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Literature for self-development for girls. Selecting the required direction

Eleonora Brik

Brain training is necessary for every person. Without load, problem solving, and information processing, the skill of thinking, analyzing, and reasoning is lost. To increase your intelligence you need to work every day. It is impossible by drinking vitamins or reading one book in a year. New information makes the brain think and increases IQ level. What to read for intellectual development, outlook and erudition?

Ways to develop intelligence

The IQ level depends on a person’s literacy, education, and innovative thinking. For intellectual development, train your brain daily. One of the ways to develop intelligence is by reading books. Choose your bibliography carefully: the best books for general development intelligence, vocabulary and speech in adults can really improve the quality of life. But modern detective stories and romance novels do not provide enough information - such reading relaxes, but does not teach.

Before directly moving on to solving the now pressing question “what useful books should you read for the development of the brain, consciousness, memory, logical thinking, and competent speech?”, you should realize that the development of intelligence is impossible without acquiring the following skills:

Memory upgrades. Necessary for remembering information. Data is recorded and retrieved when necessary.
Increasing vocabulary. A conversation takes on an intellectual tone if the interlocutor knows how to speak beautifully. An extensive vocabulary helps to come across as an intelligent person.
Ability to think figuratively. Mentally stimulating audiobooks and intellectual reading that develop speech contribute as a person lives through the story described. Experience is formed, images are remembered, and in a similar case, information emerges and is used.

The skill of speed reading helps to absorb information and process tons of literature. Interesting intellectual literature for reading and developing the mind of an adult, books on self-organization and efficiency motivate, force you to follow your goals.

What books should you read to improve your intelligence?

Most intellectual sites offer a list of books for developing the mind, improving speech and increasing vocabulary in communication - such a list includes literature concerning various areas life. The development of memory, improvement of vocabulary and the ability to think is the basis that is used to process information: in order to become a well-rounded person, it is necessary to expand knowledge in the main areas.

Scientific works. We are not talking about reference books and encyclopedias consisting of continuous incomprehensible terms. Read books that tell the story of the creation of the world, about natural phenomena, development of culture and art. Remember Darwin's theory, read Hawking's works on the history of time.
Philosophical literature. Scientific books are built on theories, evidence and teach you to understand the world. Philosophy is a branch that initiates into the secrets of human actions and actions, studies the thinking of people. Include biblical publications of various religions in the list of philosophical literature. Today, many are fond of oriental authors, divided into social networks wisdom. A bright representative of Eastern philosophy is Omar Khayyam and his Rubai. Interesting to read, easy to learn by heart. Supplement your study of philosophy with books by the Strugatskys, Nietzsche, and Kant.
Artistic works . Knowledge of the classics is like an exam in intellectual society. The most smart books for adults who develop their intellect, brain and personality will be useless without the foundation they received in due time - the foundations are laid from school, a love of poetry and prose is instilled. If you missed this period without wanting to, then it’s time to catch up. Literary works help to replenish vocabulary and improve literacy. Start with the following books: “The Master and Margarita” by Bulgakov, “Forget-Me-Nots” by Prishvin, “Crime and Punishment” by Dostoevsky, “Red and Black” by Stendhal, “War and Peace” by Tolstoy. The modern intellectual writer Dyusimbiev Gazinur and his stories will perfectly complement the list of classic works.
History books. Man is accustomed to comparing today's events with past ones. An intellectual is able to draw parallels to high level, because he knows the history of the development of his country and other states. Reading historical books gives knowledge about significant events in the world and reveals the features of life famous people. History helps us understand life. Find works by popular authors: Lawrence, Bushkov, Yuri Mukhin.
Reading poetry. Poems are one of the oldest ways of transmitting information to descendants. The genre is light due to rhyme, euphony and beauty of speech. Constantly reading poetry helps improve memory and expand vocabulary. The works of Akhmatova, Shakespeare, Brodsky are suitable for the development of intelligence.

There is no specific list of literature for the development of intelligence. There are reading recommendations for schoolchildren, students, and applicants preparing to enter universities. The main thing is to develop reading skills. Use free time for information. Modern gadgets and audiobooks will come to help. Over time, you will notice that reading will become a habit. There will be a need to immerse yourself in a fascinating world filled with knowledge and discoveries.

List of books for the development of intelligence

The foundations are laid in school years. Therefore, many books have been published with a growing audience in mind. But it’s never too late to learn, gain knowledge, and train your memory. Intellectual development has no age restrictions. The main thing is the desire to become smarter and regularity of actions.

List of books for the development of intelligence:

“Intelligence training”, Rodionova A. After reading the works of this business coach, a person receives the following results: thinking processes are launched, vocabulary is replenished. The book is built on the principle of educational literature: read and implement. The author makes it clear that human capabilities unlimited, it's never too late to achieve perfection. The reader is offered options for developing mental abilities.

