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Interesting facts on the topic: About teachers, children and parents. Questions for Teachers on Teacher's Day to Conduct Interviews

Getting the initial general education in educational organizations begins when children reach the age of six years and six months in the absence of contraindications for health reasons, but no later than they reach the age of eight years

  • Are school admissions interviews legal?

In accordance with Art. 67 of the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, conducting tests, competitive selections in general educational institutions upon entry to the level of primary general education is not allowed. Moreover, in the Constitution of the Russian Federation this level of education is defined as universal and free, that is, it does not imply any special selection of students.

  • In what cases can a school refuse admission? Who enjoys priority enrollment rights?

In reception at educational organization may be refused only due to lack of vacancies.
Citizens who live in the territory assigned to the school by the relevant local government authorities have a preferential right to enroll in a general education institution.
For children not registered in the assigned territory, acceptance of applications for first grade begins on July 1 and continues until the empty seats are filled, but no later than September 5 of the current year. If all children assigned to a given territory are admitted to first grade, then the institution has the right to admit children not registered in the assigned territory before July 1.

  • What is “Extracurricular Activities”?

Federal State Educational Standard a wide range is expected educational services within the organization extracurricular activities students.
10 hours are allocated for extracurricular activities in the classroom, through which the educational institution implements additional educational programs, student socialization program, educational programs. The school provides students with the opportunity to choose a variety of activities aimed at developing the student. According to the new standards for primary general education, the hours allocated for extracurricular activities, are used at the request of students and their parents and aimed at implementation various forms its organization, different from the lesson system of education. Classes are conducted in the form of excursions, clubs, sections, project activities, round tables, conferences, debates, work of school scientific societies, olympiads, competitions, search and scientific research etc. Classes can be conducted not only by teachers educational institutions, but also teachers of additional education institutions.

  • What to do with a “left-hander”?

Do not retrain your child under any circumstances, this can lead to psychoneurological disorders (increased excitability, stuttering, enuresis, sleep disturbance, etc.). Now there are special recipes for left-handed children; discuss with the teacher the possibility of teaching your child using them.

  • Do I need to send my child to clubs and sections from the beginning of the school year?

It is better to do this later, when the child adapts to school. But if the child really wants it, let him. But do not study in many sections and circles at once, do not overload your child. He should have “just free time.”

  • Do they give grades in the first grade, because parents want to know about their child’s progress?

In the first grade, learning is grade-free. This is justified by the fact that the child is at the very beginning of his educational journey. The teacher will support the student with verbal assessment. It is important that it be positive.

  • What is the length of the school year for first-graders in a four-year elementary school?

The duration of the school year for first-graders is no more than 33 weeks, vacation time during the school year is no less than 37 days. Academic year can be divided into trimesters or four of different duration academic quarters, during which additional holidays are organized for first-graders in the third quarter or second trimester.

  • What is the length of the working week?

The teaching load in the first grade increases gradually: in September–October, three lessons are taught daily. The rest of the time is filled with targeted walks, excursions, physical education classes, educational games. Since November, 4 lessons have been held daily.

  • How long is a lesson in first grade?

The duration of the lesson is 35 minutes with the obligatory conduct of two physical minutes of 1.5 - 2 minutes each.

  • Can a child rest during a lesson?

For this purpose, physical education minutes, eye exercises, and finger exercises are carried out. Teachers try to diversify the types of activities students do in class in order to redirect the child’s attention. All this helps reduce first-grader fatigue in class.

  • Is it necessary for a child to be able to read and write by 1st grade?

Not necessary. The ability to put words together from syllables is not yet the ability to read. Your children will be taught to read and write in first grade.

  • What should you pay attention to when preparing your child for school?
    First of all, the future schoolchildren’s ability to communicate with peers will be important, because he will not only have to study in a group, but also interact with them. A child in a family should have his own small responsibilities. This creates a sense of responsibility to society - family, class. In addition, the future first grader must have self-care skills: wash, change clothes and put on shoes without outside help, and keep their things in order.
  • If a child is often sick, and he is already 7 years old and it’s time to go to school. What should I do?
    At the moment, in the general education system there are several forms of education for children who have reached school age. If a child has a chronic illness or is disabled, the attending physician may recommend that the parents of such children use home-based education. The school will tell them what documents, in addition to the application, are necessary for the child to study at home.
  • Is school uniform required in 1st grade?
    The issue of school uniforms is decided individually in each teaching staff. The opinion of the majority of parents Lately leans in favor school uniform. Uniform disciplines children and is an attribute that distinguishes a preschooler from a student. And this is precisely what, as a rule, all children dream of first when entering school - they are now first-graders.
  • How do first-graders eat at school?
    As a rule, after the second lesson, hot breakfasts are organized for first-graders. The menu is approved jointly by two ministries - health and education; large families and the poor eat for free.
  • What do children do during recess?
    They are resting. Moreover, rest should be active, because after a lesson, which involves the student remaining in a monotonous working position, the child needs relaxation.
    During breaks, mobile and active people are allowed Board games(children play standing). The main thing is that safety rules are followed during the game, and schoolchildren do not accidentally injure each other, imitating the aggressive actions of heroes of modern films.
  • What is “extension”?
    Group extended day is created in all schools and at the request of parents who want their child to be under the supervision of experienced teachers at the end of classes.
    The extended day group provides lunch (for a fee, “unless your child falls into a preferential category), a walk, and developmental activities.
  • Why don’t teachers give grades in 1st grade, because parents would like to know about their child’s progress?
    In 1st grade, learning is truly grade-free. This is justified by the fact that the child is at the very beginning of his educational journey. By the end of the first year of study, one can already judge one or another degree of success of a junior student.

