oats and flax are also ripe, hurry up and harvest them. The flight of cranes from Thekla-beetroot to Luppa-lingonberry foreshadows early winter. People looked attentively at the sky: “If the cranes fly low, then the winter is warm, if high, it’s cold”; “Cranes fly low, quickly, silently - expect bad weather soon.”

The days by which the weather for the future was previously guessed are called weather indicators. We will mark them and check folk observations made in the Moscow region and lands close to it. Our guys big country can check signs for the weather of their region.

  • Look at the pictures. What signs do they refer to? What senses help you observe these phenomena?

Let's think!

  • Are ancient folk signs for the weather always true in our time? Why?

Let's check ourselves

  1. Why did people carefully observe the change of seasons, changes in living and inanimate nature?
  2. What folk weather signs do you know?
  3. How did the folk calendar develop?
  4. What days are called weather indicators?

Let's conclude

The folk calendar has preserved for us ancient labor customs and holidays, a rich experience of communication with nature. We are the heirs of this wealth. It teaches us to be attentive, sensitive, kind and wise. We must preserve this experience, increase it and pass it on to our children.

What is a calendar

The word "calendar" came to us from Ancient Rome. Kalends are the first days of the month. They were announced in the central square of the city. This meant the beginning of a new month. Many calendars were created by different peoples.

The first calendars looked interesting - they were knots on a rope or notches on a stick. By tying a certain number of knots on a rope in advance, and then untying one each day, a person could approximately indicate how much time had passed from one event to another.

Modern calendars

In the modern calendar, each month is divided into weeks. There are 7 days in a week. Each day of the week has its own name. In our country, the first day of the week is Monday.

Name all the days of the week. Start on Monday.

The calendar specifically marks the date - day, month and year. The most important holidays and weekends are highlighted in red.

Look at the picture. Tell us what you know about these holidays.

There are 365 days in a year, or 12 months.

There are 30 or 31 days in a month (February has 28 or 29 days).

There are 7 days in a week.

Questions and tasks

1. Why does a person need a calendar?

2. State your date of birth.

Choose the correct answer.

1. Kalends are:

a) the first days of the month;

b) last days months.

2. Winter months:

a) December, January, February;

b) January, February, March.

Previously, many peoples defined the beginning of a new year in their own way, choosing the most important, from their point of view, event or natural phenomenon.

In Russia for a long time the beginning of the new year was celebrated on September 1, when all field work ended. And only in 1699, Tsar Peter I introduced a new calendar in Russia. January 1 began to be considered the beginning of the year.

I’ve been creating a nature calendar for Dani for a week now. This is roughly what it will look like. As soon as I clean the printer nozzles, I’ll immediately print it and hang it up; we already have a stand hanging.

A little about the content.

The train will be painted in the colors of the rainbow during the days of the week; characters - a kitten, a puppy, etc. - can be inserted into the carriages. They can also be placed in the basket of a balloon. You can use your favorite cartoon characters, gnome, brownie, etc. as heroes. On each trailer, the number of circles corresponds to the day of the week.

The balloon and alarm clock will have arrows that the child will move in accordance with the month of the year and time of day. Poems, riddles about the seasons, days of the week, etc. will be placed on the free sheets.

There will be a blue and red string on the thermometer that can be moved depending on the temperature outside. Heroes who can be put on a train and a hot air balloon.

On the yesterday, today, tomorrow page you can attach pictures with the main events that happen in a child’s life: an arrival or trip to grandma, a trip to the theater, park, circus, kindergarten, holidays, etc. You will also be able to attach data about your meteorological observations - weather - rain, snow, sunny, cloudy, etc. there.

To get the Nature Calendar, just doREPOSTthis message to any social network or your blog and send it to me by emailactive link to it.

IMPORTANT! Send me an active link to your pen by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.. Here, unfortunately, I don’t always have time to follow the comments.

Thanks for the reposts and comments!)

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Lesson about the world around us, 2nd grade

Topic: “Folk calendar”.

Goals: form an idea of ​​the folk calendar.

Planned student achievements:

Subject results:

know some folk signs for the weather;

determine which observations of which natural phenomena serve as the basis for popular weather signs;

Meta-subject results:

correlate folk signs with feelings;

check the popular weather forecast for the nearest weather indicator day;

compare real observations and data from folk signs of your region.

