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Wilderness survival course. Survival courses Forest survival course

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All his life a person does what he does is survive. First in the fight against nature and wild predators, then in wars with each other, now in the fight against the state. However, everyone can have their own opinion on this matter. One way or another, the theme of survival in extreme conditions– very relevant in terms of business. Of course, not in the context in which I just wrote, but in terms of services for thrill-seekers.

Every year there are more and more people interested in extreme sports. Take, for example, paragliding, climbing wall, or rope jumping, which I wrote about recently. All this has been tested for a long time and has become commonplace, but when this business first appeared in the country, everything was a novelty. With survival courses in extreme conditions it’s a little different.

Brief business analysis:
Costs of setting up a business:500,000-1,000,000 rubles
Relevant for cities with the population: from 500,000 people
Industry situation:the supply market is saturated
Difficulty of organizing a business: 3/5
Payback: 1-1.5 years

Remember what the great Russian commander Alexander Suvorov said: “It’s hard in training, easy in battle”? Survival courses in extreme conditions are largely intended not only to give a person the level of necessary knowledge that will be useful to him in a one-on-one situation with nature, hooligans in a dark alley (this is also an extreme situation!), etc., but the most important thing is to give him a feeling of confidence in his abilities, the knowledge that he “can do anything,” to develop quick reaction and resourcefulness in life-threatening moments. Partly this can be attributed to the idea of ​​organizing alternative tourism, but with a deeper educational focus.

In the USA in the 70s of the 20th century, the survivalism movement was born, which later spread throughout the world. Adherents of this idea are actively preparing for the event of various natural disasters, man-made disasters, economic and other crises, epidemics, nuclear wars, global warming or, on the contrary, winter on the entire planet, and even a zombie invasion.

Target audience for survival courses

Every business is focused on certain clients. Who can benefit from survival courses in extreme conditions?

  • Firstly, these are, of course, middle and high school students who have a thirst for adventure “seething” in their blood.
  • The next category is businessmen who, by their nature, are so far removed from students. The habit of taking risks, and the constant craving for adrenaline “rushes” - such courses are just what they need.
  • Lovers of hiking. As a result of completing the courses, these will acquire the minimum knowledge that will be useful to them during their travels.
  • Just curious people who need to experience everything for themselves.

What can you offer your clients?

Training should be diverse. Your task: to give people a minimum of knowledge of behavior in a wide variety of situations - on the water, in the desert, in the mountains, in the forest, in the air. Courses can be divided into different levels of difficulty, designed for beginners, experienced people, and masters. It is possible that your clients will come back to you again to complete the next level of training.

An approximate program of a survival course designed for 5-7 days might look like this:

  • Acquiring skills in constructing shelters in various climatic conditions.
  • Ability to make fire using improvised means.
  • Providing first emergency medical aid in the absence of medicines.
  • Orientation in unfamiliar terrain.
  • Introducing plants that can be eaten or used for medicinal purposes.
  • Obtaining water in various situations.
  • Overcoming natural obstacles - rivers, swamps, streams, mountains, thickets, etc.
  • Making and using tools for hunting and fishing - bows, crossbows, spears, traps, snares, fishing rods, etc.

The next level of training program could be like this:

  1. Training in cross-country, hunting, and alpine skiing.
  2. Rock and ice climbing.
  3. Rafting, diving, behavior on the water, rescuing a drowning person.
  4. Extreme driving of a car, motorcycle, snowmobile.
  5. Shooting from various types of weapons.
  6. Self-defense techniques and psychological suppression of the enemy.

The range of activities offered depends on your imagination and the availability of suitably trained instructors. Design the courses so that they can be completed year-round.

Extreme Survival School Staff

Of course, the number of clients and the quality of training depend on the level of training of the instructors, so to speak, their eminence. Staff of course teachers extreme survival is selected in accordance with what services you want to offer to visitors of your courses. Of course, it will be better if they are multidisciplinary professionals, which will also save on their labor costs:

  • Former or current rescuers
  • Special Forces Reserve Officers
  • Masters of hand-to-hand combat
  • Climbers
  • Doctors

All specialists must have appropriate documents confirming their training.

Equipment, equipment, inventory

Firstly, it should be noted that only in suburban conditions, for example, near Moscow, or in rural areas, it will not be possible to develop the necessary skills. Therefore, it is necessary to organize travel to various regions of the country with the necessary conditions for training. If you need mountainous terrain, take your clients to the Urals or Khakassia; If you need to take a course in arctic conditions, go to Murmansk. Of course, this significantly increases the cost of the courses, but such trips are designed for wealthy people. Schoolchildren can just get by in the nearest village.