In 1st grade the main emphasis is on acquiring skills educational work. Verbal or symbolic assessment is also often present in the work of a teacher with a student. It is important that it be positive.

  • Where and what textbooks should I buy for a first grader?
    Textbooks are usually provided to schoolchildren free of charge. The teacher may recommend that students purchase additional aids. This issue is discussed at parent meeting. If necessary, textbooks are purchased centrally for the entire class.
  • How is the leisure time of first-graders organized after school?
    You can get an answer to this question at your school, which will offer students clubs, sports sections, theater studios or other types of developmental activities.
  • Can a child go home alone after school?
    Responsibility for the health of the child outside of school during non-school hours lies with his parents. The school ensures the safety of students during their stay in educational institution. Before the start of classes, teachers receive students from their parents “hand to hand,” and at the end of lessons or after-school work, teachers give the children only to their parents or close relatives.
  • How is education organized for children with disabilities?

The law defines a student with disabilities:

  • A person with disabilities in physical/psychological development.
  • Person having limited opportunities health, confirmed by PMPC.
  • A person needs to create special conditions during training.

Persons with disabilities may be disabled children, children with behavioral problems, children with delays mental development etc.
Admission of persons with disabilities to school is carried out in accordance with the general procedure for the child’s admission to school. It is worth noting here that the results of a medical examination before entering school and the results of the PMPK examination should not contain in the conclusion any contraindications for entering a public school. Therefore, if there are no contraindications, a child with disabilities cannot be denied admission to school. In order for a student with disabilities to be able to fully study in educational institutions, principles of inclusive education. This means that special needs children must be provided with equal access to education, taking into account different needs and individual capabilities.

Dear parents! Your baby will soon be starting school, and we understand and share the excitement that you and your child are experiencing. Usually, from year to year, parents of future first-graders ask us the same questions. We will try to answer them and hope that our many years of experience in primary school will provide you with practical assistance and support your child during the period of adaptation to a long and interesting school life.



Frequently asked questions by parents of first-graders.

Dear parents! Your baby will soon be starting school, and we understand and share the excitement that you and your child are experiencing. Usually, from year to year, parents of future first-graders ask us the same questions. We will try to answer them and hope that our many years of experience in primary schools will provide you with practical assistance and support your child during the period of adaptation to a long and interesting school life.How to choose a school?
The choice of school depends on your goals. You can send your child to secondary school, gymnasium or private lyceum. In any case, it is good if the school is located close to home - it is convenient for the whole family.

If you are interested in the content side educational process, then it is best to talk about this topic with the head teacher primary classes, who will answer questions about the programs and educational kits available at the school.

Talk to the head teacher about your child’s health, perseverance and individual characteristics. As an experienced teacher, he will help you select a candidate teacher who, together with you during the four years of study, will solve emerging problematic issues.

At what age can you bring your child to school?
If on September 1 of the current year your child is at least six and a half years old, or better yet seven. It is by this age that the hand is almost completely formed, which is important for writing. In addition, at six and a half to seven years old, children develop conceptual apparatus necessary for learning and understanding the rules.

What should you pay attention to when preparing your child for school?
First of all, the future schoolchildren’s ability to communicate with peers will depend on his ability to communicate with peers, because at the age of 11 he will have to not only study in a group, but also interact with them. A child in a family should have his own small responsibilities. This creates a sense of responsibility to society - family, class. There are families where the child is allowed a lot. He gradually leads his relatives, who indulge him in everything, considering him an exceptional creation of nature. It will be very difficult for the teacher to find mutual language with such parents - at first they do not understand the complexity of the situation, and then for a long time they do not admit their mistakes. In addition, the future first grader must have self-care skills: wash, change clothes and put on shoes without outside help, and keep their things in order.

Our child is often sick, and he is already 7 years old and it’s time to go to school. What should I do?
Currently, in the general education system, there are several forms of education for children who have reached school age. If a child has a chronic illness or is disabled, the attending physician may recommend that the parents of such children use home-based education. The school will tell them what documents, in addition to the application, are necessary for the child to study at home.

Is school uniform required in 1st grade?
The issue of school uniforms is decided individually in each teaching staff. The opinion of most parents has recently leaned in favor of school uniforms. Uniform disciplines children and is an attribute that distinguishes a preschooler from a student. And this is precisely what, as a rule, all children dream of first when entering school - they are now first-graders.

Is it necessary for a child to be able to read and write by 1st grade?
Not necessary. The ability to put words together from syllables is not yet the ability to read. Many children have difficulty mastering this complex mental operation - you shouldn’t push them! Reading and writing skills must be developed using special methods. As a result of such training, children develop ideas about speech, sounds and letters.

The main skills in reading are understanding the text read, analyzing the situation described, answering questions after reading.
It’s good if, before school and in 1st grade, you will read good old fairy tales with your child, which will help you raise a sympathetic, sensitive, modest person.

What do they ask a child when registering for 1st grade?
At an interview organized for the purpose of getting to know a future first-grader, the child’s maturity of those skills, knowledge and skills that are provided for in the preschool general education program is checked.

