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Extracurricular activity on a healthy lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle Nurturing a healthy lifestyle action plan

Yurkova Elena Vyacheslavovna, Chief librarian of the service department of the State Budgetary Educational Institution RO "Ryazan Regional Children's Library"

Game forms of work in carrying out events to promote a healthy lifestyle

The need to be healthy is a basic human need. It must be ensured in society by the constitutional right to life; therefore, society is obliged to create a certain minimum of conditions designed to protect the health of its citizen. A person’s general health consists of physical, mental and social health. All these “types” of health are closely related. Thus, mental health is based on the physical foundation, and moral and social health is based on the mental foundation. “A healthy mind in a healthy body,” they said in Ancient Sparta.
In Russia now only less than 10% of school graduates can be considered healthy. According to the Institute age physiology, during the period of schooling in children, the frequency of visual impairment and posture increases by 5 times, psychoneurological abnormalities by 4 times, pathology of the digestive organs by 3 times, i.e. existing deviations in health status become chronic.
The program “Being healthy is stylish!” has been working in our library for 5 years. And during this time we can already talk about how in demand it is. It is pleasant to note that the schools of our city actively involve the library with program events in the celebration of decades and months of health. The demand for activities is also due to the fact that most of them are based on the use game forms library work.

Program objectives:

To form in schoolchildren ideas about responsibility for their own health and the health of others;
. Form the basis for critical thinking in relation to knowledge, skills and practical actions aimed at maintaining health;
. Provide students with the necessary information to form their own strategies and technologies that allow them to maintain and improve health;
. Expand and diversify the interaction of the library, school, parents and society in the context of health promotion.

The job of the library is to provide information about the preventive literature available in its arsenals, and not to try to replace doctors, psychologists, and narcologists. Ancient eastern wisdom says: “Let the sick and suffering person pick up a book - there is no stronger medicine in the world.”
Alas, we have to admit that, despite the efforts made by doctors, lawyers, and teachers, the number of children and adolescents using intoxicating substances continues to grow. And here the mission of the librarian, as a carrier of information who has various tools for presenting this information, becomes, as experience shows, very much in demand.
To make sure that schoolchildren, having forgotten about their teenage nihilism, turn from outside listeners who came to the event at the behest of the teacher into active participants in what is happening - this is, perhaps, one of the main tasks that I set for myself when preparing for the event. Therefore, the events combine different shapes library work - games, discussions, creative tasks, elements of a debate, a quiz are combined with a conversation, elements of a lecture, and all this is supported by an audiovisual series.
In my speech I will try to highlight some events.

Information hour “A lifelong experiment: sport in the life of Ivan Petrovich Pavlov.”

This event appeared at the request of Gymnasium No. 2 of our city. In this educational institution studied by our fellow countryman - physiologist, Nobel laureate I.P. Pavlov. And now it bears his name. Everyone knows that Ivan Petrovich was an avid urbanite, but not everyone knows that he was fond of gymnastics, cycling, walking, swimming, was engaged in hardening, and did a lot for the development of the so-called mass physical education. You should see the eyes of younger schoolchildren when they listen to the story about this side of the life of the great physiologist. During the preparation of the event, I was greatly helped by the publications of a sports journalist and publicist, the author of the subject “Sports Local History”, which is taught in Ryazan state university them. S.A. Yesenin at the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports Igor Iosifovich Burachevsky.

Conversation with elements of the oral hygiene game “Journey to the Toothbrush Galaxy”

During this lesson, children will learn: what types of teeth there are, how people in different times and in different countries, check and expand their hygiene knowledge, and of course, taking into account psychological characteristics younger schoolchildren, all this is accompanied by creative and game tasks. It should be noted that before the start of the lesson the class is divided into 2-3 teams.

Educational game tic-tac-toe on healthy lifestyle “If you’re healthy, you’ll get everything”