"Develop your intellect..." Carter Philip's works include tests to help develop intelligence. Suitable for those who are ready to solve a variety of charades and puzzles. Practical exercises will help in the development of thinking, improve memory, and make a person more intelligent. The book is very addictive, the answers to the problems are given.
“Brain 100%.” The author will tell you how. For an ordinary person, it is in a dormant state. Watching TV series and doing monotonous work causes the brain to go into hibernation, and the skills acquired at school are lost. Olga Kinyakina suggests making the brain work. The book contains everything necessary exercises, tasks and puzzles to improve memory and develop intelligence. The intensive program promotes the development of thinking,...
"Basics of rote memorization." Zach Belmore's book is suitable for all ages. Moreover, for better assimilation of information and to achieve results, the author divided the book into chapters. Each section is intended for a specific age group. By performing exercises, a person learns to memorize large amounts of information and text. The memorization process is simplified and becomes arbitrary.

Recommended intellectual reading for the mind, good classical literature for speech development are a set of exercises for training the brain. Just as a person needs water to live, the brain needs information for thought. Eat food for your mind every day by reading at least 1 hour a day.

What do smart people read for spiritual development and intelligence?

Literature that can trigger thinking processes and help activate memory is suitable. Wanting to increase their IQ level, many people rely on the number of books they read. If the plot is not captivating, the exercises described seem ridiculous and useless, then it is better to put the book down and move on to the next one. Just reading won't make you smarter, since the material will not be used in life.

Works of Edward de Bon. If you want to learn how to think differently, and are ready to break away from the standards, then start with the book “Six Thinking Hats.” While studying the material, you will have the opportunity to play. To get results, act and complete the author’s instructions. The book is interesting due to the inclusion of various life situations, to which the reader is invited to choose his thinking hats. Practical exercises help make thinking original and non-standard. Another entertaining book by the author is “Teach Yourself to Think.” The plot is based on Edward's technique, which helps instill in the reader the skill of wanting to learn and develop. The proposed methodology is aimed at improving the thinking mechanism. The book can be called a self-instruction manual, as it includes 5 stages. Gradual implementation of steps leads to the desired result.
Books by Ron Hubbard. The book “Teaching Technology” received good reviews. It is a textbook whose main task is to teach the reader to learn. People who followed the author's tips increased their intellectual level by 15%. Ron Hubbard is convinced that a person's IQ is formed from several components. And the main one is the ability to learn, or in other words, systematic acquisition new information throughout a person's life. In the book “Self-Analysis” the author focuses on human memory. If you don’t remember in time interesting fact or historical information, then there is no point in talking about intellectual development. The books you read will be forgotten after a few days if your memory is not fully activated. The book contains practical recommendations that help a person improve himself. The author pays special attention to visual memory, believing that there is a possibility of its development.

"Memory development for dummies". The title of the book makes clear its main purpose. Before you start studying, take as a basis what universal and simple ways There is no such thing as memory improvement. To achieve results, techniques are combined. The more ways you use, the better the effect. Interestingly, the combination of methods brings results regardless of age. John Bogosian Arden, the author of the book, is confident that the properties of memory are the same in a student and a pensioner, and therefore can be developed in the same way.

Before you start reading books, check your level of intellectual development. There are tests on the Internet and suggested times for completing tasks. On your first playthrough, don’t rush to invest within the deadline. By answering test questions, you are already developing as you solve problems and puzzles. The data obtained will help you decide in which direction to move, what you lack: vocabulary, creative thinking, information memorization skills. Then start correcting the situation by studying and practicing the suggested books.


Given what people say, think and read in different languages, lists of intellectual literature from different compilers can vary greatly: It is impossible to create a universal list– it will be too voluminous. Therefore, always read, try to continuously and consistently improve your intellect - let this become a useful habit that prolongs your life and improves communication with people around you. Read with benefit and pleasure!

17 March 2014, 15:32

Today in our article we will try to answer the question of what books are worth reading for self-development. Such publications are now extremely popular, as they can help a person not only with determining life goal and its achievement, but also to improve relationships in the family and society, to win over those around you, to achieve inner harmony. But which options should you pay attention to?

What book should you read for self-development?

First, let's turn to publications that are suitable for reading by both men and women. Basically, such books are aimed at helping the reader achieve their goal. Moreover, this goal can be in the field of business, love relationships, interaction with society, or personal acquisition of peace and confidence.

"Rich Dad Poor Dad"

So, what book should you read for self-development first? It's better to start with this world bestseller by Robert Kiyosaki. The basis of the book was a comparison of the business views of Robert's father, who was a government employee, and the father of his friend, who was engaged in his own business. As a result, the latter became rich and successful person. It was his path to success that Robert himself chose, having achieved considerable success in business.