To organize a survival course you will need:

  1. Transport for transporting students, and various vehicles for practicing extreme driving skills.
  2. Tourist equipment: tents, dishes, communications equipment.
  3. Climbing equipment.
  4. Rafts, kayaks, and boats.
  5. Parachutes, paraglider.
  6. Various pneumatic, firearms, bladed, and remote weapons.
  7. Etc. – depending on the subjects in the curriculum.

In addition to teaching practical skills, the program of a survival course in extreme conditions must also have a theoretical part. This means that you will need a room for holding lectures, seminars, watching videos, etc. This same room can also serve as an office for your survival school.

About advertising

How to attract clients to your courses? Use the usual methods: publishing advertisements in local newspapers and thematic publications devoted to extreme sports, tourism, hunting, and fishing. Create your own website, on the pages of which you will present in detail all the information on the courses. Record several video lessons on the disciplines offered for training.

Enter into agreements with stores specializing in the sale of tourist, hunting, and fishing equipment. Talk to school principals and physical education and life safety teachers at local schools about conducting free trial lessons. After completing the courses, you can provide students with a certificate of completion - this will provide additional incentive in the classroom.

The wilderness survival course is designed for tourists, climbers, hunters and all those who at least sometimes get out of cities. When going out on a serious route or simply going into the forest to pick mushrooms, we are faced with numerous objective (natural) and subjective (depending on us) dangers. This course will allow you to systematize old and acquire new knowledge and skills necessary to successfully overcome various extreme situations in the wild and beyond.

The topic of survival in the wild is very interesting and vast. You can read a lot of books, watch a lot of videos and really get a lot of valuable information from them, but there is one more thing to this topic important feature, which should be taken into account: in an extreme situation, dry theory does not work - only skills work. In this course, we are engaged in acquiring and practicing real survival skills in the wild, which one day can save the life of you and your loved ones. Our course is not an attraction - you will not be beaten, forced to dive into a swamp, or starved to create an “atmosphere” (unless by special order 🙂 Such measures are not necessary to acquire and master skills. Instead, you will receive a clear system of skills and knowledge , which will give you confidence in your abilities and also help you avoid getting into dangerous situations in nature.

NAZ, axe, compass - be sure to take it if you have it!

Attention! If you want to purchase any hiking equipment or clothing, but find it difficult to choose, write or call us - we will be happy to help you! Our members have discounts in many tourist shops in Moscow.

Course fee:

Cost of participation in the course: 4 200 RUR. For everyone who has already taken this course there is a 30% discount.

What's included in the price:

– practice basic survival techniques under the guidance of instructors
- camping food
- work of instructors
— handouts (maps, compasses, flint, tools)
- group first aid kit
— public equipment (fireplace and kitchen equipment)
— work of the “support team”
— certificate of completion of the course

What is not included in the price:

- train tickets

Payment and booking:

Full payment for participation in the Course can be made directly to the instructor when the group meets. No later than a week before the lecture date, a prepayment of 1000 rubles is required. A place in a group is reserved only after receiving an advance payment. You can choose a convenient method of making an advance payment after submitting your application for participation.

About the name of the course and its essence. You will be surprised, but we don't like the name. But if you call the course something else, for example, “a course of basic skills in the natural environment,” then no one will understand what we are talking about. What other basic skills? In what environment? But with the “survival course,” everything is immediately clear - images of brave heroes from the novels of Jack London and Fenimore Cooper immediately appear before your eyes, capable of single-handedly withstanding the elements, knowing the forest and the habits of wild animals, capable of living for a long time in the wild with practically one knife. Or at least the famous TV presenter Bear Grylls, who successfully “survived” at all points globe and filmed many episodes of his program about it. But, unfortunately, what most often comes to mind for a modern site visitor is not the brave Natty Bumppo or Smoke Bellew, but the “survivalists” from social networks, endlessly preparing for an alien invasion, nuclear winter, zombie apocalypse and who knows what else. Usually all preparation is limited to the same social networks and heated debates “which ax/knife/backpack/compass/stew/naz/shovel is better, etc. There was even a separate term - “couch survivalists” - and these are the majority.

The title “Basic Skills Course in the Natural Environment” definitely resonates with us. We do not deal with abstract topics in the course, such as “how to build a bunker in case nuclear war at your dacha” or “how to spend the night on a tree in late autumn in only shorts and with a plastic bag” - YouTube and “survivalists” on social media will tell you about this in detail. networks. We are also not personal growth coaches or other psychologists, some of whom Lately moved from offices to the forest to “teach” the science of survival.