Game “If you’re healthy, you’ll get everything!” designed for students in grades 5-7, built on the principle of the popular game “Tic Tac Toe”.
Goals and objectives:
- Introduction to healthy lifestyle standards
- Promoting the development of children's creative and communication abilities.
- Development of horizons
- Gaining group work skills.
- Identify the components of human health and establish their relationship.
Rules of the game: The players are divided into two teams “X” and “O”. As in regular “Tic Tac Toe”, a 3x3 field is drawn. The task of each team is to build either a diagonal, a vertical, or a horizontal line using their symbols faster than their opponents. Each sector of the field has its own name (“Myth or Truth”, “Erudition”, “Council of the Wise”, etc.) Team “X” has the right to make the first move. Both teams answer the questions from the sector, but the right of first answer belongs to the team whose captain raised his hand first. If a team wins the round, it places its icon on the playing field in this sector. The team that lost the round opens the next sector.
Before the start of the game in each playing field, students are given brief introductory information. And after answering the question, the librarian complements the students’ answer, thus consolidating the students’ knowledge.
Sector Myth or truth
- A healthy person is considered to be one who is cheerful, active, inquisitive, and resistant to adverse factors. external environment, hardy and strong, with high level physical and mental development.
There are many reasons why deviations in human health occur. This includes poor nutrition, the presence of any diseases, a sedentary lifestyle, bad habits and much more. It often happens that many assumptions accepted as an axiom, in fact, have no specific basis.
In this sector, you will have to debunk the myths associated with bad habits and give them an accurate interpretation.
1. Smoking helps you relax when you are nervous.
(MYTH, because nicotine is highly addictive.
It affects brain activity and leads to mood changes.)
2. Tobacco is a drug.
(TRUE: Nicotine in tobacco is addictive.)
3. Alcohol is a stimulant; its use leads to increased morale. (MYTH, because alcohol is a depressant. It inhibits brain activity.)

Intellectual and educational game on healthy lifestyle “Let’s remember and not repeat”

Rules of the game:
1. Five teams take part in the game. The winner is the one who first collects five stars, or, if no one has collected five stars, the one who has more stars. Stark tokens can be exchanged for stars
2. At the beginning of the competition, the team calls any number on the playing field, for example, B-5, then the game develops by itself. The presenter turns over the square with the named number. On back side square shows the sign:
The star is a question of increased complexity. If the answer is correct, the player receives a STAR token.
Circle - a question, answering which the team receives 3 tokens - ZOZHIK. For 10 tokens - ZOZHIK you can buy one star.
Cross - quick question. All commands respond to it. Those who answer correctly receive 1 ZOZHIK token.
There are signs on the playing field - traps:
Arrow - opens a nearby square in the direction of the arrow.
Lightning team loses all healthy tokens.
Black hole - the team misses a turn. You can pay off the “black hole” by donating a star or 5 ZOZHIK.
Questions to get a star (10)
1. This mixture consists of 200 harmful substances, including carbon monoxide, soot, formic acid, hydrocyanic acid, arsenic, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, acetylene, radioactive elements and others. Name the mixture. (Tobacco smoke.)
2. Why are all the smoker’s organs on an “oxygen starvation diet”? ( Carbon monoxide contained in tobacco smoke binds hemoglobin in the blood, and the resulting carboxyhemoglobin is not able to carry oxygen.)
Questions for receiving three tokens - ZOZHIK (15)
1. Development of what diseases respiratory system Does smoking contribute?
(bronchitis; tracheal cancer; lung cancer.)
15. Name the birthplace of tobacco: (South America)
Questions to receive one token - ZOZHIK (7)
1. How long after taking a puff does nicotine appear in the brain tissue?
- 10 minutes;
- 7 seconds;
- 1.5 hours.
2. What bad habit and why causes obliterating endarteritis in a person, which affects the vascular system of the legs, sometimes until the vessels completely close and gangrene?
- smoking;
- excessive consumption of beer;
- drug addiction.

Intellectual game about bad habits for senior schoolchildren “Healthy lifestyle-darts”

Several teams take part in the game, each of which is given tokens of a certain color. On the scoreboard - circle - darts, cards with questions are located under the color thematic sectors under the numbers. Players take turns drawing a question number. If the answer is given correctly, then the color token of the team that gave the correct answer is placed in place of the question card on the scoreboard.
The darts playing circle looks like this:
. Historical sector
How were smokers dealt with in England during the reign of Elizabeth the First?
Smokers were treated like thieves and were led through the streets with a rope around their necks.
. Literary sector
In ancient times, tobacco was believed to have healing properties; it was considered a stimulating and sedative. They tried to treat toothache, headaches, and some skin diseases with the help of smoking. In one famous literary work foreign writer is described as main character tried to treat a fever with tobacco. “... and suddenly I remembered that the inhabitants of Brazil treat almost all diseases with tobacco; Meanwhile, in one of my chests there were several packs: one large pack of ready-made tobacco, and the rest of leaf tobacco.<…>I did not know how tobacco was used against diseases, I did not even know whether it helped against fever; Therefore, I carried out several experiments in the hope that one way or another its effect should manifest itself.<...>My treatment with tobacco has probably never been used against fever before; Having experienced it myself, I hesitate to recommend it to anyone. True, it stopped the fever, but at the same time it weakened me terribly, and for some time I suffered from cramps all over my body and nervous tremors." Name literary hero, author and title of the book? Robinson Crusoe from the book by D. Defoe