"Money Ceiling Quadrant"

This book was also written by Robert Kiyosaki. But this time the work is dedicated not so much to business as to the thinking of rich people. The author helps readers understand how rich people think. Which helps them work less and earn more, pay low taxes and feel financially independent.

"The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People"

Stephen Covey, the author of this book, offered a completely new look at management systems and the very concept of leadership in a team. This book presents an approach to increasing your personal effectiveness. The author calls skills a set of knowledge, skills and desires. And the 7 skills presented in the book are arranged in ascending order depending on the level of maturity of the individual.

“To hell with everything! Take it and do it!”

So, what other book is worth reading for self-development? This is, of course, the work of Branson Richard. The book is a kind of manifesto of the author; it reflects his position in relation to life. Richard suggests taking everything from life, not being afraid to take risks and take action. At the same time, it does not matter at all whether there is enough life experience or knowledge to implement the plan. The main thing is not to stand still.

"How to Win Friends and Influence People"

This is Dale Carnegie's most popular and famous book. It is a collection of practical tips and lessons on how to communicate with people. At first glance, the book may seem a little strange or unusual, but it works. Another reason to read this manual is the fact that it is still used to teach psychology in universities.

“How to work 4 hours a week, without being stuck in the office from bell to bell, live anywhere and get rich”

If you want to achieve success, but not put off all the joys of life for later, and don’t know what book you should read for self-development, this creation by Timothy Ferris is for you. In the book, the author sets out a life philosophy according to which there is no need to put off having fun and spend all your time on work. A person must see his goal, go towards it, but not deny himself all the joys. The book will teach you how to cope with life situations and achieve success without spending 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on it.

"Psychology of Lies"

The author of the book is one of the most famous modern psychologists, Paul Ekman. The subject of his study has always been the phenomenon of deception. This popular science publication presents the results of many years of work. The reader will be able to learn how to recognize deception by the behavior, speech, facial expressions and gestures of the interlocutor. This book is training manual and practical guidance.

"How to make anyone fall in love with you"

The author of the book, Leil Lowndes, tells readers that in order to be attractive to everyone, you only need 6 ingredients. Exactly 6 components are necessary for success; the reader will learn about what they are after reading the book. In addition, Lowndes shares 85 techniques that will help you master love magic and win over any man or woman.

"Your neighbor is a millionaire"

Many people often ask questions about why I am not as rich as my acquaintance or friend; how do others manage to earn so much and quickly, etc. Stanley Thomas, the author of the book, will answer these and many other questions. In addition, the author will teach you how to become successful and rich. Many useful tips on improving your financial situation can be found in this book.

Spiritual development

  • Special attention should be paid to Osho, the Indian spiritual teacher. His works help to find harmony and comprehend the world around us. First of all, we recommend reading: “The Mustard Seed”, “Be Simpler”, “Keys to a New Life”. The writer’s books on meditation techniques are especially popular.
  • Books by Louise Hay based on personal experience writers. Particular attention should be paid to the works “Heal yourself” and “Wisdom of a woman”.
  • The author of many world bestsellers, Liz Burbo, will be interesting: “Your body says: “Love yourself,” “ Great encyclopedia essence."
  • Among Russian writers, Vadim Zeland and Valery Sinelnikov are especially popular.

Books for women

Now we will try to answer the question of what books a woman should read for self-development.

“Man is from Mars, Woman is from Venus” is a bestseller by the famous psychologist D. Gray, published back in 1992. The book is dedicated to gender relations and will provide answers to many questions regarding personal relationships.

“Who Runs with the Wolves” is a famous book by the master of psychoanalysis and continuer of the Jungian tradition, Clarissa Estes. With the help of myths and fairy tales, the author helps women find themselves, find their path and understand their purpose. This book is dedicated to the full disclosure of feminine nature.

These are the publications that any woman should read first. But what books are worth reading for self-development if you are already familiar with the above? Pay attention to the following works.

“Never Eat Alone” is a wonderful book by Kate Ferrazzi dedicated to the rules of dating and continuing relationships.

“Blackberry Wine” by J. Harris will help you understand life if you no longer understand what is going on around you. The publication will help you find the meaning of life and understand what is happening.

“The Duel with Betrayal” is a book by N. Tolstoy intended for women who have had to face betrayal. How to survive this, what you need to do and how to approach it - this publication can answer these and many other questions.

“A Self-Teacher for Developing Intuition” is a book by Laura Day that will help you learn to listen to yourself.

Books for men

"An easy way to start new life"(N. Fiore). If you decide to change your life radically, then you should start by reading this book. It will help you follow the chosen path to the end and not turn off halfway. You will learn not to procrastinate and unnecessarily complicate your life.