Personal results:

understand the importance of the folk calendar as a treasury of people’s experience of communication with nature and cooperation with it.

Formed UUD:

Cognitive: navigate in educational material; extract information presented in different forms;

Communicative: build the right one speech utterance;

Regulatory: show initiative and independence.

Personal: positive attitude towards learning, cognitive activity through involvement in creative activities.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

How huge is the world around -

Miracles both here and there!

We don't want to eat or sleep,

And we want to know about everything.

A very interesting subject helps us learn about everything in the world - “The World Around us”.

Are you ready for work? For the next trip to the world ready?

Then let's begin!

2. Updating knowledge.

It is called the “keeper of time”, “guardian of memory”, it is a system for counting periods of time.

There is a good guy in the apartment,
Mathematician and sage.
Constantly, all year round
He keeps an exact count of the days.

What are we talking about?

About the calendar.

How do you find out from the calendar what month, date, day it is?

What else can you learn from the calendar?

There are many calendars on display at the exhibition. Let's take a closer look at them again. What are their names?

Wall, flip, tear-off, lunar calendar, calendar of significant dates and events, Orthodox calendar, etc.

Which calendar do you think is more convenient? Why?

What do you think the calendar of our ancestors was like? (Was the calendar of our ancestors similar to the modern one?)

From time immemorial, Rus' used a special calendar, the folk one.

What is a “folk calendar”? Do you want to know?

3. Work on the topic of the lesson.

The topic of the lesson is “Folk calendar”.

My friend, let's look into the old days,

Let's open the people's calendar!

Looks great

And the benefits are undeniable.

He knows all the holidays

And it reminds us!

    Introduction to the concept of “folk calendar” and its structure

In Rus', for a long time, there were three calendars: civil, church and folk (natural) calendar - monthly calendar. The month book covered the entire year of peasant life, “describing” day by day, month after month, where each day had its own holidays or weekdays, customs and superstitions, traditions and rituals, natural signs and phenomena.

In such a calendar, autumn - winter was compared with falling asleep and enchanted sleep - death, and spring - summer - with rebirth and awakening. This reminds human life, where spring is youth, summer is blossoming, autumn is the time of collecting fruits (it’s good if there are some, otherwise you can live your life but not collect fruits), winter is the time of wisdom and peace.
The folk calendar was born many centuries ago. It existed and developed mainly in oral form: from father to son, from grandmother to granddaughter.

In the calendar, many natural objects were endowed with the properties of living beings, just like in fairy tales. For example, the sun father, Earth- mother, month- Well done, spring- young lady, winter- white-faced, autumn- crowberry. Also, the days had special names: they could be male and female, young and old, dead and cheerful, fat and hungry, warm and cold.

The folk calendar marked holiday and everyday times, the beginning and end of important work. All this knowledge found its expression in parables.

We will dwell on them. In previous lessons we already talked about signs. Tell me, please, what is a “sign”?

The word “sign” comes from the word “notice”, i.e. observe. As a result of observing what is happening around a person, he accumulates life experience. This knowledge was passed on from generation to generation, carefully stored, and people trusted it as holy book.
Many signs have come to us from the depths of centuries. Signs have preserved a lot of what was in old folk holidays and customs; they help predict the weather, grow crops...

    Correlation of folk signs for the weather with observations of living and inanimate nature

Autumn signs are placed around you in the classroom. I ask you to select only those that relate to the month of October.

In October, say goodbye to the sun, get closer to the stove.

October is cold, father, and November has made it too cold.

By October, the birches become bare.

In October there are seven weather conditions outside.

October both cries and laughs.

October completes preparations for winter.

October is a month of full pantries (burrows, hollows, nests).

October is crying cold tears.
After October there is no smell of summer.
September smells like apples, October smells like cabbage.

* Thunder in September - warm and long autumn.
* Honey mushrooms have appeared - summer has passed.
* Migratory birds fly low - short autumn.
* The drier and warmer September is, the later winter will come.
* The appearance of mosquitoes in late autumn is a sign of a warm winter.

Read the signs you have chosen. Let's try to evaluate whether our October matches the description of our ancestors. (discussion, comparison with the weather outside the window).

    National holidays

In addition to weather surprises, the folk calendar lists all folk holidays with their traditions and customs. The Orthodox calendar will help you find out more about all these days. I want to show you only one October week.