According to the program preparatory group In kindergarten, when enrolling in 1st grade, your child must:
- Know your first and last name, address, names of family members.
- Know the seasons, names of months, days of the week, be able to distinguish colors
- Be able to count groups of objects within 10.
- Be able to increase or decrease a group of objects by a given amount (solving problems with groups of objects), equalize many objects,
- Be able to compare groups of objects - greater than, less than or equal to
- Be able to combine objects into groups: furniture, vehicles, clothes, shoes, plants, animals, etc.
- Be able to find the odd one out in a group of objects - for example, remove a flower from the “Clothing” group.
- Be able to express your opinion by constructing a complete sentence.
- Have basic ideas about the world around us: about professions, about living things and inanimate nature, about the rules of conduct in public places
- Have spatial representations of right, left, up, down, under, above, because of, from under something.
- Be able to communicate culturally with other children.
- Listen to your elders and follow their orders

How to properly organize a student’s workspace at home?
Buy your first grader a desk. Then the child will be able to organize and put school supplies in desk drawers and learn to maintain order in the workplace.

It is better if the lighting is on the left. The curtains need to be moved to the side - the main light should come through the upper third of the window. You can buy a first-grader a desk and a chair with adjustable height, and bookshelves for school supplies. When purchasing furniture, be sure to take into account the height of the child. With a height of 1 m - 1 m 15 cm, the height of the table top above the floor should be 46 cm, and the height of the chair seat should be 26 cm. With a height of 1 m 15 cm to 1 m 30 cm, the height of the table should be 52 cm, and the height of the chair - 30 cm It is important that the students’ feet are on the floor, their backs touch the back of the chair, and their palm can fit between the lid of the desk and the child’s chest.

How do first-graders eat at school?
As a rule, after the second lesson, hot breakfasts are organized for first-graders. The menu is approved jointly by two ministries - health and education; large families and the poor eat for free.

What does a student need to purchase for 1st grade?
1. Book covers.
2. Covers for notebooks
3. Checked notebooks.
4. Lined notebooks
5. Fan of letters.
6. Fan of numbers.
7. Set geometric shapes.
8. Counting daddies.
9. Ruler
10. Handles (blue, green, red).
11. Simple pencils.
12. Bookmarks for books.
13. Colored paper
14. Colored cardboard
15. White paper
16. Scissors with blunt ends.
17. Sketchbook or folder for inking in A4 format, brushes,
18. Glue.
19. Plasticine, board.
20. Colored pencils.

22. Sports uniform (- for the street, - for the gym), sports shoes (sneakers).

Note : all first-grader clothes should be signed or marked with a symbol.

What if the child is left-handed, and most children write with their right hand?
Under no circumstances should you go against nature and retrain your child. This could lead to serious problems with his health. In addition, special manuals are now being published for left-handed children, in particular “Copybooks for first-graders with difficulties in learning to write and left-handed children” by M. M. Bezrukikh. The consequences of retraining left-handed children are most often of a psychoneurological nature: sleep disturbance, increased excitability, enuresis.

Are there excursions for first graders?
Yes, museums and exhibition halls offer many excursions to first-graders, but are they ready for these visits? During the first half of the year, children adapt to school, the foundations of the children's team and skills of cultural behavior in public places are formed. We believe that it is better to organize school educational excursions to museums and nature only from the second half of the 1st grade. On weekends, we recommend family excursions, because a culture of behavior is formed during individual conversations, when the mother carefully explains to the child what can be done and what behavior is unacceptable in certain cases.

Are there any special features in the daily routine of first-graders?
Of course, first-graders should have a special daily routine. Lessons last 35 minutes, with a big dynamic change in the middle of the school day. At first, there are only 3 lessons in the schedule of first-graders, so that it is easier for them to get used to a new type of activity - educational.

Make sure your first grader follows a daily routine. This will help your child become organized. You can make your own amendments to the daily routine, but it is better not to change the main routine points. They are important for the child's health.

What do children do during recess?
They are resting. Moreover, rest should be active, because after a lesson, which involves the student remaining in a monotonous working position, the child needs relaxation.
During breaks, outdoor and board games are allowed (children play while standing). The main thing is that safety rules are followed during the game, and schoolchildren do not accidentally injure each other, imitating the aggressive actions of heroes of modern films.

What kind of help does a first grader need in math?
Do not stop the first grader from bending his fingers when counting: in this way, he counts the elements of the set, in this case, his fingers. You can count any homogeneous objects - pencils, rulers, etc. Make sure that the child denotes the number of elements in each group with a number (a sign on the letter) and does not confuse the concepts of “number” and “digit”! Sets can be compared - more or less, and equalized - adding or subtracting elements so that both sets have the same number of elements. It is better to count within 10. If your child names numbers up to 100, this does not mean that he can count in the sense in which we, adults, do it.

What is “extension”?
An extended day group is created in all schools and at the request of parents who want their child to be under the supervision of experienced teachers at the end of classes.
In the extended day group, lunch is provided (for a fee, unless your child falls into a preferential category), a walk, and developmental activities. As a rule, the extended day group works until 17.30.

Why don’t teachers give grades in 1st grade, because parents would like to know about their child’s progress?
In 1st grade, learning is truly grade-free. This is justified by the fact that the child is at the very beginning of his educational journey. By the end of the first year of study, one can already judge one or another degree of success of a junior student.

