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Oryol State Agrarian University named after Parakhin. Oryol State Agrarian University

Date of entry of the operator into the register: 30.06.2016

Grounds for entering the operator into the register (order number): 47

Operator location address: 302019, Orel region, Orel, st. Generala Rodina, 69

Start date of personal data processing: 08.12.1992

Subjects of the Russian Federation on whose territory personal data is processed: Oryol region

Purpose of processing personal data: maintaining accounting and personnel records, fulfilling the requirements imposed by law Russian Federation functions, powers and responsibilities in the field of education, monitoring the reliability of information about the results of the Unified state exam submitted by applicants, compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, registration of residents of the hostel and visitors, compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of processing data from dissertation councils, execution and maintenance of legal documents, compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education for the preparation of scientific- teaching staff, compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education for training foreign citizens, migration registration, provision social protection students, Providing reference, bibliographic and library services, services for using archives, Maintaining military records and reservations of citizens, Implementing editorial, publishing and printing activities, Maintaining the university website

Description of the measures provided for in Art. 18.1 and 19 of the Law: The operator has appointed the person responsible for organizing the processing of personal data, and the instructions for the person responsible for organizing the processing of personal data have been approved. Audit carried out information systems personal data of the operator for compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ, local acts have been developed on the processing of personal data, as well as local acts establishing procedures aimed at preventing and identifying violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation, eliminating the consequences of such violations. The operator carries out internal control over the compliance of the processing of personal data with the Federal Law “On Personal Data” and the regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with it, requirements for the protection of personal data, the operator’s policy regarding the processing of personal data, and the operator’s local acts. The plan for internal checks of the personal data protection regime is approved by the operator’s local act. The operator’s employees directly involved in the processing of personal data are familiar with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data, including requirements for the protection of personal data, documents defining the operator’s policy regarding the processing of personal data, local regulations on the processing of personal data (under signature) , and (or) training of these employees. The operator’s employees directly involved in the processing of personal data are obliged to maintain the confidentiality of personal data. The operator's employees processing personal data without the use of automation tools are informed of the fact of their processing of personal data, the processing of which is carried out without the use of automation tools, the categories of personal data being processed, and signed a notice of the fact of processing personal data without the use of automation tools. The operator has issued and published on the website a document defining the operator’s policy regarding the processing of personal data. When maintaining a journal containing personal data necessary for a one-time pass to the operator’s territory, the conditions stipulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 15, 2008 No. 687 are observed. Processing of personal data, carried out without the use of automation tools, is carried out in such a way that in relation to each category of personal data storage locations for personal data (tangible media) are determined and a list of persons processing personal data or having access to it is established. Accounting of computer media of personal data is carried out. Rules for access to personal data processed in the ISPD have been established. The level of security of personal data during its processing in ISPD has been determined in accordance with the requirements for the protection of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 1, 2012 No. 1119. Monitoring is carried out over the measures taken to ensure the security of personal data and the level security of personal data information systems. Threats to the security of personal data were identified in the specific conditions of the operation of the ISPD, and Models of threats to the security of personal data during their processing in the operator's ISPD were developed. The operator has appointed a responsible user of crypto-funds, identified users of crypto-funds, approved the Instructions for the responsible user of crypto-funds and the Instructions for the User of crypto-funds.

Categories of personal data: surname, first name, patronymic, address, marital status, education, direction of training or specialty according to the education document, information contained in orders, information about ownership foreign languages, other information necessary for the purpose of complying with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, information about the availability of individual achievements, residential address, information about education, Unified State Exam results, qualifications according to the document on education, information about academic performance, form of education, citizenship, specialty, contact numbers, gender, information about citizenship of another state, information about Olympiads, group number, information about social benefits, information about changes in citizenship, information about children , place of work, course, photograph, information about change of name, faculty, identity document details, information about passing a medical examination, place of study, information about close relatives, registration address, order details

List of actions with personal data: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (provision, access), blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data

Processing of personal data: mixed, without transmission over the internal network of a legal entity, without transmission over the Internet