“The Wisdom of Crowds” (J. Surowiecki). It is generally accepted that society, called the “crowd,” harms the individual. However, the author proves that society can help an individual develop and mature. You can read in detail about how this happens in the book by James Surowiecki.

“Do it yourself” (T. Seelig). This is a book about how to achieve success and reach your goal. The author assures that anyone can achieve a lot, but it is necessary to start small. The path to a big goal should consist of small tasks, and completing each of them will bring you closer to the final goal. In fact, the author offers a ready-made algorithm of actions that you just need to use.

“The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” (R. Sharma). This is a book for men who find themselves in a crisis situation. The author talks about a successful lawyer who had everything to be happy, but for some reason there was no happiness. Robin Sharma, who managed to combine Western psychology with ancient Eastern wisdom, will talk about how to get joy and pleasure from life.

What books should a teenager read for self-development?

Children and adolescents, due to their age, develop by reading fiction. It is difficult and uninteresting for them to perceive philosophical or psychological literature, even if it is written simply and accessible. Therefore, we will present a list of fiction books that will help a teenager develop his intellect and enrich his spiritual world.

"Harry Potter" (J. Rowling). Science fiction is interesting to children at any age, and books about young wizards also “grow” along with their readers. The heroes not only participate in incredible adventures, they are also troubled by problems common to children: the definition of good and evil in ordinary actions, the value of friendship, first love, family ties, etc. In addition, if you are answering the question about what books should be read for self-development at the age of 12, then the Harry Potter series is for you.

“The Catcher in the Rye” (J. Salinger) is a book created for teenagers and describes the life of a teenager. The work is centered around typical teenage problems: misunderstanding of the world and others, trying to find the truth, finding oneself, searching for the meaning of life, etc.

“D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers” (A. Dumas). Adventure literature has always been attractive. In addition, it teaches friendship, devotion, duty, loyalty to one’s word, and makes one understand the value of moral principles.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to the following works:

  • “The Hobbit”, “The Lord of the Rings” (J.R.R. Tolkien);
  • “The Fault in Our Stars”, “Looking for Alaska” (J. Green);
  • “50 days until suicide” (S. Kramer);
  • "Percy Jackson" (R. Riordan).

Timeless classic

If you want to know which books are worth reading for self-development, the classics will be the best answer. Classic in many ways fiction surpasses modern popular science psychological and motivational books. We list the works that are definitely worth paying attention to:

  • “Idiot”, F.M. Dostoevsky;
  • “Dead Souls”, N.V. Gogol;
  • "Eugene Onegin", A.S. Pushkin;
  • “The Divine Comedy”, A. Dante;
  • "Romeo and Juliet", W. Shakespeare;
  • "Madame Bovary", G. Flaubert.

Thus, there are a great many books for self-development. You can choose publications for yourself from both popular science literature and classics.

Teenagers are often unsure of their abilities and cannot understand what they like. Many of them get lost among their more successful peers and doubt their abilities.

To help your child get through such a difficult period, give him a book by Thomas Armstrong, a teacher with 40 years of experience. It will be the first guide to self-development and will help you understand that each of us is smart in our own way. The book will also teach you to accept yourself for who you are, better understand those around you, and explain why IQ tests and straight A's at school are not always an indicator of a brilliant mind.

Be the best version of yourself

This book will teach your teenager about the true ingredients of success and help you understand that it's not about hard work, it's about who you are.

Behind the cover - stories real people who survived serious illnesses, won the Olympics, and managed to open their own business from scratch. All these are stories about overcoming oneself, courage and determination.

Thinking Traps

This book is simply irreplaceable for both adults and teenagers. It teaches us to make the right decisions and avoid the pitfalls that await us at every turn.

The book not only teaches you to make the right choice, but also promotes determination and self-confidence.

Awkward age

The best book on how to understand teenagers. The world's leading expert on adolescence Laurence Steinberg uses the latest data and scientific research about the teenage brain—including your own—to show in your book how you can build resilience, self-control, and more good habits in a child. His discoveries about how to educate, teach and treat teenagers will be useful to both teachers and parents.

Why me?

A kind and practical guide to dealing with school bullying, written for children by a child who has dealt with it.

Thousands of children and teenagers suffer in silence because they are bullied by their classmates. Often, even parents and school psychologists cannot help. But this book was not written by an expert, it was written by a simple girl who went through bullying at school and managed, against all odds, to make a good career and achieve success doing what she loved.

Flexible consciousness

This book is for parents who want to raise successful and happy children. It is based on a revolutionary concept discovered by renowned psychologist Carol Dweck as a result of 20 years of her own research. From it you will learn:

  • why intelligence and talent do not guarantee success,
  • how, on the contrary, can they stand in his way,
  • why often rewarding intelligence and talent puts achievements at risk,
  • and how to improve your child’s academic performance.

