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Basic research. International Journal of Experimental Education Science Perspectives magazine VAC

The magazine publishes original articles in Russian and English, corresponding to the topic of the publication according to its headings.

The editors do not accept for consideration materials with more than three co-authors, with the exception of articles based on the results of experimental studies.

An article submitted for publication must be relevant, contain a statement of objectives (problems), a description of the main research results obtained by the author, conclusions and comply with the rules of presentation. Articles with text uniqueness of at least 70% are accepted for publication (


By the address [email protected] The following materials are accepted:

  • Country, city (village);
  • Academic title (if available);
  • Academic degree (if available);
  • Job title;
  • Place of work (study) in the nominative case;
  • Email;
  • ORCID ID (;
  • Scopus ID.

2) Article text:

  • UDC;
  • Direction of the article;
  • Title;
  • Abstract (at least 17 lines); ->
  • Key words (up to 7 phrases);
  • Text of the article (it is strongly recommended to be divided into sections: introduction, materials and methods, research results, discussion of results, conclusion); ->
  • Literature - recommended amount: more than 15 sources, including foreign literature(articles from magazines, included in the Web of Science and Scopus databases).


The text of the article must be proofread by the author, who is responsible for the scientific level of the published material, and contain illustrative material (figures, tables)

Scope of the article:

  • up to 10 pages for graduate students
  • from 10 to 20 pages for candidates or doctors of science

File format - Word (*.doc or *.docx)

Font - Times New Roman

Font size - 14 pt

Line spacing- single

Alignment - width

Margins - all 20 mm

Tables and graphs— in Word, Excel or jpeg images

Formulas - in the Microsoft Equation editor, in the center

Textual references to the literature used in the text of the article are required. Lists of extra-text links are grouped in alphabetical or numerical order.Beyond the text bibliographic reference repeat the bibliographic information about the object of reference available in the text of the document:

21. German M.Yu. Modernism: art of the first half of the 20th century. St. Petersburg: ABC-classics, 2003. 480 p.
34. Nikonov V.I., Yakovleva V.Ya. Algorithms for successful marketing. M., 2007. pp. 256-200.

To communicate with the text of the document, the serial number of the bibliographic record in the textual reference is given in square brackets in the line with the text of the document.

In the text:

A general list of reference books on terminology covering the time no later than the middle of the 20th century is given by the work of bibliographer I.M. Kaufman.

59. Kaufman I.M. Terminological dictionaries: bibliography. M., 1961.

In the text:


10. Berdyaev N.A. The meaning of the story. M.: Mysl, 1990. 175 p.

The list of references in Russian is drawn up in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008.


  1. All scientific articles received by the editors of the journal “Perspectives of Science and Education” and corresponding to its topics are subject to mandatory review for the purpose of their expert assessment.
  2. The executive secretary, as well as the editorial board of the journal, determines the article’s compliance with the journal’s profile, formatting requirements and sends it for review to a specialist (Doctor of Science or Candidate of Sciences) who has the scientific specialization closest to the topic of the article, as well as who has published publications on the subject being reviewed over the past 3 years articles. If a request to review an article submitted by the author is refused, the editors of the journal “Prospects for Science and Education” send a reasoned response to the author.
  3. The deadlines for reviewing in each individual case are determined by the executive secretary of the journal, taking into account the creation of conditions for the fastest possible publication of the article.
  4. The review covers the following issues:
  • does the content of the article correspond to the topic stated in the title;
  • to what extent the article corresponds to modern achievements of scientific and theoretical thought;
  • whether the article is accessible to the readers for whom it is intended, in terms of language, style, arrangement of material, clarity of tables, diagrams, drawings and formulas;
  • is it advisable to publish an article taking into account previously published literature on this issue;
  • what exactly are the positive aspects, as well as the shortcomings of the article, what corrections and additions should be made by the author;
  • it is recommended taking into account the correction of the shortcomings noted by the reviewer or the article is not recommended for publication in the journal.
  1. Reviews are certified in accordance with the procedure established in the institution where the reviewer works.
  2. Reviews are conducted confidentially. The author of the article under review is given the opportunity to familiarize himself with the text of the review. A violation of confidentiality is possible only if the reviewer claims that the materials contained in the article are unreliable or falsified.
  3. If the review contains recommendations for correcting and finalizing the article, the executive secretary of the journal sends the text of the review to the author with a proposal to take them into account when preparing a new version of the article or to refute them with reason (partially or completely). The article revised (revised) by the author is sent againfor review.
  4. An article not recommended for publication by the reviewer will not be accepted for re-review. The text of the negative review is sent to the author by e-mail or fax.
  5. After reviewer acceptance positive decision The executive secretary of the journal informs the author about the admission of an article for publication and indicates the publication deadline. The text of the review is sent to the author by e-mail or fax.
  6. The original reviews are stored in the editorial office of the journal “Perspectives of Science and Education” for five years. The editors of the journal undertake to send copies of reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation upon receipt of a corresponding request by the editorial office.
  7. Articles are accepted according to the established schedule:

    • in No. 1 (January/February) - until 1 February of this year (issue - 1 Martha);
    • in No. 2 (March/April) - until 1 April of the current year (issue - 1 May);
    • in No. 3 (May/June) - until 1 June of this year (issue - 1 July);
    • in No. 4 (July/August) - until 1 August of the current year (issue - 1 September);
    • in No. 5 (September/October) - until 1 October of this year (issue - 1 November);
    • in No. 6 (November/December) - until 1 December of the current year (issue - 1 January).
  8. Acceptance of articles may be carried out in subsequent collections depending on the occupancy of the issue portfolio.

Science is certain knowledge that is confirmed by theory and practice. In science, there may be assumptions about the existence of some processes for further work in this area. Science is based on a certain school of development for all those who want to grow higher higher education develop all areas of prospects that will help grow in certain areas in education, politics, health care, culture, economics and other areas. Some sciences can develop independently without changing their purpose or name. Basically, science should grow and provide various new techniques for working in the scientific field of activity.

Problems in science exist only because scientists, despite the fact that there are many conferences, the Internet, and other sources for work, are not always tested for the moral application of scientific discoveries. Science, like all living beings, must develop from younger to older with moral evolution and all scientific work should go towards developing an increase in the morality of the country and the people living in this country. There should be no moral exceptions for immoral actions outside the country. The evolution of scientific discoveries must correspond to the correct interpretation, for example: scientific discovery It is believed that atoms and molecules change their structure, as exemplified by the water atom. Its atomic mass, when changes in the structure of the atom appear, should normally be less because the formula of water, without changing, has changed the molecular weight due to the fact that the evolution of the atom develops from the youngest to the oldest in the vertical direction. Water has a state of aggregation: ice, liquid, steam, just as the structure of the physical body has a state of aggregation: dense material, mental and spiritual. Since evolution develops from matter to spirit, then water must develop along with the evolution from material to spiritual. Spirit is not matter and has a different structure, lighter, although the formula may not change. Due to the fact that spiritual processes have time in speed with fast-flowing processes, therefore, compared to matter, spiritual substances are lighter. IN modern world water has a different atomic and molecular weight.

The origin of many diseases associated with the animal world exists due to the increase in moral processes in the evolution from matter to spirit. Time works in favor of morality and all immoral evolutions that occur in corpses, in meat and in the animal world, intended for meat products that are grown on artificial nutrition, are accelerated, and the processes of manifestation of corpse poisons and their effect on the body of the one who eats corpses are also accelerated with cadaveric poisons. If previously eaten meat products were excreted by the body with feces and cadaveric poisons did not have time to harm those who ate the corpses, then with the process of evolution the rate of decomposition of the corpse and the appearance of cadaveric poisons increased many times over. Therefore, diseases appeared with viruses of pigs, large and small livestock, bird flu with various modifications depending on how animals are artificially inseminated and what these animals are artificially fed, which are carriers of cadaveric poisons, in which toxic substances appear in the body and poison the animals.

In the process of evolution, humanity fell for some time, as evidenced by the ruins lost civilizations and after some events there is a recovery of evolutionary processes with the recovery of food and respiration of organs and the body. Therefore, after some time, scientists will find opportunities to switch to better natural food products that will renew the human body, cleanse it of processes that lead to death, old age, illness, and immorality. IN human body superpowers and superpowers of a spiritual nature will appear because the material physical body evolves without the processes of death into immortal spheres of life through the understanding of morality as a necessary process of immortality spiritual health in a physical material body.