In grade 1, the main emphasis is on acquiring academic skills. Verbal or symbolic assessment is also often present in the work of a teacher with a student. It is important that it be positive.

Where and what textbooks should I buy for a first grader?
Textbooks are usually provided to schoolchildren free of charge. The teacher may recommend that students purchase additional aids. This issue is discussed at the parent meeting. If necessary, textbooks are purchased centrally for the entire class.

Is it possible to give money to a child for school?
If you think your child doesn't have enough school meals, give him an apple or a sandwich. First-graders may not spend the money they receive from you on food. The spending of money by children of this age should be under the control of their parents.

Does a first grader need a diary?
A standard diary must be filled out by the student in its entirety, but it is difficult for a first-grader to do this - he does not yet understand the columns and does not know how to write well.. With the help of a diary this is done Feedback with parents.

How is the leisure time of first-graders organized after school?
You can get an answer to this question at your school, which will offer students clubs, sports sections, theater studios or other types of developmental activities.

Do children have the opportunity to relax during class?
For this purpose, physical education minutes, eye exercises, and finger exercises are carried out. In addition, primary school teachers try to diversify the types of activities students do during lessons in order to redirect students’ attention. All this helps to reduce the fatigue of first-graders in class.

Is there homework in 1st grade?
There is no homework in 1st grade. However, if you want to develop high-quality writing, reading, and counting skills in your child, then do not give up training exercises that a teacher can offer, no one has ever managed to learn how to swim in a bathtub.

Can I wear it to school? mobile phone?
This decision depends on the administration of the educational institution. We do not recommend that first-graders carry a mobile phone to school - the temptation is great to call mom at the slightest reason or play an electronic game during class. In addition, an expensive phone can excite unhealthy interest classmates.

Can a child go home alone after school?
Responsibility for the health of the child outside of school during non-school hours lies with his parents. The school ensures the safety of students during their stay in the educational institution. Before the start of classes, teachers receive students from their parents “hand to hand,” and at the end of lessons or after-school work, teachers give the children only to their parents or close relatives.

We remember absolutely nothing about sounds and letters and are afraid of confusing the child. What should I do?
There is an insert in the middle of the book that your child can use during grammar and math lessons. The insert will also help you remember the most important language concepts. Here you will find cards with in block letters and numbers. Letter and number are conventional signs, indicating the sound and the number of elements of the set. Colored triangles and squares are symbols the sounds we make and hear. Before a first grader learns to spell them, he will be able to recognize vowels (red) and consonant sounds. Consonants are voiced and voiceless, hard (blue) and soft ( green color). All this knowledge is necessary for a student to master competent writing. Learn a simple rule with your child: “We pronounce and hear sounds, we see and write letters.”

How to organize help for a first-grader in his studies?
1. Make sure that your child studies at the same time and adheres to the schedule for a first grader.
2. Don’t despair if your child doesn’t immediately succeed the way you want. Remember your experiences in 1st grade.
3. Learn to accurately set a learning task for your child, but no more than one, because it is difficult for him to maintain attention on several objects. For example: “Try to smoothly connect the syllables into words”, “Try to write carefully new letter" etc.
4. The main thing for educational training is a positive emotional attitude, creating a situation of success in which a qualitatively new result will certainly be achieved.
5. Never compare your child with anyone, because he is an individual. Personally oriented approach to teaching and raising a child involves studying his personal successes, his personal growth relative to himself. Support your child in a difficult situation with the words: “I am sure that you will succeed.”
6. Organize effective assistance to the first grader. For example, show him how to carefully cut out cue cards for class work, which will help the teacher timely prevent your child from making serious mistakes when mastering basic concepts in academic subjects.
7. Teach your child to pack his briefcase every day, preferably the night before, but don’t do it for him.

Can I bring toys to school?

Yes, you can. Play activity Still significant for a child, a favorite toy often represents a friend; you can play with it during recess with your classmates. It is better if the toy is not bulky and has no sharp corners. Unfortunately, modern children often do not play mother-daughter or other role roles that enrich their communication. Children do not always imitate the positive heroes of television films, so we advise you to monitor what your child watches.

Children often quarrel over any issue. What to do?
The issue of conflicts in relationships between people is not a simple one and concerns not only children. Unfortunately, when interfering in children's quarrels, adults often act so illiterately that they only aggravate the situation. Parents simply forbid their child to be friends with a friend. This is necessary only in the most extreme case, when the concept of friendship no longer corresponds to the existing relationship.

If adults do not know the motives of the conflict, then you should listen to both sides in turn (sometimes there are more), without assessing the children’s actions until the situation becomes clearer. In any case, the quarrel is most often the fault of the quarrels themselves, who do not know how to give in to each other and do not want to compromise. You will have to teach your child the ability to communicate for a very long time, preferably by example. If you want to raise an honest person, then teach your child to admit his mistakes, starting with the words “I’m guilty...”.

Should a child be punished for lack of academic success?
This is not recommended, because the first grader has not yet learned anything. You can punish for disobedience. However, remember that you cannot punish with labor or deprivation of a walk. A carelessly completed task needs to be redone, but not late in the evening.

Try to instill confidence in your child, cheer him up and tell him how best to complete the task. Praise your first grader even for the smallest successes, and then you won’t have to think about punishment.