Intellectual sector
Does nicotine provide any benefit? Yes, it is used as an insecticide - a substance that kills harmful insects

Practical sector (quick questions)
The harm caused by nicotine does not only affect smokers themselves. US scientists have found that taxes from the tobacco industry amount to $8 billion, and losses due to reduced productivity, illness and premature death amount to...
- 7 billion dollars
- 10 billion dollars
- $19 billion

Theoretical sector
They say one drop of nicotine kills a horse. What is the lethal dose of nicotine for humans? 2-3 drops or 50-100 mg. This is the dose that enters the blood after smoking 20-25 cigarettes. The smoker does not die only because the dose is administered gradually, not in one go.

Multimedia conversations with elements of the business game “Beer Front”, “Stop and Think!”, “Running in a Circle”

These events arouse keen interest among high school students. And this is facilitated by involving them in dialogue and discussion during the event.
Many of the healthy lifestyle activities are in demand in the subprogram “Interaction between schoolchildren and judges in the prevention of drug addiction, neglect and juvenile delinquency” regional project"Meet the Russian judicial system." A special category of schoolchildren from the so-called “risk group”, i.e. prone to committing crimes is the target audience of this subproject. Teenage nihilism and gaps in family upbringing make this group of teenagers difficult to communicate with. Therefore, we tried to find such methods in the events we prepared in order to interest the children, give them the opportunity to assess the situation in which they find themselves and draw appropriate conclusions. Prepared interactive conversations with elements of the business game “Substance Abuse”, “Beer Front”, “Let’s Talk About Drug Addiction”, etc. allow children not only to receive information, but also to become participants in the discussion themselves. Immediately after the meeting in the library, “hot on the heels”, schoolchildren go on an excursion to the anatomical museum of the Ryazan State medical university them. Academician I.P. Pavlova. Such an algorithm of actions, as further analysis of the work showed, has a positive meaning.


  • f developing in students of all ages an understanding of the importance of health for their own self-affirmation.
  • creating conditions for preserving and improving the physical, emotional, mental and moral health and quality of life of schoolchildren.

Educational tasks:

  • Familiarize students with the traditions and customs of caring for one’s own health;
  • Create conditions for students to develop a culture of preserving their own health;
  • To help students overcome bad habits through physical education and sports.
  • Implement modern methods health monitoring.
  • To develop new technological methods of correction and rehabilitation at school for children with various types disorders in physical and mental development.
  • Develop interventions that reduce the risk of illness and injury associated with social aspects lives of children and adolescents.
  • Promote a healthy lifestyle (contests, promotions, classes, lectures, conversations)
  • Create conditions to ensure the health of students, their full physical development and the formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle.
  • To identify the current state of physical and mental health of children through the involvement of medical workers, parents, and school psychologists in this problem.
  • Improve the material and technical base, refurbish the gym, purchase modern sports equipment.
  • Improve modern methods of health monitoring.
  • Promote a healthy lifestyle (contests, promotions, classes, lectures, conversations).
  • Form healthy relationships with the outside world, society and yourself.
  • Improve the qualifications of teachers in matters of child development and health protection.
  • Educate parents about maintaining their child’s health.
  • Involve students in morning jogging, physical education and sports.
  • Create conditions for adequate nutrition for schoolchildren.
  • Develop a negative attitude towards bad habits.
  • To promote the formation of a conscious attitude of students towards their health.