In many science fiction stories, the life of immortals is frighteningly described as unfortunate, who only know what to bury their loved ones and mourn over this. In fact, the processes of immortality will occur in everyone living on Earth along with the Earth. Our ancestors, entire civilizations, went into other spiritual dimensions and, therefore, did not leave blast furnaces for smelting metals, and no excavations will help our descendants learn about the life of immortal ancestors who evolved spiritually and did not leave behind corpses and waste.

The fact that immortals lived on Earth is written in legends, that there were immortals, semi-immortals and mortals on Earth, perhaps who cloned angels into animal world in order to eat them and so that they are carriers of animal food. Anyone who has been to a slaughterhouse where animals are killed has seen how animals suffer and cry. They know in advance that they must be killed. Such knowledge can only be had by intelligent beings, perhaps who arrived on Earth together with people to help man, to morally immortally evolve without victims and without sacrifices, without vices and without immorality.

The human body is basically three-dimensional and can only intuitively foresee processes occurring in other mental and spiritual dimensions. Artificially created paths of development during the transition to the spiritual world in an immortal physical body will be revealed as a crime against moral evolution with their participants and accomplices. The fact that the animal world helps people is evidenced by fairy-tale characters, for example: the pike, which has such superpowers that fulfilled the will of the fairy-tale hero and savior of the pike - Ivanushka the Fool. In “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish,” the fish rewarded the old woman with a promotion through the old man for its salvation and increased the old woman’s status in physical world. Maybe one of the scientists in their research will find wings on the subtle planes of all animals that can have different shapes development, depending on one's kind, rank and status, like an angel who was turned into an animal species. If in fact the animal world is someone’s re-created world of angels, then normally people should not eat and milk their helpers, who suffer from the immorality of their owners.

Higher university science must have integrity in its development. Therefore, it is desirable to return to Russia education that produces specialists, and not bachelors and masters according to the European development scheme. It is necessary to immediately restore the specialist so that he can combine his knowledge in his skill with the knowledge of other sciences in order to restore the integrity of the understanding of all processes in the universe and their evolution.

Scientists did not find a death gene in their discoveries - this suggests that initially the physical body is immortal and healthcare should increase knowledge of the development of health, but not as “voleology”, which currently exists and whose name is on Latin, and therefore confuses priests who are against the foreign name of health science. The real science of immortal health should be called in Russian in Russia and in every country in the language of the country, then it will be easy for scientists and they will not encounter those participants just because the name “Health Sciences” exists in foreign language. There is still no health science in Russian. And our Healthcare helps the science of diseases - medicine. Without the science of health in the Russian language and its proper development in the education system, the true purpose of Healthcare will not be fully fulfilled. It turns out that Healthcare exists, but health science does not exist in Russian!

The prospects for the development of university science will be wiser if every university has a subject on the culture of behavior and the new science of morality. Then there will be no stops in science because everyone will understand morality as the basis healthy life and will not harm himself or others. The science of health, which is based on morality, will develop promisingly in every topic of education without problems in all generations.

Bibliographic link

Lenskaya N.P. PROSPECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF UNIVERSITY SCIENCE // International Journal of Experimental Education. – 2016. – No. 10-1. – pp. 22-24;
URL: (access date: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences" 1

The authors show that modern processes in the development of Russian and regional education– globalization, on the one hand, and regionalization, on the other hand, have an objective basis, which lies in the differences in the formation and development of education systems in different regions of Russia (Bashkortostan, Tyumen region). It was found that the specificity modern stage post-industrial society is the process of formation of information civilization, in connection with which it becomes the most important in the education system distance form university education. The authors believe that modern information civilization influences social processes, changes the priority of certain values ​​and role functions of individuals and social groups in a society whose main capital is education, knowledge, and human intelligence. Therefore, educational processes are covering an increasing number of the population, changing their target orientation - from a knowledge paradigm to a creative-intellectual one using various forms training, including distance learning. It is noted that the regionalization of education is beginning to weaken. When redistributing powers between the center and regions, the latter take on the functions of forecasting and managing the development of higher, secondary and primary vocational education based on the needs of regional labor markets.

Russian education


education systems

forms of education

higher education

1. Aliev V.V. Formation of social subjectivity of student youth // News of higher education educational institutions. "Sociology. Economy. Policy". – 2015. – No. 2.