Every year at the beginning of October we celebrate Teacher's Day. A teacher is one of the most important figures in the life of every person, because not only with what knowledge, but also what kind of person you enter adulthood depends on him.

To find out what today's students think of their teachers, we conducted a short survey among students from different schools.

“What do you think an ideal teacher should be like?” We asked this question to Georgiy Berandze, an 11th grade student at school No. 1. He answered this question like this:

“An ideal teacher is one who can instill in his student that he is an individual, that he is a full-fledged member of society, that his views are shared and accepted in the right way, that he has the right to his opinion, and this opinion is listened to... An ideal teacher should the first “contact” with the child, “select” the necessary material and “present” it so that the child becomes interested.”

“What is the pride of a teacher?” Irina Snegovaya, a 10th grade student at school No. 7, answered this question as follows:

“A teacher’s pride lies in his love for his students, his desire not only to help them love and master your subject, but also to educate them as individuals who know how to choose their own path in life.”

The following question was asked to Anna Skorospelova, a 9th grade student at school No. 1

“If you were a teacher, what subject would you teach?” The answer was:

"I would teach English language. Even though it is difficult, I really enjoy studying it because it inspires me. I also love to travel and study the history of other countries.”

“Why is the teaching profession so important and necessary?” Vladislav Scriabin, an 8th grade student at school No. 2, answered this question as follows:

“We come to school as stupid kids. The teacher takes us by the hand and leads us to knowledge. We go through life with him for 11 years, experiencing our first ups and downs. We learn to read, write, and learn a lot of new things. Teachers lead us along the road of knowledge, showing us the route, and we develop it, try to follow it. And we succeed, because there are people nearby whom you can always turn to for help and support, this is what the profession of a teacher is for!

We asked a 5th grade student at school No. 1 the question: “Do you think the teaching profession is eternal?”

The answer was as follows:

“I think that this is an eternal profession, because without a teacher, no society can develop.”

We asked the last question to a student who had just entered the threshold of school knowledge - first-grader from school No. 1 Sofya Zhuravleva: “What impression did your first teacher make on you?”
Here's what Sophia replied:

“Nadezhda Vladimirovna Mitrofanova made a lot of positive impressions on me. She is very kind, sensitive, caring and will always help with Hard time. I am very glad that I was in her class.”

Our dear teachers! Congratulations on World Teachers' Day! We highly appreciate the generosity of your loving hearts, your patience and understanding, dedication and love for us - your students! We wish you the best health, vigor of body and spirit, joy from your hard work and every success in your personal life! May you be surrounded by respect and love, goodwill and mercy, cheerfulness and our gratitude!

9th grade students high school No. 1 Polina Panikarova and Snezhanna Bogdanova

Teacher Interview Questions

1. When did you want to become a teacher?

2. Where did you study?

3. How did you study at school?

4. What do you remember from school life?

5. Which lessons did you like and which did you not like?

6. How many years have you been working at the school?

7. Do you feel nervous before meeting your class for the first time?

8. What were you thinking when you went to your first lesson?

9. What do you like and dislike about your job?

10. What do you like to do at home?

11. What do you think about when you go to school? And from school?

1. I wanted to become a teacher while still at school.

2. I studied at the Kostroma Pedagogical Institute named after Nekrasov (full-time).

3. I studied well at school.

4. I remember a lot from school life. For example: In 9th grade

I sang with a guitar, I remember very well the review of the formation and the songs at which we marched. My teacher pinched my arm for bad behavior (Laughs).

5. My favorite lessons are algebra, physical education and music. My least favorite lessons are history and biology.

6. I have been working at school for 23 years.

7. Before the first meeting with the class, I was a little worried.

8. Going to the first lesson, I thought that it wouldn’t be difficult for me. I will always find a common language with high school students.

9. What I don’t like about my job is that they don’t pay me enough, but I love my job.

11. When I wake up in the morning, I already think about school, and when I go to school I think that this is my job. But when I return from school, I think about work again.

1. IN kindergarten I wanted to become a teacher.

2. I studied at the Sharya Pedagogical School.

3. At school, of course, I studied at 4 and 5.

4. I remember my favorite class, my first teacher, the class teacher with whom we still meet, I remember harvesting on collective farms.

5. I loved mathematics and literature. I didn't like physics and chemistry.

6. I have been working at school for 18 years.


8. Going to the first lesson, I wanted to please the students, the guys.

9. In my work, I like communicating with children and helping children learn new things. I don't like the heavy workload at work.

10. At home I love to do flowers, growing vegetables and knitting.

11. Walking to school, I think about what the coming day has in store for me! And, on my way home from school, what awaits me at school tomorrow?

1. I wanted to be a teacher as a child. She loved to play school and always played the role of a teacher.

6. I have been working at school for 17 years.

7. I’m always worried, even when I just didn’t see my class in the summer.

8. When I go to the first lesson in a new class, I think about how to make the kids like the new one. academic subject, how to establish friendly relations with them, how to make them want to learn.

9. I love my job. She allows me to realize my abilities, but takes a lot of time away from the time that should be devoted to my family.

11. Going to school, I think that every lesson makes my students more educational, well-mannered, prepares them for future life in society. Walking home from school, I think about my family, about what I have to do for work in the evening.