For children:

  • Class hour “How to grow up healthy”
  • Health Lesson
  • Conversation “If you want to be healthy”
  • Class hour “Your health and teaching load»
  • Class hour “Your new daily routine”
  • Club of interesting meetings “What harm does smoking cause to health”
  • Conversation “Cleanliness is the key to health”
  • Conversation with a doctor “Are you watching your posture?”
  • Acting out situations “Mood at school. Street of good mood"
  • Traveling around the city of Zdoroveysk
  • Sports competitions “Fun Starts”
  • Let's argue with the facts. How air affects health.
  • Class hour “Mood after school”
  • Club of interesting meetings “What the microscope told us”
  • “Be friends with water” - advice from Dr. Water
  • “Sport will help us increase our strength”
  • Games: “Hardening, signs of a hardened person”
  • Health lesson “Dazzling smile”
  • Conversation “Taking care of your eyes. Eyes are the main assistants of a person"
  • Conversation “Cleanliness and Health”
  • Class hour “Lessons from Moidodyr and Doctor Chistyulkin”
  • Health lesson “Eyes are the mirror of the soul”
  • "Ear care"
  • “Games at home, at school, on the street under the motto “Movement is the path to perfection”
  • Class hour “Knowledge Lesson. Bad habits"
  • Health Day. Fun starts.
  • "Basic types of injuries and first aid"
  • Useful tips“Human working tools. Hand and foot care"
  • Games, contests, competitions under the motto “Sun, air and water are niches’ best friends”
  • Holiday “Don’t waste time in summer, gain strength and health”
  • Olympics of strong, brave, dexterous.
  • Essay competition “My family on vacation”
  • Cross "Health Day", city sports festival, dedicated to the Day oil worker Half marathon.
  • Conversation about the dangers of smoking
  • "Destructive Cigarette"
  • City competition program “Who are we?” (for teenagers requiring special attention and control).
  • “Beer makes the heart flabby”
  • Inviting doctors from the children's clinic for preventive conversations.
  • Prevention of tobacco abuse, drug addiction, alcohol;
  • "Surprises" of adolescence
  • We construct a model of a healthy person
  • Competition for the city championship “Merry Snowballs”
  • "Smoking is voluntary madness"
  • Game “How to stay healthy”
  • Inviting doctors from the prenatal clinic and antenatal clinic for preventive conversations.
  • Quiz “In the arms of tobacco smoke”
  • Conversation “drugs and their role in human life” (as part of a single anti-drug campaign)
  • Conversation with a psychiatrist on the topic: “Alcoholism”
  • Class hour "Prevention of influenza and ARVI"
  • Prevention of neglect and crime.
  • Inviting doctors from the narcological clinic for preventive conversations.
  • April 7 - World Health Day
  • Health Lessons « Healthy image life. Hygiene and disease prevention."
  • Educational class hours on the topic “Youth for a healthy lifestyle.”
  • Health lesson in primary school.
  • Prevention day - meeting with a juvenile affairs inspector.
  • Student survey
  • Conversation “I choose a healthy lifestyle”
  • Table tennis.
  • Exhibition subject literature"I choose life!"
  • Performance at the regional competition of propaganda teams “Youth for a Healthy Lifestyle.”
  • Meeting with FAP employees. “Our health is in our hands!”
  • Exhibition of drawings and posters “I don’t smoke and that’s great”!
  • April Fool's Day "Laugh and be healthy!"
  • Mini football.
  • Cool watch dedicated to World Health Day.
  • Essay competition “Give yourself health” as part of World Health Day.
  • Parents meeting"A Sober Look at Drunkenness"
  • Sports evening “Sports against bad habits”
  • Checkers tournament “Miracle of Checkers”
  • Round table“Being healthy is fashionable!”
  • Festive evening “You can live without this!”
  • School tour rally.
  • Physical Culture Week
  • Game library
  • School mini-football championship
  • Health Day
  • Life Safety Week
  • 1) Program “Choose Life!”
  • 2) Meetings with TsSPSD specialists
  • 3) “Winter fun starts»
  • School Pioneerball Volleyball Championship
  • Competitions on the skating rink
  • School tug of war championship
  • Cultural and sports program “Wall to Wall” (team of children against a team of adults)
  • Quiz "Signal"
  • School Hockey Championship
  • Defender of the Fatherland Day
  • "World against drugs"
  • School Championship to date tennis
  • School street ball championship
  • School Checkers Championship
  • Formation review and songs
  • Tourist "Map of Treasure Island"
  • Maintaining a sanitary and hygienic regime in the school (light, heat, ventilation, condition of furniture, windows).
  • Aesthetic design of the interior of a classroom, school (information stands, corners of nature. Inspection of classrooms.
  • A rational lesson schedule that does not allow overload.
  • Activation of active recreation during breaks (outdoor games, library work).
  • Involving the family in activities physical culture and sports, organizing a lecture on promoting a healthy lifestyle.
  • Involving children and adolescents in active physical education and sports free time. Conducting physical education sessions.
  • Expanding the range of sports sections.
  • Organization of children's recreation areas.
  • Health improvement for children in children's camps and sanatoriums.
  • Testing students to identify bad habits
  • Participation in the celebration of International AIDS Day (competitive essay, poster competition, drawing competition, testing, doctor’s talk). Campaigns “No to drugs!”, “We are for a healthy lifestyle!”. Game "Trial of bad habits."
  • Participation in international day fight against smoking. Educational event: “Smoking is harming yourself!” Conversations, lectures.
  • Analysis of the health status, participation of students in physical education and sports:
  • 1) determination of health group, identification of deviations;
  • 2) employment in sports sections;
  • 3) participation in sports competitions.
  • Development of innovative programs for improving the health of children in day care centers.
  • Increasing the number of hours of physical activity for schoolchildren (third hour of physical activity)
  • Creating conditions for children who are registered with the school to play sports.
  • Conducting medical examinations.
  • Organization of mass sports activities at the place of residence.
  • Organization of nutritious meals at school.