2. Bakhtizin R.N., Baulin O.A., Galiakbarova E.V., Grachev D.I. Planning, rating score and stimulating the activities of the teaching staff to implement the department’s work plan to achieve accreditation indicators of a higher educational institution // Electronic scientific journal Oil and Gas Business. – 2014. – No. 2. – P. 451–477.

3. Bakhtizin R.N., Pavlov S.V., Pavlov A.S., Sayfutdinova G.M. Creation of spatial data infrastructure of the Republic of Bashkortostan based on geoinformation technologies / edited by. ed. A.M. Shammazova. – Ufa, 2008.

4. Bakhtizin R.N., Bashirova E.M., Mironova I.S. Development of an automated control system for the technical condition of technological equipment in oil and gas production // Transport and storage of petroleum products and hydrocarbon raw materials. – 2011. – No. 4. – P. 27–31.

5. Bakhtizin R.N., Valiakhmetov R.M., Galin R.A., Khilazheva G.F., Ilisheva N.K. Modern demographic processes in the Republic of Bashkortostan // Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan. – 2012. – T. 17. – No. 4. – P. 5–16.

6. Bakhtizin R.N., Pavlov S.V., Pavlov A.S. Scientific and educational geoportal as an integrating environment for combining scientific spatial information about the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan // Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan. – 2011. – T. 16. – No. 4. – P. 36–42.

7. Weindorf-Sysoev M.E., Bakhtizin R.N., Fatkullin N.Yu., Shamshovich V.F., Musina D.R. Modern approaches to the organization e-learning at the university / monograph. – M., 2014.

8. Kononova T.M., Goreva O.M. Formation and development distance education: stages and historical determination // News of higher educational institutions. "Sociology. Economy. Policy". – 2015. – No. 2.

9. Kudryavtsev A.N. Professional adaptation of a military university graduate // News of higher educational institutions. "Sociology. Economy. Policy". – 2015. – No. 2.

10. Moor S.M., Fokina A.B. Positive experience in the development of distance education abroad // News of higher educational institutions. Sociology. Economy. Policy. – 2012. – No. 3. – P. 99–103.

11. Processes, quality management systems of higher, secondary and primary vocational education, and management tools for them / K.E. Pisarenko and others; edited by R.N. Bakhtizin. – Ufa: Ufa State. Petroleum Technical University, 2007.

12. Russia – Tyumen: vectors of Eurasian development. – Tyumen: TyumGNGU, 2015. – 324 p.

13. Modern management and innovation, scientific and technical policy. – Saint Louis, MO: Publishing House Science Innovation Center. – 2013.

14. Social and humanitarian problems of our time: personality and society. Book 2: monograph / N.G. Khairullina, A.K. Moskatova, A.G. Nedosekina et al. - Saint-Louis, MO, USA: Publishing House Science and Innovation Center, 2013.

15. Factors of sustainable development of Russian regions: monograph / L.Kh. Abazova, A.A. Avdeeva, E.V. Bobrovskaya and others / edited by ed. S.S. Chernova. – Book 17. – Novosibirsk: Publishing House TsRNS, 2014.

16. Khairullina N.G. Social aspects sustainable development of the Tyumen region // News of higher educational institutions. Sociology. Economy. Policy. – 2014. – No. 3 (42). – P. 74–80.

17. Shemyakina I.E. Educational environment military university and its changes // News of higher educational institutions. "Sociology. Economy. Policy". – 2015. – No. 2.

Current trends in development Russian education- globalization, on the one hand, and regionalization, on the other hand, have an objective basis in the form of actual differences in the formation and development of education systems in different regions of Russia. Higher education R.N. Bakhtizin, A.M. Shammazov is considered as an economic good, having utility from the point of view of its consumers and requiring costs for its production. Like any other good, it is offered in the economic system and there is a certain demand for it. The peculiarity of this good is that it can be considered as a mixed public good. On the one hand, an increase in the number of consumers of this good does not entail a significant decrease in the utility delivered to each of them. Higher education as an economic good has the property of relative non-rivalry (non-competitiveness) in consumption. On the other hand, consumers may be limited in access to the consumption of this good, that is, in obtaining higher education. From this perspective, higher education has some of the characteristics of a private good. The second feature of higher education as an economic good is that it has high positive externalities in terms of development economic system. High level human capital in an economy associated with a well-developed higher education system in a country tends to be positively correlated with at a fast pace economic growth, the general level of economic and social development of society.