1. I wanted to become a teacher when I was in primary school.

2. She studied at the Grishinsky school, then at the Galich Pedagogical College.

3. At school I studied at 4 and 5. I graduated from school with one 3 in drawing.

4. I remember school holidays, final exams, graduation party, September 1, when I went to first grade.

5. Favorite lessons: Biology, Literature. I loved the rest of the subjects equally, there are no unfavorite subjects.

6. I have been working at school for almost 14 years, and immediately after graduating from college I started working at school.

7. I always get nervous before meeting my class for the first time.

8. Going to my first lesson, I think about how new students will perceive me, how to instill a love for the subject.

9. I like everything about the job, but it takes a lot of time.

11. I think differently every time.

1. I wanted to become a teacher when I was studying at primary school, at home with my friends I often played school.

2. First, from grades 1 to 9 at school No. 4 named after Krasovsky in the city of Galich, then at school No. 3 (grades 10–11), then at the Galich Pedagogical College.

3. I studied well.

4. I remember during school (class) events with a competitive program and tea drinking, how we were accepted into the October ranks, into the Pioneers, into the Komsomol.

5. I really loved almost all the lessons, with the exception of physical education and labor. For some reason I didn’t like them much.

6. I work at this school immediately after graduating from pedagogical school. August 15th was my 21st year of working.

7. Yes.

8. Going to the first lesson, I think whether they will like my subject, whether I can instill in them a love for my subject.

9. I like everything about my job, but it all takes a lot of time.

11. I have a lot of thoughts.

Nechaeva Natalia Anatolyevna:

1. In 8th grade I decided to become a teacher. Since childhood, I played school with my sister.

7. The first meeting is always special, of course I’m excited, I’ll always remember my trial lesson in 4th grade.

8. I thought about how to make our first meeting interesting and memorable.

9. I love everything about my work, it’s a shame for those children who, for some reason, don’t want to study.

2. I studied first at the Rossolovskaya school from grades 1 to 8, then at the Orekhovskaya school (grades 9-10). Before becoming a teacher, I graduated from the Kostroma State pedagogical institute named after Nekrasov.

3. I was not an excellent student, but I studied with grades 4 and 5.

4. I remember that we had a good class. We still communicate with some of our school friends. I remember very well one of the Zarnitsa events, which took place between Orekhovskaya and Rossolovskaya schools. I remember how the Lenin Garden was laid out. I also remember how I was the chairman of the Komsomol organization.

5. Since I am a teacher of Russian language and literature, these were my favorite lessons.

6. I have been working at school for 20 years.

7. When I first met the class, I was, of course, nervous.

8. Going to the first lesson, I thought about making my explanation clear and interesting to the children.


11. When I go to school, I think about having a good day. When I return home, I think about tomorrow and analyze the past day.

1. I wanted to become a teacher after finishing school.

2. From 1st to 4th grade I studied at primary school No. 5 in Ungheni. From 5th to 9th grade I studied at school No. 1 in Sharya. After graduating from school, I entered the Sharya Pedagogical College in Sharya. After graduating from college, I entered Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University them. .

3. I studied well at school.

4. School life was busy. Most of all, I remember the various sporting events that took place in our city, and in which our school took an active part.

5. Favorite subjects are English, physical education and literature. Least favorite subjects: mathematics, physics, geometry.

6. This is my first year working at school.

7.Before the first meeting with the class, I felt natural excitement.

8. I didn’t think about anything.

9. I find it difficult to answer.

10. I like to listen to music, work with the computer, and I like to do photography.

11. I think about the things that need to be done in a day. When I leave school, I think that no, there is nothing more wonderful than working at school.

1. All my life I wanted to become a teacher, that is, from primary school.

2. Pedagogical school (Galich).

3. At school I studied at 4 and 5.

4. Well remembered New Year, because the high school students staged the play “Cinderella”, and I also remembered the Graduation Party and trips around their native land.

5. Favorite subjects: literature and history, but there are no unfavorite lessons.

6. I have been working at school for 38 years.

7. I have been worried for 38 years.

8. I was worried, I thought about how the children would understand me well. I also experienced anxiety because of the double class.

9. I like everything.

11. Walking to school, I think that now I will meet with the guys, how to make it interesting, walking from school I think about the same thing.

1. I wanted to become a primary school teacher.

2. My first years of study were spent at the Nagatinskaya school, then at the Rossolovskaya school (up to 8th grade), then at the Orekhovskaya school. Before working as a teacher, I graduated from the Galich Pedagogical College.

3. I studied well at school.

4. I remember how we lived in the first building of the Rossolovskaya school, and I also remember that we had a large class of 24 people.

5. My favorite lessons were mathematics, but my least favorite was labor.

6. I have been working at school for 14 years.

7. Of course, I was worried, you don’t know what to expect.

8. How to teach.

9. I like to communicate with children. I don't like the fact that there is a double class this year.

10. I love to cook and cross stitch.

11. When I go to school, I think about lessons, about the children, whether everyone will come, whether everyone is healthy. Walking home from school, I think about my children.

1. After school I decided to become a teacher.

2. I graduated from the Galich Pedagogical College.

3. I studied with 4 and 5 grades.

4. I remember pioneer training camps.

5. Favorite subjects: Literature, geography, biology.

I didn't like geometry.