For parents:

  • Family collection “A healthy child with a healthy psyche”
  • Family collection "Second-Grade Mode"
  • Conversation “Schoolchildren’s daily routine. His role"
  • Family collection "Harmony communication is the key psycho-emotional health"
  • Round table “The child went to school. Schoolchild's daily routine"
  • Family collection “What determines the performance of schoolchildren”
  • “How does the psychological climate in the family affect the child’s health?”
  • Conversation “How to regulate a schoolchild’s mood. Student motivation"
  • Family collection "The Path to Health"
  • Conversation " physical development junior school student at school and at home"
  • Conversation with a doctor
  • “How to improve a child’s physical activity indicators”
  • Doctor's prescription “Conscious approach to nutrition. Ecology of nutrition"
  • Family collection “Child health is the basis for success in learning”
  • Conversation “Prevention of bad habits”
  • "Stressful situations in a child's life"
  • Exchange of experience: " Personal example parents to prevent bad habits"
  • “How to wean yourself from bad habits”
  • Conversation “Learning is the main skill”
  • Family collection "Complete nutrition- the most important condition child development"
  • Conversation “Vaccinations against diseases”
  • Conversation “Family is a friendly team”
  • Family collection "Formation value attitude to health"
  • “First aid for overheating and heatstroke, burns and frostbite”
  • Interview - cafe "Evening in the Family"
  • Family collection "Family recreation and entertainment"
  • Conversation “Physical maturation and its influence on the formation personal qualities child"
  • Practical advice“Outdoor recreation. Who should educate whom during a picnic?”

Scenario for a healthy lifestyle event “You’ll be healthy, you’ll get everything!”

Target: Promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

Fostering a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance and mutual assistance.


Make students think about the need to be healthy, introducing a healthy lifestyle;

Draw a conclusion about what promotes health and what is harmful (give visual confirmation of all the pros and cons);

To achieve the formation of an active position among students on this issue.

Presenter. Hello dear guys!

Friends, do you know what is more fashionable than the most fashionable hat or car? What is so valuable that no amount of money can buy it?(health)

You and I wish this to each other every day, saying “Hello” when we meet.

That's right, we are talking about health.

“Health is not everything, but without health it is nothing,” noted the ancient Greek scientist Socrates. If you want to achieve a lot and succeed in life, get ready to cope with heavy loads and stress, and this requires hardening, sports activities, and the habit of taking care of yourself. What helps us maintain our health every day? Of course this is morning exercise. And if it’s a fun exercise with friends, then it also lifts your mood for the whole day. And I suggest you and our event start with exercise. I ask everyone to go to the middle of the hall.

The song of the group A-studio “Morning Exercises” is playing

Participants doing exercises

Presenter. Now we will check, do you know what we need for health? I will ask questions, and you will answer loudly “yes” or “no.”

What do you need for your health?

Maybe cow's milk?

At twelve years old, a cigarette?

How about a relay race with friends?

Trainer and workout?

Beets, tomatoes, carrots?

Do you have dust and dirt in your apartment?

Barbell or just weights?

Sun, air and water?

Very fatty food?

Fear, despondency, melancholy?

Skateboard – blackboard?

Sports, exercise, exercise?

What about computer vigils?

Running in the park in the morning?

Musical ramblings?

Deep sleep before lunch?

Midnight conversation?