Instead of all this, during the course we pay attention to the most prosaic things: what to do if you get lost in the forest with a mushroom basket and a table knife? If you fell behind your people on a hike? How to work with your fear and panic, how to make a fire, how to arrange a temporary home in order to maintain strength and live relatively comfortably until a way out of this emergency situation is found, how to provide yourself with potable water, how to deal with food, helping yourself and other necessary first aid, what to do with a compass and map, how to navigate the terrain? And most importantly, how to prevent all these problems and not get into extreme situations? On our course you will receive specific knowledge and skills that one day can save the life of you and your loved ones. These situations, of course, are not as urgent as the same zombie apocalypse or alien attack, but they can also happen. And with everyone.

In general, in this course you will receive the set of skills and knowledge that any person should have. We are too alienated from nature and too arrogant in our confidence in the guarantee of the benefits of modern civilization in any place at any time. Although life constantly shows us that this is far from the case. Anyone who understands this comes to us.

28 reviews

    Reading previous reviews, I understand that people knew where they were going. I didn't know. And this is wild delight!
    Chopping, sawing, stabbing, dragging are a small part of the verbs that mean what I now know how to do with trees; before I simply admired them, but now they, and not only them, can save my life. But this is only thanks to the knowledge and skills that our amazing instructor Vasily gave us.
    Build a home, build and light a fire that will burn and warm all night, determine your location and direction of movement using landmarks, provide first aid to yourself - this is a small part of what was covered in the Basic Skills in the Natural Environment course.
    This is an invaluable experience that everyone needs, regardless of whether you are a city resident or not. Such “little things”, which in fact are not small things at all, can really help you wait for qualified help in an emergency situation.
    Thanks to the Club and Vasily for a sincere, educational and delicious weekend!
    P.S.: the ability to strike the right spark from a flint is a magical art that not everyone can master...

    We, city dwellers, imagine the forest to be kind and beautiful. Many people go on picnics and vacations exclusively in good weather and see nature in all its glory, often forgetting that the natural environment is unusual and dangerous for modern urban people. Few people know how to make a shelter and a fire out of natural materials. What if you get lost and find yourself in the forest at night? What if it’s cold, raining/snowing and your phone is dead?
    These situations were simulated and successfully practiced during the course.
    We built shelters from trees and spruce branches.
    We made fire using birch bark and flint.
    We lit a fire and slept on fragrant spruce branches, without fencing ourselves off from the forest with a tent.
    Opening my eyes in the morning, I saw not a wall, but the morning sun breaking through the trees...
    Was it difficult, of course. Because any new knowledge cannot be obtained without effort. Especially something as important as preserving life and health in an extreme situation.
    The instructors also taught us how to use a compass and we immediately put this knowledge into practice.
    Those participants who already know how to and practice “survival” in the forest were surprised by their unusual approaches to arranging an overnight stay. I was surprised how many different hiding spots you could come up with with just an ax and a saw. And if there is also some kind of canvas, for example a construction awning or a life blanket, then comfort is guaranteed.)))
    Overall it was interesting, fun and useful.
    Special thanks to instructor Vasily Dolzhansky for his irrepressible energy and sincere desire to give us as much knowledge and skills as possible.

    On October 12-13, I took the “Basic Survival Skills Course.”
    Have a wonderful weekend in great company!)🤗
    Instructor Vasily is the most patient person :)), a professional in his field. Many thanks to him for his knowledge, positive attitude and for timely assistance in emerging issues.😁
    Organization on top level, for which I would like to thank Philip and Alexandra. There were absolutely no problems. Well done guys.🔥
    Despite the fact that I was the youngest participant there, I felt very comfortable in our formed team. Everyone is very friendly, pleasant and interesting people, I was truly glad to meet everyone!👋🏻
    The weather conditions did not frighten any of us; on the contrary, the rain created an atmosphere closer to a potential survival situation. We were able to test the constructed shelters for resistance to certain weather conditions, identify errors and remember them.🏕
    Also during the course, Vasily taught us how to use a compass, calculate azimuths, navigate the terrain, provide first aid in extreme conditions, and light a fire using a stone and a piece of metal.😎
    I am very glad that I was able to take part in this event, and I thank everyone who was involved in it.❤
    I’m already choosing which hike I’ll go on next with cityescape😉

    Fellow instructors, Vasily! Thank you all so much for the survival course and first aid! I’ve been working on field scientific expeditions for ten years, I’ve been hiking since childhood, but I’ve never before had to spend the night in winter without a tent and make a fire without matches, and this can always come in handy! Of course, our hands are then calloused from the flint and our hands ache a little from the saw, our feet are cold, but the main thing is that we secured a warm overnight stay with your sensitive guidance and generally had a great rest from the city. Vasily teaches the material in an engaging and clear manner. The instructors were always ready to help and repeatedly checked whether we had frozen at night and whether we had built the shelter correctly. Special thanks to Philip, Sasha and Oleg for the delicious and varied food, for the nightly mulled wine and Maslenitsa! And of course, the winter forest is beautiful, the snow caps falling by the collar and orienteering in waist-deep snow is wonderful. And separately about first aid - we received a very non-standard set of in-depth skills applicable specifically in field conditions, for which we thank Vasily very much. This course is a must for all tourists and field workers!