The specificity of the modern stage of post-industrial society is the process of formation of information civilization. T.M. Kononova, O.M. Goreva note that the distance form of university education is becoming the most important in the education system. Extramural education, in their opinion, provided an opportunity to receive education outside of a formal setting educational institutions. Lifelong learning plays big role in the movement of society towards knowledge (for example, the “university of the third age”, thanks to which pensioners have the opportunity to get the education they want, studying the subjects that are of interest to them).

In their opinion, the patterns of development of society determined qualitatively various stages its transition from one civilizational form to another. Modern information civilization accelerates various social processes, changes the priority of certain values ​​and role functions of social groups in society, the main capital of which is human education, knowledge, and intelligence. Therefore, educational processes are covering an increasing number of the population, changing their target orientation - from a knowledge paradigm to a creative-intellectual one using various forms of learning, including distance learning.

At the same time, the tasks of studying the regionalization of education systems require, according to V.V. Gavrilyuk, solutions to such questions as: what is the influence of the state educational policy on the formation of the region’s education system; whether there was a special social order for education systems at the regional level; is it possible to talk about differences in pedagogical paradigms at the regional level; how they were taken into account in different periods of development of the region’s education system educational needs population, etc. An important aspect, according to A.M. Shammazova, R.N. Bakhtizin, is also connected with the direction educational activities university Many technical universities, including oil ones, are trying to adapt to the conditions of a market economy. For example, in the Republic of Bashkortostan, research is being conducted to develop methods and tools for integrating spatial data (SD) based on geoportals. According to the research results, it is necessary:

a) perform an analysis of available spatial data;

b) conduct a formalized description of basic and specialized PD in the form of metadata;

c) create a mechanism for data integration and retrieval;

d) develop geoservices for some PD processing functions.

At the regional level, issues of planning the activities of the teaching staff (teaching staff) are also considered based on the department’s work plan for academic year on the implementation of educational, scientific and innovative activities, taking into account the achievement of rating and accreditation indicators of the university. It is proposed to divide all planned work for teaching staff into 4 groups:

B - on the implementation of educational activities (updating teaching materials; conducting (writing tickets and checking work) tests, tests, olympiads of all levels; conducting methodological seminars and scientific and technical conferences at the department level, organizing career guidance work);

C - work on advanced training;

D - other types of work.

In his research A.N. Kudryavtsev touches on the problems of educational activities of military universities. He believes that the process of socialization of people serving in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has a number of specific features. During the training process, the cadet masters new social roles and statuses; during direct service, the officer constantly has to move, changing the physical and social environment. The most difficult period in the life of an officer occurs in the first years of service after graduating from military school; it is at this time that a young man becomes a member of the team. At this stage, as a result of a change in the nature of the activity, the young officer experiences changes in the psyche that are ambiguous in nature and have different directions. This is due to insufficient professional skills, social insecurity, strict regulation of all life and activities, new social status and relationships with members of the military collective, etc. All these circumstances negatively affect the social and professional adaptation graduates, reduce the desire to improve their professional level. Delaying the adaptation process often leads officers to violation of military discipline, lack of initiative and indifference to the problems existing in the unit.

Despite the positive dynamics of adaptation processes among young officers, the personnel situation in the army remains acute. This is a consequence of the transformations in the structure of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which are currently being carried out. Successful reforms in the army cannot be carried out without resolving the personnel issue. Without investing effort and money in personnel training There is no need to expect anything significant here. Only the creation of decent conditions for the existence of the Russian officer corps can lead to an increase in prestige military service, as a result of which other aspects will “catch up”, including the military education system in general and the adaptation processes of young officers within the framework of this system in particular.

I.E. Shemyakina proposes to develop self-education technologies for cadets in military universities. By them she understood a system complex consisting of a content and procedural component, where the content component is implemented through transformed educational and methodological complexes, learning programs. Self-education diary, which is a means and result of developing self-education competence among cadets, which is aimed at updating independent work; The procedural component is represented by stages and the inclusion of questionnaires, tests, training that teaches cadet self-education skills, which is the basis for the design of educational professional activity.