I refuse to choose

It is often difficult for a teenager to understand what he wants from life and what he dreams of doing. And it’s even more difficult to understand what he really is. In this amazing book, Barbara Sher shows you how to adapt your wonderful, multifaceted mind to a world that has never really understood who you really are.

1 page per day

This creative notebook will help spark creativity in your teen. It contains interesting ideas that will help you create all year round. Every new page is a chance to create something new.

Fill out a notebook every day, page by page, draw, sketch, write, take notes, create and fill out lists, set goals for yourself, reflect, share ideas with friends.

Write Here, Write Now is a creative notebook for children aged 8 to 12 years. It helps teenagers understand themselves better, think about important things in game form and write down interesting thoughts on paper. The book inspires little writers, artists, collectors, inventors and researchers to discover and develop their talents.


Every blot is an inspiration. Every line is free. Give this book to your child. Open up his imagination.

"Hirameki" in Japanese means "peculiar style", "special imprint", "the place where scribbling and imagination meet." Simply put, it is the art of turning a random blot into something amazing with just a few dots and lines.

This is not only a fun activity that will completely captivate the child, but also very useful for developing creativity and relaxation after a hard day.

Changing habits

We all often act on autopilot and do not want to change our habits. This also applies to teenagers, who, like adults, can make the same mistakes every day.

Read this book with your child and you will teach him from his youth to work on himself and improve his life every day.

Simple questions

How do bees find honey? Why do you need sleep? What about money? How does a plane fly? What about the balloon? How they were built Egyptian pyramids? Why is the world colorful? Is the sky blue? Why do we have five fingers? What is blood type?

Most simple and naive questions do not have simple answers. Moreover, humanity did not know the answer to many of them for a very long time, and only the painstaking work of scientists made it possible to find them.

Vladimir Antonets, professor and doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, in his book answers dozens of simple questions that do not have simple answers in an accessible and popular way.

An excellent educational book for a teenager, fascinating and not at all like an encyclopedia.

Emotional Intelligence 2.0

A book that will help you and your child build relationships in any area of ​​life. It is about an important component of life - emotional intelligence.

Essentially, emotional intelligence is the helmsman that controls our decisions, actions and actions and helps us better use our mental potential. It influences the formation of personality, the development of empathy, the ability to communicate, create strong marital relationships and raise children correctly.

Geniuses and outsiders

A book for parents. It will help you understand what success depends on and how to help your child achieve it. Why do some people get everything and others nothing? Is it right to reduce the reasons for success only to personal qualities bestowed by nature?

The book shows what Bill Gates, the Beatles and Mozart have in common and why they managed to outdo their peers. “Geniuses and Outsiders” is not a “how to become successful” manual. This is a fascinating journey into the world of the laws of life that you can use to your advantage.

Where is Warhol

A book that will introduce a child to art in an unusual way.

If Andy Warhol traveled back in time, where would he go? "Where's Warhol?" supplies him with his own time machine, and what do we see... The book depicts interesting events in the life of Andy and himself, and the reader needs to find him in the crowd. It’s incredibly interesting to look at each spread. There are so many details that correspond to some event, era and setting. And if you don’t understand something, at the end of the book there is a description of each spread.

Andy celebrated 12 significant moments in art history and invites readers to find him in each of them. From Michelangelo working on the Sistine Chapel to Jean-Michel Basquiat painting the streets of New York. Each scene is painstakingly recreated by art historian Katherine Ingram and illustrated by Andrew Ray.

From here to there

Under the cover of this book there are 48 labyrinth worlds through which you can walk.

Bright, detailed labyrinths reflect the beauty of nature, works of art and architecture. They give space to the imagination and let your thoughts fly freely while you take a leisurely stroll through village streets and park alleys, through the castle grounds, picturesque towns and even futuristic landscapes. Let your thoughts wander and your hand follow the turns of the path.

A great book for children and adults who love mazes and puzzles.

P.S. Do you want to learn about the most interesting children's books and receive discounts on the best new releases?Subscribe to our newsletter . The first letter contains a gift.

In search of effective techniques for personal effectiveness, Chris Bailey took on an ambitious project - over the course of a year, he researched and tested many techniques on himself: for example, he worked 90 hours a week, meditated 30 minutes every day, used a smartphone only an hour a day and tried to live in complete isolation. For his book, the author selected 25 of the most the best ways increase productivity, which helped him himself. By using them, you will stop, clear away the backlog of things, learn to set priorities and achieve goals.

2. Mikhail Labkovsky “I want and will: accept myself, love life and become happy”

Psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky is absolutely sure that a person can and does only what he wants. This book is about how to understand yourself, find harmony and learn to enjoy life. After reading it, you will be able to realize why your life is not turning out the way you want it; You will understand at what point something went wrong, and you will be able to solve your problems with the help of specific advice.