    I join in the words of gratitude. An excellent, very useful course for everyone, and not only tourists, but also ordinary city residents. Excellent organization, friendly environment. Well done organizers! Special thanks to the course leader V. Dolzhansky, he is simply a survival guru, an excellent teacher. Despite all the difficulties, I rested my soul and body, gained new knowledge and skills, communicated with very interesting and smart people. I also spotted some useful things that I can now show to the guys when I take the group on a hike. Very pleasant memories of my team, we managed to arrange our shelter and fire very smoothly, it was great. Thanks cityescape!

    Thank you very much to CityEscape for this course! I recommend everyone to visit! I learned a lot of useful things every hiker needs and acquired useful skills. Not everything worked out right away, but it still worked out, and the principle of operation is clear, I will practice, for example, starting a fire without matches on other trips. I also liked the fact that before attending the lecture, you were asked to fill out a form in which you could write what you expect from this course, so that already at the course itself the organizers could take into account your wishes and answer your questions. We were lucky with the weather; it would be interesting to survive in more severe conditions, for example, in winter. If such a course is offered in winter, I will definitely take it! And I recommend it to everyone!!! Thanks again!!!

    I’ll just write... definitely for a visit. many of us never go on hikes. but many go with travel agencies, and many even go on their own, for the most part with a tent, matches and everything necessary. and everyone has a lot of theoretical information in their head, what to do if suddenly if... and this is where the bummer comes - it turns out that what seems to be known in theory and was read/heard somewhere does not really fit in with practice... because there are mistakes they pour out where you wouldn’t expect them at all. For seasoned survivalists with a lot of experience, it’s clear that it won’t be interesting (but even just talking with the club’s leaders and survival instructors will be extremely pleasant and interesting for you!), but for all those who have at least once thought while on a hike, “what if ?...” and especially for those who are generally thinking about the hiking path of life - a must-visit! you will not regret!!! and many thanks to CityEscape for giving me the opportunity to gain such skills!

    Good everyone!
    To those with whom we were on a course in the Domodedovo forests on April 8-9, 2017, and who became so close in spirit during these 2 days - and to everyone reading these lines now and still doubting whether to try it yourself.. Don’t doubt it! It's really worth it!!!
    In the report on the event, the organizers wrote that this is, rather, not a “Survival Course” - it is a “Basic Wilderness Skills Course” - and Yes, I wholeheartedly agree with this.
    Many of us - from the Internet, from TV shows, books, stories from “experienced” people - know, in principle, quite a lot of “theoretical” information - what to do if a “walk” in nature goes “wrong”.
    But here's the practice...
    Yes, everyone knows that you can make a fire using flint. -Have you tried to do this??
    You can make a shelter from bad weather from trees and spruce branches. -Do you know how to tie it and secure it so that it doesn’t blow away from the first good gust of wind?
    Build a fire that gives off heat for a long time? Exit using the card? Help yourself or someone else when injured? - I could go on for a long time...
    What if this is all for the first time and stress and fear paralyze you, and the time until you figure out what to grab onto is your worst enemy??
    For me, this course turned out to be valuable not only for practice, specific techniques, “how and what” techniques.. But, the most important thing is that all this is possible! Perhaps for an ordinary, urban person accustomed to comfort. -Psychological aspect!
    And in this regard, the organizers - Alexandra, Philip - huge RESPECT! and Vasily (he’s just a treasure trove of information) are real GOOD GUYS!! Now I'm with you!)
    It’s a pity that it passed so quickly - for me it became a “seed”)
    P.S. The whole next day after the course at work went down the drain)) I sat and went over in my head everything that I heard, felt, did in these two days.. - How much was included in them! A whole little life!..
    Good luck everyone!
    The sun is ahead and clear skies above!)