The author connects the educational environment with the concept of the social environment as a set of social relations that determine the formation and development of an individual. The educational environment has different possibilities. The educational environment is part of the social space in which a pedagogically organized way of life exists. The educational environment plays an important role in the development of subjects of education, being an educational environment where every student is able to think, analyze and build his own educational, personal and professional personal plan.

One of the main tasks of higher education, believes V.V. Aliyev, is the development of the subjective potential of young people, their socialization as full participants in the processes taking place in society, including the educational process. In his opinion, subjective competence is a competence that carries characteristics that correspond to the individual as a subject of activity. These characteristics were discussed above. In accordance with the division in the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education of all competencies into “general cultural” and “professional”, the category “subjective competencies” can also be divided into two subcategories: “general cultural subjective competencies” and “professional subjective competencies”. As a rule, general cultural subjective competencies are aimed at developing in an individual the general, basic foundations for the manifestation of subjectivity in all spheres of life, while professional subjective competencies are aimed at developing in an individual the ability to manifest subjectivity in the professional sphere.

An analysis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education for undergraduate studies shows that the general cultural subject competencies laid down in the standards have similar features in most documents and the same wording in many of them. Thus, the vast majority of the Federal State Educational Standards for undergraduate education require the formation of the following general cultural subject competencies of graduates: mastery of a culture of thinking, the ability to generalize, analyze, perceive information, set a goal and choose ways to achieve it; desire for self-development, improvement of one’s qualifications and skills; the ability to critically evaluate one’s strengths and weaknesses, outline ways and choose means of developing advantages and eliminating disadvantages, critically comprehend the accumulated experience, changing, if necessary, the type and nature of one’s professional activity; awareness of the social significance of one's own future profession, having high motivation to perform professional activities; ability to find organizational and managerial solutions in non-standard situations and willingness to take responsibility for them.

Speaking about trends in regionalization in the development of modern Russian education, one should proceed from the idea of ​​it, established in sociology, as a system with a socio-spatial community of population organization. Distinguished by its originality natural conditions, the established specialization of production, a certain level of development of productive forces, production infrastructure, regions are characterized by the specifics of the social structure and infrastructure, as well as the lifestyle of the population.

There were differences in the level of education across districts and the south of the region. This also applies to the level of education of representatives of indigenous peoples of the North, opportunities to receive education in national schools, training of specialists with higher professional education. N.G. devoted a significant number of works to this issue. Khairullina.

In conclusion, we note that the regionalization of education has begun to weaken in recent decades. When redistributing powers between the center and the regions, the latter assume the functions of forecasting and managing the development of higher and secondary vocational education based on the needs of regional labor markets. The identified trends require the development of a scientifically based regional policy in the field of education. It will help preserve the unity of the Russian educational space. To train specialists in mass professions and solve the problems of the region, the demographic, intellectual and financial potential should be used to meet the needs of the real sector of the region’s economy and the educational needs of its population.


Silin A.N., Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor of the Department of Marketing and municipal government, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Tyumen State Oil and Gas University", Tyumen;

Rudneva L.N., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head. Department of Economics, Organization and Production Management, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Tyumen State Oil and Gas University", Tyumen.

Bibliographic link

Fokina A.B., Abramova S.V. PROSPECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION IN THE TYUMEN REGION // Basic Research. – 2015. – No. 11-1. – P. 203-207;
URL: (access date: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

The journal "Perspectives of Science" is included in the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications (VAK), in which the main scientific results of the dissertation must be published scientific degree Doctor and Candidate of Sciences. The magazine was created with the aim of creating a scientific and information environment for the International Public Organization “Foundation for the Development of Science and Culture”.

The main objective of the journal’s activities is to disseminate information on scientific developments carried out by scientists and leading specialists in Russia, the CIS countries and far abroad, to form scientific schools and directions around the journal, and to provide information support for priority scientific research, popularization of progressive scientific ideas. The founder of the journal “Perspectives of Science” is the International Public Organization “Fund for the Development of Science and Culture”.

The magazine is published 12 times a year (monthly);

Issued both in the usual summary form and in the form of thematic issues on individual issues;

Articles are published in one of 2 languages: Russian, English and are accompanied by annotations in each of these languages; may be published with bilingual inserts on the main fragments within the article;

Articles, reviews, short messages, discussion materials, letters to the editor, as well as serial articles, and, if necessary, individual extended preprints of works and dissertations with publication of their abstracts in the journal;

The volume of articles is not strictly limited: it must correspond to their content;

Articles undergo professional review and are presented to members of the editorial board;

Priority articles are published urgently;

You can order both a consolidated volume of the journal and individual parts by section.