Legal basis for processing personal data: Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Budget Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law dated 06.12.11 No. 402-FZ “On Accounting”, Federal Law dated 17.12.01 No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” Federation", Federal Law dated December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ "On compulsory pension insurance in the Russian Federation", Federal Law dated April 1, 1996 No. 27-FZ "On individual (personalized) registration in the compulsory pension insurance system", Federal Law dated 07.24.09 No. 212-FZ “On insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Mandatory Fund health insurance", Charter, approved by order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated July 28, 2015 No. 109-u, Certificate of state accreditation dated January 30, 2017. Series 90A01, No. 0002611, License to carry out educational activities dated November 16, 2016. Series 90Л01, No. 0009537, Agreements concluded between the operator and the subject of personal data, Consents of personal data subjects for the processing of personal data, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 25, 2014 N 793 (as amended on June 3, 2015) “On approval of the rules for the formation in the notification procedure list of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the competition should be published scientific degree candidate of sciences, for the scientific degree of doctor of sciences and requirements for peer-reviewed scientific publications for inclusion in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the scientific degree of candidate of sciences, for the scientific degree of doctor of sciences should be published", "Policy of the federal state budgetary educational institution higher education"Oryol State Agrarian University named after N.V. Parakhin" in relation to the processing of personal data", Family Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law dated December 21, 1996 No. 159-FZ "On additional guarantees for social support for orphans and children without parental care", Law of the Russian Federation dated March 11, 1992 N 2487-1 “On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation”, Federal Law of December 29, 1994 N 78-FZ “On Librarianship”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2006 N 719 “On approval of the Regulations on military registration” , Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ “On military duty And military service", Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 15, 2013 N 706 "On approval of the Rules for the provision of paid educational services", Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 6, 1995 N 309 "On the establishment of scholarships of the Government of the Russian Federation for graduate and undergraduate students government organizations carrying out educational activities according to educational programs of secondary vocational education and higher education", Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 6, 2013 N 443 "On approval of the Procedure and cases of transfer of persons studying in educational programs of secondary vocational and higher education from paid training for free”, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 14, 2015 N 1147 “On approval of the Procedure for admission to study in educational programs of higher education - undergraduate programs, specialty programs, master’s programs”, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 03.26.2014 N 233 “On approval of the Procedure for admission to study in educational programs of higher education - programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school”, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 1, 2013 N 499 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and carrying out educational activities for additional professional programs", Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 13, 2014 N 112 "On approval of the Procedure for filling out, recording and issuing documents on higher education and qualifications and their duplicates", Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 19, 2013 N 1367 "On approval of the Procedure organization and implementation of educational activities in educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialty programs, master's programs", Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 19, 2013 N 1259 "On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in educational programs of higher education - programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (postgraduate studies)", Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 27, 2015 N 1383 "On approval of the Regulations on the practice of students mastering basic professional educational programs higher education", Federal Law of August 23, 1996 N 127-FZ "On Science and State Scientific and Technical Policy", Federal Law of May 2, 2006 No. 59-FZ "On the Procedure for Considering Appeals from Citizens of the Russian Federation", Federal Law of July 18 2006 N 109-FZ “On migration registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation.”

Availability of cross-border transmission: No

Database location information: Russia

The Oryol Agricultural Institute was founded in 1975, in 1995 it acquired the status of an agricultural academy, which in 1999 was transformed into the Oryol State Agrarian University.

The university is currently a large, dynamically developing educational, methodological, research and cultural center in the region.

In 2007, Oryol State Agrarian University was the winner of the competition of innovative educational programs of priority national project"Education".

In 2012 - Laureate of the competition “100 best universities Russia" in the category "Best Innovative University".

In 2014, Oryol State Agrarian University took first place among Oryol universities and fourth place among Russian agricultural universities in the “National University Ranking” according to the Interfax information group.

In 2000, on the basis of the university, the “Association of Scientific and Educational Complex - Oryol State Agrarian University” was created, which included leading research institutions of Russia and the Oryol region, which made it possible to ensure the effective use of intellectual, financial, information resources in the agro-industrial complex system of the region .

Since 2011, FSBEI HPE Orel State Agrarian University has been a member of the Visegrad Association of Universities - a union of agricultural and natural science universities Eastern Europe. In 2015, Orel State Agrarian University was the first among agricultural universities to become members of the Eurasian Association of Universities, which unites more than 130 universities in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Ukraine.

The university is one of the co-founders and active participants of the Association of Agrarian Universities of the Central Federal District Russia, where, as an educational institution with high rates of research work, it supervises scientific direction activities of the organization.

Close interaction between Orel State Agrarian University and leading universities in Russia and the world allows us to actively adopt and develop advanced approaches to improvement based on new knowledge and technologies. educational process in the context of reforming the global economy, promote the development of ties between youth organizations and university workforces, and introduce uniform requirements for the content of university education for the world community.