    Last week I took a wilderness survival course. I would like to say a huge thank you to the club for a professionally organized event, from which I personally (and, judging by the reaction, all the other participants) received great pleasure. In a three-hour theoretical lesson and a two-day workshop, you get as much knowledge and skills as you won’t get anywhere else. This includes starting a fire without matches or a lighter, and building a shelter with the right “hearth,” and learning to navigate the area, as well as invaluable practice in first aid, and much more. The course instructor, Vasily, is simply a storehouse of information on survival and willingly shares it, and also helps participants with experience “survive” in individual program. It is difficult to list everything that I learned and learned from the course, but one thing I can say for sure: this course is needed not only by tourists, but also by everyone else who understands that they are not immune from an unforeseen situation. And since there is no room for error in such a situation, now I will be much more seriously prepared for it and will no longer rely on chance when going on a trip or even being in my usual home environment.

    Yes, and a nice bonus of the course is a pleasant company of positive people, beautiful nature and delicious camping food, which, however, will not make you gain weight. 🙂

    I’m incredibly glad that I was able to take this course - it provides a lot of practical and useful skills, but a lot also depends on how much you want to take. I tried to learn and find out the maximum, thanks to Vasily for helping me in this desire and showing me a lot, and most importantly, motivating me to finish it until it works, which helped me believe in myself and my strengths! It’s incredibly cool to know that now I can make a fire with or without a flint, make a water filter, assemble a bow saw, build a shelter, spend the night in it, and much, much more! I learned so much in two days, the weekend was not in vain! And great company only improved my mood)

    It was a great weekend! The first night in my life without a tent and my first night in my life. I tried my hand at navigating on a map, remembered how to make a fire without matches and many, many other useful skills. Vasily, thanks for the science! Sasha, Philip - excellent organization and very tasty food! It looks like my next trip with you will be culinary? And of course, great company - thank you guys for the pleasant communication! City Escape - you guys are great!

    This course gave me the opportunity to overcome the helplessness associated with the habit of comfort) to overcome the fear of a simple and at the same time previously impossible task - not to get confused, to help myself (at least myself). Many thanks to Philip and Sasha for the quality organization and delicious food, and to Vasily for the rich and very practical training. For the skills that call me to move on because I want to and I’m not afraid. And to our entire team for such a cool experience. :)

    The knowledge and skills gained during the course are priceless. You can endlessly “smoke the Internet” and watch videos of “survivalists”, but until you build a shelter with your own hands and start a fire, you will not learn anything. The most important knowledge after the course is a practical algorithm of actions. Many thanks to the organizers - Alexandra and Philip, and the course leader Vasily for the informative and well-organized course. As a bonus, all participants received a very tasty lunch prepared in the field. Thank you.

    Before you get ready for a long hike, you need to know such skills as making a fire without matches or lighters, building a temporary shelter and any basic survival skills in the wild several hundred kilometers from the nearest settlement. After all, no one is insured and does not know what could happen to them at such a moment.
    This is what I did, deciding that I needed to know these skills before moving forward. for a long time, which I don’t regret at all, everything was at the highest level.
    I learned a lot of new things and most importantly I learned this.
    The organizers are great, I want to express my deep gratitude to Vasily, Philip and Alexandra.

    I would like to leave a review about the Wilderness Survival Course on December 10, 2016.
    I’ve been wanting to take some survival courses for a very long time, but the fact that I decided to do it at City escape turned out to be largely by accident. However, during the event I realized how good it was that it turned out that way! In addition to the fact that the course itself was extremely educational, useful and aimed at acquiring critical skills and experience, it was very well prepared and organized, which significantly increased the quality of learning and the enjoyment of the process! Everything we needed was prepared and delivered to the place, and while we were training, an incomparable lagman was prepared for us; a very warm atmosphere reigned all the time! It was a wonderful combination of learning the skills needed in extreme situations and enjoying the outdoors!
    Many thanks to Philip, Alexandra, Vasily and all the course participants!!!

    Thanks to the organizers for the course! A lot of new and interesting things, and most importantly, everything with practical training. Lots of real-life stories from the instructor. The level of tin is according to your desires and capabilities.
    The course opened my eyes to many aspects (especially the idea of ​​making fire changed).
    There is a desire to repeat it somehow, slightly increasing the level of difficulty.

    Many thanks to the Cityescape team! In addition to the wonderful two days spent with like-minded people, I gained useful knowledge and acquired some skills when acting in an emergency. I hope I never need them))). Everything went just wonderful!!! Everyone survived))) I’m already getting ready for the next hike.

    I really liked the survival course - interesting, capacious, informative! Theoretical basis survival were well described in the lecture, in the practical part we gained not only knowledge, but also valuable skills - we built a hut-shelter (even without using a rope), learned how to light and maintain a fire, completed an orienteering quest with a compass and map, and mastered in practice first aid skills for victims and much more! Thanks to instructor Vasily for his professionalism, we received answers to all our questions and a lot of new information useful information, thanks to Philip and Alexandra for the excellent organization of the classes and the hike, for the delicious porridge and mulled wine! I advise everyone who sometimes gets out into nature to take this course!