If our regime is strict -

We will come running to health!

Presenter. Health has been valued at all times. In Rus', people were considered beautiful if they had a stately figure and strong, muscular arms.

And I propose to hold a competition between two teams.


    First endurance competition. One girl from each team is invited for this competition.

You need to spin the hoop as long as possible. The team whose girl lasts the longest wins.

Girls are twirling a hula hoop to the music

    The second competition is for boys, you need to jump rope. And the one who does it the longest wins.

Boys jumping rope to music

    Third competition for accuracy. One participant is invited from each team. You need to throw as many balls into the basket as possible. The team with the most balls in its basket wins.

Children perform tasks to the music

    So, the fourth competition. The whole team takes part in this competition.

From ancient times, proverbs about health have reached us, which reflect the observations, intelligence, life and culture of the Russian people. Each team has to assemble a proverb by collecting all its elements. Cards with numbers are hidden in this room. Each number represents the serial number of a letter in the alphabet. Thus you need to collect all the letters. Having collected all the numbers, you should have a proverb. The words you couldn't get will have to be thought out. The team that correctly names its proverb wins. Team Turbo is looking for blue cards, and Team Jumping is looking for yellow cards. Each team must find 6 cards. For the competition you are given3 minutes. So time has passed.

Music sounds, participants collect a proverb (count 3 minutes)

(the jury counts points and announces the results)

Blues value your health – don’t rush to lose it.

Yellow - take care of your dress again, and your health from a young age.


Health is not just the absence of disease, it is a state of physical, mental and social well-being.

Ancient Roman saying statesman Appia Claudius says: “Everyone is the architect of his own health”How do you understand this?

(children's answers)

If a person breathes clean air. He organizes his work and rest correctly, goes in for sports, eats right, if he does not have bad habits, then I think such a person can be called a master of his own health.

(watch the video "Children")

From all this it follows that each person chooses his own path, on which the life of his offspring subsequently depends. So let's “let's not take away tomorrow,” as our slogan says, and preserve a healthy future for our children and the entire country.


Presenter. A test will help us check how you feel about your health. Open your palm, spread your fingers. I will ask you questions. If you agree with the first answer, the fingers remain open. If the second answer suits you better, bend any finger.


1. What will you do if you see that the bus you need arrives at the stop before you?

A) take your feet in your hands to catch up;

B) miss it - there will be the next one.

2. What do you most enjoy doing in your free time?

A) take a long walk in the fresh air;

B) watch TV.

3 . What dish would you most like to eat?

A) meat with vegetable side dish;

B) sandwich with sausage.

4. What kind of person are you most often?

A) smiling and cheerful;

B) sad and irritable.

5 . When do you go to bed?

A) At the same time until eleven:

B) When almost the whole family is asleep.

Look at your hand. Are there those who have all their fingers clenched into a fist? Your well-being is at risk. Try to gather your willpower, overcome laziness and take care of your health. Show your fist to ailments and diseases! Those who have all their fingers open, raise your hands and wave to us. Your healthy habits and skills will help you cope with any workload and stress. Well done!

Healthy eating challenge

Presenter. What gives our body energy for constant work? As doctors say, nutrition should be balanced, that is, our food should contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral salts. All this - building material for the body. It is enough for a person to eat as much as his palm can hold.

And now I invite you to complete the task. I invite one participant from each team to come to the easel.

Exercise . You need to distribute all products into four columns:

1 - products containing vitamin A

2 - vitamin B

3 – vitamin C

4 – vitamin E

Music is playing

Participants complete the task

Vitamin A


Vitamin B


Vitamin C

Citrus fruit.

Vitamin E

Nuts, seeds.

They did an excellent job.

Quest "Help a friend"

Presenter. And now, we invite you to come to the aid of a friend who has had an accident and needs to be bandaged.

2 teams of 2 people each participate. Participants are asked to wear a headband.

Music is playing

Participants place a bandage on a friend's head.

Game "Tree"

Presenter. Tell me guys, do you take care of your health? Then I will ask you to take the green leaves that are on the table in front of you and write what helps you maintain your health.

So let's see what we got?

Our life is like a tree, the more we exercise, eat right and take care of ourselves, the more our life prospers like this tree, and when we don’t take care of our health, our body dies like a tree without leaves, this happens slowly, but still the ending is inevitable.

Presenter . Our holiday is ending

And to everyone who came to visit us,

With all our hearts we sincerely wish:

Health to you, friends!