3. Barbara Sher “It's about time! How to turn a dream into life, and life into a dream"

If you have long dreamed of a job that gives you something more than a salary, or wanted to do what you love instead of a dull career that does not bring you any joy, it’s time to start! In this book, Barbara Sher offers simple and specific instructions that will help you become successful and happy in your business.

4. Douglas Moss, Narbut Alex “Dale Carnegie. A complete course of communication techniques"

In this book - all the most important tips Dale Carnegie, collected in 33 lessons. But the most valuable thing here is excellent practical exercises for practicing Carnegie principles, selected so that the algorithms for successful communication are “built into” your speech, thinking, and behavior. Also in the book you will find many awakening exercises. creativity, the ability to maintain mental balance in any circumstances. A useful book for those who want not just to know Carnegie’s success techniques, but to actually learn how to apply them!

5. Larisa Bolshakova “Communicate correctly! How to pick up a key to any person. 64 tips from the master"

A man with secrets effective communication, will certainly achieve success in any field. Moreover, this person will become happy! Because the path to happiness is also the art of communication, finding joy and appreciating what you can do! The book will tell you about the main laws of communication, which allow you not only to easily and freely contact other people, but also to learn how to manage your life. Effective exercises help you quickly learn how to apply the psychologist’s advice in real life!

6. Mason Curry “Genius Mode.” Daily routine of great people"

Beethoven and Kafka, George Sand and Picasso, Woody Allen and Agatha Christie, Leo Tolstoy, Henry James, Charles Dickens, John Updike. Writers, composers, artists, choreographers, playwrights, philosophers, cartoonists, comedians, poets, sculptors... After reading this book, you will understand how to turn on the “genius mode” and create masterpieces through willpower and everyday work, without waiting for the mythical muse. Besides, you know what tricks they use famous people to concentrate, gather your will into a fist, sit down to work, maintain faith in yourself - and achieve those outstanding results that everyone will talk about.

7. El Luna “Between need and want. Find your path and follow it"

A vibrant book that will inspire you to find and follow your true calling. The author’s own journey inspired him to write a manifesto on the difference between “shoulds” and “wants,” which was shared by 5 million Twitter users and read by hundreds of thousands of people. “I wanted to send it to all my employees,” wrote one executive who read the article, “but I realized that a third of them would leave if they read it. But you know what? If they don't want to work here, they should quit - that's why I sent out this article."

8. Libby Weaver “Squirrel in a Wheel Syndrome. How to stay healthy and save your nerves in a world of endless tasks"

Poor health, fatigue, coupled with guilt for not having time is an inglorious reward for a woman’s participation in the daily race imposed by the modern pace of life. You will learn what happens to our health when we demand too much from ourselves in the book by Dr. Libby Weaver. She not only talks about the impact of stress on the female body, but also offers effective strategies that will help you stop being a “squirrel in a wheel.”

9. Jack Schafer and Marvin Karlins “Turn on the charm using the methods of the secret services”

A former special agent talks about how to please people, read their behavior and influence them. The book reveals all the necessary techniques that allow you to make friends and make a good impression - on clients, potential employers during an interview, members of the opposite sex on a date. These strategies have worked and are working for the intelligence services, which means they will work in “peaceful” conditions.

10. Nigel Cumberland “Don't regret anything. And 99 more rules of happy people"

One hundred chapters of this book will help you achieve success in anything. Success can be associated with any area of ​​life or work: work and career growth, relationships and family creation, personality and character, well-being and finances, health and peace of mind, training and education and much more.
In each chapter you will learn about one of the rules that successful people follow. The first page of the chapter contains descriptions and explanations, and the second page contains exercises. Start working with them today to align yourself with the mindsets, habits and behaviors that lead to success.
We consider them successful.

11. Jeff Sanders “Good morning every day. How to get up early and get everything done"

This book is for those who want to get up cheerfully in the morning and be energetic and productive every day. The author offers a lot of useful tips, tricks and proven methods that will help change your life for the better. Each chapter has a section where the author describes problems that you may encounter and also gives simple recommendations on how to stay on track and avoid obstacles.

12. Carol Dweck “Flexible consciousness. A new look at the psychology of development of adults and children"

Carol Dweck decided to write the book after her students literally insisted that she share her discoveries from 20 years of research with the world. In this book you will learn why intelligence and talent do not guarantee success; how, on the contrary, they can stand in his way; why rewarding intelligence and talent often puts achievements at risk; or manager productivity.

13. John Gray “Men are from Mars, women are from Venus. How to think more effectively. Practices for developing your brain"

Have you noticed that you can't concentrate on your actions or thoughts? A responsible job or a serious conversation awaited you, and you were full of enthusiasm to do everything perfectly, but... after a few minutes you were distracted by Facebook, email, a snack... The brain is overloaded with information, you are tired, but the job is worth it, and it becomes successful someone else. John Gray, by the way, the author of the best-selling book about the relationship between Mars and Venus, has conducted thousands of studies to find remedies that improve brain function, enhance memory, concentration and performance, and now presents truly revolutionary ideas!