    Very informative, useful and interesting course! I knew some of the theory before, remembered some, but most importantly, I learned a lot, and also tried it in practice. Thank you Vasily for sharing your knowledge with us. Sasha and Philip - for the excellent organization, delicious food and a pleasant bonus in the form of photographs.
    I recommend it to everyone who wants to spend an active, fun and useful weekend!!!

    It was my first time on such a course. This course was created not for extreme sports, but for reasonable people and the ideas were to avoid troubles, prepare well for a battle/flight/campaign, and also how to deal with panic if something goes wrong.
    The main rule of first aid to a victim is not to end up in the role of a second victim. The main rule of solo hiking is not to go solo hiking, or at least have someone who knows when to wait and where to look.
    Personally, in order to say that I have mastered it, I probably need a dozen weekly practices with increasing complexity in different seasons and environments.
    In these courses, everyone tried (and succeeded) in striking sparks and starting a fire from a spark. On the first day, I mastered the technology of maintaining a fire: so that it would burn for a long time, without spitting sparks. I only got by with a chain saw. At night I was warmed by one thin dead pine tree and not quite rotten birch trees lying under my feet. I lit a fire without getting out of my summer sleeping bag. The next day, after tasting Philip’s signature porridge, I learned about the overnight stays of other participants, the benefits of autumn leaves, garbage bags, and the practical use of a tablet compass—how to walk with it in a given direction. At the end there were courses of the first help - ways stopping blood and evacuating those injured and frozen.
    At the end of the course everyone received certificates and prizes :)

    Great event. Many important aspects of safety precautions and ways to live for a short time in the forest without external support are very well explained and shown in practice. I highly recommend this course to anyone who even occasionally goes on simple one-day hikes.

    It was not in vain that I went, although I knew a lot in theory, but without practice all this would be useless. Thanks to Vasily, he didn’t just answer, he also asked who didn’t know what or wanted to try and helped either with advice or told everything in detail. We were fed, the guys were given axes, everything went well and without alcohol. I am pleased, thanks to everyone involved in the success of this event! I recommend this course - it will be useful for beginners and theoreticians.

    A very useful event indeed! It seems that in theory you have heard a lot of things, you know a lot of things, but in practice you have never tried to do it yourself. So this is where you gain real experience. Thank you very much cityescape for this event!

    I really liked the survival course
    The theoretical part turned out to be extremely useful, I learned a lot of new things. The lecturer talks interestingly)
    The practical part was also great. We learned how to build shelters and how to cut down trees correctly and safely.
    Many thanks to the organizers for the delicious food, photographs and warm atmosphere and to Vasily for so much useful knowledge)

    This was my first time attending such an event and I was very pleased with the organization and professionalism of the instructors. I believe that these events serve for a calm existence in an extreme situation. I will definitely attend such events in the future. Thanks to Vasily, Philip and Alexandra :)

Few people think about taking a survival course in the forest or taiga, but no one is immune from finding themselves face to face with wild nature. Such situations are not so rare; just watch the news to see how often people die or live in the forest for many days, simply getting lost while going mushroom hunting.
Take our course and you can master the skills you need to survive in the wild. We teach how to build shelters from rain, wind and snow, make fire by friction, navigate and move over rough terrain, work with a map, introduce basic first aid skills, teach the basics of rock climbing and the tricks of expedition life. After completing our course, you will learn how to survive in the wild without using tools (axe, torches, tents).
In our survival course, we give you the opportunity to combine extreme adventure with learning useful skills that can be useful to you at any time.

Tour program

The survival course program lasts 5 days. During the course, one of our experienced instructors will always be with you, many of whom are former special forces officers of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Defense Ministry.

Course program:

Day 1
After arriving at the site, the initial task is to choose a place to set up a camp. You will learn how to set up a camp without an axe, matches, ropes, etc.

Day 2-3
Gaining skills in orienteering, water purification, medical care, rope handling and rock climbing.

Day 4-5
Independently plotting a route to the end of the course, choosing and arranging a place to spend the night, independently producing fire and water.

The survival course is held in different places depending on the season:
Summer season: Karelia, Ural, Baikal, Samarskaya Luka
Winter season: Tver region

The next survival course will take place from February 17 to 21, 2015 in the Tver region. Please check with our managers for dates of courses during the summer season. The winter season program includes winter survival skills and reading animal tracks.

tour cost

The cost of a survival course starts from 17000 rub. and depends on the season and location.
The cost of a winter course in the Tver region is 20,000 rubles.