(poem on the interactive board)

You've been given the keys

They are from two doors

From your happiness

And from your misfortune.

Fate has given you the keys without unnecessary words

Keys to two doors

From your two worlds

You've been given the keys

Don't drop it out of your hands

One from sweet dreams

Another from bitter torments

Rasul Gamzatov

Be healthy, take care of yourself!

Presenter: Dear friends, our holiday is over. We hope you had a good time with us. Thank you very much for your active participation. Be healthy! Until next time.

Useful materials in this section will be useful to you for preparing and conducting events about healthy lifestyle at school. Be it extracurricular and extracurricular activities, “health lessons” or class hours dedicated to a healthy lifestyle...

To organize any of these events, there are ready-made notes, scripts, plans, programs, and explanatory notes. Large quantity The publications presented on these pages are devoted to the prevention of bad habits among schoolchildren - smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs. Please also pay attention to the materials dedicated to World Health Day on April 7 at school.

Healthy lifestyle: lesson notes, extracurricular activities

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 316.
All sections | Healthy lifestyle: health lessons, classroom hours and extracurricular activities

Classification of health-saving technologies by content and type of activity Morning exercises. Morning exercises are part of children’s physical activity regimen. Most often it consists of a set of physical exercises for muscles and joints and outdoor games. In addition to the general strengthening and hardening effect that increases the immunity of children,...

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Image library "MAAM-pictures"

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Healthy lifestyle: health lessons, classroom hours and extracurricular activities - Educational lesson in 7th grade on the topic “Bad habits”

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All-Russian open lesson

“Healthy children - in a healthy family”


Quiz “The ABC of Health”


Health lessons “We want it to become fashionable to be healthy and free!”



Health Day “Journey to the world of nature.”



Interactive game “Learning to be healthy body and soul"


Publishing leaflets on personal prevention measures for ARVI and influenza.



Conversations with parents about the need for vaccination against influenza, personal and public prevention measures, the need to timely seek medical help and the dangers of self-medication for their children.


City sports and fitness competition “Dad, Mom, Me – a Sports Family”


Thematic period

"We are for a healthy lifestyle"



All-Russian campaign “We choose sport as an alternative to addictions”


Health and safety lessons. “If you are in danger!”



Conducting raids " School uniform must be in "shape"

throughout the year

Health and safety lessons. Cool watch “Pyrotechnics - from fun to disaster!”


Volleyball and Pioneerball competitions for the prize of Santa Claus.



Month of defense and sports work “The sacred duty is to defend the Fatherland” (according to a separate plan)



World Health Day.

KTD “School is a territory of health”

(according to a separate plan).

Unified health lessons.



Lessons on law, health and safety “Be healthy - serve your homeland!”



Parents' meeting "The role of parents in the prevention of crime and the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children."


Hiking and excursions« Summer is a plus."




carrying out preventive surgery "Health"

in MOBU secondary school No. 8 from 10.10 to 10.11.2013.




Cool watch “Drugs: between life and death”

8 - 11

Class teachers

Dance breaks “Do as we do, do with us, do better than us!”

5 -11

Deputy Director of VR

Physical education teachers

Exhibition. Rainbow of Joy with “health butterflies”


Class teachers

Speech by the propaganda team

"Health Lessons from Uncle Knowing School"

1 – 4

Class teachers

Competition program “It's great to be healthy!”

5 - 7

Class teachers

Targeted excursions to the forest “Health from nature itself”

1 -11

Class teachers

Promotion “Healthy lifestyle is fashionable!” Electronic presentation competition

7- 11

Class teachers

Design of the “Healthy Lifestyle” stand

Responsible for the Health program

Book exhibition “It’s great to be healthy!”



holding sports competitions as part of the promotion

“Sport is an alternative to bad habits!”




From school records to Olympic heights



Fun starts



Pioneerball tournament

5th, 6th


Presidential competition



Sports all-around (individual championship)

4th, 5th, 6th


Sports relay race



Heroic fun



Fun starts “We are Olympians”



Darts competition "The most accurate"



Mini-football tournament

5th, 6th


Basketball tournament



Fun relay race



Obstacle course "Home"



School-wide exercise




on holding the school stage of the All-Russian action

“Sport is an alternative to bad habits”

IN MOBU secondary school No. 8

During the period from 01.11 to 30.11. In 2013, as part of the “Sport - an alternative to addictions” campaign, the school held 12 sports competitions between students in grades 1-11, in which 467 people took part. A friendly meeting was held between the boys' volleyball teams of school No. 2 and school No. 8. Our team became the winner of this game.