Maybe we can take a look and find out what is significant about today?

On this day the memory of the holy martyr Charitina is celebrated. One day a young Christian woman was slandered and had to stand trial. Despite all the torture and humiliation, Kharitina stood firm and died without making a sound.

In Rus', by this time, field and garden work in the villages ended, and the peasants began to do household chores. On Kharitina, women sat down at the looms and began to weave canvases.

“Kharitina weaved and spun - she dressed the whole house,” they said that day. The girls gathered for evenings, where they also did needlework - spinning, embroidering, knitting. Such work was usually accompanied by singing. There are many riddles about this activity, for example the following: “I’ll stamp my foot, press my stomach, sneak my hand, pound twice and start again.” There were also riddles about the weaving mill: “A spider came with wooden legs and blocked the whole hut.”

As for the men, they began making felt boots on Kharitina.

The girls gathered for evenings, where they also did needlework - spinning, embroidering, knitting. Such work was usually accompanied by singing.

Although our girls are not weavers yet, they can sing. And they have prepared ditties for you.


    Discussion of the day

This day also has its own signs. Let's try to check their accuracy?

“The day fell behind the night - it tripped over a stump with a felt boot,” our ancestors said, noting that the day was becoming noticeably shorter than the night.

If crows and jackdaws hovered in the air, and the clouds moved against the wind, this foreshadowed snow, and windless weather promised a cold snap.

    Name day

The folk calendar is also interesting because in it we can learn about our name days or Angel’s Day.

Here are pieces of paper with a little information about these words. Read it, please, and then we will talk.

Angel's Day, or name day - this is a day dedicated to a saint, and the person named after this saint is obliged to celebrate it. baptism . Name days among Christians are considered a much more significant holiday than a person’s birthday. A person thereby acquires a Guardian Angel in the person of the saint whose name he bears. This means that I am obliged to honor him once a year and celebrate his name day.

Conversation on questions:

    What are name days?

    Who is obligated to celebrate name days?

    What was considered more important: birthday or name day?

    What does a person gain after baptism?

In Rus', it was customary to celebrate name days in a special way - this tradition has been known since the 17th century. The family baked birthday pies, loaves and rolls according to a special recipe. Festive baked goods were distributed as treats to relatives, friends and loved ones. This had a special meaning! Even the filling of the pies was not chosen randomly, but to indicate the character traits of the birthday boy and his relatives.

And the most traditional treat for name days has always been a loaf. Are you familiar with this word? Let's turn to the “Big Illustrated Dictionary of the Russian Language” by V.I. Dahl to find out the meaning of the word “loaf”. By the way, Vladimir Ivanovich is known not only as the author of this masterpiece, but also..., remember: to the collection of Russians folk tales.

The birthday boy had to bake the loaf himself. The loaf should be big. The dough for it is kneaded into unleavened dough. The filling for a birthday loaf can be meat, berries, mushrooms, and best of all, fish.

But it was not in vain that I started talking about name days! You are probably eager to find out who the birthday people are today?

The name day on this day is celebrated by Alexey, Gabriel, Grigory, Denis, Evdokim, Kuzma, Peter, Matvey.
I would really like to congratulate our Matvey on his name day.

Come to us, Matvey, and in the meantime we’ll see what the people’s calendar says about you.

Presentation of a gift to Matvey.

By the way, in the old days it was customary not to cut a loaf, but to break it over the head of the birthday person. It was believed that the more crumbs and fillings fell on him head- the better it will be next year. Now let's check how successful the year will be for our Matvey.

And, of course, there was a birthday round dance.

And now Matvey and I invite you to a round dance and sing “Loaf”.


This is how our ancestors lived in ancient Rus' in an unusual, fun and original way. Did you like it?

I would really like to listen to each of you, but this will not work today. But I still invite you to express your feelings and impressions.

In front of you at the bottom of the screen are familiar icons: rain, cloudy and sunny.

If during the lesson you were interested, comfortable, you learned something new and useful for yourself, attach a sun to the autumn picture (right on the screen).

If the lesson was interesting, fun, but you didn’t learn anything new, attach a sun and a cloud.

If the lesson was boring, uninteresting and useless for you, let it rain on the picture.

Thanks for the work.

And the surprises are not over yet! Matvey and I have prepared a pie treat for you. And now our birthday boy will treat each of you to it.