It is possible to purchase the course in the form of a gift certificate.

It is possible to take the course on an individual basis; please contact our managers by email for the cost of an individual survival course.

The task of intensified training of military personnel serving in the ranks of the Russian Armed Forces on a contract basis is formulated somewhat paradoxically. On the one hand, voluntary service increases professionalism, but on the other, the “professionals” themselves will have to be trained. This situation is explained by the fact that professionalism, often in demand in all law enforcement agencies, is associated not with military training, but with professional activity civilians with military qualifications.

It is no secret that a huge number of contract soldiers in our army did not even undergo military service. First of all, training courses are aimed at this category of military personnel. And it wouldn’t hurt experienced fighters to go through a training program, which the participants called among themselves a survival school.

For the first time, there was talk of introducing an intensive military training program back in 2012. According to a preliminary plan, it was decided to organize courses not only for new arrivals, but also for those who have been engaged in military craft for several years. Naturally, these courses should have been filled with physical exercises, classes in military training, self-control training and special exercises aimed at suppressing fear, panic, and stupor. The duration of training is six weeks.

Survival school - first combat experience

Many people mistakenly believe that a survival school for contract soldiers is a set of classes in inhumane conditions, where the real main task of a serviceman is to preserve life. Fake sources report deaths during the “school.”

We hasten to assure you that this is not at all the case, because the life and health of a serviceman is important for the state. The term is formulated based on the fact that the course is dominated by methods of behavior in difficult conditions and emergency situations.

It is quite difficult to unambiguously describe the public’s attitude towards innovations in the army. Many saw here a note of humiliation, violation of human rights and even a crime. Excellent combat trainees, on the contrary, believe that everyone must go through this, otherwise there is nothing to do in the army.

Find out: How to sign a contract for military service in Russia

The intensive training program has been successfully tested in a number of regions of the Russian Federation, and to date, regulatory documents have been prepared establishing the procedure and obligation for its development. As planned, absolutely all contract soldiers, including women, participate in the training. Refusal to participate in the courses is tantamount to a report, since in the near future the citizen will be forcibly dismissed from the ranks of the Armed Forces as not having professional qualifications. Failure to comply with standards promises the same outcome.

Statistics on the results of passing the survival school are replete with deplorable values. Among all the military personnel, a certain part turned out to be unfit for service based on the results of a medical examination. Some did not meet the allotted standards. There are also those who wrote a letter of resignation or refused to undergo training. The proportion of those who completed the course is dominant, but practice has shown that in the army ranks with physical training, not everything is so smooth.

What's included in the program

The basis of the intensive training program is combined arms exercises. The course is characterized by high physical and psychological stress and ends with passing standards. In general, the training intensity is comparable to that of paratroopers or special forces units. Six months of intensive training is more than enough to prepare a soldier even from a civilian who has no military experience.

The survival course for contract soldiers in 2018 will include fire and medical training, tactics and strategy, and training exercises. chemical protection. Physical exercises are performed at the training ground. The soldiers will have to spend a good portion of their time in the “fields” (as military personnel call the training ground), so they will live in tents. This “Spartan” way of life not only leads to the development of endurance, but also strengthens the spirit and promotes team unity.

Planned results:

  • after completing the training course, military personnel must be able to set up a field camp and camouflage it;
  • be able to apply acquired counteraction skills various types attacks;
  • know theoretical material on combat tactics;
  • be able to react to different situations.

Find out: How can a contract soldier become an officer and vice versa?

The forced march is considered the final part of the test. Despite the fact that it is carried out on foot, and many believe that they can cover any distance without preparation, this stage turns out to be one of the most difficult. The fact is that during a forced march the serviceman is fully equipped, which means tens of kilograms of excess weight. In addition, the route itself is designed in such a way that combat conditions are simulated. The length of the route reaches 150 km. Due to the characteristics of the female body, the command is forced to meet them halfway. The requirements for running and marching are significantly reduced.

The psychological component of the school of survival is that every fighter must understand his purpose. Still, treating the army as a way to earn money is not welcome. It is not necessary to defend the Motherland for money, and it is not for money that one will have to give one’s life for it. Anyone who disagrees with this is not breaking the law, but must reconsider before putting on a soldier's uniform. It goes without saying that citizens who are chasing the “long ruble” are being eliminated. It is unlikely that they will agree to undergo such tests for free. Therefore, we can say that, on the whole, the intensive training program lives up to the expectations placed on it.

Disadvantages of the Intensive Training Program

It just so happens that in Russia any law must have a certain time to “run in”, not to mention the program. There were some nuances when organizing a survival school. As can be seen from the program, it consists of several stages. Not a single stage is carried out with the proper degree of objectivity. Beginning with medical examinations, cases of bribery are ubiquitous.