Results of the competition.

Team competitions.

“Fun Relay Race” 1st grades: 1st place 1st grade

“We are Olympians” 3rd grade: 1st place 3a grade

“Fun Starts” 4th grade: 1st place – 4b grade.

“Sports relay” 2nd grade: 1st place – 2a grade

Pioneerball tournament for grades 5-6. Boys: 1st place - 5a grade;

girls: 1st place – 6b grade.

Basketball competitions between 6th grades: 1st place – 6b grade.

“From school records to Olympic heights” 7th grade: 1st place – 7b grade.

“Presidential competition” 8-9th grades: 1st place – 8th grade.

Personal results.

Darts competition between 4th grade students: 1st place - Danil Svishchev (4a grade), 2nd place - Denis Savitsky (4a grade), 3rd place - Alina Gavrilova (4b grade).

Presidential competition. Boys: 1st place Dima Kazakov (9a grade), 2nd place Pasha Gerasimov (9b grade), 3rd place - Vladimir Obrazhey (8th grade).

Girls: 1st place Kristina Lugovskaya (96th grade), 2nd place - Nastya Gryaznova (8th grade), 3rd place - Nastya Nosatova (8th grade).

Pioneerball tournament with volleyball elements - the best player Irina Usenko (7a grade).

In a friendly meeting between the volleyball teams of schools No. 2 and No. 8, Alexey Ulyanov (10th grade) was recognized as the best player.

“Heroic fun” between boys of 10-11 grades: 1st place - Evgeniy Kolchenko (11th grade), 2nd place - Alexander Ermolaev (11th grade), 3rd place - Vitaly Kushnarenko (11th grade).

A friendly meeting was held between the boys' volleyball teams of school No. 2 and school No. 8. Our team became the winner of this game.

According to established tradition, exercises took place on November 27, in which not only students, but also teachers took part.

As part of the campaign, 21 Olympic lessons were held. The lecture group held 16 conversations with presentations “History of the Olympic Games”, 11 quizzes “Olympic Records”, in which 175 children took part. The winners of the quiz were students 1a, 2b.

All classes took an active part in creative competitions. An exhibition of student works was organized at the school. The winners of the school stage were:

  • competition of literary works: Petr Dobrev (1a), Iuliania Bogolyub (4a), Kristina Roshchina (4a), Kristina Osipova (4b), Elena Timoshenko (9b).
  • drawing competition: Ulyana Bychkovskaya (1a), Vitalina Shorokhova (1b), Stepan Parfenov (1b), Sofia Dyabdenko (1b), Roman Railyan (4b), Ruslan Efremenko (4a), Kristina Osipova (4b), Saveliy Shvets (4a) .
  • booklet competition: Antonina Kolesnikova (3c), Juliania Bogolyub (4a), Anastasia Nosatova (8).
  • leaflet competition: Alexey Shurshikov (4a), group work of class 2a.
  • poster competition: Irina Golovina, Tatyana Ochkalova (9a).

The winning works of the school stage were sent to participate in the municipal competition.

Pupils of the 3rd grade performed in front of the children primary school with the “Healthy People” propaganda team, urging everyone to play sports and follow the school routine.

The 8th grade volunteer team “Throw” held a number of events as part of the campaign: a performance by the propaganda team “Again and again we will tell the people: “Addiction can steal freedom!”; distribution of leaflets “Only healthy habits”, survey “Your attitude towards drugs”.

Sent to the city competition research work Nosatova Anastasia “NO to bad habits! Let’s say YES to sports!”

In the school library there is an exhibition of literature under the motto “Being healthy is fashionable.”

In the school’s recreation area there is a stand “Health as a Lifestyle.”

All information about the events held within the framework of the “Sports – an alternative to addictions” campaign is posted on the school website, and the “Faster, Higher, Stronger” stand.


Game program "The smoker is his own gravedigger"


Campaign “Tell me where they sell death”


Release of booklets “Vacations – the territory of health”


Week “Only healthy habits”


Interactive event “Healthy healthy person country"


Promotion “Week of Kindness”


Campaign "Forward, rescuers!" - cleaning the area around the school


Promotion “Summer is a time for finds, not losses!”


Participation in city events on a healthy lifestyle.

throughout the year