6. I have been working for 15 years.

7. I'm very worried.

8. Going to the first lesson, I thought that the lesson would go well, so that I would find contact with the children.

9. I like everything, but it’s a very difficult profession that requires a lot of patience and work.

10. At home I like to grow flowers.

11. I think that I will meet my kids again, walking from school, I am happy if the day went well. If it didn’t go well, then I ask a question.

Hello, friends of the Family and Children blog! This article is about how to use questions to make things interesting. family communication. Children's questions help parents understand what really worries their children. When children ask their parents questions, they encourage them to look back on their lives or think about the future by sharing their opinions. We'll also look at how to answer any questions your children may have. Believe me, for parents, this is a great opportunity to find out children's interests, since their questions are about life, childhood, children, education and relationships.

This can bring amazing mutual pleasure from communication. The questions on this list avoid sensitive topics so they won't put parents in an awkward position. Many of them were suggested to us by our daughter, her friends and the small children of our friends.

  1. Which car will you choose - imported or domestic?
  2. How often do you exceed the speed limit or break driving rules? Have you been fined by the police for this?
  3. Have you ever been arrested or detained by the police for breaking the law?
  4. Why do people become homeless and homeless?
  5. If there was a war, would you go to fight?
  6. What do friends mean to you? How to become a good friend to other people?
  7. Can you tell us your bravest action? What were your feelings then?
  8. Which dreams do you consider stupid?
  9. If you were given money with the opportunity to spend it only for certain purposes: to complete a family trip around the world, buy a big house, or send your children to study at a prestigious foreign university, what choice will you make?
  10. What is your attitude towards constant advertising on TV? What was it like during your childhood?
  11. What music is your favorite? What songs did you like when you were a teenager?
  12. Do you like to go to work? What is the best job?
  13. What is your attitude towards young people and teenagers who smoke? Did you smoke when you were young, at what age and when did you first smoke? Why don’t you quit smoking (applies to parents who smoke)?
  14. Are you afraid of something in life or have you been afraid before?
  15. How does today's fashion differ from the fashion of your childhood or adolescence? Which fashion is better and why?
  16. Having the opportunity to get your life back, how would you like to live?
  17. Are you afraid of tearing or filling your teeth?
  18. Why do some parents buy or allow their children everything, while others do not?
  19. Why are adults embarrassed to cry?
  20. Where would you like to live: in a city, a village, another country?
  21. What should parents teach their children that they are required to know or be able to do? (We recommend that you find out).
  22. Do you like communication on social networks or not? Why do parents often not like it when their children are on VKontakte or Odnoklassniki?
  23. Did you have a good relationship with your parents?

Children's questions: studies, teachers, education

  1. Did you run away from class, disrupt classes, skip school? Did your parents get you for this?
  2. Did you respect your teachers? What was your favorite lesson?
  3. If I’m too lazy to go to school, what will you do, how will you react? (We recommend reading about it)
  4. When you were a schoolboy, did you always do your homework? Have you copied other people's homework? What grades did you study for?
  5. Did your classmates treat you normally? Were you bullied at school by bullies, high school students or classmates?
  6. What was your attitude towards your classmates? Were you bullied by classmates, weak children, or were you a bully?
  7. Did you like studying at school, college, or institute? Why?
  8. Have you ever fallen in love with a teacher?
  9. Today, to get well in life? Will you insist on this if the children don’t want to get it? What is the best education?
  10. Is it easier to study now or during your childhood?

Questions about parents' childhood

  1. When you were children, did you also drink fish oil? Were you punished for refusing to drink it?
  2. Have you ever wanted to leave home?
  3. Did you have complexes when you were teenagers, why?
  4. Have you been sick often? How did your parents treat you? Did you enjoy being sick?
  5. Did you lie to your parents? How did they find out about the deception, what did you do for it? What will you do if you find out that your children are deceiving you?
  6. Did they give you pocket money? How did you manage them?
  7. Have you had any? How did you get rid of them?
  8. What toys did you like to play with as a child? What were they like? What games were your favorite?
  9. Did you often fight with other guys? Were you punished for this?
  10. Did you run away from home? If you didn’t run away, did such thoughts and desires come to you?
  11. Have you ever gotten drunk as a schoolboy or teenager? What was your parents' reaction?
  12. How Why do parents say that self-discipline is important for children?
  13. Did you try drugs when you were young? Were any of your friends drug addicts? What is your attitude towards drug addicts?
  14. Did you love sweets when you were a child, what were your favorites? How often did they buy them for you?
  15. What did you like to eat when you were children? What was your favorite food?
  16. Would you call your childhood happy or unhappy?
  17. Were you a mischief maker or a calm child? Did your parents get into trouble with their teachers because of you?
  18. What were you into when you were a teenager, what sports? Did you like to kick the ball?
  19. Were you forced to do housework?
  20. Did you like going on vacation with your parents? Went to the sea? Where did you like it the most?
  21. Did you like going to children's holiday camps? Are you sending your children to children's camp today?
  22. How did you like to have fun when you were teenagers? How did the children have fun then?
  23. What could cause you a strong feeling of disappointment, resentment when you were children?
  24. Did your parents buy everything you wanted?
  25. What did you dream of being when you grew up? What profession did you like and why?
  26. Who were you most afraid of - mom or dad?
  27. Did you have your own private room? Were you allowed to design it at your own discretion?
  28. What hairstyle did you wear when you were teenagers? How did you like to get your hair cut?
  29. When you were a child, did you steal from stores? Did you want to take something unnoticed?
  30. What did your parents call you as a child?
  31. What's the coolest thing you did with your friends when you were teenagers?
  32. Were you afraid of doctors when you were a child? Have you had any surgery?
  33. When did you first go to a disco?
  34. Were you a problem child or not? Were you often punished? (You might be interested in reading: ?)
  35. What's the worst thing your parents said to you?