Short description:
Most people can't imagine living in a world without shops, a hot bath and a soft bed. Civilization is firmly rooted in us, and we are already forgetting how to survive where there is no civilization.

If you are interested in issues of survival in nature, want to learn the necessary actions in various extreme situations, feel confident, believe and test your strengths and capabilities, then we invite you to the course “Survival School of the KP Tourist Club”.

After going through school, you will learn what needs to be done in difficult circumstances, and what absolutely cannot be done. You will learn how to make a fire, build a primitive shelter, desalinize and disinfect water, navigate the area, find food, and provide first aid. We invite you to learn to feel confident in an extreme situation, to gain faith in your strengths and capabilities. During the course we will simulate several Emergency Situations. A qualified instructor travels with the group throughout the course. The program uses the experience of the northern and other peoples of Russia living in extreme conditions.


Departure from Moscow on Friday on the Moscow-Vladimir Express at 18:00.
Arrival at Vladimir station, introduction, setting course objectives, departure to the event location 20:45-21:00.
Arrival at the event location (landing from a vehicle), external inspection, fitting of equipment. Basic survival and risk factors. 21:30-22:00.
Night march over rough terrain. Orientation at night. Special landmarks. Signaling methods. 22:00-2:00. (practicing avoidance of pursuit, including detection and detection dogs)
Choosing a location and type of shelter. Construction of a temporary shelter, arranging a place to spend the night, a light snack, ensuring the safety of the camp (homemade protection systems against wild animals, repellent traps), lights out. 2:00-4:00.

Wake up, morning toilet, light breakfast. 8:00-10:00.
Marching over rough terrain, practicing covert movement and methods of movement in territory captured by a mock enemy. Orientation on the terrain using a map and compass. Selecting and calculating a route on the map. Sides of the world. Landmarks. Movement in unfamiliar terrain.
Beginning learning to forage - using natural resources to replenish the diet, edible plants, creating traps for animals, disinfecting and filtering water. Making fires. Choosing a place for a fire. Ignition means. Preparation of firewood. Main types of fires. lunch (from what we managed to get ourselves)
Disguise training
March over rough terrain using all previously studied methods of movement and methods of camouflage, orienting according to natural signs.
Dinner, arranging a place to stay for the night and temporary shelter, making tools and weapons. Choosing a location and type of shelter. Insulation and heating of the shelter, making bedding, lights out 20:00-22:00.

Climbing, marching, practicing the initial alps. preparation (snack at the descent site) 8:00-12:00.
Basic rules of first aid for minor injuries. Rest on the shore of a picturesque lake, a full lunch. 12:00-16:00 (presentation of diplomas on completion of the survival course)
Evacuation by car to the Vladimir railway station 16:00-17:30.
Electric train to Moscow Kursk 18:00

General information and safety rules.
Course duration: two days and two nights

The approximate length of the route is 40 km. with elements of rope descent and ascent by crossing rivers into fords, etc. Overnight stays are made without tents.

Persons under 18 years of age are not allowed to participate in the course independently. They can participate either accompanied by parents or an adult guardian with the appropriate written permission of the parents, or with written permission from the parents and a personal conversation with the parents or at an organizational meeting with its organizer or personally with the instructor.

Drinking alcoholic beverages is allowed, but do not forget that you are part of a group and your incapacity may affect the speed of movement or educational process. In view of this, it is better to leave this matter either until the overnight stay or until extreme point course, or coordinate this with the instructor.

Participation in the course is limited to people with serious health problems; if these health problems were not indicated in the application form or were hidden on purpose, the instructor is not responsible for your health.

Each participant in the hike bears only personal responsibility for the safety of his life and health, as well as the life and health of his children.

For your safety and health, you must follow these rules:

1. Follow the instructions of the group leader.
2. During movement, it is prohibited to: leave the group, eat unfamiliar plants and their fruits, drink alcohol, “molest” animals.
3. In parking lots it is prohibited: lighting fires in places not approved by the group leader.
4. Independent departure from the parking area for the purpose of walking, fishing, etc. is carried out only in agreement with the group leader.

List of required personal equipment:
1) Documents in sealed packaging.
2) Spoon, mug, bowl.
3) Backpack up to 35 liters.
4) Sleeping bag and foam.
5) Flashlight.
You are allowed to have with you if you wish:
1) Change of clothes and shoes
2) Knife
3) Personal first aid kit

But we should not forget that this is a survival course, albeit short, but intense.
Marches will often be at night or at dusk and at the highest possible speed. For this reason, you should take pity on your shoulders and legs.