The University provides targeted advanced training of specialists for the innovative economy, as it implements educational programs that correspond to priority areas of modernization and technological development economics, agribusiness: “Electric power and electrical engineering”, “Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes”, “Biotechnology”.

The traditional agricultural areas of training “Agronomy”, “Animal Science”, “Veterinary Science”, “Agroengineering” are recognized as the leader in agricultural education by the Guild of Experts in the Field of Vocational Education and the National Center for Social and Professional Accreditation within the framework of the ongoing project “The Best Educational Programs of Innovative Russia”.

Implementation of educational programs, corresponding to the priority areas of modernization and technological development of the Russian economy, agribusiness and developed with the participation of employers and business structures, is carried out in 13 areas of undergraduate study, 11 areas of master’s, specialty “Veterinary Medicine”, 8 specialties of secondary vocational education, 9 areas of postgraduate study and 2 doctoral studies. Integrated educational programs provide practice-oriented training for workers, mid-level specialists, bachelors, specialists, masters, and highly qualified personnel.

Composition of Orel State Agrarian University: 4 faculties (agribusiness and ecology, biotechnology and veterinary medicine, agricultural technology and energy supply, economics); Institute of Civil Engineering; institute professional retraining and advanced training; Research Institute for Rural Social Development, multidisciplinary college; specialized scientific departments (including Scientific Research and Production Center “Integration”; regional departments of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural Economics, the Federal State Budgetary Institution All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Operation and Repair of Machine and Tractor Fleet, the All-Russian Research Institute of Animal Husbandry named after Academician L.K. Ernst, the Federal State Budgetary Institution All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Phytopathology); scientific library; information technology support department; laboratories distance learning; veterinary diagnostic center, etc.

Development of a network interaction system between the university, agricultural enterprises and the business community, the development of public-private partnerships in the field of agricultural education contributes to the formation of a modern material and technical base, the creation of modern bases for organizing practical training for students.

As part of the development of a network form of training, together with the companies OJSC Agroservice and LLC Technodom, we created classrooms, which included new models of equipment from the KZ Rostselmash plant and the John Deere company.

Priority areas of cooperation with agribusiness: creation of specialized laboratories and demonstration centers of resource-saving technologies for agricultural production; organization of branches of departments in production; organizing internships for students with subsequent employment; provision of consulting services; conducting research on orders from business entities in the agro-industrial complex; training and retraining of personnel, conducting training seminars and master classes; development of technical regulations and conditions, testing of pesticides, agrochemicals and new breeding achievements; reading problem lectures by invited researchers and specialists; employment of graduates.

Development innovative technologies and quality management systems education ensured by the use of new educational technologies in the educational process, creating conditions for the functioning of the electronic information and educational environment, introducing electronic and telecommunication technologies, on the basis of which the development of distance technologies and e-learning. A qualitative update of educational and methodological support for the educational process was carried out, educational materials, providing independent work students, funds are being formed both for assessing the competencies of graduates and for disciplines in the context of areas of training for bachelors and masters.

Independent external assessment of training quality: Internet examination in the field of vocational education (FEPO); open international student Internet Olympiads; Internet simulators in the field of education, etc.

Inspections of the quality management system were successfully carried out, confirming the quality certificate of compliance of the QMS of FSBEI HPE Orel State Agrarian University with the requirements of ISO 900/:2008 and GOST ISO9001-2011 standards.

The university operates educational process management automation system"1C: PROF University".

Orel GAU has highly professional staff scientific and pedagogical workers, including 1 academician and 2 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 54 doctors and 240 candidates of sciences, honored workers high school, agriculture of the Russian Federation, economists, scientists, honorary workers of higher professional education, agro-industrial complex, science and technology, the sphere of youth policy of the Russian Federation. The degree level of scientific research assistants is 81.6%, including doctors of science - 18.4%. Middle age teachers - 42 years old.