14. Eliezer Sternberg “Neurology. What explains the strange actions that we do unexpectedly for ourselves?

Can't spot the optical illusion? Do you hear voices in your head? Don't remember what you did last summer? Our brain is not yet capable of such tricks. Eliezer Sternberg, an experienced scientist and neurologist, writes about the anatomy and physiology of the brain, the psyche (healthy and not), human relationships and other complex topics in a very accessible, engaging and gentle humor. There are many in the book amazing facts from the author’s personal medical practice.
After reading it, you will learn to understand your own behavior and actions, even the most inexplicable ones, learn a lot about the causes and consequences of the actions of other people, and also expand your knowledge base about the powerful, bizarre computer “built-in” in your head.

15. Miyamoto Tetsuya “KenKen.” Japanese brain training system"

KenKen is a Japanese brain training system that will help improve memory, attention, logical thinking. KenKen was invented by Tetsuya Miyamoto, a teacher from Yokohama. At first, he just wanted to help the students, to make sure they weren’t bored in class. But as a result, he invented an intellectual brain trainer that is already loved and known by 3,000,000 people in Japan and the USA, Australia and Germany, India and the United Arab Emirates. "KenKen" means "wisdom squared" in Japanese. It has been scientifically proven that KenKen develops cognitive abilities in young people and maintains brain activity in people after 30 years of age.

16. Sveta Goncharova “Online career for mothers”

Sveta Goncharova, founder of the popular online resource for mothers, according to own experience knows how difficult it is to find your own business and become successful. In her book, she provides guidance for action. What should you be prepared for when starting to work on the Internet? How to achieve success in your business? What can you do right now? The author also examines in detail options for making money on the Internet for mothers. He explains how a traffic specialist differs from an SMM specialist, what affiliate programs are and how you can make money with them, how to open your own online store, whether blogging is profitable and much more.

17. Twyla Tharp “The habit of working together. How to move in one direction, understand people and create a real team"

An indispensable book for leaders, managers and anyone who wants to learn how to work in a team. The author tells how to build teamwork in a company, how to communicate and collaborate with different people(with friends, with institutions, work outside your control, with virtual partners, with those higher in status than you, work with “toxic” partners) and offers a lot of practical advice.

18. Daniel Smith “Think like Bill Gates”

By the 1980s, Bill Gates had turned his company, Microsoft, into one of the most successful on the planet. All this happened thanks to his talent not to follow demand, but to predict market developments and anticipate events. The products created by Gates' company have virtually completely captured the market, and there is no room left for competitors. Time magazine named Gates one of the hundred most influential people of the 20th century, and the extraordinary biography of Bill Gates will serve good example everyone who wants to develop their business, achieve success in their career, and realize their most ambitious plans.

19. Clark Duncan “Alibaba. The history of world ascension"

An insider's revelation of how one man built a global corporation that can take on giants like Walmart and Amazon. In just ten years, Jack Ma, a former English teacher, founded and built Alibaba Group, whose shares broke records in 2014, reaching $25 billion. This book is not exactly a biography of Jack Ma. And certainly not a guide to conquering the planet. This is an inside look, a unique opportunity to meet an unusual entrepreneur, recharge with his ideas and energy. And see another world.

20. Fedor Konyukhov “My path to truth”

The legendary Russian traveler Fyodor Konyukhov became the first person on the planet who managed to row across the Southern Pacific Ocean“from continent to continent.” 160 days and nights of struggle, trials, incredible perseverance and amazing endurance! What does a man think about as he crosses the Pacific Ocean alone on a rowboat? How to overcome fear and doubts? Where does he find strength and determination to continue his journey, despite mortal fatigue and danger? What is happiness in his opinion? In the book, Fyodor confesses to us about this journey, about his thoughts and feelings, about the truths that he found in his faith and in God. Freedom without borders, available only on such a journey, allowed Fyodor Konyukhov to open a unique path of self-knowledge, so that each of us would open our soul to God and find him there.

The thirtieth birthday is considered to be the milestone beyond which, ideally, all our doubts about who we are and what we want from life should remain. In practice, things are not so good with self-determination: some are tormented by the search for themselves until retirement age. To prevent you from being one of them, we present to your attention a selection of the 10 best books on self-development.

It is not necessary to master them all, and even more so before the age of 30; it is never too late to learn new things and recognize yourself.

1. Neil Fiore “The Easy Way to Start a New Life”

About what? We often promise ourselves to bring something new into our lives - join a sports club or quit smoking - but rarely does anyone actually follow through. American psychologist Neil Fiore believes that it is not only our habits that prevent us from reaching the finish line, but also the peculiarities of our brain’s functioning. We like to put things off, we are afraid of the unknown - in general, we complicate our lives. Fiore’s book teaches how to get rid of this “baggage.”