1. Architecture and construction

2. Biological Sciences

3. Biotechnology and medicine

4. Information Technology and electronics

5. Issues of legal development of society

6. History, philosophy, sociology

7. Pedagogy and psychology

8. Mechanical engineering

9. Mathematical methods and models

10. Geosciences

11. Vocational education

12. Management, computing and information science

13. Quality management

14. Socio-political problems of social development

15. Electronics, instrumentation, radio engineering and communications

16. Ecology and environmental management

17. Economic Sciences

18. Energy saving technologies

19. Materials for discussion

Publication conditions and requirements for article formatting

Completeness of materials

The manuscript of the article, made in the Word editor for Windows’97-2000 and printed on a laser printer, in 2 copies with a cover letter from the organization attached in one copy. The second copy of the manuscript must be signed by all authors. The manuscript is accompanied by a floppy disk or CD with the article.

The manuscript includes:

UDC index; article title; first name, patronymic, last name of the author (authors); name of the department or organization (for each author); keywords and phrases; abstract in Russian; list of symbols; bibliography.

It is advisable to attach to an article in Russian its title, the name of the department (organization), an abstract and key words and phrases in English language or in languages ​​spoken by the authors. Annotation texts must be identical. When submitting an article in English, please attach mandatory text of the article and abstract in Russian.

Key words and phrases are presented in the form accepted in leading journals in this field of science in alphabetical order. The maximum number of key expressions is 7-9, the number of words in each is no more than 3.

Designations are given at the beginning of the article, after the annotation before the main text, in a frame in two columns. The dimension of quantities is indicated in the SI system or in other units permitted for use. If there are less than 7-8 symbols, then you can indicate them in the text. The list of symbols is compiled alphabetically in the following order: Russian - straight writing, Latin - writing in italics, Greek - straight writing, other symbols and abbreviations.
Mathematical formulas must be written clearly. The editors do not impose restrictions on the number and complexity of formulas (see technical requirements).


High-quality photographs, drawings, diagrams. The size of illustrations should not exceed the size of the working field of the magazine.


The list of used literature is compiled in alphabetical order.
GOST 7.1-2003. Each position in the list of references must contain: the surnames and initials of all authors, the exact title of the book, year, publisher and place of publication, numbers (or total number) of pages, and for journal articles - the surnames and initials of all authors, title of the article and name of the journal, year issue, journal volume and page numbers. References to foreign literature should be written in the original language without abbreviations.

Technical requirements for the design of the manuscript

File in *.doc or *.rtf format

A4 sheet format (210*297 mm), margins: top 20 mm, bottom 20 mm, left 20 mm, right 15 mm.

Font: size (point) 14, type Times New Roman. Line spacing is one and a half. Red line 0.75 mm.

Formula editor version Math Type Equation 2 - 4. Font in the style of the main text Times New Roman; variables - italics, Greek - straight, matrix-vector - bold; Russians - straight.

Dimensions in the mathematical editor (in order of priority):
normal - 10 pt, large index - 8 pt, small index - 7 pt, large symbol - 16 pt
small character - 10 pt

Drawings made in a graphic editor must be submitted exclusively in tif, doc (grouped, line thickness of at least 0.75 pt), pcx formats. The width of the picture is no more than 11.5 cm.

The editorial board sends submitted articles for review to leading experts in these areas. Articles in English are published on a priority basis.

Payment for editorial and publishing services - 700 rubles. for 1 page. Minimal amount pages - 5. Annual subscription to the magazine is 3000 rubles. for 12 rooms + 960 rub. for delivery of 12 issues throughout Russia. There is no fee for publishing graduate student manuscripts. The publication of postgraduate students' manuscripts is carried out by decision of the editorial board on a general basis.

The cost of sending one parcel (no more than two collections in one mailing to one postal address): in Russia - 90 rubles. 00 kop. , near abroad countries (CIS) - 250 rubles. 00 kop. , foreign countries - 500 rubles. 00 kop. .

Editorial address: 392000, Russia, Tambov, st. Moskovskaya, 70, building 5

Editor-in-Chief: Voronkova Olga Vasilievna.