Currently, the Oryol State Agrarian University is the largest platform in the region for generating advanced scientific ideas, accumulating new knowledge, introducing it into production and educational process. It has become a tradition to hold major scientific events with international and all-Russian status at the university. Thus, representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the Governor of the Oryol region, leading domestic and foreign breeders, and heads of the agricultural complex from many regions of Russia, near and far abroad took part in the XI International Symposium on Buckwheat. In 2014, the International scientific-practical conference“Strategy for adaptive resource- and energy-saving crop production in the 21st century”, dedicated to scientific heritage Academician A.A. Zhuchenko and the Youth Scientific and Practical Conference “Socio-economic development of the agro-industrial complex in the context of Russia’s membership in the WTO and the Euro-WEC”. As part of the annual Field Day, the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Plant Protection: Challenges, Innovations, Prospects” was held in July 2015. Scientists from Orel State Agrarian University are always at the forefront of problems in priority areas in scientific, technological and innovation activity on the development of the agro-industrial complex in the Oryol region and in Russia. They are developing proposals for improving legislation in the field of developing infrastructure for innovative activities in the agro-industrial complex, supporting agricultural producers and young specialists in rural areas, forming a scientific, educational, innovation complex of the agro-industrial complex, developing targeted and specialized programs for scientific, technological and innovative development Agro-industrial complex, participation in the creation and operation of a system of information and consulting services in rural areas, implementation of research, scientific-production and implementation activities within the framework of specific projects and orders of ministries, departments, grant-giving funds, organizations and farms.

The university has always given priority to organization scientific activity students, graduate students and scientific and pedagogical workers. Structure of the university's scientific departments: research part; 5 collective use centers (CCCs) equipped with the most modern analytical equipment; innovative research testing center(INIIC), which includes 6 laboratories; demonstration site of resource-saving technologies in the agro-industrial complex; Scientific Research and Production Center "Integration"; Russia's only All-Russian Research Institute for Rural Social Development.

Integration university science with production, business community, academic science is successfully implemented through the creation and efficient work University scientific and educational complex, the active participants of which are the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Orel State Agrarian University, the Federal State Budgetary Institution All-Russian Research Institute of Leguminous and Cereal Crops, the Federal State Budgetary Institution All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Breeding of Fruit and Berry Crops, National Park"Oryol Polesye", FSUE "Oryol Land Management Design and Survey Enterprise", FSBI "Novosilsk Zonal Agroforestry Experimental Station named after. A.S. Kozmenko”, Federal State Budgetary Institution “Shatilovsk Experimental Agricultural Station”.

Joint scientific research fundamental and applied nature, participation in competitive and grant activities, formation of new scientific schools and the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel is carried out in regional departments at Orel State Agrarian University, leading specialized research institutes: All-Russian Research Institute of Animal Husbandry named after. Academician L.K. Ernst, Federal State Budgetary Institution All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural Economics, Federal State Budgetary Institution All-Russian Research Institute of Repair and Operation of Machine and Tractor Fleet (GOSNITI), FGBNU All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Phytopathology.

The practical application (implementation) of the results of intellectual activity is effectively implemented by 9 small innovative enterprises created on the basis of the university.

The result of the active involvement of students in the field of research and innovation activities is that their scientific works receive high marks at competitions and olympiads held annually in Russia (Annual All-Russian competition achievements of talented youth “National Treasure of Russia”, All-Russian competition for the best scientific work among students, graduate students and young scientists of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, All-Russian competition scientific and technical creativity youth NTTM, All-Russian competition of national, creative and research projects“Pearl of Russia”, etc.).

International cooperation is an integral part of the activities of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Oryol State Agrarian University. The priority directions for the development of the university in the international sphere are the expansion of active international relations university with leading foreign universities, participation in international programs and projects for grants, internships for teachers, students and graduate students abroad.

At the Oryol State Agrarian University, all conditions have been created for conducting joint educational projects with partner institutions in Europe, the USA and neighboring countries in order to improve the quality of services provided. This activity is carried out on the basis of contracts and cooperation agreements with foreign universities. Currently, the total number of international agreements is 40; in 2014, 6 new cooperation agreements were concluded. Active joint work is also underway within the framework of events of the Visegrad Association of Universities and the Eurasian Association of Universities.

Educational activities at the Oryol State Agrarian University are the most important systemic component in general structure educational activities are carried out purposefully and plannedly, integrating in its content the efforts of different departments of the university. Identification and development creativity students, the formation of an active civic position, the preservation and enhancement of moral, cultural and scientific values, good physical training in modern life- these are the main mechanisms that the University Youth Center successfully implements.

The creative studios of the Youth Center play a huge role in the education of young people, where students have the opportunity to study for free in various clubs and studios.

The student movement is widely developed at the university. This helps students adapt to modern conditions industrial relations, develop initiative, independence and increase your level of training.

Oryol State Agrarian University located in 18 educational and laboratory buildings, the main educational and laboratory base of the university is located at the address: Orel, st. General Rodina, 69. All educational and laboratory buildings are accessible to persons with disabilities disabilities. The area of ​​the university's land plots is 5802.05 hectares, with academic buildings, dormitories and auxiliary premises with a total area of ​​119.16 thousand square meters located on it. m. On the territory of the university there is a large beautiful park of valuable trees and shrubs.