2. James Surowiecki "The Wisdom of Crowds"

About what? We are accustomed to using the word “crowd” in a negative sense. The book's author, James Surowiecki, has a different opinion. Having carried out historical, economic and psychological research, the American journalist came to the conclusion: when we are together, we make better decisions. Say, if you are moving in a stream of people leaving the stadium after football match, then you are unlikely to get lost: the crowd will definitely lead you along the right path. This self-development book also contains other examples that will allow you to take a fresh look at society and teach you how to benefit from many situations.

Why read? To stop being afraid of crowds and irritated by crowds in transport. Understanding group psychology will also help you improve your relationships with colleagues and develop your mental abilities.

3. Tina Seelig “Do It Yourself”

About what? In her book, Tina Seelig, a professor at Stanford University, actively shares with readers the secrets of entrepreneurship and new paths to success. But its main idea is not at all that everyone needs to strive for big business. Making yourself, according to Tina, means trying new things, expanding the boundaries of thinking and not thinking of yourself as a person who cannot change. The author invites us to use every chance to express ourselves and avoid the boundaries that society, leaders or family members so readily place on us. Tina recalls the student habit of asking the question “Will this be asked in the exam?” And he advises never to miss the opportunity to “be amazing,” that is, allow yourself to express your abilities to their full potential.

4. Kate Ferazzi “Never Eat Alone”

About what? Not so long ago it was considered almost immoral to use personal acquaintances (blat) when promoting; we were taught that what you do is more important, and not who you know. However, the fact that one does not interfere with the other, but rather helps, was rarely mentioned. You can be a professional, but still remain unnoticed; beautiful and smart, oh positive qualities which a limited number of men know; good person, who finds it difficult to communicate and fight his loneliness. Connections and acquaintances really decide a lot. Successful businessman Keith Ferazzi explains in detail how to start and maintain them using simple communication skills.

5. Regina Brett “God Never Blinks”

About what? In this self-development book, American journalist Regina Brett, who overcame an oncological diagnosis, collected her life experience. And she summarized it in 50 lessons, following which we can become happy. Perhaps the main one is the ability to live now, without postponing anything for “ special occasion“or relying on the distant “I’ll do this when I get married/change jobs/move, grow up (underline as appropriate).” It is clear that Regina had every reason for this - her illness left her no other choice. But we can do the same, without waiting for the same impulse from fate as the author had.

All lessons in the book are presented in the form of short and well-structured articles.

6. Ken Robinson "Calling"

About what? Vocation, psychologists say, is a meeting of abilities and passion. That is, when “a thing that you really like” and “a thing that is great” coincide. Remember the phrase of Confucius, “Choose a job you like, and you will never have to work a day”? How to do this is explained in his book by Ken Robinson, a leading expert in the field of creative thinking, education and innovation.

7. Kelly McGonigal “Willpower: How to Develop and Strengthen”

About what? Literally everything depends on our willpower: physical health, financial success, career, relationships with others - unless, of course, you plan to live the life of an unassuming amoeba. But few manage to develop willpower: more often than not, we give up halfway. The author of the book, Stanford University professor Kelly McGonigal (not to be confused with the “British scientists”!) knows how to achieve the intended goal. She summarized the results of the latest research in the field of applied psychology, added a little history, interesting facts and subtle humor, as a result of which this unusually useful book appeared.

Why read? To develop not only willpower, but also a lot of accompanying qualities: patience, composure, punctuality. And also to overcome laziness and find the strength to do everything that was never possible to complete.

8. Steve Harvey “Act like a woman, think like a man”

About what? Steve Harvey, the host of a super-popular program in the United States about gender relations, directly and in detail answers in this book the questions that have been tormenting us for so long: what do men really think about relationships with women? What can and should not you ask of your man? What five questions should you ask a man to understand how serious his intentions are?

About what? The birth of a child is a great event in the life of every married couple. And both parents need to be prepared for it. As a rule, women do not have any big problems with preparation (mental and physical), but men, when they hear about two lines on the test, often feel lost. This book will help you come to your senses and make the transition from a carefree life to fatherhood. Caring wives just need to leave it in a visible place, and the process of “rebirth” will be launched.

10. Vladimir Yakovlev “The Age of Happiness”

About what? The author correctly notes: the first 30 years of life are a time of learning and gaining experience. The second thirty are spent on self-realization. However, given that the average life expectancy is 80-90 years, after 60 a person still has another third of life. How to live long and make the most of all these parts is up to you. The self-development book contains stories of people different ages and nationalities from which we should take an example now, without waiting until we become the same age as the heroes.