You will love the video of adults answering children's simple questions.

Children's questions about relationships

  1. What was your first meeting with mom/dad like? Were your dates beautiful, unusual or simple, how long did you date?
  2. Your parents quarreled, made scandals among themselves, what were your feelings then?
  3. Why do parents quarrel or make trouble among themselves? Is there anything children can do to stop them fighting?
  4. At what age did you get married? Is it sooner or later? When should children think about starting their own family?
  5. Who was your first love? Did you break up or not? (If you want then read the article about it).
  6. Have you ever been jealous of each other and why?
  7. Have you ever regretted getting married?
  8. Do you love your parents, our grandparents? Why then do we rarely go to them?
  9. Who do you love more - me or your mom, dad, grandpa, grandma?
  10. You a good relationship with parents?

Questions for parents about children

  1. Have you always wanted to have children and how many? If you didn’t have children, what would you do then, what would you do?
  2. Do you want to always live in the same house with your children, even when they are adults?
  3. Is it bad when kids show their character or not?
  4. You love me; Why? Am I your favorite child and will always be your favorite?
  5. How can children ruin your mood?
  6. Do children have to go to any classes or not?
  7. How can children earn the trust of their parents and adults? When will they be able to trust them?
  8. What children's programs, films, cartoons do you think are useful for children? What were they like in your childhood?
  9. Can you adopt a child? What is your attitude towards adopted children?
  10. How many children would you like to have? Who are there more - boys or girls?
  11. Is it true that parents, when angry at their children’s behavior, stop loving them? If not, why do they say so?
  12. Did your parents communicate with you often? Why do you rarely, little talk to me? (You might be interested in: ?)
  13. Is it true that when there is only one child in a family, he will definitely grow up to be selfish? Why do they say this?
  14. When will you be proud of your children? What should they be?
  15. Does a teenager have the right to keep his secrets from his parents? Is he obligated to tell them everything?
  16. What kind of wedding would you like to have for your children - big, chic or modest, small?
  17. What are you willing to do for the sake of your children? Then why can't you give them some time every day?
  18. How to cope with children's complexes?
  19. Should a teenager have pocket money or not?
  20. What were you most afraid of when you had children?
  21. Why is it that when children don't listen, parents say they don't love them anymore?
  22. Why do parents beat or abandon their children?
  23. It happens that you hate your child, why?
  24. What kind of future do parents dream for their children?
  25. What is more important to you: work or children? Can you work less so you can spend more time with me?
  26. Did we get sick often as children? How did you treat us?
  27. What is the most pleasant and interesting thing you can remember from your children’s childhood?
  28. Why are parents upset with their children?
  29. Did you want a son or daughter more?

Children's questions for adults

  1. Why should children sleep with their eyes closed during the day? Why does the boy sleep with his eyes open?
  2. Where do children come from, how do they appear? How did such a big baby come out of your belly? What did he eat and do in his stomach since he was not born for so long?
  3. Why don't people walk on water and breathe underwater?
  4. Why do birds fly but people don't?
  5. What is hail, snow, rain? Why are they falling from the sky? Where are they in the sky?
  6. Why doesn't an ostrich fly if it's a bird?
  7. Why do women give birth and men not?
  8. Why are women's breasts large and men's breasts small?
  9. What is sex?
  10. Why is the sky sometimes blue and sometimes red?
  11. Why don't big clouds fall from the sky? How do clouds stay in the sky?

By the way, remember, when children ask about “wrong, difficult questions,” they don’t care much about your answers.

Children's philosophical questions

  1. Why do people die? What is death?
  2. Why do people get divorced and abandon their children? Why is it forbidden to see mom or dad after a divorce?
  3. Why do people fight, kill moms, dads, children?
  4. Can people live peacefully? What needs to be done for this?
  5. Why do many children have parents who drink constantly?
  6. What is hell? Do kids go there? Will I go to hell too? Why does grandma scare me with this?
  7. Tell me, should children and parents have the same faith or not? Does a teenager have the right to choose it himself?
  8. Who is God? Can he be seen? How to meet him?
  9. Why do people get sick? Can people not get sick?
  10. What is a smart and stupid person? Why does my mother sometimes call me smart and sometimes stupid?

How to answer children's questions

Simple and honest, without guile. Openness and honesty of parents in their answers will contribute to openness and honesty of children. Children want to know, to see their parents not behind the “screen” of severity or uncertainty. They want to see us as we are in life. What we were, what we have become.


Children will never stop asking “why, why, how?” Over time, the complexity of the questions only changes. They don't ask to pester parents. Rather, questions are a genuine desire and attempt to understand the unknown. Thus, children learn about the world, the people around them and their parents, which helps shape the child’s thinking.

The list of children's questions in this article establishes a good exchange of thoughts between parents and children. Parents' answers to the questions on this list will help children see them in ways they have never known before.

Best regards, Andronik Oleg / Anna!