Full-time undergraduate and postgraduate students studying within the admission target limits, depending on their success in educational activities and financial situation, by decision of the scholarship committee scholarship is awarded. Scholarships, being monetary payments, are divided into state academic scholarships, state social scholarships, personal scholarships: scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation, scholarship of the Government of the Russian Federation, scholarship of I.N. Shatilova and others. State scholarships The President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation are appointed to students and graduate students who have achieved outstanding success in educational and scientific activities in accordance with the provisions approved by the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation. State academic scholarships are awarded to full-time students in the absence of an intermediate grade of “satisfactory” and academic debt at the end of the session. State social scholarships are awarded to students in need of social assistance. Personalized scholarships are established by the authorities state power, local governments, legal entities and individuals and are assigned to students and graduate students.

The university has five dormitories for 1305 seats. The provision of hostel accommodation for non-residents is 69%. All university residence halls are accessible to persons with disabilities. The dormitory has a recreation room and a gym. Medical care students are provided by city clinic No. 2 and a health center with 4 rooms located in dormitories, where appointments are carried out by a university doctor and clinic doctors. Students undergo inpatient treatment in city hospitals. Fluorographic examination of students, vaccinations against diphtheria, encephalitis, hepatitis, and preventive measures are regularly carried out.

To organize meals for students created following conditions: the university has two canteens with 300 and 220 seats, six buffets in academic buildings. For classes physical culture The university has 3 gyms, a sports ground with an area of ​​9866.0 square meters, equipped with modern training equipment. The site is available to students and employees of the University. There are sports sections in which over 300 students participate. Every year a comprehensive sports competition is held in mini-football, cross-country skiing, swimming, volleyball, basketball, weight lifting, etc. The swimmers team is the strongest among educational institutions in the region. Some students are members of the region's national team for swimming, karate wrestling, skiing, football, and basketball. For development creative potential For student youth, a Youth Center has been organized on the basis of Orel State Agrarian University, equipped with modern equipment, on the basis of which a theater studio, choir, and vocal and instrumental group operate. Reviews and competitions of amateur artistic performances of faculties, discos, “University Spring” holidays, KVN, etc. are regularly held.

Agriculture, forestry and fisheries

Veterinary and Animal Science

Construction equipment and technologies

Industrial ecology and biotechnology

Forms of training


Education levels


Admissions Committee of OrelSAU

schedule Operating mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 08:00 to 17:00

Latest reviews OrelSAU

Tatyana Romanova 11:37 07/08/2013

Thinking about my future career after graduating from school, I made a firm decision to become an engineer with a specialty in “Real Estate Expertise and Management,” and the choice of my new place of study fell on one of the largest universities in the city of Orel - OSAU. Why did he attract me? Perhaps the biggest advantage of this university is the presence budget places for medalists. For those who studied at school with “excellent” marks, the doors of this educational institution always open. As for the rest of the applicants, the competition is...

Anna Filatova 00:20 04/25/2013

Orel is called the city of students, because in this administrative center with 400 thousand inhabitants there are about 15 higher educational institutions. Therefore, when aiming to become an accountant, the choice of educational institution was quite wide. Why did I choose OrelSAU? At the time of admission (2006), the Faculty of Economics of OSAU was considered the best in the city, since all teachers of the accounting department worked part-time as accountants. As a gold medalist, I entered without any problems,...

General information

Federal state budget educational institution higher education "Oryol State Agrarian University named after N.V. Parakhina"

Colleges OrelGAU

  • College Oryol State Agrarian University named after. N.V. Parakhina


No. 02468 valid indefinitely from 11/16/2016


No. 02485 valid from 01/30/2017

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for OrelSAU

Indicator2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
Performance indicator (out of 5 points)4 5 6 7 5 4
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study56.85 57.72 58.51 57.22 56.30 58.62
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget62.05 62.18 63.97 63.72 59.63 60.77
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis53.93 52.96 52.44 53.06 51.14 57.22
Average in all specialties minimum score Unified State Exam for full-time students55.59 52.83 55.12 55.45 40.68 45.55
Number of students4480 4453 4362 5217 5842 6224
Full-time department1826 1825 1966 2171 2696 2839
Part-time department5 5 8 29 0 0
Correspondence department2649 2623 2388 3017 3146 3385
All data